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Congestion of urban transportation systems results from an equilibrium of location and travel choices with generalized travel costs which increase with vehicle flows as well as other factors. The use of network equilibrium concepts in analyzing urban policies and evaluating alternative plans is examined. Issues arising in the use of network equilibrium models are described, and formulations of urban network prediction and design models are explored. 相似文献
Travel time, travel time reliability and monetary cost have been empirically identified as the most important criteria influencing route choice behaviour. We concentrate on travel time and travel time reliability and review two prominent user equilibrium models incorporating these two factors. We discuss some shortcomings of these models and propose alternative bi-objective user equilibrium models that overcome the shortcomings. Finally, based on the observation that both models use standard deviation of travel time within their measure of travel time reliability, we propose a general travel time reliability bi-objective user equilibrium model. We prove that this model encompasses those discussed previously and hence forms a general framework for the study of reliability related user equilibrium. We demonstrate and validate our concepts on a small three-link example. 相似文献
The Austin MetroRail line in Texas, U.S.A. began operations in 2010 and since then transit-oriented development projects have been fuelled around train stations. Traditional location theory holds that proximity to a transit station should be capitalized into land prices, and numerous empirical studies have demonstrated the effects with mixed results. However, to date no empirical study has investigated this relationship between the newly built rail line and land prices in Austin. This study fills the research gap and suggests a positive effect associated with transit proximity by employing spatial hedonic models. This study also contributes to the existing literature especially in the context of Texas cities where there is a lack of relevant research on transit-capitalization-related topics, and provides insights for decision-makers with different perspectives regarding further rail investment or transportation financing strategies such as value capture programs. 相似文献
The spacing and headway configuration of a bus system comprising a series of ring and radial routes which minimizes travel time is found by the use of the calculus of variations. A many-to-many travel demand is described by a continuous function of the positions of a commuter's home and workplace. It is assumed that buses travel at a constant speed and are subject to a fleet size constraint. Under optimal conditions it is found that both spacing between routes and headway between buses should be inversely proportional to the cube root of the proportion of commuters joining and leaving the route. A simple numerical example is worked in which homes and workplaces are independently and uniformly distributed. 相似文献
An urban transportation system formulated in terms of a multiobjective mixed integer linear fractional programming (MOMILFP) problem under uncertainty is considered. The system is based on two means of public transportation i.e., trams and buses. One takes into account the factors of both passengers' and operator's concern, whose objectives are, generally, in conflict. The real uncertainty and imprecision of data is modeled by L-R type fuzzy numbers. To solve the fuzzy MOMILFP problem an interactive method is utilized. As an illustration of that approach an application to Poznan's urban transportation system is presented. 相似文献
Transportation - Recent climatic disasters have shown the vulnerability of transportation infrastructures against natural hazards. To understand the risk of coastal hazards on urban travel... 相似文献
Urban expressways usually experience several levels of service (LOS) because of the stop-and-go traffic flow caused by congestion. Moreover, multiple shock waves generate at different LOS interfaces. The dynamic of shock waves strongly influences the travel time reliability (TTR) of urban expressways. This study proposes a path TTR model that considers the dynamic of shock waves by using probability-based method to characterize the TTR of urban expressways with shock waves. Two model parameters are estimated, namely distribution of travel time (TT) per unit distance and travel distances in different LOS segments. Generalized extreme value distribution and generalized Pareto distribution are derived as distributions of TT per unit distance for six different LOS. Distribution parameters are estimated by using historical floating car data. Travel distances in different LOS segments are calculated based on shock wave theory. The range of TT along the path, which can help drivers arrange their trips, can be obtained from the TTR model. Finally, comparison is made among the proposed TTR model, generalized Pareto contrast model, which does not consider different LOS or existence of shock waves, and normal contrast model, which assumes TT per unit distance as normal distribution without considering shock wave. Results show that the proposed model achieves higher prediction accuracy and reduces the prediction range of TT. The conclusions can be further extended to TT prediction and assessment of measures to improve reliability of TT in a network. 相似文献
In this paper, we define the online localized resource allocation problem, especially relevant for modeling transportation applications. The problem modeling takes into account simultaneously the geographical location of consumers and resources together with their online nondeterministic appearance. We use urban parking management as an illustration of this problem. In fact, urban parking management is an online localized resource allocation problem, where the question is how to find an efficient allocation of parking spots to drivers, while they all have dynamic geographical positions and appear nondeterministically. We define this problem and propose a multiagent system to solve it. The objective of the system is to decrease, for private vehicles drivers, the parking spots search time. The drivers are organized in communities and share information about spots availability. We have defined two cooperative models and compared them: a fully cooperative model, where agents share all the available information, and a “coopetitive” model, where drivers do not share information about the spot that they have chosen. Results show the superiority of the first model. 相似文献
