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Information from connected vehicles, such as the position and speed of individual vehicles, can be used to optimize traffic operations at an intersection. This paper proposes such an algorithm for two one-way-streets assuming that only a certain percentage of cars are equipped with this technology. The algorithm enumerates different sequences of cars discharging from the intersection to minimize the objective function. Benefits of platooning (multiple cars consecutively discharging from a queue) and signal flexibility (adaptability to demand) are also considered. The goal is to gain insights about the value (in terms of delay savings) of using connected vehicle technology for intersection control.Simulations are conducted for different total demand values and demand ratios to understand the effects of changing the minimum green time at the signal and the penetration rate of connected cars. Using autonomous vehicle control systems, the signal could rapidly change the direction of priority without relying on the reaction of drivers. However, without this technology a minimum green time is necessary. The results of the simulations show that a minimum green time increases the delay only for the low and balanced demand scenarios. Therefore, the value of using cars with autonomous vehicle control can only be seen at intersections with this kind of demand patterns, and could result in up to 7% decrease in delay. On the other hand, using information from connected vehicles to better adapt the traffic signal has proven to be indeed very valuable. Increases in the penetration rate from 0% up to 60% can significantly reduce the average delay (in low demand scenarios a decrease in delay of up to 60% can be observed). That being said, after a penetration rate of 60%, while the delays continue to decrease, the rate of reduction decreases and the marginal value of information from communication technologies diminishes. Overall, it is observed that connected vehicle technology could significantly improve the operation of traffic at signalized intersections, at least under the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Connected vehicle technology can be beneficial for traffic operations at intersections. The information provided by cars equipped with this technology can be used to design a more efficient signal control strategy. Moreover, it can be possible to control the trajectory of automated vehicles with a centralized controller. This paper builds on a previous signal control algorithm developed for connected vehicles in a simple, single intersection. It improves the previous work by (1) integrating three different stages of technology development; (2) developing a heuristics to switch the signal controls depending on the stage of technology; (3) increasing the computational efficiency with a branch and bound solution method; (4) incorporating trajectory design for automated vehicles; (5) using a Kalman filter to reduce the impact of measurement errors on the final solution. Three categories of vehicles are considered in this paper to represent different stages of this technology: conventional vehicles, connected but non-automated vehicles (connected vehicles), and automated vehicles. The proposed algorithm finds the optimal departure sequence to minimize the total delay based on position information. Within each departure sequence, the algorithm finds the optimal trajectory of automated vehicles that reduces total delay. The optimal departure sequence and trajectories are obtained by a branch and bound method, which shows the potential of generalizing this algorithm to a complex intersection.Simulations are conducted for different total flows, demand ratios and penetration rates of each technology stage (i.e. proportion of each category of vehicles). This algorithm is compared to an actuated signal control algorithm to evaluate its performance. The simulation results show an evident decrease in the total number of stops and delay when using the connected vehicle algorithm for the tested scenarios with information level of as low as 50%. Robustness of this algorithm to different input parameters and measurement noises are also evaluated. Results show that the algorithm is more sensitive to the arrival pattern in high flow scenarios. Results also show that the algorithm works well with the measurement noises. Finally, the results are used to develop a heuristic to switch between the different control algorithms, according to the total demand and penetration rate of each technology.  相似文献   

This article proposes Δ-tolling, a simple adaptive pricing scheme which only requires travel time observations and two tuning parameters. These tolls are applied throughout a road network, and can be updated as frequently as travel time observations are made. Notably, Δ-tolling does not require any details of the traffic flow or travel demand models other than travel time observations, rendering it easy to apply in real-time. The flexibility of this tolling scheme is demonstrated in three specific traffic modeling contexts with varying traffic flow and user behavior assumptions: a day-to-day pricing model using static network equilibrium with link delay functions; a within-day adaptive pricing model using the cell transmission model and dynamic routing of vehicles; and a microsimulation of reservation-based intersection control for connected and autonomous vehicles with myopic routing. In all cases, Δ-tolling produces significant benefits over the no-toll case, measured in terms of average travel time and social welfare, while only requiring two parameters to be tuned. Some optimality results are also given for the special case of the static network equilibrium model with BPR-style delay functions.  相似文献   

