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Organizational Effectiveness (OE) is a rather new concept in the port business literature and not widely studied before. From the systems perspective, this concept focuses on the goals of the organization, the resources needed to achieve these goals, and the relationship between the organization and its environment. The reason behind choosing a systems approach is the significant role of seaports as open systems affected by changes and developments in world trade, supply chain and logistics trends, maritime transport, and technological developments. While seaports are multi-faceted organizations that constitute different interdependent and integrated units in their structure, they can also be regarded as the subsystems of the supply chain system. As being the social and technical systems, port organizations have unique characteristics that should be examined in detail to assess their effectiveness. To assess the effectiveness of port organizations, principally a set of effectiveness measures applicable to seaports should be determined. The main aim of this study is to assess the relative importance of the main effectiveness criteria in seaports and to determine the significance of main inputs and port subsystems which can be referred as the means to achieve effectiveness. By using the systems approach, the inputs, the processes, and the outputs of the port organizations are clearly defined with a conceptual model. Thirty-three statements have been developed under the main categories in the systems model and a two-round delphi survey is conducted, and qualitative analysis of the experts’ opinions is carried out. The results of the delphi survey show that the main port inputs are port infrastructure, equipments, technology, and port labor; the major port processes are ship and cargo operations together with the logistics services, safety and security, information technologies, and marketing; and the most important effectiveness measures for the seaports are productivity, efficiency, service quality, adaptability, information and communication management, profitability, human resource quality, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

The light is always identical in its composition, but it falls on a great variety of objects, and by so falling is first revealed to us, not in its own form, for it is formless, but in theirs; in like manner, thought only appears in the objects it classifies.  相似文献   

The light is always identical in its composition, but it falls on a great variety of objects, and by so falling is first revealed to us, not in its own form, for it is formless, but in theirs; in like manner, thought only appears in the objects it classifies.  相似文献   

2009年10月,是新中国60华诞,值此喜庆日子,伴随着祖国现代化建设的步伐,《水运管理》也迎来了创刊30周年诞辰。  相似文献   

In this paper time series univariate forecast methods and analysis of time series is used in an innovative way, with the intention of assisting the flag state administrators to map and predefine their shipping quality policy. In general, given the number of ships detained by Port State Control (PSC) and corresponding inspections of the flag fleet for the same period of time, one is able to forecast the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) excess factor of any flag state for a selected time window. Thus, depending on the goals of each flag state administration, one can judge their feasibility (e.g. remain in the Paris MOU White List or achieve an excess factor of —1 etc) and determine whether to enhance the safety measures or not. The method is first developed and discussed on an abstract basis to set the theoretical background, a combination of time series analysis and practical engineering philosophy. Then the study focuses upon the Cyprus Flag figures in Paris MOU ports, only to demonstrate its effectiveness but can in any case be applied upon any given flag. The application of the method suggested, combined with expert judgment, could result in a significant improvement of the flag quality.  相似文献   

时光飞逝30年,太平洋奔腾不息的波涛依旧传递着中美两国贸易往来的巨量物流,即使遭遇百年罕见的金融危机,并引发咄咄逼人的经济衰退,2008年,中美双边贸易总额仍然以10.5%的增长,达到了3337.4亿美元,美国由此连续成为中国第二大贸易伙伴。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展以及船舶的日趋大型化与专业化,海上交通日益繁忙,导致船舶污染事故时有发生,船舶对海洋环境的污染也越来越受到社会的广泛关注。2010年3月1日,《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》正式生效,这也标志着我国政府对防治船舶污染海洋环境的重视程度提升到了一个新的层面。通过船舶污染预警机制来避免或最大化地降低船舶污染事故的发生,也就显得十分必要。  相似文献   

对国家海事局船员英语适任统考和中远集团船员英语适岗考试两种英语测试体系的特点进行了比较,海事局英语适任统考具有典型的职业资格测试的特点,侧重于职业资格的认证;中远集团船员英语适岗考试则以满足国际劳务市场的需要为目的,强调跟踪岗位需求,也有自己的特点。  相似文献   

