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Ramp metering (RM) is the most direct and efficient tool for the motorway traffic flow management. However, because of the usually short length of the on-ramps, RM is typically deactivated to avoid interference of the created ramp queue with adjacent street traffic. By the integration of local RM with mainstream traffic flow control (MTFC) enabled via variable speed limits (VSL), control operation upstream of active bottlenecks could be continued even if the on-ramp is full or if the RM lower bound has been reached. Such integration is proposed via the extension of an existing local cascade feedback controller for MTFC-VSL by use of a split-range-like scheme that allows different control periods for RM and MTFC-VSL. The new integrated controller remains simple yet efficient and suitable for field implementation. The controller is evaluated in simulation for a real motorway infrastructure (a ring-road) fed with real (measured) demands and compared to stand-alone RM or MTFC-VSL, both with feedback and optimal control results. The controller’s performance is shown to meet the specifications and to approach the optimal control results for the investigated scenario. 相似文献
Data from several freeway merges reveal that, contrary to some previous findings, merge ratio can vary within a site with respect to the merge outflow and that the existing merge ratio estimates based on lane counts are not able to predict this within-site variation. Furthermore, the merge ratios estimated based on two well-known merging principles, “fair-share” and “zipper,” are found to be inaccurate for merges where merging streams compete directly due to a lane drop. In light of these findings, we estimate merge ratios using lane flow distribution (LFD) to better predict between and within site variations of merge ratio. In addition, we propose a merging principle specific for merges with a single lane-drop. The model was developed to better represent observed non-uniform redistribution of merging flow not captured by the current merge ratio estimation methods and merging principles. Empirical observations show that the proposed methods are able to improve merge ratio estimates, reproduce within-site variations of merge ratio, and represent more accurately non-uniform redistribution of merging flow dependent on the merge geometry. 相似文献
Active Traffic Management (ATM) systems have been emerging in recent years in the US and Europe. They provide control strategies to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion on freeways. This study investigates the feasibility of utilizing a Variable Speed Limits (VSL) system, one key part of ATM, to improve traffic safety on freeways. A proactive traffic safety improvement VSL control algorithm is proposed. First, an extension of the METANET (METANET: A macroscopic simulation program for motorway networks) traffic flow model is employed to analyze VSL’s impact on traffic flow. Then, a real-time crash risk evaluation model is estimated for the purpose of quantifying crash risk. Finally, optimal VSL control strategies are achieved by employing an optimization technique to minimize the total crash risk along the VSL implementation corridor. Constraints are setup to limit the increase of average travel time and the differences of the posted speed limits temporarily and spatially. This novel VSL control algorithm can proactively reduce crash risk and therefore improve traffic safety. The proposed VSL control algorithm is implemented and tested for a mountainous freeway bottleneck area through the micro-simulation software VISSIM. Safety impacts of the VSL system are quantified as crash risk improvements and speed homogeneity improvements. Moreover, three different driver compliance levels are modeled in VISSIM to monitor the sensitivity of VSL effects on driver compliance. Conclusions demonstrated that the proposed VSL system could improve traffic safety by decreasing crash risk and enhancing speed homogeneity under both the high and moderate compliance levels; while the VSL system fails to significantly enhance traffic safety under the low compliance scenario. Finally, future implementation suggestions of the VSL control strategies and related research topics are also discussed. 相似文献
John R. Windover Michael J. Cassidy 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2001,35(10):881-894
Certain details of traffic evolution were studied along a 2 km, homogenous freeway segment located upstream of a bottleneck. By comparing (transformed) cumulative curves constructed from the vehicle counts measured at neighboring loop detectors, it was found that waves propagated through queued traffic like a random walk with predictable statistical variation. There was no observed dependency of wave speed on flow. As such, these waves neither focused nor fanned outward and shocks arose only at the interfaces between free-flowing traffic and the back of queues. Although these traffic features may have long been suspected, actual observations of this kind have hitherto not been documented. Also of note, the shocks separating queued and unqueued traffic sometimes exhibited unexpectedly long transitions between these two states. Finally, some observations presented here corroborate earlier reports that, in unqueued traffic, vehicle velocity is insensitive to flows and that forward-moving changes in traffic states therefore travel with vehicles. Taken together, these findings suggest that certain rather simple models suffice for describing traffic on homogeneous freeway segments; brief discussion of this is offered in Section 5. 相似文献
Carlos F. Daganzo 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(5):782-788
