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At two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) rural intersections, a right-turning driver who is departing the minor road may select an improper gap and subsequently may be involved in a rear-end collision with another vehicle approaching on the rightmost lane on the major road. This paper provides perceptual framework and algorithm design of a proposed infrastructure-based collision warning system that has the potential to aid unprotected right-turning drivers at TWSC rural intersections. The proposed system utilizes a radar sensor that measures the location, speed, and acceleration of the approaching vehicle on the major road. Based on these measurements, the system’s algorithm determines if there will be any potential conflict between the approaching and the turning vehicles and warns the driver of the latter vehicle if such a conflict is found. The algorithm is based on realistic acceleration profile of the turning vehicle to estimate its acceleration rates at different times so that the system can accurately estimate the time and distance needed for the departing vehicle to accelerate to the same speed as for the approaching vehicle. That realistic acceleration profile is established using actual experimental data collected by a Global Positioning System (GPS) data logger device that was used to record the positions and instantaneous speeds of different right-turning vehicles at 1-s intervals. The algorithm also gives consideration to the time needed by the driver of the departing vehicle to perceive the message displayed by the system and react to it (to start departure) where it was found that 95% of drivers have a perception–reaction time of 1.89 s or less. A methodology is also illustrated to select the maximum measurement errors suggested for the detectors in measuring the locations of the approaching vehicle on the major road where it was found that the accuracy of the system significantly deteriorates if the errors in measuring the distance and the azimuth angle exceed 0.1 m and 0.2°, respectively. An application example is provided to illustrate the algorithm used by the proposed system.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has been widely used in the provision of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services. Current meter level system availability can fulfill the road level applications, such as route guide, fleet management and traffic control. However, meter level of system performance is not sufficient for the advanced safety applications. These lane level safety applications requires centimeter/decimeter positioning accuracy, with high integrity, continuity and availability include lane control, collision avoidance and intelligent speed assistance, etc. Detecting lane level irregular driving behavior is the basic requirement for these safety related ITS applications. The two major issues involved in the lane level irregular driving identification are accessing to high accuracy positioning and vehicle dynamic parameters and extraction of erratic driving behaviour from this and other related information. This paper proposes an integrated solution for the lane level irregular driving detection. Access to high accuracy positioning is enabled by GNSS and Inertial Navigation System (INS) integration using filtering with precise vehicle motion models and lane information. The detection of different types of irregular driving behaviour is based on the application of a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The evaluation of the designed integrated systems in the field test shows that 0.5 m accuracy positioning source is required for lane level irregular driving detection algorithm and the designed system can detect irregular driving styles.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the lane changing problem of autonomous vehicles when there is no road infrastructure support. The autonomous vehicle should drive from the current lane to the adjacent lane in the absence of a reference path to guide the vehicle to the new lane. We suggest an algorithm that incorporates a virtual road curvature with bicycle model for lane change guidance. As the name suggests, the virtual road curvature does not physically exist. It is a user assigned radius of a curved path which connects the current lane to the adjacent lane. Since the lateral sensor readings during lane changing maneuver are erroneous, the steering angle along with the virtual curvature is fed into a bicycle model to estimate the lateral position during the transition to the next lane. Details of the algorithm and the virtual road curvature determination are presented in the paper. In contrast to other lane changing methods, controller switching is not required and the same controller is for both lane keeping and lane changing. The algorithm is verified experimentally and the results are comparable with lane changing with physical transition lane.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a real-time estimation approach for lane-based queue lengths. Our aim is to determine the numbers of queued vehicles in each lane, based on detector information at isolated signalized junctions. The challenges involved in this task are to identify whether there is a residual queue at the start time of each cycle and to determine the proportions of lane-to-lane traffic volumes in each lane. Discriminant models are developed based on time occupancy rates and impulse memories, as calculated by the detector and signal information from a set of upstream and downstream detectors. To determine the proportions of total traffic volume in each lane, the downstream arrivals for each cycle are estimated by using the Kalman filter, which is based on upstream arrivals and downstream discharges collected during the previous cycle. Both the computer simulations and the case study of real-world traffic show that the proposed method is robust and accurate for the estimation of lane-based queue lengths in real time under a wide range of traffic conditions. Calibrated discriminant models play a significant role in determining whether there are residual queued vehicles in each lane at the start time of each cycle. In addition, downstream arrivals estimated by the Kalman filter enhance the accuracy of the estimates by minimizing any error terms caused by lane-changing behavior.  相似文献   

