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<正>"目前,在欠发达县市实施城"乡公交一体化还存在着诸多困难,但实施城乡公交一体化是统筹城乡发展的迫切要求,是党和国家"惠农"的战略决策,各相关部门要早部署、早规划、早行动,合力促进城乡公交一体化早日开展。"实施城乡公交一体化,是在新农村建设和城乡统筹发展战略的大背景下提出的,它根据城乡旅客运输发展的客观要求,改革现有的城乡客运管理模式,打破原来城市公交与农村客运二元分割的局面,利用公交化运作方式,充分发挥客运资源效益最大化,以达到城乡公交相互衔接、资源共享,使农民  相似文献   

虽然很多地方存经济发展规划或交通发展规划中部提出了城乡道路客运一体化这一说法,但是对十城乡道路客运一体化的具体含义一般都没有涉及,也就是说到目前为止,还没有一个确切的广为大家认可的关于城乡道路客运一体化的概念。并且,实践中还有一些意义相关的说法,例如城乡交通一体化、城乡公交一体化、客运城乡一体化、农村客运公交化、道  相似文献   

文章基于钦州市城乡客运的现状,阐述了钦州市城乡客运存在的安全保障问题及其原因,提出了加强城乡客运运输安全保障的主要对策。  相似文献   

城乡公交一体化就是根据城乡旅客运输发展的客观要求,为适应城乡一体化需要,采取一系列措施,改革现有的城乡客运管理模式,打破原来城市公交与农村客运二元分割的局面,利用公交化运作方式,发挥客运资源效益最大化。  相似文献   

<正>改革城乡客运管理模式打破城市公交与农村客运二元分割的局面采用多样化的手段、用有效可行的模式改造城乡公交,合力促进偏远山区县市城乡公交一体化的早日开展。"偏远山区的农村客运发展没有达到与公路通村同步发展,农村客运网络还不健全,而且城市公交发展缓慢,经营效益不尽人意,假如在县城城市公交运营还不够成熟的情况下推进城乡公交一体化建设,以求"一步到位",恐怕会欲速而则不达。  相似文献   

2011年9月16日,交通运输部在江苏省溧阳市召开推进城乡客运一体化发展现场会。会议要求,充分发挥政府在城乡客运发展中的主导性作用,加大政策支持力度,促进城乡道路客运一体化健康发展,让城乡居民出行更加便捷、安全、满意度更高。除了溧阳经验,城乡公交一体化其他方面值得关注的  相似文献   

文章基于广西河池市城乡公交客运发展情况,分析了发展城乡公交客运存在的问题,提出了加快城乡公交客运发展的建议,为河池市加快发展城乡公交客运提供思路。  相似文献   

正全国大多数城市的城乡公交一体化改造进程都是颇多周折,而宜兴市无论是2010年全面完成城乡客运班线公车公营改造,还是2013年全部实现公交化运营,都是那么顺理成章、水到渠成。"宜兴市的城乡公交一体化改造和全国大多数城市一样,经历了由承包经营到公车公营再到公交化运营的过程,只不过我们做的早一些,方法和规划更加合理一些。"宜兴市公路客运有限公司、宜兴市城乡公交有限公司总经理茅军龙说。  相似文献   

通过分析当前青海省城乡道路旅客运输市场的现状和存在的问题,结合湟中县在发展城乡公共交通客运工作的经验和做法,就推进全省城乡公交客运一体化工作提出对策建议。  相似文献   

目前,青岛即墨、胶州、黄岛区西城区已实现城乡公交一体化,而平度、莱西的城乡公交一体化工作正在紧锣密鼓的开展。7月14日,据交运集团(青岛)董事长刘永康表示,各区市实现城乡公交一体化后,青岛市区至各区市的客运班线将公交化,票价将会有一定幅度的下降,市民出行更加便利。  相似文献   

This paper compares different optimization strategies for the minimization of flight and passenger delays at two levels: pre-tactical, with on-ground delay at origin, and tactical, with airborne delay close to the destination airport. The optimization model is based on the ground holding problem and uses various cost functions. The scenario considered takes place in a busy European airport and includes realistic values of traffic. A passenger assignment with connections at the hub is modeled. Statistical models are used for passenger and connecting passenger allocation, minimum time required for turnaround and tactical noise; whereas uncertainty is also introduced in the model for tactical noise. Performance of the various optimization processes is presented and compared to ration by schedule results.  相似文献   

基于旅客特性的离站静态标识空间布局设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路客运枢纽是城市内外交通衔接的纽带,铁路客运站内部的离站交通标识对旅客在铁路客运站中安全快速流动和转移起到了重要作用。如何使旅客舒适快捷地离站,不仅是离站旅客也是铁路客运枢纽管理者所密切关心的问题。文章从标识的基本概念出发,对静态交通标识进行详细分类,基于旅客特性,对静态标识的摆放位置进行研究,并建立各类静态标识高度设计模型,为大中型铁路客运枢纽中的静态标识空间布局设计提供参考。  相似文献   

文章从人、车、路、环境及管理等方面入手,介绍了我国农村客运安全生产的现状,分析了当前农村客运安全管理所面临的主要问题,并结合我国农村客运特点,提出了针对性的农村客运安全管理措施。  相似文献   

