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The influence of inter-vehicle spacing on the in-vehicle air pollution exposure of car commuters in heavy traffic conditions was investigated, both experimentally and numerically. An experimental investigation was carried out into the effect, on in-vehicle air pollution exposure, of maintaining a distance of approximately 2 m to the preceding vehicle in congested idling traffic conditions compared to that of an identical vehicle maintaining a distance of approximately 1 m. In-vehicle VOC and PM2.5 concentrations revealed that a 19–31% reduction in exposure at the larger inter-vehicle spacing. A computational fluid dynamics model was calibrated using the experimental data and used to prediction car exposure under different conditions by varying certain key parameters. Agreement between the experimental and predicted data of 82% was achieved. The results show a significant drop in pollutant concentrations occurred within the first 2 m of their emission from the preceding vehicles exhaust.  相似文献   

This paper is a comparative study of the performance of constant-time-gap autonomous control systems and co-operative longitudinal control systems that use inter-vehicle communication. Analytical results show that the minimum time gap that can be achieved in autonomous control is limited by the bandwidth of the internal dynamics of the vehicle. Experimental results from typical sensors and actuators are used to show that in practice it is very difficult to achieve a time gap less than 1 s with autonomous vehicle following. This translates to an inter-vehicle spacing of 30 m at highway speeds and a theoretical maximum traffic flow of about 3000 vehicles per hour. The quality of radar range and range rate measurements pose limitations on the spacing accuracy and ride quality that can be achieved in autonomous control. Dramatic improvements in the trade-off between ride quality and spacing accuracy can be obtained merely by replacing radar range rate in the autonomous control algorithm with the difference between the measured velocities of the two cars (a rudimentary form of co-operation). As a baseline comparison, the experimental performance of fully co-operative control is presented. An inter-vehicle spacing of 6.5 m is maintained in a platoon of 8 co-operative vehicles with an excellent ride quality and an accuracy of ±20 cm. Extending this to a 10-vehicle platoon makes it possible to achieve theoretical maximum traffic flows of about 6400 vehicles per hour.Another issue of importance addressed in the paper is the need to accommodate malfunctions in radar (ranging sensor) measurements. Measurement errors can occur due to hardware malfunctions as well as due to road curves, grades and the highway environment in the case of large inter-vehicle spacing. The ability of a co-operative control system to monitor the health of the radar and correct for such errors and malfunctions is demonstrated experimentally.  相似文献   

Probe vehicles provide some of the most useful data for road traffic monitoring because they can acquire wide-ranging and spatiotemporally detailed information at a relatively low cost compared with traditional fixed-point observation. However, current GPS-equipped probe vehicles cannot directly provide us volume-related variables such as flow and density. In this paper, we propose a new probe vehicle-based estimation method for obtaining volume-related variables by assuming that a probe vehicle can measure the spacing to its leading one. This assumption can be realized by utilizing key technologies in advanced driver assistance systems that are expected to spread in the near future. We developed a method of estimating the flow, density, and speed from the probe vehicle data without exogenous assumptions on traffic flow characteristics, such as a fundamental diagram. In order to quantify the characteristics of the method, we performed a field experiment at a real-world urban expressway by employing prototypes of the probe vehicles with spacing measurement equipment. The result showed that the proposed method could accurately estimate the 5 min and hourly traffic volumes with probe vehicle penetration rate of 3.5% and 0.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Vehicular traffic congestion in a vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication environment can lead to congestion effects for information flow propagation. Such congestion effects can impact whether a specific information packet of interest can reach a desired location, and if so, in a timely manner to influence the traffic system performance. Motivated by the usefulness and timeliness of information propagation, this paper aims to characterize the information flow propagation wave (IFPW) for an information packet in a congested V2V communication environment under an information relay control strategy. This strategy seeks to exclude information that is dated in the communication buffer under a first-in, first-out queue discipline, from being relayed if the information flow regime is congested. It trades off the need to enable the dissemination of every information packet as far as possible, against the congestion effects that accrue because of the presence of multiple information packets. A macroscopic two-layer model is proposed to characterize the IFPW. The upper layer is formulated as integro-differential equations to characterize the information dissemination in space and time under this control strategy. The lower layer adopts the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model to capture the traffic flow dynamics. Based on the upper layer model, a necessary condition is derived which quantifies the expected time length that needs to be reserved for broadcasting the information packet of interest so as to ensure the formation of an IFPW under a given density of V2V-equipped vehicles. When the necessary condition is satisfied under homogeneous conditions, it is shown that the information packet can be propagated at an asymptotic speed whose value can be derived analytically. Besides, under the proposed control strategy, only a proportion of vehicles (labeled asymptotic density of informed vehicles) can receive the specific information packet, which can be estimated by solving a nonlinear equation. The asymptotic IFPW speed, the asymptotic density of informed vehicles, and the necessary condition for the IFPW, help in evaluating the timeliness of information propagation and the influence of traffic dynamics on information propagation. In addition, the proposed model can be used to numerically estimate the IFPW speed for heterogeneous conditions, which can aid in the design of traffic management strategies built upon the timely propagation of information through V2V communication.  相似文献   