A simple model of traffic flow is used to analyze the spatio-temporal distribution of flow and density on closed-loop homogeneous freeways with many ramps, which produce inflows and allow outflows. As we would expect, if the on-ramp demand is space-independent then this distribution tends toward uniformity in space if the freeway is either: (i) uncongested; or (ii) congested with queues on its on-ramps and enough inflow to cause the average freeway density to increase with time. In all other cases, however, including any recovery phase of a rush hour where the freeway’s average density declines, the distribution of flow and density quickly becomes uneven. This happens even under conditions of perfect symmetry, where the percentage of vehicles exiting at every off ramp is the same. The flow-density deviations from the average are shown to grow exponentially in time and propagate backwards in space with a fixed wave speed. A consequence of this type of instability is that, during recovery, gaps of uncongested traffic will quickly appear in the unevenly congested stream, reducing average flow. This extends the duration of recovery and invariably creates clockwise hysteresis loops on scatter-plots of average system flow vs. density during any rush hour that oversaturates the freeway. All these effects are quantified with formulas and verified with simulations. Some have been observed in real networks. In a more practical vein, it is also shown that the negative effects of instability diminish (i.e., freeway flows increase) if (a) some drivers choose to exit the freeway prematurely when it is too congested and/or (b) freeway access is regulated in a certain traffic-responsive way. These two findings could be used to improve the algorithms behind VMS displays for driver guidance (finding a), and on-ramp metering rates (finding b). 相似文献
Zuduo ZhengSoyoung Ahn Danjue ChenJorge Laval 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(2):372-384
This paper demonstrates the capabilities of wavelet transform (WT) for analyzing important features related to bottleneck activations and traffic oscillations in congested traffic in a systematic manner. In particular, the analysis of loop detector data from a freeway shows that the use of wavelet-based energy can effectively identify the location of an active bottleneck, the arrival time of the resulting queue at each upstream sensor location, and the start and end of a transition during the onset of a queue. Vehicle trajectories were also analyzed using WT and our analysis shows that the wavelet-based energies of individual vehicles can effectively detect the origins of deceleration waves and shed light on possible triggers (e.g., lane-changing). The spatiotemporal propagations of oscillations identified by tracing wavelet-based energy peaks from vehicle to vehicle enable analysis of oscillation amplitude, duration and intensity. 相似文献
This paper validates the prediction model embedded in a model predictive controller (MPC) of variable speed limits (VSLs). The MPC controller was designed based on an extended discrete first-order model with a triangular fundamental diagram. In our previous work, the extended discrete first-order model was designed to reproduce the capacity drop and the propagation of jam waves, and it was validated with reasonable accuracy without the presence of VSLs. As VSLs influence traffic dynamics, the dynamics including VSLs needs to be validated, before it can be applied as a prediction model in MPC. For conceptual illustrations, we use two synthetic examples to show how the model reproduces the key mechanisms of VSLs that are applied by existing VSL control approaches. Furthermore, the model is calibrated by use of real traffic data from Dutch freeway A12, where the field test of a speed limit control algorithm (SPECIALIST) was conducted. In the calibration, the original model is extended by using a quadrangular fundamental diagram which keeps the linear feature of the model and represents traffic states at the under-critical branch more accurately. The resulting model is validated using various traffic data sets. The accuracy of the model is compared with a second-order traffic flow model. The performance of two models is comparable: both models reproduce accurate results matching with real data. Flow errors of the calibration and validation are around 10%. The extended discrete first-order model-based MPC controller has been demonstrated to resolve freeway jam waves efficiently by synthetic cases. It has a higher computation speed comparing to the second-order model-based MPC. 相似文献
Traffic signals on urban highways force vehicles to stop frequently and thus causes excessive travel delay, extra fuel consumption and emissions, and increased safety hazards. To address these issues, this paper proposes a trajectory smoothing method based on Individual Variable Speed Limits with Location Optimization (IVSL-LC) in coordination with pre-fixed traffic signals. This method dynamically imposes speed limits on some identified Target Controlled Vehicles (TCVs) with Vehicle to Infrastructures (V2I) communication ability at two IVSL points along an approaching lane. According to real-time traffic demand and signal timing information, the trajectories of each approaching vehicle are made to run smoothly without any full stop. Essentially, only TCVs’ trajectories need to be controlled and the other vehicles just follow TCVs with Gipps’ car-following model. The Dividing RECTangles (DIRECT) algorithm is used to optimize the locations of the IVSLs. Numerical simulation is conducted to compare the benchmark case without vehicle control, the individual advisory speed limits (IASL) and the proposed IVSL-LC. The result shows that compared with the benchmark, the IVSL-LC method can greatly increase traffic efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Compared with IASL, IVSL-LC has better performance across all traffic demand levels, and the improvements are the most under high traffic demand. Finally, the results of compliance analysis show that the effect of IVSL-LC improves as the compliance rate increases. 相似文献