Automated driving is gaining increasing amounts of attention from both industry and academic communities because it is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. The ability to make an automated lane change is one of the most important parts of automated driving. However, there has been little research into automated lane change maneuvers, and current research has not identified a way to avoid potential collisions during lane changes, which result from the state variations of the other vehicles. One important reason is that the lane change vehicle cannot acquire accurate information regarding the other vehicles, especially the vehicles in the adjacent lane. However, vehicle-to-vehicle communication has the advantage of providing more information, and this information is more accurate than that obtained from other sensors, such as radars and lasers. Therefore, we propose a dynamic automated lane change maneuver based on vehicle-to-vehicle communication to accomplish an automated lane change and eliminate potential collisions during the lane change process. The key technologies for this maneuver are trajectory planning and trajectory tracking. Trajectory planning calculates a reference trajectory satisfying the demands of safety, comfort and traffic efficiency and updates it to avoid potential collisions until the lane change is complete. The trajectory planning method converts the planning problem into a constrained optimization problem using the lane change time and distance. This method is capable of planning a reference trajectory for a normal lane change, an emergency lane change and a change back to the original lane. A trajectory-tracking controller based on sliding mode control calculates the control inputs to make the host vehicle travel along the reference trajectory. Finally, simulations and experiments using a driving simulator are conducted. They demonstrate that the proposed dynamic automated lane change maneuver can avoid potential collisions during the lane change process effectively.  相似文献   

This paper is a comparative study of the performance of constant-time-gap autonomous control systems and co-operative longitudinal control systems that use inter-vehicle communication. Analytical results show that the minimum time gap that can be achieved in autonomous control is limited by the bandwidth of the internal dynamics of the vehicle. Experimental results from typical sensors and actuators are used to show that in practice it is very difficult to achieve a time gap less than 1 s with autonomous vehicle following. This translates to an inter-vehicle spacing of 30 m at highway speeds and a theoretical maximum traffic flow of about 3000 vehicles per hour. The quality of radar range and range rate measurements pose limitations on the spacing accuracy and ride quality that can be achieved in autonomous control. Dramatic improvements in the trade-off between ride quality and spacing accuracy can be obtained merely by replacing radar range rate in the autonomous control algorithm with the difference between the measured velocities of the two cars (a rudimentary form of co-operation). As a baseline comparison, the experimental performance of fully co-operative control is presented. An inter-vehicle spacing of 6.5 m is maintained in a platoon of 8 co-operative vehicles with an excellent ride quality and an accuracy of ±20 cm. Extending this to a 10-vehicle platoon makes it possible to achieve theoretical maximum traffic flows of about 6400 vehicles per hour.Another issue of importance addressed in the paper is the need to accommodate malfunctions in radar (ranging sensor) measurements. Measurement errors can occur due to hardware malfunctions as well as due to road curves, grades and the highway environment in the case of large inter-vehicle spacing. The ability of a co-operative control system to monitor the health of the radar and correct for such errors and malfunctions is demonstrated experimentally.  相似文献   

Statistical spatial repeatability (SSR) is an extension to the well known concept of spatial repeatability. SSR states that the mean of many patterns of dynamic tyre force applied to a pavement surface is similar for a fleet of trucks of a given type. A model which can accurately predict patterns of SSR could subsequently be used in whole-life pavement deterioration models as a means of describing pavement loading due to a fleet of vehicles. This paper presents a method for predicting patterns of SSR, through the use of a truck fleet model inferred from measurements of dynamic tyre forces. A Bayesian statistical inference algorithm is used to determine the distributions of multiple parameters of a fleet of quarter-car heavy vehicle ride models, based on prior assumed distributions and the set of observed dynamic tyre force from a ‘true’ fleet of one hundred simulated models. Simulated forces are noted at 16 equidistant pavement locations, similar to data from a multiple sensor weigh-in-motion site. It is shown that the fitted model provides excellent agreement in the mean pattern of dynamic force with the originally generated truck fleet. It is shown that good predictions are possible for patterns of SSR on a given section of road for a fleet of similar vehicles. The sensitivity of the model to errors in parameter estimation is discussed, as is the potential for implementation of the method.  相似文献   

