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Platooning is an emerging transportation practice that has the potential to solve the problems of the burgeoning transportation industry. A platoon is a group of vehicles, with vehicle to vehicle communication, that travel closely behind one another such that the platoon can accelerate, brake and cruise together. Platoons can improve road safety, be energy efficient and reduce costs. Its complete socio-economic benefits include congestion mitigation, smoother traffic flow, better lane usage and throughput, incentives for green logistics and driver safety. The long-term effect of platooning on road transportation, if extensively deployed, would be better organised traffic flow and efficient tracking of vehicles on the road ushering a multilevel positive impact on the industry. In this study, we attempt to answer the critical question of whether platooning is an adoptable practice in the near future and discuss an agenda to take platooning closer to implementation on the ground by highlighting the opportunities for future research. We also present a conceptual framework to help researchers, academicians, policy makers and practitioners for the adoption of platooning into the transportation industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical investigation into platooning on two-lane two-way highways. The main objective is to better understand this phenomenon that has important implications on traffic performance and safety. Field data from three study sites in the state of Montana were used in this study. Separate investigations were performed to examine the relationships among platoon-related variables, namely; time headway, travel speed, and platoon size. The study confirmed that interaction between successive vehicles in the traffic stream generally diminishes beyond a time headway threshold value that fell in the range of 5–7 seconds. Also, the study revealed that very short headways (less than one second) are more associated with aggressive driving and higher speeds than with slow-moving platoons due to lack of passing opportunities. Further, the study found that amount of impedance to traffic is proportional to the size of platoon as evidenced by the relative difference between mean speed of various size platoons and the mean speed of unimpeded vehicles. The study provided other valuable insights into the platooning phenomenon on two-lane highways that are essential in developing a better understanding of traffic operation on two-lane highways.  相似文献   

As electric vehicles (EVs) have gained an increasing market penetration rate, the traffic on urban roads will tend to be a mix of traditional gasoline vehicles (GVs) and EVs. These two types of vehicles have different energy consumption characteristics, especially the high energy efficiency and energy recuperation system of EVs. When GVs and EVs form a platoon that is recognized as an energy-friendly traffic pattern, it is critical to holistically consider the energy consumption characteristics of all vehicles to maximize the energy efficiency benefit of platooning. To tackle this issue, this paper develops an optimal control model as a foundation to provide eco-driving suggestions to the mixed-traffic platoon. The proposed model leverages the promising connected vehicle technology assuming that the speed advisory system can obtain the information on the characteristics of all platoon vehicles. To enhance the model applicability, the study proposes two eco-driving advisory strategies based on the developed optimal control model. One strategy provides the lead vehicle an acceleration profile, while the other provides a set of targeted cruising speeds. The acceleration-based eco-driving advisory strategy is suitable for platoons with an automated leader, and the speed-based advisory strategy is more friendly for platoons with a human-operated leader. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate the significance when the eco-driving advisory system holistically considers energy consumption characteristics of platoon vehicles.  相似文献   

In a platoon, vehicles travel one after another with small intervehicle distances; trailing vehicles in a platoon save fuel because they experience less aerodynamic drag. This work presents a coordinated platooning model with multiple speed options that integrates scheduling, routing, speed selection, and platoon formation/dissolution in a mixed-integer linear program that minimizes the total fuel consumed by a set of vehicles while traveling between their respective origins and destinations. The performance of this model is numerically tested on a grid network and the Chicago-area highway network. We find that the fuel-savings factor of a multivehicle system significantly depends on the time each vehicle is allowed to stay in the network; this time affects vehicles’ available speed choices, possible routes, and the amount of time for coordinating platoon formation. For problem instances with a large number of vehicles, we propose and test a heuristic decomposed approach that applies a clustering algorithm to partition the set of vehicles and then routes each group separately. When the set of vehicles is large and the available computational time is small, the decomposed approach finds significantly better solutions than does the full model.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

