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文章通过对广西北部湾港粉尘污染类型和防治措施的研究,提出粉尘污染控制存在的问题,指出防风网在防风抑尘方面的应用优势,对防风网的抑尘机理及应用情况进行了总结,并提出了广西北部湾港应用防风网技术的对策。  相似文献   

文章基于分形布朗运动(FBM)粒子追踪法建立赤潮迁移扩散模型,模拟了我国沿海某次赤潮爆发事件,分析了该模型在此次赤潮迁移扩散模拟中的可靠性。模拟结果表明,赤潮的扩散趋势与实际情况较为相符,可为今后北部湾海域应对赤潮海洋灾害提供参考。  相似文献   

连金英(北京市远东律师事务所律师,中国交通企业管理协会法律工作委员会研究中心庄任) 交通运输领域针对环境污染的法规有《海洋环境保护法》、《水污染防治法》、《大气污染防治法》和《防止船舶污染海域管理条例》等法规以及《防止船舶污染海域管理条例》、《汽车排气污染监督管理办法》等有关规定。  相似文献   

本文基于MCT耦合器,采用WRF、ROMS和SWAN模型,充分考虑海气相互作用和波流相互作用,建立了一个风-浪-流耦合数值模式,并利用该模式模拟计算了台风"启德"作用下北部湾海域的风浪过程和风暴潮过程,通过实测资料对耦合模式进行了验证,结果表明该模式具有较高的精度,能合理地描述风浪、潮汐风暴潮过程及其相互作用,可较好地应用于北部湾海域风暴潮及风浪的模拟和研究。  相似文献   

文章阐述了船舶污染对海洋、对人类带来的巨大的危害,从而论述了防治船舶污染的重要性。作者通过造成船舶污染的大量事实依据,分析了我国在船舶防污染工作的现状和所存在的问题,并提出了积极的对策和建议。  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月20日,《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》(以下简称《防污条例》)宣贯会召开。据悉,《防污条例》将于3月1日起正式施行。《防污条例》对1983年颁布的《中华人民共和国防止船舶污染海域管理条例》进行了全面修改,以"预防为主、  相似文献   

政策法规全国海洋功能区划公布明确八类海洋功能区管理要求国家海洋局日前公布了《全国海洋功能区划(2011-2020年)》,对中国管辖海域未来十年的开发利用和环境保护作出全面部署和具体安排。《区划》划分了包括港口航运在内的八类海洋功能区,  相似文献   

在海域的港口、航道的勘察、施工中离不开潮位测量,随着卫星定位技术的发展,RTK(相位差分)定位将精度提高到厘米级,利用RTK进行潮位测量将使北部湾海域勘察施工在质量、效率等方面有较大提升,文章主要针对利用RTK展开的实时动态高程(潮位)测量进行研究。  相似文献   

全国海洋功能区划公布明确八类海洋功能区管理要求 国家海洋局日前公布了《全国海洋功能区划(2011—2020年)》,对中国管辖海域未来十年的开发利用和环境保护作出全面部署和具体安排。《区划》划分了包括港口航运在内的八类海洋功能区,并提出了各类功能区管理要求。  相似文献   

文章分析了环北部湾区域拆船行业的发展前景及船舶拆解带来的安全、健康和污染问题,对拆船行业的建设、实施和相关部门如何履行职责提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

Maximum time lengths of urban trips can be used to calculate major user benefits of transportation improvements. These benefits include those associated with reduced cost of travel, those associated with travel to additional destinations, and those associated with improved quality of destinations. Maximum trip lengths can be measured using techniques of psychological scaling.  相似文献   

The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with road construction activities are analyzed. The main focus of this analysis is on the vehicle emissions associated with alternative project staging approaches, specifically a full closure of the road during construction, versus an intermittent road closure. The analysis includes the direct and upstream emissions associated with materials, construction equipment, mobilization of resources to the work site, and maintenance activity associated with the project over its lifetime. The analysis is based on one case study of a road project in New Jersey. The assumptions underlying the staging analysis are based on hypothetical approaches. Results provide an assessment of the main sources of project related emissions and the ability to minimize total project emissions by minimizing traffic disruption. In the analysis with a full closure of the road, traffic disruption accounts for 26% of total emissions, while with an intermittent road closure, traffic disruption accounts for only 2% of total emissions. The other main sources are from materials and life-cycle maintenance. The analysis demonstrates the feasibility of minimizing project related GHG emissions during road construction activities.  相似文献   