Highway automation entails the application of control, sensing and communication technologies to road vehicles, with the objective of improving highway performance. It has been envisioned that automation could increase highway capacity by a factor of three. The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology for predicting highway capacity and comparing alternative automation concepts. It extends earlier research on optimal lane assignment on an automated highway to dynamic networks. A path-based linear program is formulated and solved through a column generation method. The algorithm has been applied to networks with as many as 20 on and off ramps, 80 segments, 4 lanes and 12 time periods.  相似文献   

Road designers assume that drivers will follow the road alignment with trajectories centred in the lane, and move at the design speed parallel to the road centreline (i.e., the horizontal alignment). Therefore, they assume that if the horizontal alignment indicates the “designed trajectory”, the driving path indicates the “operating trajectory”. However, at present, they do not have the necessary tools to measure the relationship between the designed alignment and possible vehicle trajectories.The paper has two objectives: (a) to develop an understanding of the root causes of differences between road alignment and vehicle trajectories; and (b) to define and calibrate a model that estimates the local curvature of trajectories on the basis of the designed horizontal alignment.The two objectives were pursued by carrying out a naturalistic survey using vehicles equipped with high precision GPS in real-time kinematics (RTK) mode driven by test drivers on road sections of known geometric characteristics. The results provide an insight into the effects of road geometrics on driver behaviour, thus anticipating possible driving errors or unexpected/undesired behaviours, information which can then be used to correct possible inconsistencies when making decisions at the design stage.  相似文献   

This paper aims at demonstrating the usefulness of integrating virtual 3D models in vehicle localization systems. Usually, vehicle localization algorithms are based on multi-sensor data fusion. Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS, as Global Positioning System GPS, are used to provide measurements of the geographic location. Nevertheless, GNSS solutions suffer from signal attenuation and masking, multipath phenomena and lack of visibility, especially in urban areas. That leads to degradation or even a total loss of the positioning information and then unsatisfactory performances. Dead-reckoning and inertial sensors are then often added to back up GPS in case of inaccurate or unavailable measurements or if high frequency location estimation is required. However, the dead-reckoning localization may drift in the long term due to error accumulation. To back up GPS and compensate the drift of the dead reckoning sensors based localization, two approaches integrating a virtual 3D model are proposed in registered with respect to the scene perceived by an on-board sensor. From the real/virtual scenes matching, the transformation (rotation and translation) between the real sensor and the virtual sensor (whose position and orientation are known) can be computed. These two approaches lead to determine the pose of the real sensor embedded on the vehicle. In the first approach, the considered perception sensor is a camera and in the second approach, it is a laser scanner. The first approach is based on image matching between the virtual image extracted from the 3D city model and the real image acquired by the camera. The two major parts are: 1. Detection and matching of feature points in real and virtual images (three features points are compared: Harris corner detector, SIFT and SURF). 2. Pose computation using POSIT algorithm. The second approach is based on the on–board horizontal laser scanner that provides a set of distances between it and the environment. This set of distances is matched with depth information (virtual laser scan data), provided by the virtual 3D city model. The pose estimation provided by these two approaches can be integrated in data fusion formalism. In this paper the result of the first approach is integrated in IMM UKF data fusion formalism. Experimental results obtained using real data illustrate the feasibility and the performances of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a research on traffic modelling developed for assessing traffic and energy performance of electric systems installed along roads for dynamic charging-while-driving (CWD) of fully electric vehicles (FEVs).The logic adopted by the developed traffic model is derived from a particular simulation scenario of electric charging: a freight distribution service operated using medium-sized vans. In this case, the CWD service is used to recover the state of charge of the FEV batteries to shortly start with further activities after arrival at the depot.The CWD system is assumed to be implemented in a multilane ring road with several intermediate on-ramp entrances, where the slowest lane is reserved for the dynamic charging of authorized electric vehicles. A specific traffic model is developed and implemented based on a mesoscopic approach, where energy requirements and charging opportunities affect driving and traffic behaviours. Overtaking manoeuvres as well as new entries in the CWD lane of vehicles that need to charge are modelled according to a cooperative driving system, which manages adequate time gaps between consecutive vehicles. Finally, a speed control strategy is simulated at a defined node to create an empty time-space slot in the CWD lane, by delaying the arriving vehicles. This simulated control, implemented to allow maintenance operations for CWD that may require clearing a charging zone for a short time slot, could also be applied to facilitate on-ramp merging manoeuvres.  相似文献   


