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文章分析了广西机场客运快线的发展现状及存在的问题,探讨了广西机场客运快线的发展思路,并提出了加快全区机场客运快线发展的运营模式。  相似文献   

香港机场铁路是一条现代化高速铁路运输干线,提供两项服务;即大屿山线地区性集体运输和机场快线专线高速运输。它不仅为往来新机场的乘客提供快捷可靠的服务;而且可以缓解目前地铁走廓客运拥挤紧张状况,同时,促进沿线地区的发展。  相似文献   

<正>2014年7月交通工程福建龙岩通用航空机场开工。甘肃干塘至武威南增建二线铁路开工。广西河池山顶机场落成。贵州遵义机场快线公路通车。河北承秦高速公路石门寨连接线通车。河北怀来县旅游环湖公路开工。☆河北京秦高速公路迁安支线通车。  相似文献   

我国大型民用机场规划建设综合管廊渐成趋势,本文结合重庆机场综合管廊建设实践,对大型机场综合管廊线位规划建设进行了梳理总结,提出大型机场既要重视综合管廊的规划建设,又要因地制宜,综合分析可行性,在综合管廊规划建设之前应先进行机场公用设施节点、网络系统规划。本文研究可为今后大型机场综合管廊规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>广西动车开行对数破百高铁15个月"五级跳"3月20日零时起,广西将迎来2015年首次较大规模的列车运行图调整,届时广西动车组列车开行总对数将达到107.5对。这是广西动车组列车开行对数首次突破100对,距离高铁初开通仅隔15个月,一年多的时间增长了7倍。广西于2013年年底始有高铁,当时开行的动车组列车对数仅有12对。2014年以来,随着南广、贵广及南宁东站等一批高铁建设项目相继投产运营,南宁铁路局先后16次调整广西旅客列车开行方案,使广西动车组列车开行对数在15个月间实现了12对到18对、33.5对、90.5对、107.5对的"五级跳",动车通达广西区内10个地级市  相似文献   

中小机场的建设和发展有其不可或缺的作用和意义。基于经济驱动型、旅游驱动型以及交通驱动型而建设的机场对我国经济社会的发展起到了非常重要的作用。但是中小机场由于客货业务量少,其发展比较艰辛。本文借鉴美国中小机场的功能定位,提出了我国中小机场发展,需要明确功能定位、适当发展通用航空业务以及进行合理的规划和布局的发展策略及政策建议。  相似文献   

广西沿海铁路作为大西南的重要出海通道,是防城、钦州、北海等重要沿海港口主要的后方集疏运干线。文章提出了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的意义,预测了广西沿海铁路集装箱的运量,从经济与通过能力方面分析了广西沿海铁路开行双层集装箱列车的必要性。  相似文献   

铁路直通机场——运输业的新兴领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨瑛 《综合运输》1999,(3):36-38
<正> 伴随着国际航空运输 的快速增长,铁路直接联通 机场已成为当代发展最为 显著的方式。此举既促进了 航空事业,也为铁路运输开 辟了一个新兴市场。目前全 球范围内,铁路与机场的联 通线已有62条,正在兴建  相似文献   

简要介绍北京轨道交通机场线线路功能定位、交通制式选择、线路设计方案、技术标准、运营方案的研究情况。  相似文献   

本文以高速磁浮沪杭线和高速铁路京沪线的立项为背景,借鉴德国法兰克福机场空铁联运的实践,提出了上海机场空磁、空铁联运的设想;并探讨了上海机场空铁联运的实施策略和运营机制,提出了一些具体设想和建议。  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has become an established approach for analyzing and comparing efficiency results of corporate organizations or economic agents. It has also found wide application in comparative studies on airport efficiency. The standard DEA approach to comparative airport efficiency analysis has two feeble elements, viz. a methodological weakness and a substantive weakness. The methodological weakness originates from the choice of uniform efficiency improvement assessment, whereas the substantive weakness in airport efficiency analysis concerns the insufficient attention for short‐term and long‐term adjustment possibilities in the production inputs determining airport efficiency. The present paper aims to address both flaws by doing the following: (i) designing a data‐instigated distance friction minimization (DFM) model as a generalization of the standard Banker–Charnes–Cooper model with a view to the development of a more appropriate efficiency improvement projection model in the Banker–Charnes–Cooper version of DEA and (ii) including as factor inputs also lumpy or rigid factors that are characterized by short‐term indivisibility or inertia (and hence not suitable for short‐run flexible adjustment in new efficiency stages), as is the case for runways of airports. This so‐called fixed factor case will be included in the DFM submodel of the DEA. This extended DEA—with a DFM and a fixed factor component—will be applied to a comparative performance analysis of several major airports in Europe. Finally, our comparative study on airport efficiency analysis will be extended by incorporating also the added value of the presence of shopping facilities at airports for their relative economic performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The airport planning and decision making process exhibits various trade‐offs and complications due to the large number of stakeholders having different, and sometimes conflicting, objectives regarding the assessment of airport performance. As a result, the airport performance assessment necessitates the use of advanced modelling capabilities and decision support systems or tools in order to capture the multifaceted aspects, interests and measures of airport performance like capacity, delays, safety, security, noise and cost‐effectiveness. Presently, airport decision makers lack decision support tools able to provide an integrated view of total airport (both airside and landside) operations and analyse at a reasonable effort and decision‐oriented manner the various trade‐offs involved among different airport performance measures. The objective of this paper is twofold: (i) to describe the decision‐oriented modelling framework and development process of a decision support system for total airport operations management and planning, and (ii) to demonstrate the decision support capabilities and basic modelling functionalities of the proposed system. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


