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To identify the potential relationship between Pheaocystis globosa bloom conditions and seawater properties, a hydrobiological survey was performed in the inshore waters of the Eastern English Channel over the course of the phytoplankton spring bloom. Chlorophyll concentration, auto- and hetero/mixotrophic composition of protists and standing stock, and seawater viscosity were measured weekly from March to June 2004. The decline of the bloom is characterized by a massive foam formation in the turbulent surf zone. Before foam formation, seawater viscosity significantly increased, showing a significant positive correlation with chlorophyll concentration. In contrast, after foam formation this correlation was negative, seawater viscosity kept increasing despite a sharp decrease in chlorophyll concentrations. No significant correlation has been found between seawater viscosity and the composition of the phytoplankton assemblages observed during the survey. However, significant positive correlations have been found between seawater viscosity and both the size and the abundance of P. globosa colonies. From the correlation patterns observed between chlorophyll concentration and seawater viscosity, we suggest that the rheological properties of seawater are mainly driven by extracellular materials associated with colony formation and maintenance rather than by cell composition and standing stock.  相似文献   

Few marine phytoplankton have heteromorphic life cycles and also often dominate the ecosystems in which they occur. The class Prymnesiophyceae contains a notable exception: the genus Phaeocystis includes three species that form gelatinous colonies but also occur within their ranges as solitary cells. Phaeocystis antarctica and P. pouchetii are exclusively high latitude taxa, and are notable for regionally tremendous blooms of the colony stage. P. globosa occurs circumglobally, yet its colony blooms primarily are confined to colder waters within its range. Three additional species are warm water forms that have been reported only as solitary cells or loose aggregations that bear little resemblance to the organized colonies of the other taxa. Interpretation of existing data indicates that resource availability (light, temperature and nutrients) by itself is not sufficient to explain this distinction between cold-water colony-forming taxa and warm water solitary cell taxa, nor why colony development in P. globosa is essentially a spatially restricted phenomenon within a much broader geographic range. Colony development by P. globosa in situ has been observed at temperatures ≥20 °C, but only rarely and generally under conditions of seasonally or anthropogenically elevated nutrient supply. Data presented here demonstrate colony development at 20–22 °C in natural plankton communities from oligotrophic waters that were pre-screened through 63 μm mesh (i.e. lacking mesozooplankton and large microzooplankton), but not in unscreened communities containing microzooplankton and >63 μm zooplankton. Reduction of colony proliferation at higher temperatures by mesozooplankton grazing remains as an intriguing possibility that is consistent with available evidence to help explain differences in latitudinal extent of in situ colony development. These data are interpreted within a theoretical framework regarding the potential advantages and disadvantages of the two life cycle stages.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance, and biomass of micro- (>15 μm) and nano- (<15 μm) phytoplankton were studied along the southern Black Sea during June–July 1996 and March–April and September 1998. A total of 150 species were identified, 50% of them being dinoflagellates. The average total phytoplankton abundance changed from 77×103 cells l−1 in spring to 110×103 cells l−1 in autumn and biomass from 250 μg l−1 in summer to 1370 μg l−1 in spring. Based on the extensive sampling grid from June–July 1996, phytoplankton seemed to have a rather homogeneous biomass distribution in the southern Black Sea. In all periods, the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi was the most abundant species, its contribution to the total abundance ranging from 73% in autumn to 43% in spring. However, in terms of biomass, diatoms made up the bulk of phytoplankton in spring (97%, majority being Proboscia alata) and autumn (73%, majority being Pseudosolenia calcar-avis), and dinoflagellates in summer (74%, Gymnodinium sp.). There was a remarkable similarity in the dominant species between the western and eastern regions of the southern Black Sea, indicating transport of phytoplankton within the basin.  相似文献   