Platooning is an emerging transportation practice that has the potential to solve the problems of the burgeoning transportation industry. A platoon is a group of vehicles, with vehicle to vehicle communication, that travel closely behind one another such that the platoon can accelerate, brake and cruise together. Platoons can improve road safety, be energy efficient and reduce costs. Its complete socio-economic benefits include congestion mitigation, smoother traffic flow, better lane usage and throughput, incentives for green logistics and driver safety. The long-term effect of platooning on road transportation, if extensively deployed, would be better organised traffic flow and efficient tracking of vehicles on the road ushering a multilevel positive impact on the industry. In this study, we attempt to answer the critical question of whether platooning is an adoptable practice in the near future and discuss an agenda to take platooning closer to implementation on the ground by highlighting the opportunities for future research. We also present a conceptual framework to help researchers, academicians, policy makers and practitioners for the adoption of platooning into the transportation industry.  相似文献   

This study investigates the drivers’ merging behavior in work zone merging areas during the entire merging implementation period from the time of starting a merging maneuver to that of completing the maneuver. With the actual work zone merging traffic data, we propose a time-dependent logistic regression model considering the possible time-varying effects of influencing factors, and a standard logistic regression model for the purpose of model comparison. Model comparison results show that the time-dependent model performs better than the standard model because the former can provide higher prediction accuracy. The time-dependent model results show that seven factors exhibit time-varying effects on the drivers’ merging behavior, including merging vehicle speed, through lane lead vehicle speed and through lane lag vehicle speed, longitudinal gap between the merging and lead vehicles, longitudinal gap between the merging and through lane lead vehicles, types of through lane lead and through lane lag vehicles. Interestingly, both the through lane lead vehicle speed and the through lane lag vehicle speed are found to exhibit heterogeneous effects at different times of the merging implementation period. One important finding from this study is that the merging vehicle has a decreasing willingness to take the choice of “complete a merging maneuver” as the elapsed time increases if the through lane lead vehicle is a heavy vehicle.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a project conducted to study the characteristics of truck traffic in Singapore. Detailed traffic surveys recording counts of vehicles by axle-configuration were performed at 219 sites over a period of nearly two years. The surveys covered 5 different road classes, namely expressways, arterials, collectors, industrial roads and local roads. It was found that the time distribution of truck travel were not the same among the five road classes. The peaking characteristics of truck traffic were less pronounced compared to passenger car traffic. The peak hour truck volume varied from 67.0% to 9.7% of the daily truck traffic as compared to 13.8% for passenger car traffic. The lane distribution pattern of truck traffic was studied in detail by road class, and was found to be a function of total directional traffic volume, total directional truck volume and the number of traffic lanes. Composition analysis was also carried out to study the lane use characteristics of single- and multiple-unit trucks.  相似文献   

Loop detectors are the preeminent vehicle detector for freeway traffic surveillance. Although single loops have been used for decades, debate continues on how to interpret the measurements. Many researchers have sought better estimates of velocity from single loops. The preceding work has emphasized techniques that use many samples of aggregate flow and occupancy to reduce the estimation error. Although rarely noted, these techniques effectively seek to reduce the bias due to long vehicles in measured occupancy. This paper presents a different approach, using a new aggregation methodology to estimate velocity and reduce the impact of long vehicles in the original traffic measurements. In contrast to conventional practice, the new estimate significantly reduces velocity estimation errors when it is not possible to control for a wide range of vehicle lengths.  相似文献   

