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燃油费用在船舶运输成本中占很大的比例,约占50%。燃油的使用管理不仅直接影响船舶营运的效益,而且也影响船舶运行的动力性、可靠性。对设备的磨损、备件的消耗及机舱的维修保养工作起着至关重要的作用。为了做好燃油管理工作,不仅船舶机舱管理人员应熟悉船舶燃油应用技术,而且船舶公司机务管理人员、负责燃油采购人员甚至公司主管经理也应对船舶燃油应用技术充分地了解。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会出台的个法令规定“从2010年1月1日起,所有在欧盟港口‘停靠’的船舶,其燃油含硫量不得超过0.1%的最高限制。”。该规定严格执行时间是2010年1月1日,但2010年1月1日到2010年7月1日将作为半年的执行缓冲期,从2010年7月1日开始,如挂靠欧盟港口船舶达不到欧盟规定的低硫燃油标准将被处罚,所有经营欧盟航线的船公司都应积极应对,提前做好准备。  相似文献   

船舶废气清洗系统(EGCS)是IMO要求的行之有效的硫氧化物减排的替代技术。但使用EGCS会将废气中相当比例的污染物带到水域中,可能影响海洋生态环境。IMO和我国政府都要求开展EGCS洗涤水对环境影响研究,特别是对敏感水域的影响。本文综述了国内外关于EGCS洗涤水对环境影响的研究进展,结果表明迄今国内外学界针对EGCS洗涤水对环境潜在环境风险尚未形成科学定论,现有的研究结论也未能就EGCS洗涤水对环境的影响形成共识。  相似文献   

根据工程机械的原理及使用特点,从发动机技术状况、工程机械底盘技术状况及驾驶员使用操作水平三个方面,结合秦皇岛港务集团流动机械分公司的机械设备在生产作业现场的使用管理情况,浅谈影响工程机械燃油消耗的因素及措施。  相似文献   

据《中国水运报》消息,新加坡高科技公司Ecospec日前开发出了一种利用水来减少海运过程中温室气体排放的新系统。该系统被命名为CSNOX,可显著减少温室气体的排放,同时不会产生二次污染物。  相似文献   

介绍了康明斯ISC型欧Ⅲ发动机燃油喷射系统的工作原理和特点,并针对该发动机的燃油喷射系统特点及合理使用情况进行了探讨.  相似文献   

在全球经济高速发展的当今,实现海峡两岸“三通”,是国内外各界积极探索的重要课题,其中海峡隧道的建设,是实现台湾海峡经济区战略发展的关键所在。由于海峡隧道建设工程浩大,交通运输繁忙,在建设和营运期,势必产生诸多环境问题,必须在建设前期予以充分论证,确保经济发展和环境保护双赢。  相似文献   

文章介绍了MARPOL73/78防污规则附则Ⅵ、欧盟2005/33/E中对船用燃油的要求和船用燃油标准ISO8217:2005。讨论了低硫燃油、燃油中的污染物对船舶设备可能造成的影响,并分析了燃油检测技术和滑油监测技术对避免燃油可能给柴油机造成的危害的作用。  相似文献   

为提高山区高速公路运营安全性,结合秦巴山区高速公路运营过程中的风险,总结该地区高速公路建设与运营特点,并从公路设施、交通外部环境及企业内部管理等方面分析秦巴山区高速公路运营风险,从建立健全安全管理体系、安全运营生产标准化建设体系等方面提出高速公路安全运营措施,以及针对特殊气候条件下、特殊路域环境下的安全保畅措施及养护管理措施等,以期为秦巴山区高速公路安全运营提供借鉴,提升秦巴山区高速公路运营企业应对风险的能力与水平。  相似文献   

为了加强轨道交通工程造价管理,有效控制造价风险,保证轨道交通工程建设顺利开展,对轨道交通工程各个阶段的造价风险进行分析,并提出相应的工程造价风险应对措施,以此提高轨道交通工程建设的整体稳定性、保证工程建设质量、提高工程的经济效益。  相似文献   

7月26日,财政部副部长廖晓军在全国节能工作会议上透露,相关部门将调整完善现有税收政策,密切跟踪国际油价变化,研究完善燃油税改革方案,并积极创造条件,推进燃油税尽快出台.  相似文献   

Heavy fuels are likely to remain the dominant fuel source for two-stroke, low-speed diesel engines for large ship propulsion for the next decade or more. There is however, potential for increased use of pure vegetable oils (PVO) as an alternative and, by emitting lower levels of several pollutants, this can help the attainment of Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 convention aimed at large ships using fuels with less than 4.5% sulphur or 1.5% sulphur in SOX emission control areas The use of alternative fuels can also influence the attainment of the Kyoto protocol that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced by 5% by 2010 compared to 1990. This paper analyses the physical and chemical properties of various pure vegetable oils as an alternative to heavy fuel oil for large ship propulsion.  相似文献   

