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This paper proposes a novel heuristic to solve the network design problem for public transport in small-medium size cities. Such cities can be defined as those with a diameter of a few kilometers with up to a few hundred thousand residents. These urban centers present a specific spatial configuration affecting the land use and mobility system. Transportation demand is widespread in origin and concentrated in a small number of attraction points close to each other. This particular structure of demand (‘many-to-few’) suggests the need for specific methodologies for the design of a transit system at a network level. In this paper, such design methodologies are defined in terms of models and solution procedures and tested on a selected case study. The solution methods show promising results. The key variables of the model are the routes and their frequencies. The constraints of the problem affect the overall demand to be served, the quality of the proposed service (transfer, load factors) and the definition of routes. 相似文献
The transit network design problem is concerned with the finding of a set of routes with corresponding schedules for a public transport system. This problem belongs to the class of NP-Hard problem because of the vast search space and multiple constraints whose optimal solution is really difficult to find out. The paper develops a Population based model for the transit network design problem. While designing the transit network, we give preference to maximize the number of satisfied passengers, to minimize the total number of transfers, and to minimize the total travel time of all served passengers. Our approach to the transit network design problem is based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization. The Genetic Algorithm is similar to evolution strategy which iterates through fitness assessment, selection and breeding, and population reassembly. In this paper, we will show two different experimental results performed on known benchmark problems. We clearly show that results obtained by Genetic Algorithm with increasing population is better than so far best technique which is really difficult for future researchers to beat. 相似文献
This paper presents a transit network optimization method, in which travel time reliability on road is considered. A robust optimization model, taking into account the stochastic travel time, is formulated to satisfy the demand of passengers and provide reliable transit service. The optimization model aims to maximize the efficiency of passenger trips in the optimized transit network. Tabu search algorithm is defined and implemented to solve the problem. Then, transit network optimization method proposed in this paper is tested with two numerical examples: a simple route and a medium-size network. The results show the proposed method can effectively improve the reliability of a transit network and reduce the travel time of passengers in general. 相似文献
Borja Beltran Stefano Carrese Ernesto Cipriani Marco Petrelli 《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2009,17(5):475-483
The use of fossil fuels in transportation generates harmful emissions that accounts for nearly half of the total pollutants in urban areas. Dealing with this issue, local authorities are dedicating specific efforts to seize the opportunity offered by new fuels and technological innovations in achieving a cleaner urban mobility. In fact, authorities are improving environmental performances of their public transport fleet by procuring cleaner vehicles, usually called low and zero emission vehicles (LEV and ZEV, respectively). Nevertheless there seems to be a lack of methodologies for supporting stakeholders in decisions related to the introduction of green vehicles, whose allocation should be performed since the network design process in order to optimize their available green capacity.In this paper, the problem of clean vehicle allocation in an existing public fleet is faced by introducing a method for solving the transit network design problem in a multimodal, demand elastic urban context dealing with the impacts deriving from transportation emissions.The solving procedure consists of a set of heuristics which includes a routine for route generation and a genetic algorithm for finding a sub-optimal set of routes with the associated frequencies. 相似文献
Harvey J. Miller John D. Storm 《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》1996,4(6):373-389
Travel demand analyses are useful for transportation planning and policy development in a study area. However, travel demand modeling faces two obstacles. First, standard practice solves the four travel components (trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and network assignment) in a sequential manner. This can result in inconsistencies and non-convergence. Second, the data required are often complex and difficult to manage. Recent advances in formal methods for network equilibrium-based travel demand modeling and computational platforms for spatial data handling can overcome these obstacles. In this paper we report on the development of a prototype geographic information system (GIS) design to support network equilibrium-based travel demand models. The GIS design has several key features, including: (i) realistic representation of the multimodal transportation network, (ii) increased likelihood of database integrity after updates, (iii) effective user interfaces, and (iv) efficient implementation of network equilibrium solution algorithms. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1986,20(4):331-344
