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深堋试点公共自行车租赁,构建绿色交通 9月22日,深圳首个公共自行车租赁系统在蛇口正式启用。市民可通过刷卡租赁等方式租一辆自行车代步。该系统首期在蛇口覆盖16个网点,提供350辆自行车出租。据悉,为建设绿色交通,深圳将要打造以“轨道交通为骨架、常规公交为网络、出租车为补充、慢行交通为延伸”的一体化公共交通体系。其中,深圳正在大力建设的“绿道”和公共自行车租赁系统,正是幔行交通系统的主要构成部分。  相似文献   

本文调查分析了深圳市电动自行车市场和公众意愿等现状条件,从电动自行车需求和交通系统条件两个方面,研究电动自行车政策制定的直接影响因素和间接影响因素,为深圳市电动自行车政策的制定提出建议。  相似文献   

城市公共自行车的发展已经历了三代,正向着第四代公共自行车系统发展。为探究科技创新在其发展过程中所起的作用,高新技术是否能够从根本上解决中国城市公共自行车损坏率过高的问题,以及高新技术在新一代公共自行车系统中的发展方向,笔者通过对城市公共自行车系统发展历程的回顾,发现科技创新在公共自行车系统发展过程中起到了积极的推动作用,但不能从根本上解决车辆被盗和损坏的问题。进一步分析了高新科技对公共自行车系统的利弊,指出需要因地制宜的发展项目,不应一味的追求高新技术在系统中的应用。最后展望第四代公共自行车发展,探索了与公共自行车系统相关的高新技术下一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

为改善城市公交预测模型的预测效果,提高其对交通方案评价的可靠性,分析了CUBE软件PT模块的运行机理,考虑西安市公共自行车的大规模使用和城市交通模型PT模块中未包含公共自行车出行方式的不足,在原有的PT模块基础上增加了公共自行车接驳和换乘模式,提出了一种包含公交、公共自行车、步行共三种出行方式的改进的公交预测模式。以西安市高新区BRT线路规划为例,对改进的公交预测模式进行了应用。改进前后的预测数据对比分析结果显示:添加公共自行车模块后,3条BRT线路连接小区的数量分别增加11个、12个、18个,与常规公交的换乘量分别增加7.5%、8.1%、9.3%,全天客运量分别增加9.2%、10.2%、13.6%,准确反应了公共自行车在改善公交接驳方面的作用。  相似文献   

文章通过分析柳州市公共自行车租赁系统运营中存在的问题,明确了自行车交通在城市交通体系中的功能定位,从综合交通管理体制、站点管理和优化租赁程序等方面,提出了改善柳州市公共自行车租赁系统的相关建议。  相似文献   

为研究城市公共自行车租赁行为的影响因素,文章对西安市居民公共自行车租赁行为进行问卷调查。基于回收到的有效问卷数据,建立二元Logit离散选择模型,并结合优势比分析对影响城市公共自行车租赁行为因素定量进行了研究。结果表明性别、年龄、职业、受教育程度、婚姻状态、单位或住所是否有公共交通租赁点、单位与住所距离和是否有公交卡等因素都显著影响居民公共自行车租赁行为。  相似文献   

蔡晓臻 《人民交通》2021,(11):24-31
近日,北京市西城区、内蒙古呼和浩特市公共自行车将退出运营的消息引发社会关注.在此之前,武汉、广州等地的公共自行车早已相继宣告退出. "公共自行车"(Public Bicycle) ,或 "自行车共享"(Bike Sharing) 的概念最早起源于欧洲.在1965 年(也有文献称1967年),荷兰阿姆斯特丹一个无政府主义组织将一些涂成白色、没有上锁的自行车放在公共区域,期望供人们长期免费使用,称为 "白色自行车计划".  相似文献   

近年来,公共自行车交通系统已成为界上很多国家公共交通规划的一部分。无锁桩式共享单车系统,正经历快速发展,引发了公共自行车领域的变革。随着系统规模的扩大和用户数量的增加,共享单车的过量投放和随意停放问题成为系统运营的阻碍。本研究以北京市共享单车系统的运营数据为基础,采用数据驱动模式,探索用户出行需求的时空分布,提出基于机器学习方法的热点区域识别和需求预测框架。借助聚类算法实现对热点区域的识别和划分,借助集成学习实现对出行需求的预测。实验结果显示,模型的平均误差率为6.8%。本研究将在共享单车的空间部署和调度任务的及时安排等方面,为系统运营者提供有效参考。  相似文献   

本文以西安市公共自行车系统为研究对象,利用开放性数据平台以及问卷调查数据分析公共自行车使用者属性与出行行为之间关系。通过构建Logistic-SEM模型发现,学历、年龄、性格、健康状况、有无汽车是影响居民使用公共自行车的显著性因素。按照重要度排序为:年龄有无汽车健康状况学历性格;其次,构建了可用于预测西安市居民是否会选择公共自行车作为出行方式的Logistic模型。同时,由于居民自身属性的不同在出行目的、骑行路线和使用公共自行车出行原因上存在差异,总的来说,居民属性是影响出行行为的根本,出行目的是出行行为选择的关键。  相似文献   