Establishment of effective cooperation between vehicles and transportation infrastructure improves travel reliability in urban transportation networks. Lack of collaboration, however, exacerbates congestion due mainly to frequent stops at signalized intersections. It is beneficial to develop a control logic that collects basic safety message from approaching connected and autonomous vehicles and guarantees efficient intersection operations with safe and incident free vehicle maneuvers. In this paper, a signal-head-free intersection control logic is formulated into a dynamic programming model that aims to maximize the intersection throughput. A stochastic look-ahead technique is proposed based on Monte Carlo tree search algorithm to determine the near-optimal actions (i.e., acceleration rates) over time to prevent movement conflicts. Our numerical results confirm that the proposed technique can solve the problem efficiently and addresses the consequences of existing traffic signals. The proposed approach, while completely avoids incidents at intersections, significantly reduces travel time (ranging between 59.4% and 83.7% when compared to fixed-time and fully-actuated control strategies) at intersections under various demand patterns.  相似文献   

Reservation-based intersection control is a revolutionary idea for using connected autonomous vehicle technologies to improve intersection controls. Vehicles individually request permission to follow precise paths through the intersection at specific times from an intersection manager agent. Previous studies have shown that reservations can reduce delays beyond optimized signals in many demand scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that signals can outperform reservations through theoretical and realistic examples. We present two examples that exploit the reservation protocol to prioritize vehicles on local roads over vehicles on arterials, increasing the total vehicle delay. A third theoretical example demonstrates that reservations can encourage selfish route choice leading to arbitrarily large queues. Next, we present two realistic networks taken from metropolitan planning organization data in which reservations perform worse than signals. We conclude with significantly positive results from comparing reservations and signals on the downtown Austin grid network using dynamic traffic assignment. Overall, these results indicate that network-based analyses are needed to detect adverse route choices before traffic signals can be replaced with reservation controls. In asymmetric intersections (e.g. local road-arterial intersections), reservation controls can cause several potential issues. However, in networks with more symmetric intersections such as a downtown grid, reservations have great potential to improve traffic.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Distributed-Coordinated methodology for signal timing optimization in connected urban street networks. The underlying assumption is that all vehicles and intersections are connected and intersections can share information with each other. The novelty of the work arises from reformulating the signal timing optimization problem from a central architecture, where all signal timing parameters are optimized in one mathematical program, to a decentralized approach, where a mathematical program controls the timing of only a single intersection. As a result of this distribution, the complexity of the problem is significantly reduced thus, the proposed approach is real-time and scalable. Furthermore, distributed mathematical programs continuously coordinate with each other to avoid finding locally optimal solutions and to move towards global optimality. We proposed a real-time and scalable solution technique to solve the problem and applied it to several case study networks under various demand patterns. The algorithm controlled queue length and maximized intersection throughput (between 1% and 5% increase compared to the actuated coordinated signals optimized in VISTRO) and reduced travel time (between 17% and 48% decrease compared to actuated coordinated signals) in all cases.  相似文献   

Conceptually, a Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system suggests speeds to vehicles, allowing them to pass through an intersection during the green interval. In previous papers, a single speed is computed for each vehicle in a range between acceptable minimum and maximum values (for example between standstill and the speed limit). This speed is assumed to be constant until the beginning of the green interval, and sent as advice to the vehicle. The goal is to optimise for a particular objective, whether it be minimisation of emissions (for environmental reasons), fuel usage or delay. This paper generalises the advice given to a vehicle, by optimising for delay over the entire trajectory instead of suggesting an individual speed, regardless of initial conditions – time until green, distance to intersection and initial speed. This may require multiple acceleration manoeuvres, so the advice is sent as a suggested acceleration at each time step. Such advice also takes into account a suitable safety constraint, ensuring that vehicles are always able to stop before the intersection during a red interval, thus safeguarding against last-minute signal control schedule changes. While the algorithms developed primarily minimise delay, they also help to reduce fuel usage and emissions by conserving kinetic energy. Since vehicles travel in platoons, the effectiveness of a GLOSA system is heavily reliant on correctly identifying the leading vehicle that is the first to be given trajectory advice for each cycle. Vehicles naturally form a platoon behind this leading vehicle. A time loop technique is proposed which allows accurate identification of the leader even when there are complex interactions between preceding vehicles. The developed algorithms are ideal for connected autonomous vehicle environments, because computer control allows vehicles’ trajectories to be managed with greater accuracy and ease. However, the advice algorithms can also be used in conjunction with manual control provided Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is available.  相似文献   

