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王术峰 《集装箱化》1994,(2):12-16,32
国内支线运输,干支线责任及风险划分依据中转港与非中转港的运输条款而定。  相似文献   

随着新冠肺炎疫情在国内外不断蔓延和中美贸易摩擦的持续升级,我国粮食的生产、储存、运输等引起公共关注。针对上述各方关切内容,梳理我国粮食年产量、人均占有量、库存消费量等发展情况,重点分析我国沿海地区粮食外贸接卸情况和内贸“北粮南运”体系发展情况,研究我国沿海港口粮食内、外贸运输格局,总结粮食专业化码头现状布局情况及存在的问题,提出我国外贸粮食主要以大豆进口为主,大部分服务于粮油加工临港产业,接卸港主要布局在广州港、日照港、天津港、青岛港等;内贸粮食以“北粮南运”为主,格局基本稳定,其中辽宁沿海区域的丹东港、大连港、营口港、锦州港、葫芦岛港为北方主要装船港,长三角区域的苏州港、南通港、泰州港和珠三角的深圳港、东莞港、广州港为主要接卸中转港;宁波舟山港则表现出较明显的外贸进口转内贸出口的物流特征,上海港的传统粮食中转功能有所减弱,浙南、东南沿海区域粮食中转接卸码头布局宜进一步加强。  相似文献   

近年来,全球经济发展格局出现深刻变化,包括中国在内的新兴经济体快速崛起,世界经济发展重心加快向新兴经济体和发展中国家转移,全球价值链和供应链也在加快向发展中国家延伸.全球经济乃至供应链体系的调整,不仅需要加强区域经济合作,特别是在发展中国家之间的经济合作与交流,也将由此带动全球交通运输网络及物流服务体系的布局调整,将推动新的交通运输与物流枢纽,新的贸易线路与交通运输廊道的加快形成与发展.  相似文献   

罗刚毅 《水运管理》1999,(12):32-34
深圳地处我国南大门,西邻珠江口,东濒大鹏湾,南接香港,拥有盐田港、蛇口港、赤湾港等天然的深水良港,是我国联结海内外重要的交通枢纽。这一优越的自然条件和特殊的地理位置是深圳得天独厚的优势。随着内地经济的持续发展,深圳港已逐渐成为华南地区除香港之外的另一个国际中转港。香港国际航运中心包括香港港口和深圳港口两个国际中转港的格局已初步形成,深圳港对香港航运中心的补充作用已为业界认可,并且也为其带来了新的发展机遇。一、深圳航运业已初具规模经过15年的建设,深圳的航运业已初具规模。1996年、1997年深圳…  相似文献   

中国经济的繁荣与活跃,催生出一大批千万富翁、亿万富豪,加之不断扩大中的中产阶级,消费人群增长速度之快令全球奢侈品巨头瞠目。中国将成为全球顶级品牌产业在未来数年内的下一个增长区域。中国预计将在2010年超过日本,成为全球顶级品牌市场的最大买家。而在高尔夫等一系列会所消费模式之后,游艇俱乐部无疑是高端人群消费的一个新趋势。  相似文献   

在世界班轮运输发展历程中,已经经历了以集装箱运输、多式联运和中转运输变革为主要特征的三次革命性变革。预期,随着巴拿马运河船闸的扩大和新巴拿马型特大集装箱船的问世,世界班轮运输将发生第四次革命。巨型集装箱船的出现以及它所引起的服务模式的变化,必将对港口产生巨大影响。这种特大型集装箱船及支线船将开展赤道航线服务和支持性支线服务。为适应这种新的服务模式,将出现新型港口模式──纯中转港。纯中转港将完成大量中转业务,其规模远远超过现有最大码头的吞吐量。新的纯中转港将采取全新布局和新的装卸技术,以浮码头作为…  相似文献   

代表全球集装箱运输发展的太平洋航线、亚欧航线和大西洋航线以及亚洲区域航线,在进入新世纪后将因世界经贸发展格局的变化而出现新的竞争态势,从过去以来,这种趋势已日益明显。  相似文献   