李志 《综合运输》2014,(6):59-63
笔者通过四种方法,推算中山市公共自行车租赁系统的总体规模,并通过计算得到不同用地类型的公共自行车需求规模指标,从而给单个站点规模的计算提供依据。本文可为其他城市开展公共自行车租赁系统的规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Road haulage licensing and EC Transport Policy. By K. J. Button. (Aldershot: Gower Publishing Co., 1984.) [Pp.127.] £14.50.

Bicycles and Public Transportation: New Links to Suburban Transit Markets. By Michael A. Replogle. (Bicycle Federation, Washington DC, 1983.) [Pp. 171.] US$15.95.

Urban Transport in ASEAN. By V. Setty Pendakur. (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies — Research Notes and Discussions Papers Series No. 43, 1984.) [Pp. 65] $4.50 ISBN 9971–902–67–2.

The World Railway System. By Bernard de Fontgalland (Cambridge Univerisity Press, 1984.) [Pp. 209.] £16.00.  相似文献   

Despite the success achieved by Public Bicycle Sharing Systems (PBSS) across the world, several researchers provide evidence on their limitations and constraints in a medium-long term, and bicycle ownership may be considered as a complementary tool to promote a ’bicycle-culture’. This paper aims to cover the gap about the interaction between both systems (public bicycle/private bicycle) and which are the key aspects to explain the bicycle-buying decision. After a fieldwork based on surveys conducted in Seville (Spain), one of the cities currently acknowledged worldwide for its successful policy of promoting cycling, we apply a Discrete Choice Model. Our findings show that among the socio-demographic factors that favor the move from the PBSS to the private bicycle are: having a higher level of education, being more progressive ideologically-speaking, and being a resident of the city itself; while age and gender do not appear to be conclusive. Experienced users, for whom the bicycle is a part of his/her healthy lifestyle, state a greater willingness to buy a bicycle. And the main obstacles to make the jump from the PBSS to the private bicycle, and that any action plan to support private bicycle usage should take into account, are: the lack of proper parking at the origin/destination, and fear of theft.  相似文献   


Cycling is experiencing a revival in many cities. Research has focused on the determinants of cycling – in particular the role of the built environment and road infrastructure. Bicycle parking has received little attention – even though bicycles are parked most of the time. This article reviews the scientific literature on bicycle parking and identifies existing gaps in research and knowledge. The review analyses 94 peer-reviewed papers identified through a search in Scopus and Web of Science, in December 2017. The annual number of papers increased 15-fold between 1995 and 2017. Overall, the level of evidence on the importance of bicycle parking is limited. The majority of studies are based on cross-sectional data with the presence of parking as a binary independent variable. Most studies focus on bicycle parking at public transport stops and at work places. Few studies report on bicycle parking throughout cities, and hardly any on parking at residential locations. Bicycle parking supply and quality appears to be a determinant of cycling for current and potential cyclists. Our findings can serve as input for an evidence-based debate on the role of bicycle parking. For practitioners, our research supports investment in bicycle parking, but acknowledges that a proper evaluation of such initiatives needs to be conducted to increase the level of evidence.  相似文献   

The traditional quantitative approach to studying Bicycle Sharing System (BSS) usage involves examining the influence of BSS infrastructure (such as number of BSS stations and capacity), transportation network infrastructure, land use and urban form, meteorological data, and temporal characteristics. These studies, as expected, conclude that BSS infrastructure (number of stations and capacity) have substantial influence on BSS usage. The earlier studies consider usage as a dependent variable and employ BSS infrastructure as an independent variable. Thus, in the models developed, the unobserved factors influencing the measured dependent variable (BSS usage) also strongly influence one of the independent variables (BSS infrastructure). This is a classic violation of the most basic assumption in econometric modeling i.e. the error component in the model is not correlated with any of the exogenous variables. The model estimates obtained with this erroneous assumption are likely to over-estimate the impact of BSS infrastructure. Our research effort proposes an econometric framework that remedies this drawback. We propose a measurement equation to account for the installation process and relate it to the usage equations thus correcting for the bias introduced in earlier research efforts by formulating a multi-level joint econometric framework. The econometric models developed have been estimated using data compiled from April 2012 to August 2012 for the BIXI system in Montreal. The model estimates support our hypothesis and clearly show over-estimation of BSS infrastructure impacts in models that neglect the installation process. An elasticity analysis to highlight the advantages of the proposed econometric model is also conducted.  相似文献   

