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风能在船上的应用已有数千年的历史。如今船舶通过改善发动机技术实现节能减排几乎已达到极致,而利用清洁、可再生的风能或太阳能作为辅助能源推进船舶已成为各国新的研究方向,以在保持船舶航速不变的同时减小燃油消耗,达到节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

船舶使用液化天然气(LNG)作为动力燃料已成为实现绿色船舶的主要途径。为了实现"十三五"节能减排目标,配套大量LNG的水上加注船是提高LNG水上加注能力和推动LNG动力船舶产业发展的重要举措。正在研制的内河自航200 m~3LNG加注船,不但可以改变LNG传统加注方式,且在节能减排方面效果显著。  相似文献   

张向辉 《中国船检》2013,(6):15-18,126,127
节能减排、绿色低碳已然成为船舶行业发展的大势所趋,而贴上"绿色"标签的船舶则成为业界追捧的对象。事实证明,绿色船舶确实正享受着"绿色"所带来的各种"福利"。  相似文献   

正重视岸电上船技术的研究和推广应用,不仅能够实现交通行业节能减排,推进绿色航运建设,该技术一旦能够全面铺开推广,形成规模效益后必定会为港口和船公司带来良好的经济效益和社会效益交通运输部为贯彻落实国务院关于节能减排的工作部署,降低船舶在港停靠期间的污染物排放,从2009年开始对船舶靠港使用岸电上船项目加大研究和推广力度,并将"船舶靠港使用岸电"项目列入交通运输节能减排"十二五"计划,明确提出推广靠港船舶使用岸  相似文献   

正0引言能源计量是衡量企业节能减排的重要技术措施和基本手段。随着航运企业船舶能源管理和节能减排工作的不断推进,能源计量工作已成为船舶节能监管工作的重要抓手,是航运企业强化船舶能源消耗全流程监管的基础,是摸清船舶能源利用状况、加快节能技术改造、提高船舶能源利用效率监测的重要依据,也为制定和完成航运企业各项节能目标,圆满完成航运公司的年度用能指标和节能目标指标提供科学的决策依据,保障航运公司在碳排放交易活  相似文献   

《中国远洋航务》:当前,环境效益日益成为国际社会关注的焦点.据有关资料显示,航运业每年排放超过12亿吨二氧化碳,约占全球总排放量的6%.因此,发展安全、环保、节能的"绿色船舶",倡导绿色航运,已成为业界共识.请您谈谈我国造船界实施"绿色船舶"的情况. 方书甲:最近几年,交通运输部先后发布了《公路水路交通运输节能减排"十二五"规划》和《"十二五"水运节能减排总体推进实施方案》,进一步明确了水上交通运输领域节能减排的总体目标、任务指标和实施途径.  相似文献   

杨葆和简介:中国船舶设计大师、博士生导师,EEDI专家组副组长,中国船舶工业集团公司第七○八研究所研究员。"气候变暖"是目前全球都十分关注的问题,您认为是什么原因促使船舶节能减排,并实现20%~30%的减排目标?杨葆和:实现船舶节能减排20%~30%的目标是下一阶段国际公约的法定要求,也是船东出于降低燃料成本的强烈要求。国际油价的大幅上升已成为船东不可承受之重。以阿芙拉型油船为例,2011年的船价与1999年基本持平,但是常用的船舶燃油的价格已从1999年的  相似文献   

刘卫国 《集装箱化》2014,25(1):27-28
近年来,为优化船队结构,促进节能减排,船公司逐步加大对高能耗、高单箱成本老旧集装箱船舶的淘汰力度,老旧集装箱船舶报废前的安全航行也成为船公司安全工作的重点之一。  相似文献   

目前,近200多艘旅游船常年航行于桂林漓江水域,船舶柴油机尾气排放已成为漓江空气污染的重要来源之一,漓江旅游船舶主要动力源依然是柴油机,柴油机在工作中会排出大量的有害物。我国"十二五"规划已经明确提出,要大力推进船舶节能和使用绿色能源,重点发展LNG作为主要的船用清洁能源。研究和应用节能技术降低船舶能耗,加强船舶管理和设备维护保养及节能减排的基础性管理,不仅可以为航运企业节省燃料费用,还可以减少船舶造成的环境污染,获得经济和环保双重效益。  相似文献   