首先应当明确:什么是“国际深水中转港”?什么是“国际航运中心”?然后才能研讨“建设国际深水中转港”和“建设国际航运中心”的必要性、可能性以及中国是否具备主客观建设条件? 我个人认为,在中国沿海重点建设大窑湾、湄州湾、北仑、盐田等四个“国际深水中转港”及把上海港建成“国际航运中心”的计划和决策,都是脱离中国客观实际的主观愿望,可能会给国家带来经济损失,理由是: (一)“国际深水中转港”和“国际航运中心”,必须有较大量的第三国进出口货物来港中转;否则只能成为中国的“外贸深水港”和“本国航运中心”,而不能称“国际中转港”和国际航运中心”。试想,这四个深水港(区)建成后,除可装卸中国的进出口船货外。  相似文献   

"黄金水道"——长江是连接我国东、中、西部七省两市三大经济地区重要的经济纽带.长江流域七省二市经济总量占我国经济总量超40%,经济活动繁忙、体量巨大,而长江是货运量位居全球内河第一的黄金水道,在区域发展总体格局中具有重要战略地位.伴随国家"一带一路"建设,以及我国对外开放区域向内陆拓展、制造业向中西部转移及互联网经济发展,长江经济带在世界经济格局中的地位日益重要.  相似文献   

叶进  孙珽 《中国水运》2006,6(1):137-138
对大型中转港中转危险品集装箱管理中的一个漏洞的形成、产生的后果及如何解决此漏洞作了分析,目的是提高船舶航行的安全度.  相似文献   

第四代港口对中国港口建设的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旨在探讨第四代港口对中国港口建设的重要启示,以期为新形势下的中国港口建设提供理论支撑。基于前期研究及联合国贸发会的港口代际发展模型,研究并指出第四代港口是积极主动参与国际经贸决策和组织各类经济活动的前方调度总站,分析了第四代港口的主要特征及其对我国港口建设的重要启示。主要结论是:中国港口建设应大力发展和吸引陆向腹地物流,进一步加强国际航运中心建设以及优化港口布局。  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom has it that, because of locational and other advantages, transit trade and transport, especially maritime transport, could be expected to play a major role in the development process of the Baltic States which was expected to follow their renewed independence in 1991. This paper secks to evaluate this proposition. The first section of the paper provides a brief account of the present state of the shipping and port sectors in the three Baltic republics and offers some speculation about likely future developments. The following section considers whether there is any historical basis for the presumption in favour of transit trade. The paper concludes with a somewhat speculative discussion of whether the Baltic States might be expected to possess any long run comparative advantage in maritime transport. It is suggested that in this respect a distinction should be made between ports and shipping and that in a more prosperous future, shipping, in particular, might be expected to decline in importance.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern of the global shipping network and its hub-and-spoke system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Port system is a research focus of transport geography, and most studies believe carriers are important factors in the development and concentration of the port system. Since the 1990s, carriers have played an important role in organizing the global shipping network and reorganizing the port system. But there isn’t a perfect method to evaluate carriers’ influence and the roles of each port in the maritime shipping networks. In this paper, we use the monthly schedule table of international carriers to describe and model the spatial pattern of the global shipping network and identify its hub-and-spoke system. The result shows that a hierarchical structure exists in the global shipping network. The North Hemisphere, especially the East Asia and the Southeast Asia, is a dominant region of the worldwide shipping network. East Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Europe, and East coast of the USA are the concentration regions of worldwide shipping lines. The ports of Hong Kong, Singapore, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Kaohsiung etc have advanced capacity for maritime shipping and high potentials for being hub ports in the global shipping network. Today, the worldwide shipping network is transforming from the multi-port calling system to 44 regional hub-and-spoke systems. Meanwhile, the sub-networks with hub ports of Antwerp, Singapore, and Hong Kong have become the most important ones and dominate the whole global shipping network.  相似文献   

Countries throughout the world, and especially within Asia, are investing heavily in container port infrastructure in the hopes of capturing a larger share of global shipping activity for their economies. Many existing ports are emphasizing developing the capacity to serve as a hub port, building deepwater berths with large terminals to facilitate transfer of containers from feeder ships to mother ships for intercontinental transport. We develop a game-theoretic best response framework for understanding how competitor ports will respond to development at a focus port, and whether the focus port will be able to capture or defend market share by building additional capacity. We apply this model to investment and competition currently occurring between the ports of Busan and Shanghai.  相似文献   