With the advent of connected and automated vehicle technology, in this paper, we propose an innovative intersection operation scheme named as MCross: Maximum Capacity inteRsection Operation Scheme with Signals. This new scheme maximizes intersection capacity by utilizing all lanes of a road simultaneously. Lane assignment and green durations are dynamically optimized by solving a multi-objective mixed-integer non-linear programming problem. The demand conditions under which full capacity can be achieved in MCross are derived analytically. Numerical examples show that MCross can almost double the intersection capacity (increase by as high as 99.51% in comparison to that in conventional signal operation scheme).  相似文献   

Autonomous and connected vehicles are expected to enable new tolling mechanisms, such as auction-based tolls, for allocating the limited roadway capacity. This research examines the public perception of futuristic auction-based tolling systems, with a focus on the public acceptance of such systems over current tolling practices on highways (e.g., dynamic and fixed tolling methodologies). Through a stated-preference survey, responses from 159 road-users residing in Virginia are elicited to understand route choice behavior under a descending price auction implemented on a hypothetical two-route network. Analysis of the survey data shows that there is no outright rejection of the presented auction-based tolling among those who are familiar with the current tolling methods. While males strongly support the new method, no clear pattern emerges among other demographic variables such as income and education level, and age. While high income respondents and regular commuters are more likely to pay higher tolls, no statistical significance between different genders, age groups, household sizes, and education levels is found. Based on the modeling results and the hypothetical road network, it is found that descending price tolling method yields higher average toll rates, and generates at least 70% more revenue when travel time saving is 30 min, and improves capacity utilization of the toll road significantly compared to fixed tolls.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel linear programming formulation for autonomous intersection control (LPAIC) accounting for traffic dynamics within a connected vehicle environment. Firstly, a lane based bi-level optimization model is introduced to propagate traffic flows in the network, accounting for dynamic departure time, dynamic route choice, and autonomous intersection control in the context of system optimum network model. Then the bi-level optimization model is transformed to the linear programming formulation by relaxing the nonlinear constraints with a set of linear inequalities. One special feature of the LPAIC formulation is that the entries of the constraint matrix has only {−1, 0, 1} values. Moreover, it is proved that the constraint matrix is totally unimodular, the optimal solution exists and contains only integer values. It is also shown that the traffic flows from different lanes pass through the conflict points of the intersection safely and there are no holding flows in the solution. Three numerical case studies are conducted to demonstrate the properties and effectiveness of the LPAIC formulation to solve autonomous intersection control.  相似文献   

The state of the practice traffic signal control strategies mainly rely on infrastructure based vehicle detector data as the input for the control logic. The infrastructure based detectors are generally point detectors which cannot directly provide measurement of vehicle location and speed. With the advances in wireless communication technology, vehicles are able to communicate with each other and with the infrastructure in the emerging connected vehicle system. Data collected from connected vehicles provides a much more complete picture of the traffic states near an intersection and can be utilized for signal control. This paper presents a real-time adaptive signal phase allocation algorithm using connected vehicle data. The proposed algorithm optimizes the phase sequence and duration by solving a two-level optimization problem. Two objective functions are considered: minimization of total vehicle delay and minimization of queue length. Due to the low penetration rate of the connected vehicles, an algorithm that estimates the states of unequipped vehicle based on connected vehicle data is developed to construct a complete arrival table for the phase allocation algorithm. A real-world intersection is modeled in VISSIM to validate the algorithms. Results with a variety of connected vehicle market penetration rates and demand levels are compared to well-tuned fully actuated control. In general, the proposed control algorithm outperforms actuated control by reducing total delay by as much as 16.33% in a high penetration rate case and similar delay in a low penetration rate case. Different objective functions result in different behaviors of signal timing. The minimization of total vehicle delay usually generates lower total vehicle delay, while minimization of queue length serves all phases in a more balanced way.  相似文献   