We present concurrent data on ingestion, egg production and the loss of maternal biomass in pre-spring bloom female Calanus finmarchicus incubated under conditions representative of those in situ in the North Atlantic. A balanced metabolic budget was constructed and used to examine the relative importance of ingestion and biomass for fuelling egg production during the incubations. Ingested carbon was not sufficient to meet the observed demands for egg production. More than 80% of the carbon utilised by the females was instead derived from their biomass. Fatty acid analysis demonstrated that the storage reserves, 20:1 (n−9) and 22:1 (n−11), were virtually absent before experimentation began, and therefore could not have been used to supply the carbon required for egg production during the incubations. The C:N mass-specific ratio of the biomass utilised was 4.1, suggesting that the females had instead catabolised protein in order to meet their metabolic demands. These results suggest that C. finmarchicus adopts a sacrificial reproductive strategy when food availability is low.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton blooms in the central Japan/East Sea (JES) show pronounced year-to-year variability based on Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS; 19972003) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Terra (20002003) observations. Wind seems to strongly influence this variability. To study the relationship between wind and bloom initiation, we analyzed daily, remotely sensed wind stress data (Active Microwave Instrument–wind [AMI–wind], NASA Scatterometer [NSCAT], and Quick Scatterometer [QuickSCAT]: 19972003) and daily chlorophyll concentrations based on ocean color data (SeaWiFS and MODIS). The results agreed well with the hypotheses; in spring, blooms began 615 days after wind stress weakened. Fall blooms started 39 days after wind strengthened. We also simulated seasonal changes using a simple light–nutrient model using two values for the respiration ratio: 10% and 20%. The use of 20% seemed to reproduce the timing of the spring bloom quite well but underestimated the absolute level of chlorophyll concentration. On the other hand, using 10% produced a better estimation of the chlorophyll concentration but failed to match the timing. Neither of the model runs reproduced the timing of the fall bloom well.  相似文献   

During a repeat grid survey and drogue study carried out in austral summer 1994/95, the abundance and feeding activity of salps were estimated in the Lazarev Sea region from net tows and in situ measurements of gut fluorescence. Throughout the survey area, Salpa thompsoni accounted for >95% of the total salp stock while Ihlea racovitzai was consistently represented in very low abundances. Maximum densities of S. thompsoni, with ≈4000 ind. 1000 m−3, were recorded in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) in December when chlorophyll-a concentrations were well below 1 mg m−3. A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the beginning of January, when S. thompsoni virtually disappeared from the most productive area of the MIZ where chlorophyll-a concentrations had by then reached bloom levels of 1.5–3 mg (Chl-a) m−3. In situ grazing measurements showed that throughout the cruise S. thompsoni exhibited the highest ingestion rates per individual of any of the most abundant components of the grazing pelagic community, with maxima of ≈160 μg (pigm) ind. −1 d−1. These feeding rates are 3 to 5 times higher than those previously obtained using in vitro incubations. The total daily consumption of the population of S. thompsoni varied from 0.3 to 108% of daily primary production. We suggest that competitive removal of food by S. thompsoni, rather than direct predation, is responsible for the low krill abundances generally associated with salp swarms.  相似文献   

This paper presents results obtained with MIRO&CO-3D, a biogeochemical model dedicated to the study of eutrophication and applied to the Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea (48.5°N–52.5°N). The model results from coupling of the COHERENS-3D hydrodynamic model and the biogeochemical model MIRO, which was previously calibrated in a multi-box implementation. MIRO&CO-3D is run to simulate the annual cycle of inorganic and organic carbon and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and silica), phytoplankton (diatoms, nanoflagellates and Phaeocystis), bacteria and zooplankton (microzooplankton and copepods) with realistic forcing (meteorological conditions and river loads) for the period 1991–2003. Model validation is first shown by comparing time series of model concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll a, diatom and Phaeocystis with in situ data from station 330 (51°26.00′N, 2°48.50′E) located in the centre of the Belgian coastal zone. This comparison shows the model's ability to represent the seasonal dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton in Belgian waters. However the model fails to simulate correctly the dissolved silica cycle, especially during the beginning of spring, due to the late onset (in the model) of the early spring diatom bloom. As a general trend the chlorophyll a spring maximum is underestimated in simulations. A comparison between the seasonal average of surface winter nutrients and spring chlorophyll a concentrations simulated with in situ data for different stations is used to assess the accuracy of the simulated spatial distribution. At a seasonal scale, the spatial distribution of surface winter nutrients is in general well reproduced by the model with nevertheless a small overestimation for a few stations close to the Rhine/Meuse mouth and a tendency to underestimation in the coastal zone from Belgium to France. PO4 was simulated best; silica was simulated with less success. Spring chlorophyll a concentration is in general underestimated by the model. The accuracy of the simulated phytoplankton spatial distribution is further evaluated by comparing simulated surface chlorophyll a with that derived from the satellite sensor MERIS for the year 2003. Reasonable agreement is found between simulated and satellite-derived regions of high chlorophyll a with nevertheless discrepancies close to the boundaries.  相似文献   