东亚港口基于旺盛的贸易运输需求而在全球供应链体系中崛起,同时也因为港口拥挤等问题而存在降低贸易成本的空间。首先从全球供应链视角解析港口物流服务格局,突出了东亚地区、特别是中国港口的地位,评价港口物流的综合绩效和竞争状态,然后对发展趋势做出预测。研究发现:东亚港口将通过持续投资实现供给需求的动态平衡;日本地震引致的全球供应链重组将使港口物流服务发生结构性变化,东亚将加强跨国港口物流合作以满足区域经济一体化的要求。  相似文献   

随着海南自由贸易港建设的深入推进,我国将在海南实施更加开放的航运政策,建立与国际接轨的国际船舶登记制度,海南航运业将呈现新的特征.作者对海南自由贸易港建设背景下海南航运进行了展望,分析了未来海事管理工作面临的新考验,并提出海事部门要强化自身建设,不断推进海事治理能力和治理体系现代化,以适应高速发展的航运经济.  相似文献   

梳理和分析非洲港口发展格局和趋势能够为我国企业参与非洲港口投资、建设、运营提供参考。对非洲港口发展现状、特点和存在问题进行梳理和总结,展望未来发展趋势。与全球其他地区相比,非洲港口在全球海运贸易总规模中的份额较低,港口发展以装卸仓储等基础、传统服务为主,港城矛盾、堆场不足、集疏运通道不畅、现代化和信息化水平低等问题普遍存在。随着全球经济和经贸形势总体长驱稳定,非洲经济产业长期将维持稳定增长,未来非洲港口投资建设需求依旧旺盛,区域港口发展格局将不断演变,港产城一体化、陆上物流通道等建设将加快。  相似文献   

When China enters the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and becomes more involved in the global economy, her major seaports will be pivotal places where the international shipping and terminal operators interact, conflict and co-operate with the local and the central governments. To demonstrate and understand these interactions, this article analyzes the case of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), where the competition, co-operation and governance of Shanghai and Ningbo, the two largest ports on Chinese mainland, concern all stakeholders from the central and local governments of China to the container terminal operators and shipping lines overseas.

This paper first develops a conceptual framework for analyzing port development in a regional context. The article then introduces the case of the Shanghai International Shipping Center with a focus on the efforts of the Shanghai Government to establish a regional hub port, which also involves two nearby provinces. This case study reveals the course of the decision-making processes and the power networks currently governing the port development in the YRD. Two domains of port governance are discussed: the role of port authorities in port internal governance, and the crucial influences of local and central governments on the port external governance. It provides evidence that the power of shipping lines and international terminal operators are not as prevalent as in many ports in western countries. It is suggested that the lack of good regional port governance in the region is due to structural problems in administration.  相似文献   


Maritime shipping necessitates flexible and cost-effective port access worldwide through the global shipping network. This paper presents an efficient method to identify major port communities, and analyses the network connectivity of the global shipping network based on community structure. The global shipping network is represented by a signless Laplacian matrix which can be decomposed to generate its eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues. The largest gaps between the eigenvalues were then used to determine the optimal number of communities within the network. The eigenvalue decomposition method offers the advantage of detecting port communities without relying on a priori assumption about the number of communities and the size of each community. By applying this method to a dataset collected from seven world leading liner shipping companies, we found that the ports are clustered into three communities in the global container shipping network, which is consistent with the major container trade routes. The sparse linkages between port communities indicate where access is relatively poor.  相似文献   

In the past decades, a multilayer transshipment network of bulk shipping has been formed along the Yangtze River so as to support the fast development of Chinese iron and steel industry. Yet with the decrease of iron ore trade in China since 2014, the bulk port system on Yangtze River probably will be subject to change in the future. Under this background, this paper aims to analyze the development potential of Yangtze River bulk ports system with a focus on iron ore transshipment. To realize this objective, we firstly sort out the main transshipment patterns of bulk shipping, and optimize the bulk-shipping network with an optimization model. Several scenarios are then proposed and examined in the model by changing corresponding parameters. Cooperation among ports as one scenario is analyzed by applying core theory in cooperative game. Based on the changes of transshipment plans observed under the various scenarios, we finally ascertain the different development potentials of the system, and provide suggestions to the port operators and local maritime authorities.  相似文献   

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