<正>2022年是党的二十大召开之年,是加快建设交通强国和全面实施“十四五”规划极为重要的一年,四川省交通勘察设计研究院有限公司(简称“四川交通院”)也迎来了成立65周年的重要时刻。作为巴蜀大地交通发展的先行者、参与者、见证者,伴随着新中国从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃,伴随着四川交通从“蜀道难”变“蜀道通”迈向“蜀道畅”的辉煌成就,四川交通院坚持守正创新、始终与时俱进,在三次转型的历史进程中奋楫争先、砥砺深耕,  相似文献   

Part 2 of this two-part paper presents the analysis and validation results of local flow characteristics for a surface combatant Model 5415 bare hull under static and dynamic planar motion mechanism simulations. Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) computations are carried out by a general-purpose URANS/detached eddy simulation research code CFDShip-Iowa Ver. 4. The objective of this research is to investigate the capability of the code in relation to the computational fluid dynamics-based maneuvering prediction method. In the current study, the ship is subjected to static drift, steady turn, pure sway and pure yaw motions at Froude number 0.28. The free surface, three dimensional vortical structure and, the validation of two dimensional local flow quantities together with the available experimental data are of the interest in the current study. Part 1 provides the verification and validation results of forces and moment coefficients, hydrodynamic derivatives, and reconstructions of forces and moment coefficients from resultant hydrodynamic derivatives.  相似文献   

通过对潘琪祥教授所作“两方位定位时并非是物标距离愈近愈好的理由”论文进一步作数学分析,论证了其论文的正确性,从而在一定程度上否定了现行诸航海学教材相关内容的部分结论。  相似文献   

Part 1 of this two-part paper presents the verification and validation results of forces and moment coefficients, hydrodynamic derivatives, and reconstructions of forces and moment coefficients from resultant hydrodynamic derivatives for a surface combatant Model 5415 bare hull under static and dynamic planar motion mechanism simulations. Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) computations are carried out by a general purpose URANS/detached eddy simulation research code CFDShip-Iowa Ver. 4. The objective of this research is to investigate the capability of the code in regards to the computational fluid dynamics based maneuvering prediction method. In the current study, the ship is subjected to static drift, steady turn, pure sway, pure yaw, and combined yaw and drift motions at Froude number 0.28. The results are analyzed in view of: (1) the verification for iterative, grid, and time-step convergence along with assessment of overall numerical uncertainty; and (2) validations for forces and moment coefficients, hydrodynamic derivatives, and reconstruction of forces and moment coefficients from resultant hydrodynamic derivatives together with the available experimental data. Part 2 provides the validation for flow features with the experimental data as well as investigations for flow physics, e.g., flow separation, three dimensional vortical structure, and reconstructed local flows.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the determinants of investment and examines both theoretical and empirical work on the investment function. The major determinants are considered and a case study of the United Kingdom shipping industry in the period 1963-1987 is undertaken. The analysis is unable to find any real link between the value of the investment incentives packages available to the UK shipping industry and the size of the UK fleet during this period. The conclusion follows that while financial factors (e.g. favourable credit arrangements) or individual components (e.g. investment grants) of fiscal packages may influence the decision to invest, the total package has not affected the level of shipping investment in the manner expected.  相似文献   

由国际海事组织(IMO)主办,中国海事局承办,中国拆船协会和上海海事局协办的"IMO安全与环保拆船地区研讨会"于2009年2月27-28日在上海召开.在当前国际金融危机爆发,航运业发展受阻,全球废旧船舶投入市场放量剧增的形势下,IMO召开此次会议,具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

柯冰 《世界海运》2010,33(4):52-55
W:您是如何认识和评价中国沿海港口发展的?J:人口众多、资源相对短缺是我国的基本国情,为了提高人民的生活水平和生活质量,必须依靠国际、国内两个市场两种资源,大量资源需要从国外进口,同时大量“中国制造”需要运至全球各地,使得中国成为世界海运需求最大的国家。  相似文献   

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