Many studies of copepod egg production have shown that food availability and temperature are major factors that influence copepod growth. However, coastal environments are complicated ecosystem and the relationships between growth of copepods and influencing factors are not always clear in nature. We conducted a study along an inner–middle–outer bay transect where variations in environmental parameters would be expected to affect the biomass and egg production rate of A. hongi from February 2001 to December 2001. In this study, we investigated the abundance and biomass with developmental stages and egg production rates of A. hongi in relation to various environmental factors. The copepod A. hongi occurred continuously throughout the year, with a peak abundance in May. In general, the variation in egg production rates showed a similar tendency with the variations in chlorophyll-a throughout the study period. This suggests that phytoplankton biomass is an important factor that affects the egg production of A. hongi. In addition, during the warm season, the egg production of A. hongi was also influenced by the ciliates abundance in the middle and outer bay. Consequently, the egg production of A. hongi is generally affected by food availability in Kyeonggi Bay.  相似文献   

In part I of this series, experimental investigation in EPFM (elastic-plastic fracture mechanics) had been discussed. In this paper, experimental investigation in LEFM ( linear elastic fracture mechanics) is given. Fracture toughness tests had been carried out on three different strength steels, using both through-cracked specimens with different α/W ratio and semi-elliptical cracked specimens with variable crack size and shape. Results show that the fracture toughness KIC increases with decreasing α/W when α/W 〈 0.3 for three-point-bend specimens, and that for α/W 〉 0.3, it is independent of α/W. Shallow crack specimens, both through-cracked and surface-cracked, gave markedly higher values than deeply notched specimens. However, the effect of crack shape on fracture toughness is negligible. Results also show that the LEFM approach to fracture is not tenable for design stresses where αc is often very small, far less than 2.5 ( KIC/σy)^2.  相似文献   

The fluctuations of catches of the deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) were analysed in the 6 ports of Catalonia where production is concentrated, based on monthly landings from 1988 to 2004. The 6 selected ports produced 300 t of red shrimp in 2004, or 80% of the total production in Catalonia. The series for each port showed clear interannual variability, with peaks of production in the early 1990s and more recently from 2001 to 2003. The time periods of the monthly data series, estimated by frequency analysis based on Fourier transform, varied around 7–8 years in the four central ports and 12–13 years in the two northern ports. Additionally, the different curves were not in phase: even in nearby ports, the maximum production is observed in different years. Since the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index is an excellent proxy for long-term series of environmental variables, we aimed to explore relationships between the fluctuation of the NAO index and A. antennatus landings in the Catalan Sea. The correlation between the mean annual NAO index and the annual catches in each port was positive and significant with some time lags (from 1 to 3 years). The existence of clear patterns linking the NAO with marine ecological processes has been demonstrated in many studies, but the underlying ecological mechanisms are far from being well understood. The variations in environmental parameters linked to the NAO may act on biological organisms at different levels (individual, population) through physiology (metabolic and reproductive processes) or through trophic relationships, including ecological cascade effects. We propose that NAO-induced environmental variability may enhance food supply to A. antennatus and hence strengthen the reproductive potential of particular year classes, which result in increased catches 1 to 3 years later, although other possible effects of environmental variability on the population dynamics of this species are worth investigating.  相似文献   

At Terra Nova Bay, the scallop Adamussium colbecki (Smith, 1902) characterises the soft and hard bottoms from 20 to 80 m depth, constituting large beds and reaching high values of density (50–60 individuals/m2) and biomass (120 g/m2 DW soft tissues). To assess its role in the organic matter recycling in the coastal ecosystem, its filtering and biodeposition rates were evaluated in laboratory experiments during the austral summer 1993/94. Filtration rates, measured in a flow-through system, were calculated from the difference in particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in inflow and outflow water. Experiments were performed using natural sea water with POC, PON and Chl-a concentrations of about 450 μg/l, 90 μg/l and 2 μg/l, respectively. The biodeposition rate and the biochemical composition of the biodeposits were studied in order to detect how the organic matter is transformed through feeding activity of A. colbecki. At +1°C temperature, the average filtering rate was about 1 l h−1 g−1 (DW soft tissues) in specimens ranging in body mass from 2 to 3 g (DW soft tissues) and 6–7 cm long. The biodeposition rate in 3–8 cm long specimens, ranging from 0.4 to 5.7 g (DW soft tissues), was about 5.65 mg DW/g DW/day, leading to an estimate of Corg flux, through biodeposition by A. colbecki, of about 21 mg C m−2 day−1 at in situ conditions. Comparison between the biochemical composition of seston and biodeposits shows a decrease of the labile compounds, of the Chl-a/phaeopigments ratio in the biodeposits. The recorded C/N ratio decrease suggests a microbial colonisation in the biodeposits. This study suggests that Adamussium colbecki plays an important role in coupling the material fluxes from the water column to the sea bed, processing about 14% of total Carbon flux from the water column to the sediments, with an assimilation efficiency of 36%.  相似文献   