How and why travel contributes to our life satisfaction is of considerable import for transportation policy and planning. This paper empirically examines this relationship using data from the American Time Use Survey. It finds that, controlling for relevant demographic, geographic, and temporal covariates, travel time per day is significantly and positively associated with life satisfaction. This relationship is attenuated, but still significant, when the amount of time spent participating in out-of-home activities is controlled for. Time spent bicycling is strongly associated with higher life satisfaction, though it attains significance only in some models; time spent walking is also quite positive, though it is not significant. However, both walking and bicycling are positively and significantly associated with life satisfaction when time spent on purely recreational walking and bicycling is included. Life satisfaction is positively and significantly associated with time spent traveling for the purposes of eating and drinking, religious activities, volunteering, and playing and watching sports. Travel time exhibits a strong positive relationship with life satisfaction in smaller towns and cities, but in large cities the association weakens, and for very large cities travel time may actually not be associated with life satisfaction at all. This may be due to the costs of traffic congestion, which disproportionately exists in large cities. In all, while the associations between travel and life satisfaction are clear, the causal story is complex, with the positive relationships potentially being explained by (1) travel allowing us to access destinations that make us happy, (2) the act of travel itself being fulfilling, and/or (3) intrinsically happier people being more likely to travel. In all likelihood, all three factors are at play.  相似文献   


This paper presents a decision support methodology for long-range planning of transport systems that exhibits strategic flexibility and stochastic system parameters. Unlike one-off strategic decisions, flexible decisions should be dynamically reformulated with time. The proposed methodology is based on the construction of a tree structure of multiple interlinked tactical planning problems, each associated with a scenario in the tree, where problems under scenarios at intermediate dates incorporate in their formulation the solution of the corresponding problems associated with past (future) connected scenarios. The resulting tree structure of interconnected planning decisions becomes a strategic-tactical decision support system that allows managers to formulate suitable flexible strategic decisions that mitigate the consequences associated with downside scenarios while taking advantage of the upside opportunities. The methodology is applied to the planning of a fleet deployment through charter contracts where contract prices depend on both market behavior and the duration of the contract itself.  相似文献   

Urban populations transport risk perception is interesting because it is associated with travel mode choices and use. This study investigates changes in transport-related risk constructs in the urban population in Norway in 2004 and 2013, and describes whether people perceive private or public to be associated with the highest risk. The results are based on self-completion questionnaire surveys conducted in two independent representative samples living in the same urban areas in 2004 (n?=?592) and 2013 (n?=?1035). Overall, the respondents perceived the risk as lower in 2013 than in 2004. For both time periods, people consistently assessed the risk constructs related to private motorized transportation as higher than corresponding risk in public transportation. The findings suggest that while transportation risk perception in urban populations may change over time, the pattern that private motorized transportation is associated with a higher perceived risk than public transportation remains stable.  相似文献   

The growth in container shipping poses considerable challenges to efforts to reduce the negative externalities associated with freight transport. There are particular concerns about the impacts of the associated port-hinterland freight flows. Through empirical research, this paper examines trends in the operational efficiency of the British port-hinterland container rail freight market and to assess the impacts of any changes on the overall sustainability of this market. Original survey work conducted in 2007 and 2015 has allowed longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of the characteristics of this market.The survey findings reveal that rail’s mode share of port container throughput (in TEU) has increased from 14.7% in 2007 to 16.6% in 2015 and it is likely that its share of the associated hinterland activity has also risen. Rail was carrying 25% more TEU by 2015 without an increase in train service provision. Increases in mean train capacity and mean load factor were observed, leading to growth in the mean train load from 44 TEU in 2007 to 55 TEU in 2015. This considerable improvement in operational efficiency is expected to have reduced the negative externalities per unit of transport activity associated with the rail-borne hinterland container flows, though scope is identified for further improvements in sustainability.  相似文献   