Speed dispersion is essential for transportation research but inaccessible to certain sensors that simply record density, mean speed, and/or flow. An alternative is to relate speed dispersion with these available parameters. This paper is compiled from nearly a quarter million observations on an urban freeway and a resulting data-set with two speed dispersion measures and the three fundamental parameters. Data are examined individually by lane and aggregately by direction. The first dispersion measure, coefficient of variation of speed, is found to be exponential with density, negative exponential with mean speed, and two-phase linear to flow. These empirical relationships are proven to be general for a variety of coefficient ranges under the above function forms. The second measure, standard deviation of speed, does not present any simple relationships to the fundamental parameters, and its maximum occurs at around a half to two-thirds of the free flow speed. Speed dispersion may be significantly different by lane. 相似文献
In this study, we develop a multilane first-order traffic flow model for freeway networks. In the model, lane changing is considered as a stochastic behavior that can decrease an individual driver’s disutility or cost, and is represented as dynamics toward the equilibrium of lane-flow distribution along with longitudinal traffic dynamics. The proposed method can be differentiated from those in previous studies because in this study, the motivation of lane changing is explicitly considered and it is treated as a utility defined by the current macroscopic traffic state. In addition, the entire process of lane changing is computed macroscopically by an extension of the kinematic wave theory employing IT principle; moreover, in the model framework, the lane-flow equilibrium curve is endogenously generated because of self-motivated lane changes. Furthermore, the parsimonious representation enables parameter calibration using the data collected from conventional loop detectors. The calibration of the data collected at four different sites, including a sag bottleneck, on the Chugoku expressway in Japan reveals that the proposed method can represent the lane-flow distribution of any observation site with high accuracy, and that the estimated parameters can reasonably explain the multilane traffic dynamics and the bottleneck phenomena uphill of sag sections. 相似文献
Real-time freeway traffic state estimation based on extended Kalman filter: Adaptive capabilities and real data testing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yibing Wang Markos Papageorgiou Albert Messmer 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2008,42(10):1340-1358
This paper reports on real data testing of a real-time freeway traffic state estimator, with a particular focus on its adaptive capabilities. The pursued general approach to the real-time adaptive estimation of complete traffic state in freeway stretches or networks is based on stochastic macroscopic traffic flow modeling and extended Kalman filtering. One major innovative feature of the traffic state estimator is the online joint estimation of important model parameters (free speed, critical density, and capacity) and traffic flow variables (flows, mean speeds, and densities), which leads to three significant advantages of the estimator: (1) avoidance of prior model calibration; (2) automatic adaptation to changing external conditions (e.g. weather and lighting conditions, traffic composition, control measures); (3) enabling of incident alarms. These three advantages are demonstrated via suitable real data testing. The achieved testing results are satisfactory and promising for subsequent applications. 相似文献
In 2008 the regional government of Catalonia (Spain) reduced the maximum speed limit on several stretches of congested urban motorway in the Barcelona metropolitan area to 80 km/h, while in 2009 it introduced a variable speed system on other stretches of its metropolitan motorways. We use the differences-in-differences method, which enables a policy impact to be measured under specific conditions, to assess the impact of these policies on emissions of NOx and PM10. Empirical estimation indicate that reducing the speed limit to 80 km/h causes a 1.7–3.2% increase in NOx and 5.3–5.9% in PM10. By contrast, the variable speed policy reduced NOx and PM10 pollution by 7.7–17.1% and 14.5–17.3%. As such, a variable speed policy appears to be a more effective environmental policy than reducing the speed limit to a maximum of 80 km/h. 相似文献
Weaving sections, where a merge and a diverge are in close proximity, are considered as crucial bottlenecks in the highway network. Lane changes happen frequently in such sections, leading to a reduced capacity and the traffic phenomenon known as capacity drop. This paper studies how the emerging automated vehicle technology can improve the operations and increase the capacity of weaving sections. We propose an efficient yet effective multiclass hybrid model that considers two aspects of this technology in scenarios with various penetration rates: (i) the potential to control the desired lane change decisions of automated vehicles, which is represented in a macroscopic manner as the distribution of lane change positions, and (ii) the lower reaction time associated with automated vehicles that can reduce headways and the required gaps for lane changing maneuvers. The proposed model is successfully calibrated and validated with empirical observations from conventional vehicles at a weaving section near the city of Basel, Switzerland. It is able to replicate traffic dynamics in weaving sections including the capacity drop. This model is then applied in a simulation-based optimization framework that searches for the optimal distribution of the desired lane change positions to maximize the capacity of weaving sections. Simulation results show that by optimizing the distribution of the desired lane change positions, the capacity of the studied weaving section can increase up to 15%. The results also indicate that if the reaction time is considered as well, there is an additional combined effect that can further increase the capacity. Overall, the results show the great potential of the automated vehicle technology for increasing the capacity of weaving sections. 相似文献