Many experimental investigations have previously been performed and recently done on different shipbuilding structural steels where the specimens size and crack depth/specimen width (a/W) were varied. A series of interesting results have been gained. It is worthwhile to have a review on the effect of a/W ratio on fracture toughness, and further theoretical analysis is necessary. In this paper, experimental work in elasticplastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) was discussed. Tests had been carried out on 10 kinds of strength steels. Results showed that J i and δ1 values increased with decreasing a/W when a/W<0.3 for three-point bend specimens and that shallow crack specimens which have less constrained flow field give markedly higher values of toughness than deeply notched specimens. However, for a/W>0.3, the toughness was found to be independent of a/W. Slip line field analysis shows that for shallow cracks, the hydrostatic stress is lower than that from standard deeply cracked bend specimen which develops a high level of crack tip constraint, provides a lower bound estimate of toughness, and will ensure an unduly conservative approach when applied to structure defects especially if initiation values of COD/J-integral are used.  相似文献   

Pigments, size and distribution of Phycoerythrin-containing unicellular cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. within the euphotic zone were studied for the first time in April–May 1994 in the western and southwestern Black Sea by epifluorescence microscopy and flow-cytometry. Synechococcus was present in varying quantities at every station and depth studied. Surface spatial distribution of Synechococcus revealed that cells were much more abundant in offshore waters than near coastal regions under the direct influence of the Danube river. Minimum and maximum cell concentrations ranged between 9×102 and 1.45×105 cells/ml at the surface, between 2×103 and 1.23×105 cells/ml at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer, and between 1.3×102 and 3.5×102 at the nitrite maximum layer. Cells at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer (based on in-situ fluorometer readings) fluoresce brighter and longer than the ones at the surface and lower depths. Spectral properties of chromophore pigment types of total 64 clonal isolates from different depths down to the lower layer of the euphotic zone (60 m) in the southern Black Sea coast revealed that all have type 2 phycoerythrobilin in common, lacking in phycourobilin. In vivo fluorescence emission maxima for the phycoerythrobilin were about the same (578 nm) for all isolates. All isolates examined showed in vivo absorption maxima at between 435 and 442 nm and at about 681 nm due to chlorophyll-a. Based on the flow cytometer mean forward light scatter data for size distribution, it could be concluded that cells at the surface mixed layer (0–10 m) were larger in cell size than the cells at lower depths (20–60 m).  相似文献   