徐建豪  龚安祥 《世界海运》2011,34(11):42-44
针对国际社会日益重视的航运业节能减排问题,介绍国外航运业节能减排的进展情况,然后分析中国航运业节能减排现状及存在的问题,并提出强化海运业的能源节约和产业结构优化,加快船舶节能方面行政法规的制定及修订工作,要加快船舶更新步伐,加强船员教育培训的力度等相应对策和建议,加快中国航运企业的节能减排进程。  相似文献   

靠港船舶岸电系统具有可以减少污染物排放和提高能源利用率的优点,正在我国港口大力推广。为探讨岸电系统在集装箱码头的应用前景,以大窑湾北岸某集装箱码头为例,利用仿真模型核算多种情景下2020年大窑湾北岸集装箱码头船舶使用岸电前后的碳排放量,并分析不同装卸效率对船舶的碳排放的影响。结果表明,集装箱码头使用岸电系统可实现低碳效益,提高装卸效率有利于船舶碳排放的减少,但应考虑提高装卸效率会引起装卸机械碳排放增加。  相似文献   

The influence of various parameters, such as ship initial speed (full ahead and lower engine loads), loading condition, heading angle and weather conditions on ship fuel consumption and CO2 emission is presented. A reliable methodology for estimating the attainable ship speed, fuel consumption and CO2 emission in different sea states is described. The speed loss is calculated by taking into account the engine and propeller performance in actual seas as well as the mass inertia of the ship. The attainable ship speed is obtained as time series. Correlation of speed loss with sea states allows predictions of propulsive performance in actual seas. If the computation is used for weather routing purposes, values for various ship initial speed, loading conditions and heading angles for each realistic sea‐state must be provided. The voluntary speed loss is taken into account. The influence of the ship speed loss on various parameters such as fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is presented. To illustrate the presented concept, the ship speed and CO2 emissions in various routes of the Atlantic Ocean are calculated using representative environmental design data for the track of the routes where the ship will sail.  相似文献   


Major air pollutants from maritime shipping operations are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emissions from combustion of fuel oil during cruise, berth, and start‐up modes. Sulfur oxides emissions are substantial from steamships burning high‐sulfur residual fuel oil, where shipping contributes 66 percent of the total sulfur dioxide emissions from transportation sources, and almost 3 percent of the total for Harris county, Texas. Nitrogen oxides emissions are significant during cruise conditions for both steamships and motor ships, while particulate emissions are substantial during start‐up and tube cleaning.

Significant marine air pollutant emission sources are found in busy harbor areas such as the Houston Ship Channel. Offshore terminals for unloading large tankers may result in emissions of 10 to 20 tons of sulfur oxides daily per ship, and 3 to 5 tons of nitrogen oxides daily per ship during pumping operations. Trace‐metal constituents present in the oil may catalyze sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide oxidation to their respective sulfate and nitrate aerosols in the humid Texas Gulf Coast atmospheres to aggravate photochemical air pollution problems once the air masses reach industrial and populated urban areas on land. Onshore sulfur dioxide and particulate‐matter emission controls may be necessary for some large ships in port to minimize potential impact on coastal zone air quality.  相似文献   

International shipping is a significant contributor to Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, responsible for approximately 3% of global CO2 emissions. The International Maritime Organization is currently working to establish GHG regulations for international shipping and a cost effectiveness approach has been suggested to determine the required emission reductions from shipping. To achieve emission reductions in a cost effective manner, this study has assessed the cost and reduction potential for present and future abatement measures based on new and unpublished data. The model used captures the world fleet up to 2030, and the analysis includes 25 separate measures. A new integrated modelling approach has been used combining fleet projections with activity-based CO2 emission modelling and projected development of measures for CO2 emission reduction. The world fleet projections up to 2030 are constructed using a fleet growth model that takes into account assumed ship type specific scrapping and new building rates. A baseline trajectory for CO2 emission is then established. The reduction potential from the baseline trajectory and the associated marginal cost levels are calculated for 25 different emission reduction measures. The results are given as marginal abatement cost curves, and as future cost scenarios for reduction of world fleet CO2 emissions. The results show that a scenario in which CO2 emissions are reduced by 33% from baseline in 2030 is achievable at a marginal cost of USD 0 per tonne reduced. At this cost level, emission in 2010 can be reduced by 19% and by 24% in 2020. A scenario with 49% reduction from baseline in 2030 can be achieved at a marginal cost of USD 100 per tonne (27% in 2010 and 35% in 2020). Furthermore, it is evident that further increasing the cost level beyond USD 100 per tonne yield very little in terms of further emission reduction. The results also indicate that stabilising fleet emissions at current levels is obtainable at moderate costs, compensating for fleet growth up to 2030. However, significant reductions beyond current levels seem difficult to achieve. Marginal abatement costs for the major ship types are also calculated, and the results are shown to be relatively homogenous for all major ship types. The presented data and methodology could be very useful for assisting the industry and policymakers in selecting cost effective solutions for reducing GHG emissions from the world fleet.  相似文献   