Current research on traffic control has focused on the optimization of either traffic signals or vehicle trajectories. With the rapid development of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies, vehicles equipped with dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) can communicate not only with other CAVs but also with infrastructure. Joint control of vehicle trajectories and traffic signals becomes feasible and may achieve greater benefits regarding system efficiency and environmental sustainability. Traffic control framework is expected to be extended from one dimension (either spatial or temporal) to two dimensions (spatiotemporal). This paper investigates a joint control framework for isolated intersections. The control framework is modeled as a two-stage optimization problem with signal optimization at the first stage and vehicle trajectory control at the second stage. The signal optimization is modeled as a dynamic programming (DP) problem with the objective to minimize vehicle delay. Optimal control theory is applied to the vehicle trajectory control problem with the objective to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. A simplified objective function is adopted to get analytical solutions to the optimal control problem so that the two-stage model is solved efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed joint control framework is able to reduce both vehicle delay and emissions under a variety of demand levels compared to fixed-time and adaptive signal control when vehicle trajectories are not optimized. The reduced vehicle delay and CO2 emissions can be as much as 24.0% and 13.8%, respectively for a simple two-phase intersection. Sensitivity analysis suggests that maximum acceleration and deceleration rates have a significant impact on the performance regarding both vehicle delay and emission reduction. Further extension to a full eight-phase intersection shows a similar pattern of delay and emission reduction by the joint control framework.  相似文献   

This second part of our work develops a model for delay estimation at intersections whose traffic signal controls are continuously being updated. Generally, these traffic signals are centrally controlled. The foundation for the delay estimation model is based on a queuing theory model called “Preemptive resume discipline for M/G/1 with two priority levels.” This queuing model assumes that two customers arrive at acertain point by a Poisson arrival process, and that one customer has service priority over the second customer. The analogy for the case of intersection control is that the preferred customers are the red lights and the secondary customers are the vehicles. In order to adapt the model to the realistic behavior of vehicle traffic at continuously adjusted signals, components are derived to modify the model. The simulation results of the first part of this work are used to calculate adjustment factors that fairly accurately reproduce the simulated delays. This gives rise to the advantage of using in practice a closed mathematical model, in particular when trying to optimize the operation of signalized intersections at the network level.  相似文献   

Both coordinated-actuated signal control systems and signal priority control systems have been widely deployed for the last few decades. However, these two control systems are often conflicting with each due to different control objectives. This paper aims to address the conflicting issues between actuated-coordination and multi-modal priority control. Enabled by vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) communication in Connected Vehicle Systems, priority eligible vehicles, such as emergency vehicles, transit buses, commercial trucks, and pedestrians are able to send request for priority messages to a traffic signal controller when approaching a signalized intersection. It is likely that multiple vehicles and pedestrians will send requests such that there may be multiple active requests at the same time. A request-based mixed-integer linear program (MILP) is formulated that explicitly accommodate multiple priority requests from different modes of vehicles and pedestrians while simultaneously considering coordination and vehicle actuation. Signal coordination is achieved by integrating virtual coordination requests for priority in the formulation. A penalty is added to the objective function when the signal coordination is not fulfilled. This “soft” signal coordination allows the signal plan to adjust itself to serve multiple priority requests that may be from different modes. The priority-optimal signal timing is responsive to real-time actuations of non-priority demand by allowing phases to extend and gap out using traditional vehicle actuation logic. The proposed control method is compared with state-of-practice transit signal priority (TSP) both under the optimized signal timing plans using microscopic traffic simulation. The simulation experiments show that the proposed control model is able to reduce average bus delay, average pedestrian delay, and average passenger car delay, especially for highly congested condition with a high frequency of transit vehicle priority requests.  相似文献   

Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) are marketed for their increased safety, driving comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased processing power, and precision control, they also offer unprecedented opportunities for energy efficient driving. This paper is an attempt to highlight the energy saving potential of connected and automated vehicles based on first principles of motion, optimal control theory, and a review of the vast but scattered eco-driving literature. We explain that connectivity to other vehicles and infrastructure allows better anticipation of upcoming events, such as hills, curves, slow traffic, state of traffic signals, and movement of neighboring vehicles. Automation allows vehicles to adjust their motion more precisely in anticipation of upcoming events, and save energy. Opportunities for cooperative driving could further increase energy efficiency of a group of vehicles by allowing them to move in a coordinated manner. Energy efficient motion of connected and automated vehicles could have a harmonizing effect on mixed traffic, leading to additional energy savings for neighboring vehicles.  相似文献   