This paper describes the bus network design problem, summarizes the different approaches that have been proposed for its solution and proposes a new approach incorporating some of the positive aspects of prior work. The proposed approach is intended to be easier to implement and less demanding in terms of both data requirements and analytical sophistication than previous methods. An algorithm is presented that can be used to design new bus routes taking account of both passenger and operator interests; however, this algorithm focuses on only a single component of the overall bus operations planning process described in this paper. 相似文献
This paper examines network design where OD demand is not known a priori, but is the subject of responses in household or user itinerary choices to infrastructure improvements. Using simple examples, we show that falsely assuming that household itineraries are not elastic can result in a lack in understanding of certain phenomena; e.g., increasing traffic even without increasing economic activity due to relaxing of space–time prism constraints, or worsening of utility despite infrastructure investments in cases where household objectives may conflict. An activity-based network design problem is proposed using the location routing problem (LRP) as inspiration. The bilevel formulation includes an upper level network design and shortest path problem while the lower level includes a set of disaggregate household itinerary optimization problems, posed as household activity pattern problem (HAPP) (or in the case with location choice, as generalized HAPP) models. As a bilevel problem with an NP-hard lower level problem, there is no algorithm for solving the model exactly. Simple numerical examples show optimality gaps of as much as 5% for a decomposition heuristic algorithm derived from the LRP. A large numerical case study based on Southern California data and setting suggest that even if infrastructure investments do not result in major changes in link investment decisions compared to a conventional model, the results provide much higher resolution temporal OD information to a decision maker. Whereas a conventional model would output the best set of links to invest given an assumed OD matrix, the proposed model can output the same best set of links, the same daily OD matrix, and a detailed temporal distribution of activity participation and travel from which changes in peak period OD patterns can be observed. 相似文献
It is known that the network design problem with the assumption of user optimal flows can be modeled as a 0–1 mixed integer programming problem. Instead, we formulate the network design problem with continuous investment variables subject to equilibrium assignment as a nonlinear optimization problem. We show that this optimization problem is equivalent to an unconstrained problem which we solve by direct search techniques. For convex investment cost functions, the performance of both Powell's method and the method of Hooke and Jeeves is approximately the same with respect to computational requirements for a 24 node, 76 arc network. For the case of concave investment functions, Hooke and Jeeves was superior. The solution to the concave continuous model was very similar to that of the 0–1 model. Furthermore, the required solution time was far less than that required by the corresponding discrete model of the same network. The advantages and disadvantages of the continuous approach as well as the computational requirements are discussed. 相似文献
Sustainability is a requirement for modern public transportation networks, as these are expected to play a critical role in environment-friendly transportation systems. This paper focuses on developing an efficient model for solving a sustainable oriented variant of the Transit Route Network Design Problem. The model incorporates sustainable design objectives, considers emission-free (electric) vehicles and introduces a direct route design approach with route structure and directness control. An application in a real world case, highlights the performance and benefits of the proposed model. 相似文献
Mohsen Babaei Jan‐Dirk Schmöcker Navid Khademi Ahmad‐Reza Ghaffari Ali Naderan 《先进运输杂志》2016,50(6):1252-1271
This paper introduces the taxi route network design problem (TXRNDP) for a fixed‐route taxi service operating in Iran and, in similar form, in various other developing countries. The service operates fairly similar to regular transit services in that vehicles are only permitted to follow a certain predetermined route on the network. The service is provided with small size vehicles and main features are that vehicles only depart if full and that there are no intermediate boarding stops. In Iran the service attracts a high modal share but requires better coordination which is the main motivation for the present study. We develop a mathematical programming model to minimize the total travel time experienced by passengers while constraining the number of taxi lines, the trip transfer ratio and the length of taxi lines. A number of assumptions are introduced in order to allow finding an exact rather than heuristic solution. We further develop a linear programming solution to minimize the number of taxis required to serve the previously found fixed‐route taxi network. Results of a case study with the city of Zanjan, Iran, illustrate the resulting taxi flows and suggest the capability of the proposed model to reduce the total travel time, the total waiting time and the number of taxi lines compared to the current taxi operation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
L.R. Foulds 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1981,15(4):273-283