This study provides a large-scale micro-simulation of transportation patterns in a metropolitan area when relying on a system of shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs). The six-county region of Austin, Texas is used for its land development patterns, demographics, networks, and trip tables. The agent-based MATSim toolkit allows modelers to track individual travelers and individual vehicles, with great temporal and spatial detail. MATSim’s algorithms help improve individual travel plans (by changing tour and trip start times, destinations, modes, and routes). Here, the SAV mode requests were simulated through a stochastic process for four possible fare levels: $0.50, $0.75, $1, and $1.25 per trip-mile. These fares resulted in mode splits of 50.9, 12.9, 10.5, and 9.2% of the region’s person-trips, respectively. Mode choice results show longer-distance travelers preferring SAVs to private, human-driven vehicles (HVs)—thanks to the reduced burden of SAV travel (since one does not have to drive the vehicle). For travelers whose households do not own an HV, SAVs (rather than transit, walking and biking) appear preferable for trips under 10 miles, which is the majority of those travelers’ trip-making. It may be difficult for traditional transit services and operators to survive once SAVs become available in regions like Austin, where dedicated rail lines and bus lanes are few. Simulation of SAV fleet operations suggest that higher fare rates allow for greater vehicle replacement (ranging from 5.6 to 7.7 HVs per SAV, assuming that the average SAV serves 17–20 person-trips per day); when fares rise, travel demands shift away from longer trip distances. Empty vehicle miles traveled by the fleet of SAVs ranged from 7.8 to 14.2%, across the scenarios in this study. Implications of mobility and sustainability benefits of SAVs are also discussed in the paper. 相似文献
Most research and applications of network equilibrium models are based on the assumption that traffic volumes on roadways are virtually certain to be at or near their equilibrium values if the equilibrium volumes exist and are unique. However, it has long been known that this assumption can be violated in deterministic models. This paper presents an investigation of the stability of stochastic equilibrium in a two-link network. The stability of deterministic equilibrium also is discussed briefly. Equilibrium is defined to be stable if it is unique and the link volumes converge over time to their equilibrium values regardless of the initial conditions. Three models of route choice decision-making over time are formulated, and the stability of equilibrium is investigated for each. It is shown that even when equilibrium is unique, link volumes may converge to their equilibrium values, oscillate about equilibrium perpetually, or converge to values that may be considerably different from the equilibrium ones, depending on the details of the route choice decision-making process. Moreover, even when convergence of link volumes to equilibrium is assured, the convergence may be too slow to justify the standard assumption that these volumes are usually at or near their equilibrium values. When link volumes converge to non-equilibrium values, the levels at which the volumes stabilize typically depend on the initial link volumes or perceptions of travel costs. Conditions sufficient to assure convergence to equilibrium in two of the three models of route choice decision-making are presented, and these conditions are interpreted in terms of the route choice decision-making process. 相似文献
Ambient concentrations of pollutants are correlated with emissions, but the contribution to ambient air quality of on-road mobile sources is not necessarily equal to their contribution to regional emissions. This is true for several reasons such as the distribution of other pollution sources and regional topology, as well as meteorology. In this paper, using a dataset from a travel demand model for the Sacramento metropolitan area for 2005, regional vehicle emissions are disaggregated into hourly, gridded emission inventories, and transportation-related concentrations are estimated using an atmospheric dispersion model. Contributions of on-road motor vehicles to urban air pollution are then identified at a regional scale. The contributions to ambient concentrations are slightly higher than emission fractions that transportation accounts for in the region, reflecting that relative to other major pollution sources, mobile sources tend to have a close proximity to air quality monitors in urban areas. The contribution results indicate that the impact of mobile sources on PM 10 is not negligible, and mobile sources have a significant influence on both NO x and VOC pollution that subsequently results in secondary particulate matter and ozone formation. 相似文献
This paper addresses the deployment issue of emergency rescue stations in an urban transportation corridor, with an aim to effectively reduce the casualties in traffic accidents. On the basis of urban population density, an accident rate distribution function for a corridor is first presented and calibrated, and a damage cost function is proposed to capture the correlation between rescue time and deteriorating health condition of injured passengers. A continuum model is then developed for determining the optimal number and locations of the rescue stations along the corridor and the medical service resource distribution at rescue stations subject to a capital budget constraint. The solution properties of the proposed model are explored analytically. Numerical examples are provided to show the effects of population density, urban form and different deployment schemes (even and uneven) on the rescue station locations. A case study of Wuhan China is employed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in improving the performance of the emergency rescue system. 相似文献
This paper describes the characteristics of transportation demand management. The origin of transportation demand management (TDM) as it has evolved in the US is related to federal policy initiatives that first focused on improving the efficiency of the urban transportation system through operational improvements, and then incorporated concerns such as air quality and energy conservation into the transportation planning process. The paper then examines the effectiveness of TDM actions, and concludes that those actions most likely to increase the “price” of travel for single occupant vehicle use will be most effective. The paper identifies several strategies for improving the effectiveness of TDM actions in the context of regional transportation planning, including: incorporating TDM as part of the solutions for regional transportation planning, linking TDM to land use decisions, making the costs of travel more apparent to the user, and making TDM implementation more palatable to the general public. 相似文献
Transportation - Travel-based multitasking, i.e. using travel time to conduct enjoyable and/or productive activities, is the subject of an increasing number of theoretical and empirical studies.... 相似文献