As the airport retail industry continues to grow due to increasing travel demands, airport operators are increasingly developing their retail revenue potential to ensure financial viability. This study aims to provide a review of airport retail literature and identify the salient factors associated with passenger shopping behaviour. The paper presents a review of contemporary airport retail literature, covering a total of 50 studies from 1998 to 2018. The review identified 26 factors, which could broadly be grouped into five categories: airport/operator related; passengers' demographic related; passengers’ travel related; passengers’ psychological related and passengers’ resources related. In addition to providing a summary of the statistically significant factors across studies, the review identifies and discusses potential approaches for future research. These include the importance of considering both “to spend or not” decision and how much to spend and how most empirical studies focussed on the former; the gap in empirical analysis on the impact of airport terminal design layout on retail performance; and the gap in application of general consumer shopping behavioural models to airport retail problems. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we can build on the existing studies to develop a hybrid approach to solve several of the identified gaps simultaneously.  相似文献   

This study, by integrating the perspectives of sociological, psychological, and service marketing and management, all of which affect the passenger experience, proposes a theoretical framework for the creation of the airport experience in relation to tourism. This research responds to the current phenomenon in which airports are offering other types of experiences within the airport terminal, expanding the role of an airport from being a utility for transportation into a place where various and different values can be offered. This research explores the current airport experience and adds to research on airport experience by clarifying ten key components necessary for airport passenger experience propositions based on existing research, the current industry phenomena, and the empirical study. The paper also underlines those components that can enhance passenger experience in relation to tourism and highlights the role that airports contribute to a destination.  相似文献   


Airport slot misuse disturbs the efficient and continuous operation of capacity-constrained airports, leading to congestion and delay problems. Deviations from the coordinated schedule in regional airport systems that feature seasonal demand and delays in certain peak periods are studied in this article. The Greek airport system is considered as a case study. Deviations are quantified by computing the difference between scheduled and actual aircraft arrival times as well as the hourly slot capacity utilization ratio. Two collective indicators for airport benchmarking are proposed. An in-depth analysis of slot allocation deviations and the delays they cause is carried out for a representative sample of airports that are classified according to the proposed indicators. A brief discussion on potential measures to mitigate slot misuse is also presented.  相似文献   

航空交通是现代文明的重要体现,是现代交通运输体系的一个重要组成部分。机场作为航空运输的重要载体,不仅要承担旅客的进港、候机、出港的任务,同时也要保障飞机有序安全地起降。机场供电的安全可靠,是保障机场正常运行的重要环节。本文通过对某一机场的供配电设计进行分析,对支线机场的供电提出合理的规划方案。  相似文献   

This paper applies multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods to the evaluation of solutions and alternatives for matching airport system airside (runway) capacity to demand. For such a purpose, ‘building a new runway’ is considered as the solution and candidate airports of the system as alternatives for implementing the solution. The alternative airports are characterized by their physical/spatial, operational, economic, environmental, and social performance represented by corresponding indicator systems which, after being defined and estimated under given operating scenarios, are used as evaluation attributes/criteria by the selected MCDM methods. Two MCDM methods – Simple Additive Weighting and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution – are applied to the case of the London airport system to rank and select the preferred alternative from three candidate airports – Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted – for where a new runway could be built.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential of Light Rail Rapid Transit (LRRT) to mitigate the environmental and social burden of ground access systems of an airport. This implies, on the one hand, LRRT's capability in mitigating externalities in terms of noise, air pollution/climate change, traffic incidents/accidents and congestion of airport ground access systems and, on the other, the provision of sufficient capacity to accommodate generally increasing volumes of both air passenger and airport employee demand by connecting the airport to its core catchment area. A methodology for assessing the capability of LRRT operating as an airport ground access system is developed. This methodology consists of models to analyze and predict demand and capacity for an LRRT system and models to quantify the externalities of particular airport ground access systems as well as assessing their prospective savings thanks to the introduction of an LRRT system. The methodology is applied to a large European airport – Amsterdam Schiphol (the Netherlands) – using a ‘what-if?’ scenario approach.  相似文献   

枢纽机场航线网络优化主要解决由于航线网络结构与功能定位不匹配而导致的机场连通性低、航线网络同质化竞争严重、运行效率低下的问题。通过改进引力模型对城市对间的客流量进行预测,以此为预测的客流量为依据之一,以提高机场连通性为目的,构建航线网络优化模型,并进行求解。实现提高枢纽机场连通性、构建符合功能定位的层级网络的目标。并以位于我国中部,具有"连接南北,贯穿东西"地理优势的西安咸阳国际机场为例进行分析。由于国际航线受客观因素较多,本文主要研究国内客运航线,国际及货运不在本文研究之列。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue using an agent-based simulation approach. Simulation results show that passenger mix (that is, the mix of shopper types according to a typology of airport shoppers) has a profound effect on airport retail revenue; the larger the number of ‘shopping lovers’ there are among passengers, the higher the airport retail revenue. Results also reveal that group travel can lead to negative effects on retail in certain terminal layouts, and that the amount of free dwell time that a passenger has can affect spending due to less retail engagement. This paper shows a combined effect of passenger characteristics and terminal layout on airport retail revenue, and discusses the implications of these results for future airport terminal design that aims to maximise retail potential.  相似文献   

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