Under certain assumptions, values of travel time (VOT) can be divided into two parts: one associated with travel (i.e., the value of reducing travel time disutility) and the other associated with activities (the shadow price of time). The empirical results of combining RP and SP data showed that the VOT of travel was greater than that of activity. The results also showed that SP experiments that did not take or only took part of activities into consideration would underestimate VOT.  相似文献   

With a growing urban population, it is crucial to maintain and develop environmentally friendly transport modes. However, while one of the most important indicators of environmental performance is water use, very few studies have quantified the total water requirements associated with different transport modes.This study uses input-output analysis to quantify the total water requirements of different passenger-transport modes in Melbourne, Australia, including the direct and indirect water requirements of petrol cars, regional diesel trains and electric metropolitan trains.Results show that urban electric trains are the least water intensive transport mode (3.4 L/pkm) followed by regional diesel trains (5.2 L/pkm) and petrol cars (6.4 L/pkm). These intensities result in average daily per capita transport-related water use that can be greater than residential water use. Findings also show that occupancy rates greatly affect the water intensity of transport modes and that when occupied by five passengers, cars are the least water intensive transport mode. Finally, this study shows that water use associated with transport depends on a range of factors across the supply chain and that indirect requirements associated with operations, including administration, advertisement, servicing and others, can represent a significant share of the total. Reducing the total water requirements of transport modes is therefore a shared responsibility between all the actors involved and integrated action plans are needed in order to reduce water use associated with transport.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to uncover the main antecedents associated with driving errors among older drivers in order to establish a framework for analyzing potential skill improvements using other approaches, for example, games. The article also aims at classifying age-related declines in seniors' abilities associated with their driving performance. The research undertakes an analysis of attempts made through the investigation of the literature. We have systematically searched papers and extracted (1) prevalent driving errors among seniors and (2) underlying age-related declines in seniors' abilities associated with their driving performance. We have also identified some characteristics of the research in this area (e.g. the research methods and geographical distribution of the research). Our expert panel mapped the functional declines in seniors' abilities to the driving errors to identify the relationship between these findings. A reliability test resulted in 81% reliability of findings. We have identified eight groups of driving errors, which could be affected by physical, visual, and cognitive declines among seniors. According to the experts' opinions, the underlying relationship of physical, visual, and cognitive declines among seniors and their driving errors were also presented. Our findings show that there is a potential for the use of innovative interventions such as playing video games to create an inexpensive, motivational, and enjoyable method that may provide a transfer effect to specific driving skills. This could help improve seniors' driving performance by improving specific functional abilities associated with driving.  相似文献   

Public institutions and private companies all around the world agree that road transport is one of the main sectors responsible for global warming. With this in mind, all of them have designed actions to increase efficiency and reduce fuel consumption and emissions. A favorite for the companies is eco-driving because it can improve the fleet performance without a great investment. However, although these programs have achieved promising results in the majority of the experiences, the figures are not so encouraging in the long term. In many cases this decrease is produced by fuzzy reward programs or the total lack of them. Nevertheless, any coherent reward program, in order to be effective, must be associated with a complete and fair evaluation process which takes into account all the different aspects and complexities related with driving. In this paper, we propose a formal characterization of an efficient driving evaluation process which starts with a review of many different driving recommendation systems. These recommendations are used as seeds to build a set of formal competences that any eco driver must have, as well as the learning outcomes associated with each competence. A set of patterns of driving behaviors are defined, that allow confirming any of the learning outcomes. The definition also comprises a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each learning outcome. These KPIs allow measuring the progress associated with each competence. Finally, we also propose some relevant differences that must be taken into account for the goals associated with each KPI, depending on the domain of application: type and road geometry, vehicle type (automatic or manual, passengers, cargo or not, public or private), amount of traffic, weather. Some examples of this driver characterization have been included to demonstrate the process.  相似文献   

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