In an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) environment, the communication component is of great importance to support interactions between vehicles and roadside infrastructure. Previous studies have focused on the physical capability and capacity of the communication technologies, but the equally important development of suitable and efficient semantic content for transmission received notably less attention. Ontology is one promising approach for context modelling in ubiquitous computing environments, and in the transport domain it can be used both for context modelling and semantic contents for vehicular communications. This paper explores the development of an ontological model implementing relative geo-semantic information messages to support vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The proposed ontology model contains classes, objects, their properties/relations as well as some functions and query templates to represent and update the information of dynamic vehicles, inter-vehicle interactions and behaviour. This model was developed through a scenario enabling the evaluation of traffic conflict resolution approaches, by implementing a set of decision-making processes for intelligent vehicles. Given the scope of the proposed ontology modelling, it shows how vehicular communications can be used to update each vehicle’s context model. This work can be easily extended for more complex interactions among vehicles and the infrastructure.  相似文献   

Various green driving strategies have been proposed to smooth traffic flow and lower pollutant emissions and fuel consumption in stop-and-go traffic. In this paper, we present a control theoretic formulation of distributed, cooperative green driving strategies based on inter-vehicle communications (IVCs). The control variable is the advisory speed limit, which is designed to smooth a following vehicle’s speed profile without changing its average speed. We theoretically analyze the performance of a constant independent and three simple cooperative green driving strategies and present three rules for effective and robust strategies. We then develop a distributed cooperative green driving strategy, in which the advisory speed limit is first independently calculated by each individual vehicle and then averaged among green driving vehicles through IVC. By simulations with Newell’s car-following model and the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM), we demonstrate that such a strategy is effective and robust independently as well as cooperatively for different market penetration rates of IVC-equipped vehicles and communication delays. In particular, even when 5% of the vehicles implement the green driving strategy and the IVC communication delay is 60 s, the fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 15%. Finally we discuss some future extensions.  相似文献   

Recent developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) have enabled vehicles to timely communicate with each other through wireless technologies, which will form future (intelligent) traffic systems (ITS) consisting of so-called connected vehicles. Cooperative driving with the connected vehicles is regarded as a promising driving pattern to significantly improve transportation efficiency and traffic safety. Nevertheless, unreliable vehicular communications also introduce packet loss and transmission delay when vehicular kinetic information or control commands are disseminated among vehicles, which brings more challenges in the system modeling and optimization. Currently, no data has been yet available for the calibration and validation of a model for ITS, and most research has been only conducted for a theoretical point of view. Along this line, this paper focuses on the (theoretical) development of a more general (microscopic) traffic model which enables the cooperative driving behavior via a so-called inter-vehicle communication (IVC). To this end, we design a consensus-based controller for the cooperative driving system (CDS) considering (intelligent) traffic flow that consists of many platoons moving together. More specifically, the IEEE 802.11p, the de facto vehicular networking standard required to support ITS applications, is selected as the IVC protocols of the CDS, in order to investigate how the vehicular communications affect the features of intelligent traffic flow. This study essentially explores the relationship between IVC and cooperative driving, which can be exploited as the reference for the CDS optimization and design.  相似文献   

The introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles will bring changes to the highway driving environment. Connected vehicle technology provides real-time information about the surrounding traffic condition and the traffic management center’s decisions. Such information is expected to improve drivers’ efficiency, response, and comfort while enhancing safety and mobility. Connected vehicle technology can also further increase efficiency and reliability of autonomous vehicles, though these vehicles could be operated solely with their on-board sensors, without communication. While several studies have examined the possible effects of connected and autonomous vehicles on the driving environment, most of the modeling approaches in the literature do not distinguish between connectivity and automation, leaving many questions unanswered regarding the implications of different contemplated deployment scenarios. There is need for a comprehensive acceleration framework that distinguishes between these two technologies while modeling the new connected environment. This study presents a framework that utilizes different models with technology-appropriate assumptions to simulate different vehicle types with distinct communication capabilities. The stability analysis of the resulting traffic stream behavior using this framework is presented for different market penetration rates of connected and autonomous vehicles. The analysis reveals that connected and autonomous vehicles can improve string stability. Moreover, automation is found to be more effective in preventing shockwave formation and propagation under the model’s assumptions. In addition to stability, the effects of these technologies on throughput are explored, suggesting substantial potential throughput increases under certain penetration scenarios.  相似文献   

This contribution furthers the control framework for driver assistance systems in Part I to cooperative systems, where equipped vehicles can exchange relevant information via vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve the awareness of the ambient situation (cooperative sensing) and to manoeuvre together under a common goal (cooperative control). To operationalize the cooperative sensing strategy, the framework is applied to the development of a multi-anticipative controller, where an equipped vehicle uses information from its direct predecessor to predict the behaviour of its pre-predecessor. To operationalize the cooperative control strategy, we design cooperative controllers for sequential equipped vehicles in a platoon, where they collaborate to optimise a joint objective. The cooperative control strategy is not restricted to cooperation between equipped vehicles. When followed by a human-driven vehicle, equipped vehicles can still exhibit cooperative behaviour by predicting the behaviour of the human-driven follower, even if the prediction is not perfect.The performance of the proposed controllers are assessed by simulating a platoon of 11 vehicles with reference to the non-cooperative controller proposed in Part I. Evaluations show that the multi-anticipative controller generates smoother behaviour in accelerating phase. By a careful choice of the running cost specification, cooperative controllers lead to smoother decelerating behaviour and more responsive and agile accelerating behaviour compared to the non-cooperative controller. The dynamic characteristics of the proposed controllers provide new insights into the potential impact of cooperative systems on traffic flow operations, particularly at the congestion head and tail.  相似文献   

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles in a traffic stream could be applied to improve safety, mobility, and environmental impacts of a transportation system. In this paper, we present analytical models for the instantaneous communication throughputs of VANETs to measure the efficiency of information propagation under various traffic conditions at a time instant. In particular, we define broadcast and unicast communication throughputs by the wireless channel bandwith multiplied by the average probabilities that one vehicle is a successful receiver and sender in a VAENT, respectively. With a protocol communication model, we derive formulas to determine the probabilities for an equipped vehicle to be a successful broadcast receiver and a successful unicast receiver/sender, and obtain broadcast and unicast throughputs along discrete and continuous traffic streams. We further examine the impacts on communication throughputs of the transmission range and the interference range of dedicated short range communication devices as well as the market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and the percentage of senders. Finally, we investigate the influence of shock waves on communication throughputs.  相似文献   

