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吴鸣岐 《世界海运》2004,27(5):32-33
游船旅游是旅游业中的一项重要内容,随着旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游者对旅游产品的需求也发生了变化,旅游品位不断提高,而游船旅游将会满足更多旅游者的个性化需求,游船旅游在我国有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

1 世界游船业发展现状 游船旅游是一种特殊的旅游项目,随着海洋旅游业的迅速发展,乘船旅游将成为时尚。截至2003年底,全球具有一定规模的豪华游船公司大约有70家,共有265艘游船,总排水量为931万t,船员总数为117f人,最大载客能力约25万人。2001年,全球豪华游船游客近1000万人次。其他游船市场也日益兴旺,莱茵河、尼罗河年游船游客量均约600万人次。据国际游船协会估计,2003年,仅北美洲乘游船旅游的游客就达到830万人次。其他地区乘游船旅游的游客人次数持续增长。游船业不仅增长快,发展潜力巨大,而且经营利润丰厚。目前,就世界范围看,游船旅游主要集中在加勒比海域、希腊群岛海域和东南亚海域。这些海域气候温暖,可供登陆游览的港口多,港口城市拥有许多名胜古迹,且各登陆口岸之间的距离适中,因此成为理想的游船旅游的游览区域。  相似文献   

何孟辑 《游艇业》2006,(1):78-82
旅游产业被视为黄金产业。在发达国家.海洋旅游业产值一般都占到整个旅游业产值的2/3左右。浙江舟山普陀因其特有的地理、人文特征和消费水平,近年来旅游业有着突飞猛进的发展,而普陀的海洋旅游业具有极大的发展空间。游艇游船由于具有较高的消费档次,产业关联度,品牌效应等特征.成为普陀海洋旅游产品开发的精品.把普陀建设成为集观光,度假,娱乐等活动于一体的综合性的长三角游艇的度假天堂成为当地政府的一件大事。普陀区政府是如何考虑借游艇文化发展海上旅游休闲产业的.请看普陀区旅游局何孟辑先生的讲述。[编者按]  相似文献   

为给我国长江游船旅游市场发展提供思路,以2018―2021年近4年游船旅游的统计数据为基础,从游客、航线、游船和港口等4个方面分析长江游船旅游市场的现状。针对目前存在的不足提出建议:大力发展长江中下航线的旅游市场;游船运营方应提高服务质量;长江沿岸游船港口需完善基础设施,并区分游船母港和停靠港,根据需求进行规划建设。  相似文献   

袁俊  陈湛 《中国水运》2004,(6):29-30
旅游电子商务是指通过先进的网络信息技术手段实现旅游商务活动各环节的电子化,以电子手段进行旅游宣传促销.开展旅游售前售后服务;也包括旅游企业内部流程的电子化及管理系统的应用等,本文通过对长江游船业旅游电子商务现状、问题的分析.寻求发展对策。  相似文献   

8月18日,由上海浦江游览公司投资1300万元建造的名为“全球通”的豪华游船从上海市黄浦江旅游中心(筹)出发,进行首航。这是黄浦江上第4艘非改造的全新游船,也是黄浦江上投入运营的第29艘游船。  相似文献   

谢建刚 《中国水运》2003,(10):40-41
在旅游产业蓬勃发展的大背景下,旅游企业面临的经营风险范围也在不断增大.长江游船业经过二十年发展,呈现出一波三折、迂回曲折的震荡局面.长江游船企业如何规避经营风险、健康发展呢?本文拟对此进行探索.  相似文献   

随着社会经济不断发展和人民生活水平日益提高,珠江旅游业也在迅猛发展,但目前珠江东河道(即由珠江白鹅潭至黄埔军校河段)游船安全监管的现状与旅游业的发展不相适应,根据科学发展观的要求,为保障珠江游船航行及人民生命财产安全,满足大众越来越高的需求,推动旅游业和经济的发展,我们有必要对珠江游船安全监管的现状与对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

曹莉琼 《海运情报》2007,(11):14-19
2006年邮轮游客的数量显示了邮轮业的发展优于先前的预期。根据最近统计的数据和对未来增长的预测,预计到2012年邮轮游客的数量总计将达到1965万,比2006年的游客数量增加大约30%。这相当于游船的下铺需达到387574张。[第一段]  相似文献   

介绍世界游船市场、客源和游船船型及国际游船旅游现状,阐述游船对于区域和城市经济的作用。分析东北亚地区地理特点和经济环境,提出以吸引欧美游客为主建立东北亚游船旅游区域的观点.对东北亚游船市场存在的潜力进行分析,并提出中国港口的发展对策。  相似文献   

详细介绍了世界邮轮产业的发源与变迁,欧美邮轮旅游业开始向亚洲市场转移,中国研发豪华邮轮的条件逐渐成熟,并对豪华邮轮的设计理念、如何培养本土的设计师和造船师进行阐述。  相似文献   