Dynamics of suprabenthos and zooplankton were analyzed in two areas located in the NW (off Sóller harbour) and S (off Cabrera Archipelago) of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean) at depths ranging between 135–780 m. Four stations situated respectively at 150 m (shelf-slope break), and at bathyal depths of 350, 650 and 750 m were sampled at bi-monthly intervals during six cruises performed between August 2003 and June 2004. Suprabenthos showed maximum biomass in both areas from late spring to summer (April to August), while minimum biomass was found in autumn (September–November). Though variable, temporal dynamics of zooplankton showed peaks of biomass in late winter and summer (February and June), while minimals occurred in autumn (August–September) and, at bathyal depths, in April. Suprabenthos (abundance; MDS analyses) showed a sample aggregation as a function of depth (3 groups corresponding to the shelf-slope break, upper slope — over 350 m; and the middle, deeper part of the slope — over 650–750 m), without any separation of hauls by season. By contrast, zooplankton samples were separated by season and not by depth. There was evidence of three seasonal groups corresponding to summer (June 2004–August 2003), autumn–winter (September and November 2003, February 2004), and spring (April 2004), being especially well established off Sóller. In general, suprabenthos was significantly correlated with the sediment variables (e.g. total organic matter content (% OM), potential REDOX), whereas zooplankton was almost exclusively dependent on Chl a at the surface, which suggests two different food sources for suprabenthos and zooplankton. The increase of suprabenthos abundance in April–June was paralleled by a sharp increase (ca. 2.8 times) in the %OM on sediment during the same period, coupled ca. 1–2 months of delay with the peak of surface Chl a recorded in February–March (from satellite imagery data). Suprabenthos biomass was also correlated with salinity close to the bottom, suggesting a link between suprabenthos abundance and changes in the oceanographic condition of water masses close to the bottom. It is suggested that a higher suprabenthos biomass recorded off Sóller in comparison to that off Cabrera in June could, in turn, be related to a seasonal inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) in April–June in this area at mid bathyal depths (350–650 m). This trend would be based on: 1) it was evident only at mid-slope depths between 350–750 m, coinciding with the LIW distribution, and 2) it was not recorded among zooplankton (collected throughout the water column). The possible effect of the fluctuations of suprabenthos and zooplankton on higher trophic levels has been explored studying the diet and food consumption rates of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, as indicator species by its dominance in bathyal communities. A. antennatus increased its food consumption from February to April–June 2004 off Sóller, which in the case of large (CL > 40 mm) specimens was found in both areas. In addition, there was a shift of diet from winter to spring–early summer. In this last period, A. antennatus preyed upon euphausiids and mesopelagic decapods and fish, while benthos (e.g. polychaetes and bivalves) decreased in the diet. This indicates an increase in the food consumption and probably in the caloric content of the diet in pre-spawning females in April–June 2004, which is synchronized with the period when gonad development begins in A. antennatus females (May–June). Anyway, macrozooplankton, and not suprabenthos, is crucial as a high energetic food source in the coupling between food intake and reproduction in the red shrimp.  相似文献   

The water column above the Prestige wreckage was sampled during two consecutive campaigns: Prestinaut (December 2002) two weeks after the tanker sunk and HidroPrestige0303 (March 2003) one month after the sealing of the main fuel leaks. Samples of the original cargo fuel and the emulsified fuel in the surface of the ocean were also collected. Analysis of the fuel indicated the release of 135 kg of Cu, 1700 kg of Ni and 5300 kg of V from the original fuel to the water column, remaining 35 kg of Cu, 3100 kg of Ni and 13,800 kg of V in the emulsified fuel. The metal partitioning between the water column and the emulsioned floating fuel, Cu > Ni ~ V, are in accordance with the stability index for the metal–nitrogen bond in metalloporphyrins. This release had an impact on dissolved trace metal concentrations in the water column. An increase on dissolved copper (2.8–4.7 nM) and nickel (2.2–8.0 nM) with respect to natural values (1–3 nM for Cu and 1.6–5 nM for Ni) was observed. Values for vanadium (28–35 nM) were in the range of pristine North Atlantic waters (30–36 nM). This contamination was especially observed in the upper water column (0–50 m), associated with the mixing of seawater with the fuel moving upwards, and in deep waters, where the residence time of fuel is higher. Future research in this field should focus on the environmental variables and the processes that control the release of contaminants from fuels for a better assessment of the contamination in oil-spill events.  相似文献   

A particle-tracking individual-based model (IBM) coupled with a 3-D hydrodynamic model was used to investigate how spatial variability in spawning and nursery grounds may influence transport and retention of sardine (Sardinops sagax) eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela ecosystem. A temperature-dependent Bělehrádek development model based on laboratory growth data was used to determine the duration of one egg and two larval stages. Successful transport/retention depended on each particle's stage of development rather than its age. Results show that recruitment could occur in two distinct nursery areas on the west and south coasts of South Africa. Three viable recruitment ‘systems’ were identified: two are retention-based (spawned and retained on the west coast (WC–WC) or the south coast (SC–SC)) and one is transport-based (spawned on the south coast and transported to the west coast (SC–WC)). In the WC–WC system, the vertical distribution of eggs influenced retention; at intermediate depths of spawning (25–50 m) eggs avoided both offshore Ekman drift and deep cold water. In the SC–SC system, the area of spawning was important; > 50% of eggs from the eastern Agulhas Bank (EAB) were retained in the south coast nursery grounds, whereas very few eggs were transported there from west of Cape Agulhas. In the SC–WC system, area of spawning was also important; 40% of the eggs spawned on the western Agulhas Bank (WAB) were transported to the west coast nursery ground. Sardine life history strategy could be divided between two main systems: the west coast system (spawning on the WAB and WC, and recruiting to the WC) and the Agulhas Bank system (spawning on the central and eastern Agulhas Bank, and recruiting to the SC).  相似文献   