Connected and automated vehicle technologies hold great promises for improving the safety, efficiency, and environmental impacts of the transportation sector. In this study we are concerned with multihop connectivity of instantaneous vehicular one-dimensional ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles along a communication path in a road network with given either vehicle locations or traffic densities, market penetration rates, and transmission ranges. We first define a new random variable for the location of the end node of a communication chain, which is a discrete random variable with given vehicle locations and a mixed random variable with given traffic densities. Then recursive, iterative, or differential equation models of instantaneous multihop connectivity between two communication nodes are derived from the relationships between end node probability mass or density function and connectivity. Assuming a simple communication model, the new models are applicable for general distribution patterns of vehicles and communication nodes, including non-evenly placed vehicles and nonhomogeneous Poisson distributions of nodes. With given vehicle locations, the computational cost for this new model is linear to the number of vehicles; with given traffic densities, we derive a new closed-form connectivity model for homogeneous Poisson distributions of communication nodes and an approximate closed-form model when distribution patterns of communication nodes are given by spatial renewal processes. We then apply the models to evaluate impacts on connectivity of traffic patterns, including shock waves, and road-side stations. The connectivity model could be helpful for designing routing protocols in VANETs and developing their applications in transportation systems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method of estimating a traffic state based on probe vehicle data that contain spacing and position of probe vehicles. The probe vehicles were assumed to observe spacing by utilizing an advanced driver assistance system, that has been implemented in practice and is expected to spread in the near future. The proposed method relies on the conservation law of the traffic flow but is independent of a fundamental diagram. The conservation law is utilized for reasonable aggregation of the spacing data to acquire the traffic state, i.e., a flow, density and speed. Its independence from a fundamental diagram means that the proposed method does not require predetermined nor exogenous assumptions with regard to the traffic flow model parameters. The proposed method was validated through a simulation experiment under ideal conditions and a field experiment conducted under actual traffic conditions; and empirical characteristics of the proposed method were investigated.  相似文献   

This paper studies the costs involved in distributing items from a warehouse or depot to randomly scattered customers on a day-to-day basis. Two trade-offs are explored simultaneously. The first one arises because by accumulating large inventories at the depot it is possible to build more efficient distribution tours. This trade-off has already been explored for both distribution of goods (Burns et al., 1983) and passengers (Daganzo et al., 1977; Hendrickson, 1978). Another tradeoff, which involves the length of individual vehicle tours (Clarens and Hurdle, 1975), balances the inventory inside the vehicles against the transportation cost. Banks et al. (1982) have considered both of these tradeoffs simultaneously in the context of passenger transportation, but used a somewhat unrealistic model for vehicle routing. This paper is similar to the latter reference but uses a different routing strategy. It also illustrates how the nature of the objects carried (cheap goods, expensive goods, people, etc.) affects the optimal configuration of the distribution system and the overall distribution costs. Usually there is an optimum partitioning of the service area into districts and an optimum dispatching frequency in each district. The results can vary tremendously, depending on factors such as: the inventory carrying cost per item per unit time, the transportation costs, the demand per unit area and unit time, the average distance from the depot, the average vehicle speed and the time per stop.As an illustration of the ideas, a hypothetical limousine service from an airport is analyzed. The example is used to demonstrate how dramatically the optimal system configuration depends on the nature of the items carried.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feasibility of a self-organizing, completely distributed traffic information system based upon vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Unlike centralized traffic information systems, the proposed system does not need public infrastructure investment as a prerequisite for implementation. Due to the complexity of the proposed system, simulation is selected as the primary approach in the feasibility studies. A simulation framework is built based on an existing microscopic traffic simulation model for the simulation studies. The critical questions for building the proposed market-driven system are examined both from communication requirements and traffic engineering points of view. Traffic information propagation both in freeway and arterial networks via information exchange among IVC-equipped vehicles is tested within the simulation framework. Results on the probability of successful IVC and traffic information propagation distance obtained from the simulation studies are generated and analyzed under incident-free and incident conditions for various roadway formats and parameter combinations. Comparisons between the speed of the incident information wave and the speed of the corresponding traffic shock wave due to the incident are analyzed for different scenarios as the most crucial aspect of the information propagation as a potential foundation for application in such a decentralized traffic information system.  相似文献   

Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications under the connected vehicle context have the potential to provide new paradigms to enhance the safety, mobility and environmental sustainability of surface transportation. Understanding the information propagation characteristics in space and time is a key enabler for V2V-based traffic systems. Most existing analytical models assume instantaneous propagation of information flow through multi-hop communications. Such an assumption ignores the spatiotemporal relationships between the traffic flow dynamics and V2V communication constraints. This study proposes a macroscopic two-layer model to characterize the information flow propagation wave (IFPW). The traffic flow propagation is formulated in the lower layer as a system of partial differential equations based on the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model. Due to their conceptual similarities, the upper layer adapts and modifies a spatial Susceptible-Infected epidemic model to describe information dissemination between V2V-equipped vehicles using integro-differential equations. A closed-form solution is derived for the IFPW speed under homogeneous conditions. The IFPW speed is numerically determined for heterogeneous conditions. Numerical experiments illustrate the impact of traffic density and market penetration of V2V-equipped vehicles on the IFPW speed. The proposed model can capture the spatiotemporal relationships between the traffic and V2V communication layers, and aid in the design of novel information propagation strategies to manage traffic conditions under V2V-based traffic systems.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impacts of automated cars on traffic flow at signalized intersections. We develop and subsequently employ a deterministic simulation model of the kinematics of automated cars at a signalized intersection approach, when proceeding forward from a stationary queue at the beginning of a signal phase. In the discrete-time simulation, each vehicle pursues an operational strategy that is consistent with the ‘Assured Clear Distance Ahead’ criterion: each vehicle limits its speed and spacing from the vehicle ahead of it by its objective of not striking it, regardless of whether or not the future behavior of the vehicle ahead is cooperative. The simulation incorporates a set of assumptions regarding the values of operational parameters that will govern automated cars’ kinematics in the immediate future, which are sourced from the relevant literature.We report several findings of note. First, under a set of assumed ‘central’ (i.e. most plausible) parameter values, the time requirement to process a standing queue of ten vehicles is decreased by 25% relative to human driven vehicles. Second, it was found that the standard queue discharge model for human–driven cars does not directly transfer to queue discharge of automated vehicles. Third, a wet roadway surface may result in an increase in capacity at signalized intersections. Fourth, a specific form of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications that allows all automated vehicles in the stationary queue to begin moving simultaneously at the beginning of a signal phase provides relatively minor increases in capacity in this analysis. Fifth, in recognition of uncertainty regarding the value of each operational parameter, we identify (via scenario analysis, calculation of arc elasticities, and Monte-Carlo methods) the relative sensitivity of overall traffic flow efficiency to the value of each operational parameter.This study comprises an incremental step towards the broader objective of adapting standard techniques for analyzing traffic operations to account for the capabilities of automated vehicles.  相似文献   


Slow‐moving vehicles, including agricultural vehicles, on arterial highways can cause serious delays to other traffic as well as posing an extra safety risk. This paper elaborates on a small‐scale solution for these problems: the passing bay. It investigates the impacts of a passing bay on the total delay for other motorized vehicles, the number of passing manoeuvres and hindered vehicles, and the mean delay per hindered vehicle. The latter is also considered to be an indicator for traffic safety. The calculations are performed for two characteristic trips with a slow‐moving vehicle. The passing bay is an effective solution to reducing delays on arterial highways when two‐way hourly volumes exceed 600–1000 vehicles. The effects depend on the trip length and speed of the slow‐moving vehicle, and on the passing sight distance limitations of the road. A distance of 2–4?km between the passing bays seems an acceptable compromise between the reduction of delay for other motorized vehicles and the extra discomfort and delay for drivers of slow‐moving vehicles. This result also shows that passing bays are not effective in regions where slow‐moving vehicles mainly make trips shorter than this distance.  相似文献   