There exist systems which can be usefully described by a network containingarcs through which a commodity of one type flows. This paper is concerned with finding a solution procedure for a particular multi-commodity flow network design problem. The problem is to identify a set of arcs in the network such that if travel is prohibited in them all flow travels by feasible paths and its total cost is minimal. The total flow in each arc may not exced its capacity, which is a known constant. Each arc and each node of the network has a non-negative constant unit traversal cost. Between each pair of distinct nodes there is a given non-negative rate of flow from the first vertex to the second which may be split up among a number of paths according to some constant traversal cost flow assignment process. The optimality criterion is the total traversal cost of all flow, which is to be minimized. Previous work on network design problems of this type is surveyed. The principal contribution of this paper is the presentation of a solution procedure for the above problem based on branch and bound enumeration. An illustrative numerical example is included. Computational experience gained in using the procedure with a FORTRAN IV program on an IBM 370 is favourable. 相似文献
This article examines the effects of various network extraction schemes on the network design problem. Given an original network, many criteria can be used to identify subnetworks on which the network design problem is solved. For the purposes of this article, these subnetworks are obtained using an extraction algorithm which preserves the magnitude of the user equilibrium flows on the links of these subnetworks. The results of the implementation of the network design problem on the original and the extracted subnetworks are presented and compared. We conclude that very good solutions to the network design problem can be obtained from the use of highly aggregate networks. 相似文献
Private provision of public roads signifies co-existence of free, public-tolled and private-tolled roads. This paper investigates the Pareto-improving transportation network design problem under various ownership regimes by allowing joint choice of road pricing and capacity enhancement on free links. The problem of interest is formulated as a bi-objective mathematical programming model that considers the travel cost of road users in each origin-destination pair and the investment return of the whole network. The non-dominated Pareto-improving solutions of toll and/or capacity enhancement schemes are sought for achieving a win-win situation. A sufficient condition is provided for the existence of the non-dominated Pareto-improving schemes and then the properties of those schemes are analyzed. It is found that, under some mild assumptions, the optimal capacity enhancement is uniquely determined by the link flow under any non-dominated Pareto-improving scheme. As a result, the joint road pricing and capacity enhancement problem reduces to a bi-objective second-best road pricing problem. A revenue distribution mechanism with return rate guarantee is proposed to implement the non-dominated Pareto-improving schemes. 相似文献
In this paper robust models are presented for the transportation service network design problem, using the ferry service network design problem as an example application. The base assumption is that only the mean and an upper bound on the passenger demand are known. In one robust model, this information is supplemented by a lower bound on the demand, whereas in a second robust model, the assumption is made that the variance of the demand is known, in addition to the mean and upper bound. The relationship between the two models is investigated and characterized analytically. A case study using the ferry service in Hong Kong is provided to illustrate the models. 相似文献
The promotion of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has become a key measure of the governments in their attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, range anxiety is a big barrier for drivers to choose EVs over traditional vehicles. Installing more charging stations in appropriate locations can relieve EV drivers’ range anxiety. To determine the locations of public charging stations, we propose two optimization models for two different charging modes - fast and slow charging, which aim at minimizing the total cost while satisfying certain coverage goal. Instead of using discrete points, we use geometric objects to represent charging demands. Importantly, to resolve the partial coverage problem (PCP) for networks, we extend the polygon overlay method to split the demands on the road network. After applying the models to Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and to Downtown Toronto, we show that the proposed models are practical and effective in determining the locations of charging stations. Moreover, they can eliminate PCP and provide much more accurate results than the complementary partial coverage method (CP). 相似文献
Multi-objective optimization of a road diet network design 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Keemin Sohn 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2011,45(6):499-511