Acceleration is an important driving manoeuvre that has been modelled for decades as a critical element of the microscopic traffic simulation tools. The state-of-the art acceleration models have however primarily focused on lane based traffic. In lane based traffic, every driver has a single distinct lead vehicle in the front and the acceleration of the driver is typically modelled as a function of the relative speed, position and/or type of the corresponding leader. On the contrary, in a traffic stream with weak lane discipline, the subject driver may have multiple vehicles in the front. The subject driver is therefore subjected to multiple sources of stimulus for acceleration and reacts to the stimulus from the governing leader. However, only the applied accelerations are observed in the trajectory data, and the governing leader is unobserved or latent. The state-of-the-art models therefore cannot be directly applied to traffic streams with weak lane discipline.This prompts the current research where we present a latent leader acceleration model. The model has two components: a random utility based dynamic class membership model (latent leader component) and a class-specific acceleration model (acceleration component). The parameters of the model have been calibrated using detailed trajectory data collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Results indicate that the probability of a given front vehicle of being the governing leader can depend on the type of the lead vehicle and the extent of lateral overlap with the subject driver. The estimation results are compared against a simpler acceleration model (where the leader is determined deterministically) and a significant improvement in the goodness-of-fit is observed. The proposed models, when implemented in microscopic traffic simulation tools, are expected to result more realistic representation of traffic streams with weak lane discipline.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive cruise control (ACC) strategy where the acceleration characteristics, that is, the driving style automatically adapts to different traffic situations. The three components of the concept are the ACC itself, implemented in the form of a car-following model, an algorithm for the automatic real-time detection of the traffic situation based on local information, and a strategy matrix to adapt the driving characteristics (that is, the parameters of the ACC controller) to the traffic conditions. Optionally, inter-vehicle and infrastructure-to-car communication can be used to improve the accuracy of determining the traffic states. Within a microscopic simulation framework, we have simulated the complete concept on a road section with an on-ramp bottleneck, using empirical loop-detector data for an afternoon rush-hour as input for the upstream boundary. We found that the ACC vehicles improve the traffic stability and the dynamic road capacity. While traffic congestion in the reference scenario was completely eliminated when simulating a proportion of 25% ACC vehicles, travel times were already significantly reduced for much lower penetration rates. The efficiency of the proposed driving strategy even for low market penetrations is a promising result for a successful application in future driver assistance systems.  相似文献   

The dependence of vehicle arrival patterns in adjacent lanes of a multilane, one-directional highway necessitates the use of models which simultaneously describe vehicle arrivals on the roadway (defined as a number of parallel lanes in the same direction). The assumption of independent vehicle arrivals may lead to inaccuracies in a number of important design applications. The model presented describes the sequence of vehicle arrivals in adjacent lanes as a Markov renewal process. Markovian properties provide adequate expression of the dependence of vehicle arrivals on the roadway. After a vehicle arrives in a certain lane, the tendency for the next vehicle to appear in the adjacent lane is greater than is the unconditional probability for such a vehicle in that lane. These arrival patterns indicate that the distribution of vehicles in road lanes is different from that achieved by splitting total flow into independent streams.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effect of shadows and time of day on the performance of three video detection systems (VDS): Autoscope, Peek and Iteris, at a signalized intersection. Vendors were given two opportunities to improve the performance of their initial VDS setup before the final data collection. The evaluation and the results are based on 40 h of data from 20 days. Four performance measures: false calls, missed calls, dropped calls, and stuck-on calls were used in this study. Automated analysis of the data was performed in conjunction with manual verification of videos to identify the detection errors. The results for stop bar detection zones are presented in this paper. All the VDS reported false calls and depending on the lane, time of day, and sunny or cloudy conditions, the average false calls varied from 0.2% to 36%. The false calls were higher in sunny conditions than in cloudy conditions due to the shadows. Also, false calls for the leftmost lane were higher in sunny morning than in sunny midday due to shadows of turning vehicles from the middle lane. The false calls in the other two lanes were not affected by the time of day. Under the studied conditions, Autoscope, Peek, and Iteris missed detecting 2, 9, and 0 vehicles, respectively, in more than 7000 vehicles that went through the intersection. Autoscope, Peek, and Iteris had 87, 5, and 1 stuck-on calls, respectively, and there were more stuck-on calls in the morning than at midday. None of the three VDS had any dropped calls.  相似文献   

This paper relies on vehicle trajectory collection on a corridor, to compare different traffic representations used for the estimation of the sound power of light vehicles and the resulting sound pressure levels. Four noise emission models are tested. The error introduced when the emissions are calculated based on speeds measured at regular intervals along the road network are quantified and explained. The current noise emission models might in particular misestimate noise levels under congestion. This bias can be reduced by introducing additional traffic variables in the modeling. In addition, significant differences within the models are highlighted, especially concerning their accounting of vehicle accelerations. Models that rely on a binary representation of acceleration regimes (a vehicle or a road segment is accelerating or not) can lead to errors in practice. Models under use in Europe have a very low sensitivity to acceleration values. These results help underlying the further required improvements of dynamic road traffic noise models.  相似文献   

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