Conceptually, a Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system suggests speeds to vehicles, allowing them to pass through an intersection during the green interval. In previous papers, a single speed is computed for each vehicle in a range between acceptable minimum and maximum values (for example between standstill and the speed limit). This speed is assumed to be constant until the beginning of the green interval, and sent as advice to the vehicle. The goal is to optimise for a particular objective, whether it be minimisation of emissions (for environmental reasons), fuel usage or delay. This paper generalises the advice given to a vehicle, by optimising for delay over the entire trajectory instead of suggesting an individual speed, regardless of initial conditions – time until green, distance to intersection and initial speed. This may require multiple acceleration manoeuvres, so the advice is sent as a suggested acceleration at each time step. Such advice also takes into account a suitable safety constraint, ensuring that vehicles are always able to stop before the intersection during a red interval, thus safeguarding against last-minute signal control schedule changes. While the algorithms developed primarily minimise delay, they also help to reduce fuel usage and emissions by conserving kinetic energy. Since vehicles travel in platoons, the effectiveness of a GLOSA system is heavily reliant on correctly identifying the leading vehicle that is the first to be given trajectory advice for each cycle. Vehicles naturally form a platoon behind this leading vehicle. A time loop technique is proposed which allows accurate identification of the leader even when there are complex interactions between preceding vehicles. The developed algorithms are ideal for connected autonomous vehicle environments, because computer control allows vehicles’ trajectories to be managed with greater accuracy and ease. However, the advice algorithms can also be used in conjunction with manual control provided Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is available.  相似文献   

There are two kinds of stability associated with traffic flow problems – string stability (or car-following stability) and traffic flow stability. We provide a clear distinction between traffic flow stability and string stability, and such a distinction has not been recognized in the literature, thus far. String stability is stability with respect to intervehicular spacing; intuitively, it ensures the knowledge of the position and velocity of every vehicle in the traffic, within reasonable bounds of error, from the knowledge of the position and velocity of a vehicle in the traffic. String stability is analyzed without adding vehicles to or removing vehicles from the traffic. On the other hand, traffic flow stability deals with the evolution of traffic velocity and density in response to the addition and/or removal of vehicles from the flow. Traffic flow stability can be guaranteed only if the velocity and density solutions of the coupled set of equations is stable, i.e., only if stability with respect to automatic vehicle following and stability with respect to density evolution is guaranteed. Therefore, the flow stability and critical capacity of any section of a highway is dependent not only on the vehicle following control laws and the information used in their synthesis, but also on the spacing policy employed by the control system. Such a dependence has practical consequences in the choice of a spacing policy for adaptive cruise control laws and on the stability of the traffic flow consisting of vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control features on the existing and future highways. This critical dependence is the subject of investigation here.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and results for field tests regarding the environmental benefits in stop-and-go traffic of an algorithmic green driving strategy based on inter-vehicle communication (IVC), which was proposed in Yang and Jin (2014). The green driving strategy dynamically calculates advisory speed limits for vehicles equipped with IVC devices so as to smooth their speed profiles and reduce their emissions and fuel consumption. For the field tests, we develop a smartphone-based IVC system, in which vehicles’ speeds and locations are collected by GPS and accelerometer sensors embedded in smartphones, and communications among vehicles are enabled by specially designed smartphone applications, a central server, and 4G cellular networks. Six field tests are carried out on an uninterrupted ring road under slow or fast stop-and-go traffic conditions. We compare the performances of three alternatives: no green driving, heuristic green driving, and the IVC-based algorithmic green driving. Results show that heuristic green driving has better smoothing and environmental effects than no green driving, but the IVC-based algorithmic green driving outperforms both. In the future, we are interested in field tests under more realistic traffic conditions.  相似文献   

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