Traffic instability is an important but undesirable feature of traffic flow. This paper reports our experimental and empirical studies on traffic flow instability. We have carried out a large scale experiment to study the car-following behavior in a 51-car-platoon. The experiment has reproduced the phenomena and confirmed the findings in our previous 25-car-platoon experiment, i.e., standard deviation of vehicle speeds increases in a concave way along the platoon. Based on our experimental results, we argue that traffic speed rather than vehicle spacing (or density) might be a better indicator of traffic instability, because vehicles can have different spacing under the same speed. For these drivers, there exists a critical speed between 30 km/h and 40 km/h, above which the standard deviation of car velocity is almost saturated (flat) along the 51-car-platoon, indicating that the traffic flow is likely to be stable. In contrast, below this critical speed, traffic flow is unstable and can lead to the formation of traffic jams. Traffic data from the Nanjing Airport Highway support the experimental observation of existence of a critical speed. Based on these findings, we propose an alternative mechanism of traffic instability: the competition between stochastic factors and the so-called speed adaptation effect, which can better explain the concave growth of speed standard deviation in traffic flow. 相似文献
Two speed management policies were implemented in the metropolitan area of Barcelona aimed at reducing air pollution concentration levels. In 2008, the maximum speed limit was reduced to 80 km/h and, in 2009, a variable speed system was introduced on some metropolitan motorways. This paper evaluates whether such policies have been successful in promoting cleaner air, not only in terms of average pollutant levels but also during high and low pollution episodes. To do so, we use a quantile regression approach for fixed effect panel data, which allows us analyzing different scenarios (beyond the average levels). We find that the variable speed system improves air quality with regard to the two pollutants considered here, being most effective when nitrogen oxide levels are not too low and when particulate matter concentrations are below extremely high levels. However, reducing the maximum speed limit from 120/100 km/h to 80 km/h has no effect – or even a slightly increasing effect – on the two pollutants, depending on the pollution scenario. 相似文献
Traffic congestion caused by traffic accidents contributes to CO2 emissions. Generally, more efficient and prompt responses to accidents lead to reduced traffic congestion as well as CO2 emissions. Here we assess the CO2 emissions impacts of freeway accidents, applies an existing model to capture spatio-temporally congested regions caused by freeway accidents. A case study for the assessment of CO2 emissions impacts of based on the results from the model is presented. 相似文献
Construction of traffic state vector using mutual information for short-term traffic flow prediction
Short-term traffic flow prediction is an integral part in most of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research and applications. Many researchers have already developed various methods that predict the future traffic condition from the historical database. Nevertheless, there has not been sufficient effort made to study how to identify and utilize the different factors that affect the traffic flow. In order to improve the performance of short-term traffic flow prediction, it is necessary to consider sufficient information related to the road section to be predicted. In this paper, we propose a method of constructing traffic state vectors by using mutual information (MI). First, the variables with different time delays are generated from the historical traffic time series, and the spatio-temporal correlations between the road sections in urban road network are evaluated by the MI. Then, the variables with the highest correlation related to the target traffic flow are selected by using a greedy search algorithm to construct the traffic state vector. The K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) model is adapted for the application of the proposed state vector. Experimental results on real-world traffic data show that the proposed method of constructing traffic state vector provides good prediction accuracy in short-term traffic prediction. 相似文献
Yasuhiro Shiomi Toshio YoshiiRyuichi Kitamura 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2011,45(9):1314-1330
This study investigates the mechanism of traffic breakdown and establishes a traffic flow model that precisely simulates the stochastic and dynamic processes of traffic flow at a bottleneck. The proposed model contains two models of stochastic processes associated with traffic flow dynamics: a model of platoon formation behind a bottleneck and a model of speed transitions within a platoon. After these proposed models are validated, they are applied to a simple one-way, one-lane expressway section containing a bottleneck, and the stochastic nature of traffic breakdown is demonstrated through theoretical exercises. 相似文献
This paper presents a modelling and optimisation framework for deriving ramp metering and variable speed control strategies. We formulate the optimal control problems aiming to minimise the travel delay on motorways based upon a macroscopic cell transmission model of traffic. The optimal ramp metering optimisation is formulated as a linear programming (LP) while the variable speed control problem is formulated as a mixed integer LP. The optimisation models are applied to a real scenario over a section of M25 motorway in the UK. This paper also includes various analyses on the sensitivity of the optimal control solutions with respect to different network configurations and model assumptions. 相似文献