Realizing the dominance of petrol-driven passenger cars of MUL over the fleet of cars in India, a case study of different models of petrol-driven passenger cars of Maruti reporting at an authorized service station of M/s R.K.B.K. Automobiles, Gorakhpur was taken up and the tailpipe emissions along with individual vehicle-related parameters were monitored for idle and fast idle test conditions. The outcome of the study relating to the effect of various vehicle-related parameters on CO and HC emissions of petrol-driven passenger cars of Maruti has led to the useful inferences, which can be used not only for predicting the emission of vehicles with respect to vehicle age and mileage, but also for automobile manufacturing sector to help them produce such environmentally benign petrol-driven passenger cars having long-lasting compliance of pollution control systems with respect to vehicle age and mileage of the petrol-driven passenger cars in the country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue using an agent-based simulation approach. Simulation results show that passenger mix (that is, the mix of shopper types according to a typology of airport shoppers) has a profound effect on airport retail revenue; the larger the number of ‘shopping lovers’ there are among passengers, the higher the airport retail revenue. Results also reveal that group travel can lead to negative effects on retail in certain terminal layouts, and that the amount of free dwell time that a passenger has can affect spending due to less retail engagement. This paper shows a combined effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue, and discusses the implications of these results for future airport terminal design that aims to maximise retail potential.  相似文献   

公路客运峰谷现象明显,在运能、运力有限的情况下,如何才能更好地满足客运高峰期(如春运)的交通需求是政府和企业的一项重要课题。现有的政策并没有使有限的客运资源得到最合理的利用,给能源和环境都带来了一定的影响。文章较系统地从企业和政府两个角度论述了建立班车报停制度的必要性和可行性,通过对客运线路的调查,对公路客运班车报停制度的社会经济效益作了定性和定量分析。  相似文献   

文章根据城乡道路覆盖城际、城市、城乡、镇村四级客运网络的生产特点,以城市公交、城际客运和农村客运为研究对象,将其应急处置对象分为运输在途不安全因素及不同态势突发事件。在此基础上,提出了科学合理的驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的系列规范,规范了驾驶员的安全行车要求和现场应急处置,以及客运企业的应急响应流程和响应措施。对进一步提升驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的处置能力,降低城乡道路客运安全事故发生率及事故后的人员伤亡和财产损失,具有重要的社会效益。  相似文献   


In recent years, public transport has been developing rapidly and producing large amounts of traffic data. Emerging big data-mining techniques enable the application of these data in a variety of ways. This study uses bus intelligent card (IC card) data and global positioning system (GPS) data to estimate passenger boarding and alighting stations. First, an estimation model for boarding stations is introduced to determine passenger boarding stations. Then, the authors propose an innovative uplink and downlink information identification model (UDI) to generate information for estimating alighting stations. Subsequently, the estimation model for the alighting stations is introduced. In addition, a transfer station identification model is also developed to determine transfer stations. These models are applied to Yinchuan, China to analyze passenger flow characteristics and bus operations. The authors obtain passenger flows based on stations (stops), bus lines, and traffic analysis zones (TAZ) during weekdays and weekends. Moreover, average bus operational speeds are obtained. These findings can be used in bus network planning and optimization as well as bus operation scheduling.  相似文献   

Short-term passenger flow forecasting is a vital component of transportation systems. The forecasting results can be applied to support transportation system management such as operation planning, and station passenger crowd regulation planning. In this paper, a hybrid EMD-BPN forecasting approach which combines empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and back-propagation neural networks (BPN) is developed to predict the short-term passenger flow in metro systems. There are three stages in the EMD-BPN forecasting approach. The first stage (EMD Stage) decomposes the short-term passenger flow series data into a number of intrinsic mode function (IMF) components. The second stage (Component Identification Stage) identifies the meaningful IMFs as inputs for BPN. The third stage (BPN Stage) applies BPN to perform the passenger flow forecasting. The historical passenger flow data, the extracted EMD components and temporal factors (i.e., the day of the week, the time period of the day, and weekday or weekend) are taken as inputs in the third stage. The experimental results indicate that the proposed hybrid EMD-BPN approach performs well and stably in forecasting the short-term metro passenger flow.  相似文献   

Establishing how to utilize check-in counters at airport passenger terminals efficiently is a major concern facing airport operators and airlines. Inadequate terminal capacity and the inefficient utilization of facilities such as check-in counters are major factors causing congestion and delays at airport passenger terminals. However, such delays and congestion can be reduced by increasing the efficiency of check-in counter operations, based on an understanding of passengers' airport access behaviour. This paper presents an assignment model for check-in counter operations, based on passengers' airport arrival patterns. In setting up the model, passenger surveys are used to determine when passengers arrive at the airport terminals relative to their flight departure times. The model then uses passenger arrival distribution patterns to calculate the most appropriate number of check-in counters and the duration of time that each counter should be operated. This assignment model has been applied at the Seoul Gimpo International Airport in Korea. The model provides not only a practical system for the efficient operations of time-to-time check-in counter assignments, but also a valuable means of developing effective longer-term solutions to the problem of passenger terminal congestion and delays. It also offers airlines a means of operating check-in counters with greater cost effectiveness, thus leading to enhanced customer service.  相似文献   

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