Particulate organic matter (POM), nutrients, chlorophyll-a (CHL) and primary production measurements were performed in the upper layer of three different regions (cyclonic, anticyclonic and frontal+peripherial) of the NE Mediterranean Sea in 1991–1994. Depth profiles of bulk POM exhibited a subsurface maximum, coinciding with the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) established near the base of the euphotic zone of the Rhodes cyclone and its periphery, where the nutricline was situated just below the euphotic zone for most of the year. Moreover, the POM peaks were broader and situated at shallower depths in late winter–early spring as compared to its position in the summer–autumn period. Under prolonged winter conditions, as experienced in March 1992, the characteristic POM feature disappeared in the center of the Rhodes cyclone, where the upper layer was entirely occupied by nutrient-rich Levantine deep water. Deep convective processes in the cyclonic gyre led to the formation of vertically uniform POM profiles with low concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) (2.1 μM), nitrogen (0.21 μM), total particulate phosphorus (PP) (0.02 μM) and chlorophyll-a (0.5 μg/L) in the euphotic zone. Though the Levantine deep waters ascended up to the surface layer with the nitrate/phosphate molar ratios (28–29) in March 1992, the N/P molar ratio of bulk POM in the upper layer was low as 10–12, indicating luxury consumption of phosphate during algal production. Depth-integrated primary production in the euphotic zone ranged from 38.5 for oligotrophic autumn to 457 mg C m−2 day−1 for moderately mesotrophic cool winter conditions.  相似文献   

The variations of the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and related parameters were determined in surface seawater along the Belgian coast, from January 1995 to June 1996, at both daily and seasonal time scales. The distribution of pCO2 in this area is regulated by river input from the Scheldt, biological activity and hydrodynamics. The contribution of each of these processes varies as a function of the considered time scale: (i) the daily variation of pCO2 depends on the tide although modulated by the biological diel cycle; (ii) the seasonal variation of pCO2 depends on the input from the Scheldt and the seasonal variations of phytoplanktonic biomass. During winter, the plume of the river Scheldt is oversaturated in pCO2 with respect to the atmosphere. During spring and summer, phytoplankton blooms occur both in the lower Scheldt estuary and in the river plume and may lead to undersaturation of pCO2 in the easternmost area of the river plume. However, the degradation of phytoplankton induces oversaturation of pCO2, in the westernmost area of the plume. Furthermore, the inter-annual variation of pCO2 depends partly on the fluctuations of the discharge of the Scheldt. Our preliminary results strongly suggest that, on an annual basis, the Scheldt plume behaves as a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Observations of a winter upwelling event off Western Iberia shelf/slope in the area of influence of the Western Iberia Buoyant Plume (WIBP) were conducted in February 2000. Spatial patterns and time evolution of the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) biomass are analysed, based on in situ and satellite data. SeaWiFS-derived chl-a concentration L2 products were used to track the chlorophyll front and estimate its westward migration velocity (maximum up to 29 km day−1), as well as to characterize the frontal system and its evolution. A method associating the type of spectral signature of a pixel to the fraction of chlorophyll probed by SeaWiFS enabled the estimation of the chl-a biomass within error intervals. High chlorophyll concentrations (for wintertime) were observed over the shelf and slope, up to large distances to the coast. Due to the WIBP, a shallow Ekman layer developed, being nearly coincident with the stratified upper meters. The transport comprised westward advection and stretching of the plume, with little entrainment with the offshore deep mixed layer waters. The relative enlargement of the total area of the Inside-Front Zone (IFZ) during the upwelling event was roughly accompanied by the maintenance of the average biomass per unit of area, considering the water column up to depths of interest. This suggests that there was a net increase of chl-a biomass inside the water column associated with the IFZ, roughly proportional to the increase in the IFZ area. Retention of phytoplankton in the shallow stratified nutrient-rich waters of the WIBP was a key factor for this increase in chl-a biomass.  相似文献   

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