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佳轩 《摩托车信息》2007,(13):12-17
年初,笔者随同嘉陵集团重庆办事处一道,走访了泸州、广安、华蓥、武胜、岳池、南充、达州、梁平、开县等摩托车市场.虽然2007年才刚刚"崭露头角",但摩托车市场早已掀起了新一轮的搏弈,到处弥漫的是硝烟与战火.  相似文献   

李钝 《城市车辆》2004,(3):17-17
2003年,尽管西欧市场疲软,戴姆勒·克莱斯勒的梅赛德斯-奔驰载重车全球销量仍然比2002年增长了8%,达到了110500多辆.梅赛德斯-奔驰载重车工厂(德国沃尔特、巴西圣贝纳多和土耳其阿克萨赖)的总产量也超过了去年的水平.2003年,在车辆最大总质量为6t以上(含)的载重车类别中,梅赛德斯-奔驰品牌在欧洲、拉丁美洲、土耳其等重要市场和地区中依然保持领先地位.  相似文献   

微波除冰应用及分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冬季道路冰层和地面黏结牢固,清除困难,对交通危害很大。有效地清除道路尤其是高速公路、桥梁、机场等重要设施的积冰,一直是世界上地处高纬地区国家关注的问题。对于道路冰层,一般的除雪设备清除难度较大,需要专门的清除设备和技术。目前道路积冰清除的常用方法有化学法、热力法和机械法3种,各具优点与不足。  相似文献   

分析了目前工程建设机械设备租赁过程中存在的服务不足等种种问题,提出了强化服务水平、服务创品牌、服务促发展的措施,对工程建设机械设备租赁大潮中的众多企业的发展具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍一种新型的阳极牵引车,该车是合金冶炼厂矿专用的阳极搬运车的主机,其转弯半径小,机动性好,适合于狭窄弯曲车间的进出,给用户带来更大的经济效益.设计得到了实用验证.  相似文献   

李林 《北京汽车》2002,(4):39-40
在年初关税全面下调前后20多天的时间里,一直"声嘶力竭"地宣称没有降价空间的国内轿车企业尤其是经济型轿车企业好像突然忘却了以前的誓言,争先恐后地在一场价格"集体跳水"表演中登场亮相.吉利、海南马自达、红旗、夏利、铃木奥拓、悦达、西安秦川等等企业,在短短的时间内鱼贯出场,表演一个比一个惊人,"动作"难度一个赛过一个.一时间,国内轿车市场跌声一片,消费者欢呼雀跃,购买热情高涨,而轿车企业是苦是乐,个中滋味却非局外人所能理解.  相似文献   

城市交通是包括市区和郊区地面、地下、高架、水道、索道等道路系统间的公共出行和客货输送.城市交通的特征因各城市的规模、性质、结构、地理位置和政治经济地位的差异而有所不同.但是,它们具有的主要特点则是相同的:城市交通的重点是客运,客运的高峰在早晚上下班时间;每个城市的客流形成都有自身的规律;城市交通能力的大小与各城市的总体规划和布局有直接关系.  相似文献   

焦作市位于河南省西北部,北接太行山和山西晋城,南临黄河,与郑州、洛阳相望,西邻济源,东连新乡.现辖沁阳、孟州2市,温县、武陟、修武、博爱4县,总人口345.5万.  相似文献   

2月5日,西安,未央湖大酒店.150名隆鑫陕西经销商济济一堂,共商2007年发展大计.隆鑫集团隆鑫事业部国内营业部部长周维新、西安宝阳公司董事长葛建宝、常务副总经理徐建康、隆鑫事业部国内营业部大区经理黄跃东及该部高级讲师王森平出席了大会.陕西电视台、西安电视台、西安华商报、三秦都市报等媒体记者应邀参加了会议.  相似文献   

汪翔 《商用汽车》2008,(1):52-55
随着我国对汽车排放要求的日趋苛刻,市场日趋理性,油价不断攀升,国内轻客市场面临严峻考验.在这种环境下,江铃汽车股份有限公司历时3年,于2008年1月鼎力推出的换代产品--新世代全顺,为国内轻客市场注入了全新的技术与理念.<商用汽车>杂志测试部日前在贵州对其进行了实地试驾试乘.  相似文献   

我国机动车制动液标准的演变和现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制动液是液压制动系统的工作介质,制动液的质量必须满足汽车制动性能的要求。随着汽车技术的不断发展,制动液的质量也在不断提高,其标准也随之在改变。介绍了20世纪50至60年代、60年代末至70年代的标准,70年代末至80年代和90年代的国家标准《汽车制动液使用技术条件》,以及90年代末至21世纪初国家标准《机动车辆制动液》和汽车行业标准《汽车合成制动液》。  相似文献   

汽车制动器制动效能因数计算及结果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对47种型号的汽车液压制动系统制动器的制动效能因数进行了计算,得到了当摩擦因数为0.35时各种结构型式制动器制动效能因数的平均值及其分布范围。绘制了国产各种结构型式制动器典型的制动效能因数随摩擦衬片摩擦因数变化的特性曲线。对同一制动器采用两种不同的制动效能因数计算方法所得计算结果进行了对比及验证。根据制动效能因数曲线图,提出了制动器系列化设置时减少制动器尺寸规格的设想。  相似文献   