Length-based vehicle classification is an important topic in traffic engineering, because estimation of traffic speed from single loop detectors usually requires the knowledge of vehicle length. In this paper, we present an algorithm that can classify vehicles passing by a loop detector into two categories: long vehicles and regular cars. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of event-based loop detector data that contains every vehicle detector actuation and de-actuation “event”, therefore time gaps between consecutive vehicles and detector occupation time for each vehicle can be easily derived. The proposed algorithm is based on an intuitive observation that, for a vehicle platoon, longer vehicles in the platoon will have relatively longer detector occupation time. Therefore, we can identify longer vehicles by examining the changes of occupation time in a vehicle platoon. The method was tested using the event-based data collected from Trunk Highway 55 in Minnesota, which is a high speed arterial corridor controlled by semi-actuated coordinated traffic signals. The result shows that the proposed method can correctly classify most of the vehicles passing by a single loop detector.  相似文献   

This work addresses the formation phase of automatic platooning. The objective is to optimally control the throttle of vehicles, with a given arbitrary initial condition, such that desired ground speed and inter-vehicular spacings are reached. The steering of the vehicles is also controlled, because the vehicles should track a desired path while forming the platoon. In order to address the platoon formation problem, a cooperative strategy is formed by constructing a discrete state space model which represents the dynamics of a set of n vehicles. Once this model is set, a control method known as Interpolating Control, which aims at regulating to the origin an uncertain and/or time-varying linear discrete-time system with state and control constraints, is utilized. The performance of this control method is evaluated and compared with other approaches such as Model Predictive Control (MPC).Simulations are conducted which suggest that the Interpolating Control approach can be seen as an alternative to optimization-based control schemes such as Model Predictive Control, especially for problems for which finding the optimal solution requires calculations, where the Interpolating Control approach can provide a straightforward sub-optimal solution.In the experimental part of this work, the control algorithms for the platoon formation and path tracking problems are combined, and tested in a laboratory environment, using three mobile robots equipped with wireless routers. Validation of the proposed models and control algorithms is achieved by successful experiments.  相似文献   

The vehicular ad hoc network has great potential in improving traffic safety. One of the most important and interesting issues in the research community is the safety evaluation with limited penetration rates of vehicles equipped with inter-vehicular communications. In this paper, a stochastic model is proposed for analyzing the vehicle chain collisions. It takes into account the influences of different penetration rates, the stochastic nature of inter-vehicular distance distribution, and the different kinematic parameters related to driver and vehicle. The usability and accuracy of this model is tested and proved by comparative experiments with Monte Carlo simulations. The collision outcomes of a platoon in different penetration rates and traffic scenarios are also analyzed based on this model. These results are useful to provide theoretical insights into the safety control of a heterogeneous platoon.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of traffic signal coordination on emissions and compares it with their effects on operational performance measures of delay and stops. Various platoon ratios are obtained by simulating cycle lengths and offsets. Our results indicate that the impact of the cycle length on delay is more significant than those on stops and emissions for under-saturation traffic conditions. Given a fixed cycle length, increasing the platoon ratio can reduce delay, stops, and emissions, with reduction in emissions being correlated with stops than delay. The effect on emissions from the platoon arrival with respect to the onset of green or red indication is identified. With the same cycle length and platoon ratio, the early arrival situation, when the leading vehicles of a platoon encounters the red signal, can generate more emissions than are associated with late platoon arrival, when the last few vehicles in a platoon are stopped at the intersection by the onset of the red signal.  相似文献   

Motivated by the advancement in connected and autonomous vehicle technologies, this paper develops a novel car-following control scheme for a platoon of connected and autonomous vehicles on a straight highway. The platoon is modeled as an interconnected multi-agent dynamical system subject to physical and safety constraints, and it uses the global information structure such that each vehicle shares information with all the other vehicles. A constrained optimization based control scheme is proposed to ensure an entire platoon’s transient traffic smoothness and asymptotic dynamic performance. By exploiting the solution properties of the underlying optimization problem and using primal-dual formulation, this paper develops dual based distributed algorithms to compute optimal solutions with proven convergence. Furthermore, the asymptotic stability of the unconstrained linear closed-loop system is established. These stability analysis results provide a principle to select penalty weights in the underlying optimization problem to achieve the desired closed-loop performance for both the transient and the asymptotic dynamics. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