Urban air quality is generally poor at traffic intersections due to variations in vehicles’ speeds as they approach and leave. This paper examines the effect of traffic, vehicle and road characteristics on vehicular emissions with a view to understand a link between emissions and the most likely influencing and measurable characteristics. It demonstrates the relationships of traffic, vehicle and intersection characteristics with vehicular exhaust emissions and reviews the traffic flow and emission models. Most studies have found that vehicular exhaust emissions near traffic intersections are largely dependent on fleet speed, deceleration speed, queuing time in idle mode with a red signal time, acceleration speed, queue length, traffic-flow rate and ambient conditions. The vehicular composition also affects emissions. These parameters can be quantified and incorporated into the emission models. There is no validated methodology to quantify some non-measurable parameters such as driving behaviour, pedestrian activity, and road conditions  相似文献   

Autonomous vehicles have the potential to improve link and intersection traffic behavior. Computer reaction times may admit reduced following headways and increase capacity and backwards wave speed. The degree of these improvements will depend on the proportion of autonomous vehicles in the network. To model arbitrary shared road scenarios, we develop a multiclass cell transmission model that admits variations in capacity and backwards wave speed in response to class proportions within each cell. The multiclass cell transmission model is shown to be consistent with the hydrodynamic theory. This paper then develops a car following model incorporating driver reaction time to predict capacity and backwards wave speed for multiclass scenarios. For intersection modeling, we adapt the legacy early method for intelligent traffic management (Bento et al., 2013) to general simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment models. Empirical results on a city network show that intersection controls are a major bottleneck in the model, and that the legacy early method improves over traffic signals when the autonomous vehicle proportion is sufficiently high.  相似文献   

The present paper describes how to use coordination between neighbouring intersections in order to improve the performance of urban traffic controllers. Both the local MPC (LMPC) introduced in the companion paper (Hao et al., 2018) and the coordinated MPC (CMPC) introduced in this paper use the urban cell transmission model (UCTM) (Hao et al., 2018) in order to predict the average delay of vehicles in the upstream links of each intersection, for different scenarios of switching times of the traffic lights at that intersection. The feedback controller selects the next switching times of the traffic light corresponding to the shortest predicted average delay. While the local MPC (Hao et al., 2018) only uses local measurements of traffic in the links connected to the intersection in comparing the performance of different scenarios, the CMPC approach improves the accuracy of the performance predictions by allowing a control agent to exchange information about planned switching times with control agents at all neighbouring intersections. Compared to local MPC the offline information on average flow rates from neighbouring intersections is replaced in coordinated MPC by additional online information on when the neighbouring intersections plan to send vehicles to the intersection under control. To achieve good coordination planned switching times should not change too often, hence a cost for changing planned schedules from one decision time to the next decision time is added to the cost function. In order to improve the stability properties of CMPC a prediction of the sum of squared queue sizes is used whenever some downstream queues of an intersection become too long. Only scenarios that decrease this sum of squares of local queues are considered for possible implementation. This stabilization criterion is shown experimentally to further improve the performance of our controller. In particular it leads to a significant reduction of the queues that build up at the edges of the traffic region under control. We compare via simulation the average delay of vehicles travelling on a simple 4 by 4 Manhattan grid, for traffic lights with pre-timed control, traffic lights using the local MPC controller (Hao et al., 2018), and coordinated MPC (with and without the stabilizing condition). These simulations show that the proposed CMPC achieves a significant reduction in delay for different traffic conditions in comparison to these other strategies.  相似文献   

The benefit of eco-driving of electric vehicles (EVs) has been studied with the promising connected vehicle (i.e. V2X) technology in recent years. Whereas, it is still in doubt that how traffic signal control affects EV energy consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the interactions between the traffic signal control and EV energy consumption. This research aims at studying the energy efficiency and traffic mobility of the EV system under V2X environment. An optimization model is proposed to meet both operation and energy efficiency for an EV transportation system with both connected EVs (CEVs) and non-CEVs. For CEVs, a stage-wise approximation model is implemented to provide an optimal speed control strategy. Non-CEVs obey a car-following rule suggested by the well-known Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) to achieve eco-driving. The eco-driving EV system is then integrated with signal control and a bi-objective and multi-stage optimization problem is formulated. For such a large-scale problem, a hybrid intelligent algorithm merging genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is implemented. At last, a validation case is performed on an arterial with four intersections with different traffic demands. Results show that cycle-based signal control could improve both traffic mobility and energy saving of the EV system with eco-driving compared to a fixed signal timing plan. The total consumed energy decreases as the CEV penetration rate augments in general.  相似文献   

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