包凡彪 《天津汽车》2013,(10):29-32
制动器是汽车主动安全系统中重要的执行机构.为研究一般制动器结构的设计方法,文章以标致307制动器为研究对象,分析制动器的结构特点,参考设计书对制动器尺寸和材料进行设计与校核.设计的制动器制动力为300 N,踏板全行程为117.6 mm,完成了标致307制动系的驱动机构和制动管路的布置并完成了三维图像建模.该设计方法具有普遍意义,可以推广到其他类似车型制动器的设计应用.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of several different inputs for the control of a vehicle, in the context of URD. In this investigation, the goal of the URD controller is to provide an intervention in the event of the vehicle leaving the road. The types of inputs that will be considered are (i) Four Wheel Steering, (ii) Front Wheel Steering, (iii) Four Wheel Brake Steering, (iv) Front Wheel Brake Steering, and (v) Rear Wheel Brake Steering. The controller design is an LQ controller based on the simplified dynamics of a 2 degree of freedom bicycle model. However, the analysis of the different strategies are performed on a 7 degree-of-freedom nonlinear vehicle model. The key contribution of this paper is the quantitative evaluation of the relative efficiencies of each of these input strategies being examined. Unlike most control schemes, the performance measure to be used will not be the output tracking error of the system. Instead, the metric of performance is the ratio of peak tire force used versus available tire force or, in other words, the actuator response relative to the maximum available actuator capability.  相似文献   

Brake judder is abnormal vibration, which is mainly generated by uneven contact between the brake disc and pad. The abnormal vibration from BTV (Brake Torque Variation) is transferred to the suspension and the steering system during braking. In this paper, judder simulation is carried out using a multi-body dynamic analysis program to analyze the relationship between judder and the transfer mechanism, which consists of the suspension and the steering system. In order to verify the analytical model, test results are compared with the simulation results. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out. In addition, an optimization method is presented for judder reduction, using the design of experiments.  相似文献   

In Alleyne (1996) several vehicle control options were considered for Unintended Roadway Departure (URD) prevention and conclusions were drawn as to the efficacy of each method. This companion paper investigates the use of several different inputs for the control of a vehicle, in the context of Obstacle Avoidance for autonomous vehicles. In this investigation, the goal of the controller is to provide an intervention in the event of the vehicle detecting an obstacle in its path. The five types of inputs that will be considered are (i) Four Wheel Steering; (ii) Front Wheel Steering; (iii) Four Wheel Brake Steering; (iv) Front Wheel Brake Steering; and (v) Rear Wheel Brake Steering. The controller design is an LQ controller based on the simplified dynamics of a 2 degree of freedom bicycle model. However, the analysis of the different strategies are performed on a more complete, nonlinear vehicle model. A key contribution of this paper is the quantitative evaluation of the relative efficiencies of each of these input strategies being examined. Unlike most control schemes, an important metric of performance is the ratio of peak tire force used versus available tire force. The conclusions reached in this paper shed additional light on appropriate input actuator methods for vehicle guidance and control.  相似文献   

企业的规模越大、产能越高,管理跟不上后,风险也陡增。制动摩擦片是涉及人命安全的关键零部件,一定要确保万无一失。  相似文献   


In Alleyne (1996) several vehicle control options were considered for Unintended Roadway Departure (URD) prevention and conclusions were drawn as to the efficacy of each method. This companion paper investigates the use of several different inputs for the control of a vehicle, in the context of Obstacle Avoidance for autonomous vehicles. In this investigation, the goal of the controller is to provide an intervention in the event of the vehicle detecting an obstacle in its path. The five types of inputs that will be considered are (i) Four Wheel Steering; (ii) Front Wheel Steering; (iii) Four Wheel Brake Steering; (iv) Front Wheel Brake Steering; and (v) Rear Wheel Brake Steering. The controller design is an LQ controller based on the simplified dynamics of a 2 degree of freedom bicycle model. However, the analysis of the different strategies are performed on a more complete, nonlinear vehicle model. A key contribution of this paper is the quantitative evaluation of the relative efficiencies of each of these input strategies being examined. Unlike most control schemes, an important metric of performance is the ratio of peak tire force used versus available tire force. The conclusions reached in this paper shed additional light on appropriate input actuator methods for vehicle guidance and control.  相似文献   

刘四清  李晓辉 《客车技术》2011,(3):12-14,17
气压鼓式制动器制动底板的设计对汽车行驶安全性是非常重要的,这里应用有限元分析方法对某制动器底板的应力进行分析,为该制动器底板的设计提供可靠的理论依据.  相似文献   

首先对电子制动器执行机构的具体结构和工作原理加以分析,在此基础上,建立了电子制动器执行机构的数学模型,然后利用MATLAB语言对影响电子制动器执行机构制动力和响应时间的主要因素如电机参数、公称导程、传动比、制动间隙、转动惯量等参数进行了仿真试验,最后利用仿真试验得出的优化参数进行了样机制作及其台架试验。仿真试验结果表明,前者得出的结论经后者的验证是完全正确的,同时,前者还使电子制动器执行机构的设计更加优化,成本更加经济,周期明显缩短。  相似文献   

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