In an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) environment, the communication component is of great importance to support interactions between vehicles and roadside infrastructure. Previous studies have focused on the physical capability and capacity of the communication technologies, but the equally important development of suitable and efficient semantic content for transmission received notably less attention. Ontology is one promising approach for context modelling in ubiquitous computing environments, and in the transport domain it can be used both for context modelling and semantic contents for vehicular communications. This paper explores the development of an ontological model implementing relative geo-semantic information messages to support vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The proposed ontology model contains classes, objects, their properties/relations as well as some functions and query templates to represent and update the information of dynamic vehicles, inter-vehicle interactions and behaviour. This model was developed through a scenario enabling the evaluation of traffic conflict resolution approaches, by implementing a set of decision-making processes for intelligent vehicles. Given the scope of the proposed ontology modelling, it shows how vehicular communications can be used to update each vehicle’s context model. This work can be easily extended for more complex interactions among vehicles and the infrastructure.  相似文献   

Connected vehicles will change the modes of future transportation management and organization, especially at intersections. In this paper, we propose a distributed conflict-free cooperation method for multiple connected vehicles at unsignalized intersections. We firstly project the approaching vehicles from different traffic movements into a virtual lane and introduce a conflict-free geometry topology considering the conflict relationship of involved vehicles, thus constructing a virtual platoon. Then we present the modeling of communication topology to describe two modes of information transmission between vehicles. Finally, a distributed controller is designed to stabilize the virtual platoon for conflict-free cooperation at intersections. Numerical simulations validate the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of designing a decentralized consensus protocol for platooning of non-identical vehicles in the presence of heterogeneous time-varying communication delays. The proposed control protocol makes use of a state feedback and to this aim drivetrain dynamics are modeled as third-order linear systems. Necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence and exponential stability, derived by using an appropriate Krasovskii functional, demonstrate the ability of the platoon in reaching the required regime with an exponentially bounded behavior. The proposed LMI-based approach allows to estimate both delay margin and decay rate. Moreover, convergence is proven under switching communication network topologies by means of a Lyapunov-Razumikhin function, and the assessment of a string stable behavior has been also theoretically investigated. High-fidelity simulations with Plexe show the effectiveness of the theoretical results in different driving conditions and in the presence of external disturbances and communication impairment. Different communication channel models are used in the validation stage to further prove robustness of the proposed methodology with respect hard delay and packets losses.  相似文献   

The Simple Platoon Advancement (SPA) Model describes a conceptual system whose principal objective is to increase the throughput of vehicles at signalised intersections. This is achieved through a novel combination of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) technologies including Automatic Cruise Control, Lane Departure Avoidance, and Collision Avoidance. These are combined in SPA so that vehicles are progressed through signalised intersections under automated control. All of the vehicles in a stationary queue are moved instantly at the start‐of‐green as a closely‐spaced platoon. Dispersion occurs after all vehicles are in motion. Throughput of the SPA model is determined analytically and comparisons are made between the SPA model and a valid representation of current road traffic behaviour. These comparisons show that theoretically a SPA system can progress nearly twice as many vehicles past the stopline as can be seen in today's road network. Other benefits of a conceptual SPA system are improved safety and a reduction in delay per vehicle.  相似文献   

This contribution furthers the control framework for driver assistance systems in Part I to cooperative systems, where equipped vehicles can exchange relevant information via vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve the awareness of the ambient situation (cooperative sensing) and to manoeuvre together under a common goal (cooperative control). To operationalize the cooperative sensing strategy, the framework is applied to the development of a multi-anticipative controller, where an equipped vehicle uses information from its direct predecessor to predict the behaviour of its pre-predecessor. To operationalize the cooperative control strategy, we design cooperative controllers for sequential equipped vehicles in a platoon, where they collaborate to optimise a joint objective. The cooperative control strategy is not restricted to cooperation between equipped vehicles. When followed by a human-driven vehicle, equipped vehicles can still exhibit cooperative behaviour by predicting the behaviour of the human-driven follower, even if the prediction is not perfect.The performance of the proposed controllers are assessed by simulating a platoon of 11 vehicles with reference to the non-cooperative controller proposed in Part I. Evaluations show that the multi-anticipative controller generates smoother behaviour in accelerating phase. By a careful choice of the running cost specification, cooperative controllers lead to smoother decelerating behaviour and more responsive and agile accelerating behaviour compared to the non-cooperative controller. The dynamic characteristics of the proposed controllers provide new insights into the potential impact of cooperative systems on traffic flow operations, particularly at the congestion head and tail.  相似文献   