This study examines the journey to work as a multiple-purpose trip (home-to-home circuit). Using disaggregate travel diary data collected over 35 consecutive days, the study shows the importance of the multi-purpose work trip in the overall travel pattern of the urban household. A large proportion of many households' total travel is undertaken in conjunction with the journey to and from work. The paper also examines the nature of these work-induced travel linkages and finds that many types of urban establishments depend heavily upon stops made in connection with the work trip. In fact, there is a group of urban functions that have stronger travel links with the workplace than with the home or with any other type of urban establishment. The study examines the implications of the multi-purpose journey to work for policies regarding mode use and the viability of centrally-located urban functions. 相似文献
In today’s world of volatile fuel prices and climate concerns, there is little study on the relationship between vehicle ownership patterns and attitudes toward vehicle cost (including fuel prices and feebates) and vehicle technologies. This work provides new data on ownership decisions and owner preferences under various scenarios, coupled with calibrated models to microsimulate Austin’s personal-fleet evolution.Opinion survey results suggest that most Austinites (63%, population-corrected share) support a feebate policy to favor more fuel efficient vehicles. Top purchase criteria are price, type/class, and fuel economy. Most (56%) respondents also indicated that they would consider purchasing a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) if it were to cost $6000 more than its conventional, gasoline-powered counterpart. And many respond strongly to signals on the external (health and climate) costs of a vehicle’s emissions, more strongly than they respond to information on fuel cost savings.Twenty five-year simulations of Austin’s household vehicle fleet suggest that, under all scenarios modeled, Austin’s vehicle usage levels (measured in total vehicle miles traveled or VMT) are predicted to increase overall, along with average vehicle ownership levels (both per household and per capita). Under a feebate, HEVs, PHEVs and Smart Cars are estimated to represent 25% of the fleet’s VMT by simulation year 25; this scenario is predicted to raise total regional VMT slightly (just 2.32%, by simulation year 25), relative to the trend scenario, while reducing CO 2 emissions only slightly (by 5.62%, relative to trend). Doubling the trend-case gas price to $5/gallon is simulated to reduce the year-25 vehicle use levels by 24% and CO 2 emissions by 30% (relative to trend).Two- and three-vehicle households are simulated to be the highest adopters of HEVs and PHEVs across all scenarios. The combined share of vans, pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), and cross-over utility vehicles (CUVs) is lowest under the feebate scenario, at 35% (versus 47% in Austin’s current household fleet). Feebate-policy receipts are forecasted to exceed rebates in each simulation year.In the longer term, gas price dynamics, tax incentives, feebates and purchase prices along with new technologies, government-industry partnerships, and more accurate information on range and recharging times (which increase customer confidence in EV technologies) should have added effects on energy dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. 相似文献
The objective of this study is to explore whether changes in neighbourhood characteristics bring about changes in travel choice. Residential self-selection is a concern in the connections between land-use and travel behaviour. The recent literature suggests that a longitudinal structural equations modelling (SEM) approach can be a powerful tool to assess the importance of neighbourhood characteristics on travel behaviour as opposed to the attitude-induced residential self-selection. However, the evidence to date is limited to particular geographical areas and evidence from one country might not be transferrable to another because of differences in land-use patterns and land-use policies. The paper is to address the gap by extending the evidence using British data. The case study is based on the metropolitan area of Tyne and Wear, North East of England, UK. A SEM is applied to 219 respondents who reported residential relocation. The results identify that neighbourhood characteristics do influence travel behaviour after controlling for self-selection. For instance, the more people are exposed to public transport access, the more likely they drive less. Neighbourhood characteristics also impact through their influence on car ownership. A social environment with vitality also reduces the amount of private car travel. These findings suggest that land-use policies at neighbourhood level can play an important role in reducing driving. 相似文献
Using a range of nonparametric methods, the paper examines the specification of a model to evaluate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for travel time changes from binomial choice data from a simple time–cost trading experiment. The analysis favours a model with random WTP as the only source of randomness over a model with fixed WTP which is linear in time and cost and has an additive random error term. Results further indicate that the distribution of log WTP can be described as a sum of a linear index fixing the location of the log WTP distribution and an independent random variable representing unobserved heterogeneity. This formulation is useful for parametric modelling. The index indicates that the WTP varies systematically with income and other individual characteristics. The WTP varies also with the time difference presented in the experiment which is in contradiction of standard utility theory. 相似文献
Values lie at the heart of an individual’s belief system, serving as prototypes from which attitudes and behaviors are subsequently manufactured. Attitudes and behaviors may evolve over time, but values represent a set of more enduring beliefs. This study examines the influence of values on travel mode choice behavior. It is argued that personal values influence individual attitudes towards different alternative attributes, which in turn impact modal choices. Using data from a sample of 519 German commuters drawn from a consumer panel, the study estimates an integrated choice and latent variable model of travel mode choice that allows for hierarchical relationships between the latent variables and flexible substitution patterns across the modal alternatives. Results from the empirical application support the value-attitude-behavior hierarchical model of cognition, and provide insights to planners and policy-makers on how better to sell public transit as a means of travel. 相似文献