Environmental considerations, concerning the negative impacts of ship exhaust gases and particles on ambient air quality, are behind the requirements of cleaner marine fuels currently applied in designated emission control areas (ECAs). We investigated the impact of a ship operating on two types of fuel on the indoor air quality onboard. Gaseous and particulate air pollutants were measured in the engine room and the accommodation sections on-board an icebreaker operating first on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO, 1%-S), and later Marine Diesel Oil (MDO, 0.1%-S). Statistically significant decrease of SO2, NOx, PM2.5 and particle number concentration were observed when the ship was operating on MDO. Due to the higher content of alkylated PAHs in MDO compared to HFO, the concentration of PAHs increased during operation on MDO. The particulate PAHs classified as carcinogens, were similar to or lower in the MDO campaign. Chemical analysis of PM2.5 revealed that the particles consisted mainly of organic carbon and sulfate, although the fraction of metals was quite large in particles from the engine room. Principal Component Analysis of all measured parameters showed a clear difference between HFO and MDO fuel on the indoor environmental quality on-board the ship. This empirical study poses a first example on how environmental policy-making impacts not only the primary target at a global level, but also brings unexpected localized benefits at workplace level. The study emphasizes the need of further investigations on the impact of new marine fuels and technologies on the indoor air environments on board.  相似文献   

分析了成品油税费改革对农村公路管理养护体制带来的影响,提出了具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了碳平衡原理的两个方面,燃烧和稀释前后的碳质量不变。介绍了完全燃烧后的CO2理论浓度和稀释倍数以及用稀释倍数校正稀释排气的方法,介绍了由碳质量分数推导替代燃料碳质量分数和当量分子式的方法,最后推导得出了可用于替代燃料的燃料消耗量计算公式。  相似文献   

This paper examines a case study of the SkyCabs system as a way to alleviate some of the traffic problems of Auckland, New Zealand. SkyCabs is an elevated two-way monobeam carrying light eight-seater cabs on tracks on each side of the beam, available on demand, providing fast, pollution-free, unimpeded travel above the footpath with panoramic views of the city. The aim of this study is to investigate the attractiveness of implementing the SkyCabs system to and from Auckland central business district (CBD) and Auckland international airport by examining four variables: different routes, different number of stops/stations, different passenger demand levels, and different number of cabs in the system. The analysis utilizes geographical information system and simulation tools for the various scenarios considered. The results show that it is possible to assess the cost–benefit of alternative routes in terms of those four variables and rate of return on investment.  相似文献   

The price of oil     

This paper builds a model for estimating the fuel consumption of a taxiing aircraft using flight data recorder information from operational aircraft. The taxi fuel burn is modeled as a linear function of several potential explanatory variables including the taxi time, number of stops, number of turns and number of acceleration events, and the coefficients are estimated using least-squares regression. The statistical significance of each potential factor is investigated. Our analysis shows that in addition to the taxi time, the number of acceleration events is a significant factor in determining taxi fuel consumption. Since the model parameters are estimated using data from operational aircraft, they provide more accurate estimates of fuel burn than methods that use idealized physical models of fuel consumption based on aircraft velocity profiles, or the baseline fuel consumption estimates provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization.  相似文献   

We evaluate the economic effects of investment in the road network on private regional activity. We employ provincial Spanish panel data from 1980 to 2007 to perform non-parametric frontier techniques based on Data Envelopment Analysis and to obtain the Malmquist productivity indexes, thus enabling us to examine the evaluation of the productivity growth via technological changes or efficiency gains. Additionally, we analyze the role of transport infrastructure on the evolution of Total Factor Productivity and its components through econometric techniques. Our results show important spillover effects. Moreover, our findings have significant implications for policy makers if we take into account the fact that the use of the road network in economic activity or in commercial relations greatly influences productivity growth.  相似文献   

This work presents the preparation of aluminum (Al) 6061 nano hybrid composite samples reinforced with equal weight percentage of nano-ZrO2, micro-SiC, micro-Gr particles of 0%, 0.75%, 1.5%, 2.25%, and 3% using stir casting method. Friction characteristics of the composite samples under reciprocating conditions were studied at 125 °C using L27 orthogonal array and Taguchi method. The results of analysis of variance showed the influencing parameter for friction coefficient in the order of applied load and reciprocating sliding speed, followed by sliding distance and percent reinforcement. Hence, the total combined reinforcement sample of 6.75% was found to be optimum in terms of frictional characteristics and tensile strength. It was selected to synthesize lightweight nano hybrid composite cylinder liner (NL) and to replace the present cast iron cylinder liner (CL) used in biodiesel engine application. The developed NL had a 43.75% reduced weight than the currently used CL. Neat diesel and biodiesel from Jatropha oil and its diesel blends were used as test fuels. Experimental results proved that NL improved brake thermal efficiency, in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate and reduced carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke emission in comparison with the existing liner. The results also showed that emission of the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) increased marginally with the new liner. Thus, the newly developed NL was found suitable for both diesel- and biodiesel-operated internal combustion engines.  相似文献   

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