The majority of bicycling in the US is for recreation rather than transportation purposes but few studies have examined the question of bicycling purpose. We use data from an online survey conducted in 2006 in six small cities in the western US to examine factors affecting bicycling for transportation compared to bicycling for recreation. The results indicate that individual, social-environment, and physical-environment factors have important influences on the balance between transportation and recreational bicycling and on miles of bicycling for each purpose. Bicycling comfort and an aversion to driving are associated with more transportation bicycling. A culture of utilitarian bicycling and short distances to destinations are also key factors for transportation bicycling. Bicycle infrastructure appears to play an indirect role through its effect on perceived bicycling safety and through the self-selection effect, by attracting bicycling-inclined people to bicycling-supportive communities.  相似文献   

Bicycle–motorised vehicle (BMV) collisions account for the majority of the recorded bicyclists’ fatalities and serious injuries. This systematic review intends to examine the main factors contributing to BMV collisions. We performed a comprehensive literature review on Scopus, TRID, ProQuest, and Web of Science databases. Fifty-nine English-language peer-reviewed articles met the eligibility criteria and were included in the final analysis. The main factors contributing to BMV collisions identified were classified in accordance with a recently published conceptual framework for road safety. The majority of studies have identified factors related to road users’ behaviour (59.3%) and infrastructure characteristics (57.6%). A minority of studies identified variables related to exposure (40.7%) and vehicles (15.3%) as contributor factors to BMV collisions. A small but significant proportion of studies (20.3%) provided evidence that environmental factors may also play a role, although to a lesser extent, in determining BMV collisions. In addition to the three factors comprised in the applied conceptual framework for road safety, we identified environmental conditions as a category of factors contributing to BMV collisions.  相似文献   


The main objective of this article is to analyse the changes in productivity of the Taiwan Bus Transit System (TBTS) before and after the execution of the ‘Alternatives for Promoting the Development of the Public Transportation Sectors’ (APDPTS), which is designed to provide a better operating environment for the public transport sector in the provision of public transit services. We use a decomposition of the Malmquist productivity index to locate the sources of productivity growth, namely technical change and efficiency change. The former is further decomposed into an output bias, an input bias and a magnitude term to test neutrality. The latter is also decomposed into changes in pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. In our case, between the pre‐ and post‐APDPTS periods, the efficiency increased only marginally. As a result of a five‐year enhancement programme, the technical regress slowed down slightly, and inward neutral shifts of a transformation frontier were interpreted as being the main contributor to technical regress. In particular, evidence of biased technical change was found, i.e., the effects of output capability increased slightly, but the efficient use of inputs declined during the post‐APDPTS period.  相似文献   

高速公路ETC密钥管理系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密钥管理系统(KMS)是电子不停车收费系统(ETC)中的一个关键子系统。文章介绍了密钥管理系统的加密算法、功能需求、程序执行过程、结构设计及软件模块,阐述了密钥管理系统的编程开发与应用情况。  相似文献   

Cities promote strong bicycle networks to support and encourage bicycle commuting. However, the application of network science to bicycle facilities is not very well studied. Previous work has found relationships between the amount of bicycle infrastructure in a city and aggregate bicycle ridership, and between microscopic network structure and individual tripmaking patterns. This study fills the missing link between these two bodies of literature by developing a standard methodology for measuring bicycle facility network quality at the macroscopic level and testing its association with bicycle commuting. Bicycle infrastructure maps were collected for 74 Unites States cities and systematically analyzed to evaluate their network structure. Linear regression models revealed that connectivity and directness are important factors in predicting bicycle commuting after controlling for demographic variables and the size of the city. These findings provide a framework for transportation planners and policymakers to evaluate their local bicycle facility networks and set regional priorities that support nonmotorized travel behavior, and for continued research on the structure and quality of bicycle infrastructure and behavior.  相似文献   

Bicycle sharing systems (BSS) have increased in number rapidly since 2007. The potential benefits of BSS, mainly sustainability, health and equity, have encouraged their adoption through support and promotion by mayors in Europe and North America alike. In most cases municipal governments desire their BSS to be successful and, with few exceptions, state them as being so. New technological improvements have dramatically simplified the use and enforcement of bicycle return, resulting in the widespread adoption of BSS. Unfortunately little evaluation of the effectiveness of differently distributed and managed BSS has taken place. Comparing BSS systems quantitatively is challenging due to the limited data made available. The metrics of success presented by municipalities are often too general or incomparable to others making relative evaluations of BSS success arduous. This paper presents multiple methodologies allowing the estimation of the number of daily trips, the most significant measure of BSS usage, based on data that is commonly available, the number of bicycles available at a station over time. Results provide model coefficients as well as trip count estimates for select cities. Of four spatial and temporal aggregate models the day level aggregation is found to be most effective for estimation. In addition to trip estimation this work provides a rigorous formalization of station level data and the ability to distinguish spatio-temporal rebalancing quantities as well as new characteristics of BSS station use.  相似文献   

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