回顾黑碳的定义、黑碳的影响和船舶黑碳排放的研究进展,列举国际海事组织(IMO)自2008年以来关于黑碳内容的相关会议和关于北极船舶黑碳排放主题的提案。描述船舶黑碳排放的测量方法,提出船舶黑碳排放量的计算方法,为后续建立区域船舶黑碳排放测算方法提供依据。  相似文献   

基于不同燃油品质的内河船舶排放特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用车载排放测试系统,对某内河船舶于苏州河某航段进行了分别燃用B0(纯石化柴油)和B10(生物柴油-柴油混合燃料,生物柴油体积比10%)的实船放对比试验,探究了燃油品质对内河船舶PN(颗粒物数量)、CO、THC和NOX排放的影响,结果表明:○1内河船舶燃用B0和B10时的PN随粒径分布相似,在离港、进港和低负荷工况时呈双峰对数分布,在巡航及中、高负荷工况时呈单峰对数分布;○2内河船舶燃用B0和B10时,PN、THC、NOX排放均随负荷变大而升高,而CO排放则先降低后升高;○3相对B0,内河船舶燃用B10时PN、CO排放下降、THC和NOX排放上升,离港、巡航、进港时PN排放因子分别降低13.82%、8.21%、46.44%,CO排放因子分别降低20.87%、34.75%、17.60%, THC排放因子分别升高33.68%、26.00%、14.15%,NOX排放因子分别升高1.33%、13.92%、8.93%。  相似文献   

混合动力电动船舶模糊逻辑控制策略   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
混合动力电动船舶对于纯电动船舶具有较好的续航能力,适用于航线较长且具有随机性的船舶工况,同时对于工程作业船舶工况其可以降低柴油发电机为动力的工程作业船舶柴油机功率,减少燃油消耗与排放。本文分析了上述两种不同船舶工况特点,并针对该工况采用串联式混合动力结构作为船舶动力系统结构并根据工况需求设计了相应的模糊逻辑控制策略。运用MATLAB/Simulink搭建了系统仿真模型,仿真结果表明,所设计串联式混合动力系统及其模糊逻辑控制策略能够在上述两种船舶工况下实现控制要求。  相似文献   

对年度船舶黑碳排放进行概述。以2018年度中国沿海为目标区域,对年度船舶活动特征进行分析。基于自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)数据,对年度船舶黑碳排放量进行计算,根据计算结果对年度船舶黑碳排放特征进行分析,并提出中国沿海船舶黑碳减排建议。  相似文献   

船舶柴油主机NOx减排废气再循环系统应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭陈  赵春生 《船舶工程》2016,38(7):45-48
分析最新首台符合IMO氮氧化物(NOx)排放标准Tier Ⅲ、装有废气循环技术的船用大型柴油机MAN B W 6S80ME-C9的EGR系统,并对EGR系统参数、EGR系统排放标准Tier Ⅲ认证试验、EGR系统洗涤器、 WTS水处理系统等进行研究,促进废气再循环技术在船的应用,以满足IMO关于 NOx的排放标准。  相似文献   

“神华501”是国内第一艘安装高压岸电连接系统的散货船,该船的成功交付及运营实现了绿色环保和节能减排的目标。结合该船的设计思路,通过对国际上通用的各种岸电上船方式的比较分析,确定了高压岸电上船的方案。同时,对国内外船舶高压岸电系统相关设计标准进行了研究,阐述了高压岸电系统的设计原则,以及在高压岸电供电工况下的短路评估情况。  相似文献   

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