比较分析了不同工况下的邮轮旅客行李装卸工艺,提出一种通用邮轮旅客行李出舱装卸的工艺方案;以某国际邮轮码头行李装卸为例,详细阐述了该工艺布置方案,介绍了与该工艺方案配套的行李装卸设备的应用情况。  相似文献   

根据风景区游览艇的实际营运情况,分析游览艇稳性计算中存在的问题,提出合理的游览艇稳性校核的方法。  相似文献   

滕健灵 《船海工程》2006,35(6):41-43
为了减小振动与噪音对船舶的影响,在主机与齿轮箱、齿轮箱与尾轴、原动机与发电机之间的连接采用弹性联轴器等,使噪音程度大大降低,并探讨现有船舶检验规范在LPG动力游艇检验中的局限性。  相似文献   

在分析广东省邮轮旅游发展现状的基础上,结合区域经济发展水平对广东省邮轮旅游发展前景进行分析,参考邮轮旅游的实际营运情况,按照邮轮航线的不同,将广东省邮轮旅游游客划分为境内邮轮旅客及境外到访邮轮旅客,并根据其不同的特点分航线预测广东省港口邮轮旅客运量发展水平。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the development of prospects for cruising in Europe. It examines this within the broad framework of economic theory and maritime economics. Initially, the market structures and relationships applicable to cruising are considered with particular attention being paid to the linkages between the shipping markets and tourism and leisure. This conceptual analysis suggests that whilst cruising has a strong shipping element it does not fall exclusively within the classic framework of maritime economics but draws from both shipping and tourism and leisure. For reasons of clarity, a number of definitions are also provided covering maritime tourism and leisure, cruising, and supply and demand, as it relates to cruising. Following this, an overview of the cruise industry is included. This focuses primarily on the growth in the demand both world wide and at regional level. In particular, the analysis places the development of cruising in Europe in market perspective. Subsequently, the development of cruising in the UK is examined as a case study. Initially, UK market growth is analysed and it can be seen that the UK is now the second largest cruise market in the world after North America. Projections of the growth in UK demand to 2003 are also provided. The growth in supply is also studied and the UK targeted fleet is identified. In addition, the question of ownership is addressed. The prospects of employment for UK seafarers within the cruise industry are also considered and results obtained from the analysis suggest that it should be possible to increase the participation of UK and other European seafarers within the cruise industry at all levels and in all departments. In the final section of the paper, the position of UK ports as terminals and destinations is evaluated. It is concluded that the fundamentals of the cruise business remain strong, and continued growth by the industry should be possible for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the development of prospects for cruising in Europe. It examines this within the broad framework of economic theory and maritime economics. Initially, the market structures and relationships applicable to cruising are considered with particular attention being paid to the linkages between the shipping markets and tourism and leisure. This conceptual analysis suggests that whilst cruising has a strong shipping element it does not fall exclusively within the classic framework of maritime economics but draws from both shipping and tourism and leisure. For reasons of clarity, a number of definitions are also provided covering maritime tourism and leisure, cruising, and supply and demand, as it relates to cruising. Following this, an overview of the cruise industry is included. This focuses primarily on the growth in the demand both world wide and at regional level. In particular, the analysis places the development of cruising in Europe in market perspective. Subsequently, the development of cruising in the UK is examined as a case study. Initially, UK market growth is analysed and it can be seen that the UK is now the second largest cruise market in the world after North America. Projections of the growth in UK demand to 2003 are also provided. The growth in supply is also studied and the UK targeted fleet is identified. In addition, the question of ownership is addressed. The prospects of employment for UK seafarers within the cruise industry are also considered and results obtained from the analysis suggest that it should be possible to increase the participation of UK and other European seafarers within the cruise industry at all levels and in all departments. In the final section of the paper, the position of UK ports as terminals and destinations is evaluated. It is concluded that the fundamentals of the cruise business remain strong, and continued growth by the industry should be possible for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

仲小瑾  蒯海章 《中国水运》2006,6(6):213-215
旅游房地产是旅游业和房地产业相结合的一种经营形态,也是发展我国旅游业和房地产业的途径。本文旨在通过分析我国旅游房地产开发现状,找出存在的各类问题并试图提出对策以求旅游房地产开发的健康发展。  相似文献   

入世后中国船舶工业发展环境分析与发展思路建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从国际竞争态势、主要外国竞争对手、世界造船需求、国内竞争状况、国内政策环境、国内市场趋势等六方面入世后中国船舶工业发展的国际环境和国内环境进行了分析。阐述了中国船舶工业作更大发展所具备的有利条件,并预测了中国船舶工业长远发展目标。提出了实现中国船舶工业快速稳定发展应采取的六项措施。  相似文献   

随着现代城市的发展及其功能的完善,都市旅游现象表现得越来越突出。本文分析了都市旅游产品的设计,应该从资源(Resource)、市场(Market)和产品(Product)三个方面来进行评价论证,并将这一模式运用于青岛市都市旅游产品的深度开发中。  相似文献   

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