Information from connected vehicles, such as the position and speed of individual vehicles, can be used to optimize traffic operations at an intersection. This paper proposes such an algorithm for two one-way-streets assuming that only a certain percentage of cars are equipped with this technology. The algorithm enumerates different sequences of cars discharging from the intersection to minimize the objective function. Benefits of platooning (multiple cars consecutively discharging from a queue) and signal flexibility (adaptability to demand) are also considered. The goal is to gain insights about the value (in terms of delay savings) of using connected vehicle technology for intersection control.Simulations are conducted for different total demand values and demand ratios to understand the effects of changing the minimum green time at the signal and the penetration rate of connected cars. Using autonomous vehicle control systems, the signal could rapidly change the direction of priority without relying on the reaction of drivers. However, without this technology a minimum green time is necessary. The results of the simulations show that a minimum green time increases the delay only for the low and balanced demand scenarios. Therefore, the value of using cars with autonomous vehicle control can only be seen at intersections with this kind of demand patterns, and could result in up to 7% decrease in delay. On the other hand, using information from connected vehicles to better adapt the traffic signal has proven to be indeed very valuable. Increases in the penetration rate from 0% up to 60% can significantly reduce the average delay (in low demand scenarios a decrease in delay of up to 60% can be observed). That being said, after a penetration rate of 60%, while the delays continue to decrease, the rate of reduction decreases and the marginal value of information from communication technologies diminishes. Overall, it is observed that connected vehicle technology could significantly improve the operation of traffic at signalized intersections, at least under the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   


Microscopic traffic simulators are the most advanced tools for representing the movement of vehicles on a transport network. However, the energy spent in traffic microsimulation has been mainly oriented to cars. Little interest has been devoted to more sophisticated models for simulating transit systems. Commercial software has some options to incorporate the operation of transit vehicles, but they are insufficient to properly consider a real public transport system. This paper develops an Application Programming Interface, called MIcroscopic Simulation of TRANSIT (MISTRANSIT), using the commercial microsimulator PARAllel MICroscopic Simulation. MISTRANSIT makes advances in three ways: public transport vehicles can have new characteristics; passengers are incorporated and traced as individual objects; and specific models represent the interaction between passengers and vehicles at stops. This paper presents the modelling approach as well as various experiments to illustrate the feasibility of MISTRANSIT for studying policy operations of transit systems.  相似文献   

We have carried out car-following experiments with a 25-car-platoon on an open road section to study the relation between a car’s speed and its spacing under various traffic conditions, in the hope to resolve a controversy surrounding this fundamental relation of vehicular traffic. In this paper we extend our previous analysis of these experiments, and report new experimental findings. In particular, we reveal that the platoon length (hence the average spacing within a platoon) might be significantly different even if the average velocity of the platoon is essentially the same. The findings further demonstrate that the traffic states span a 2D region in the speed-spacing (or density) plane. The common practice of using a single speed-spacing curve to model vehicular traffic ignores the variability and imprecision of human driving and is therefore inadequate. We have proposed a car-following model based on a mechanism that in certain ranges of speed and spacing, drivers are insensitive to the changes in spacing when the velocity differences between cars are small. It was shown that the model can reproduce the experimental results well.  相似文献   

We study in this paper the structure of traffic under hypercongestion, which is a controversial issue between traditional two-phase traffic theory and Kerner’s three-phase theory. By analyzing video traffic data from a section of the Nanjing Airport Highway, it is found that traffic states inside hypercongestion are not homogeneous, which contradicts the existence of a “Homogeneous Congested Traffic” state claimed in two-phase traffic theory. Analysis of vehicle trajectories and velocities obtained from an experimental car-following study with a platoon of 25 vehicles also confirms the above findings. Furthermore, it is also found from the video traffic data that the structure of hypercongested traffic varies only slightly with location, which might be due to small jams inside hypercongested traffic merging into larger ones slowly and/or larger jams sometimes breaking into small ones. Finally, the implications of our observations on traffic modeling have been discussed.  相似文献   

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