The present study focuses on the development of a model for the optimal design of a road diet plan within a transportation network, and is based on rigorous mathematical models. In most metropolitan areas, there is insufficient road space to dedicate a portion exclusively for cyclists without negatively affecting existing motorists. Thus, it is crucial to find an efficient way to implement a road diet plan that both maximizes the utility for cyclists and minimizes the negative effect on motorists. A network design problem (NDP), which is usually used to find the best option for providing extra road capacity, is adapted here to derive the best solution for limiting road capacity. The resultant NDP for a road diet (NDPRD) takes a bi-level form. The upper-level problem of the NDPRD is established as one of multi-objective optimization. The lower-level problem accommodates user equilibrium (UE) trip assignment with fixed and variable mode-shares. For the fixed mode-share model, the upper-level problem minimizes the total travel time of both cyclists and motorists. For the variable mode-share model, the upper-level problem includes minimization of both the automobile travel share and the average travel time per unit distance for motorists who keep using automobiles after the implementation of a road diet. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is mobilized to solve the proposed problem. The results of a case study, based on a test network, guarantee a robust approximate Pareto optimal front. The possibility that the proposed methodology could be adopted in the design of a road diet plan in a real transportation network is confirmed. 相似文献
Hossain Poorzahedy Mark A. Turnquist 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1982,16(1):45-55
The discrete network design problem is one of finding a set of feasible actions (projects) from among a collection of possible actions, that when implemented, optimizes some objective function(s). This is a combinatorial optimization problem that is very expensive to solve exactly. This paper proposes two algorithms for obtaining approximate solutions to the discrete network design problem with much less computational effeort. The computational savings are achieved by approximating the original problem with a new formulation which is easier to solve. The first algorithm proposed solves this approximate problem exactly, while the second is even more efficient, but provides only a near-optimal solution to the approximate problem. Experience with test problems indicates that these approximations can reduce the computational effort by a factor of 3–5, with little loss in solution accuracy. 相似文献
This work develops a bikeway network design model for cycling in urban areas. The objectives of the proposed model are to minimize cyclist risk, maximize cyclist comfort, maximize service coverage for residents, and minimize the impact of the bikeway on existing traffic. The proposed model considers the following constraints: bikeway type, monetary budgets, path continuities, and value ranges of decision variables. Grey numbers are employed to deal with parameter uncertainties, and the proposed model is developed as a multi-objective grey 0–1 programming problem. A case study of the Xinyi District, Taipei City, is conducted. The grey one-stage algorithm is applied to solve this problem. In total, six non-dominated alternatives are generated for the case study. In comparing model alternatives with the existing network, this work confirms that the existing biking network prioritizes cyclist comfort. Scenario analyses indicate that maintaining the lower bound of the length percentage of wooded areas at 20–40 % generates better performance than that of the other scenarios, while decreasing the number of traffic accidents only decreases cyclist risk and does not alter the other objectives. The proposed model is the first network design model for bikeways in literature and will assist bikeway planners in developing alternatives for further evaluation and in developing detailed designs efficiently and systematically. 相似文献
This paper investigates the multimodal network design problem (MMNDP) that optimizes the auto network expansion scheme and bus network design scheme in an integrated manner. The problem is formulated as a single-level mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC). The decision variables, including the expanded capacity of auto links, the layout of bus routes, the fare levels and the route frequencies, are transformed into multiple sets of binary variables. The layout of transit routes is explicitly modeled using an alternative approach by introducing a set of complementarity constraints. The congestion interaction among different travel modes is captured by an asymmetric multimodal user equilibrium problem (MUE). An active-set algorithm is employed to deal with the MPCC, by sequentially solving a relaxed MMNDP and a scheme updating problem. Numerical tests on nine-node and Sioux Falls networks are performed to demonstrate the proposed model and algorithm. 相似文献
Container liner shipping companies only partially alter their shipping networks to cope with the changing demand, rather than entirely redesign and change the network. In view of the practice, this paper proposes an optimal container liner shipping network alteration problem based on an interesting idea of segment, which is a sequence of legs from a head port to a tail port that are visited by the same type of ship more than once in the existing shipping network. In segment-based network alteration, the segments are intact and each port is visited by the same type of ship and from the same previous ports. As a result, the designed network needs minimum modification before implementation. A mixed-integer linear programming model with a polynomial number of variables is developed for the proposed segmented-based liner shipping network alternation problem. The developed model is applied to an Asia–Europe–Oceania liner shipping network with a total of 46 ports and 11 ship routes. Results demonstrate that the problem could be solved efficiently and the optimized network reduces the total cost of the initial network considerably. 相似文献