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The use of GPS devices and smartphones has made feasible the collection of multi-day activity-travel diaries. In turn, the availability of multi-day travel diary data opens up new avenues for analyzing dynamics of individual travel behavior. This paper addresses the issue of day-to-day variability in activity-travel behavior. The study, which is the first of its kind in China, applies a unique combination of methods to analyze the degree of dissimilarity between travel days using multi-day GPS data. First, multi-dimensional sequence alignment is applied to measure the degree of dissimilarity in individual daily activity-travel sequences between pairs of travel days. Next, a series of panel effects regression models is used to estimate the effects of socio-demographics and days of the week. The models are estimated using multi-day activity-travel patterns imputed from GPS-enabled smartphone data collected in Shanghai, China. Results indicate that (1) days of the week have significant effects on day-to-day variability in activity-travel behavior with weekday activity-travel sequences being more similar and thereby different from weekend sequences; (2) the degree of dissimilarity in activity-travel sequences is strongly influenced by respondent socio-demographic profiles; (3) individuals having more control over and flexibility in their work schedule show greater intra-personal variability. Day-to-day variability in activity-travel behavior of this sample is similar to patterns observed in developed countries in some aspects but different in others. Strict international comparison study based on comparative data collection is required to further distinguish the sources of travel behavior differences between developing countries and developed countries. The paper ends with a discussion of the limitations of this study and the implications of the research findings for future research.  相似文献   

Multi-dimensional discrete choice problems are usually estimated by assuming a single-choice hierarchical order for the entire study population or for pre-defined segments representing the behavior of an “average” person and by indicating either limited differences or a variety in choices among the study population. This study develops an integral methodological framework, termed the flexible model structure (FMS), which enhances the application of the discrete choice model by developing an optimization algorithm that segment given data and searches for the best model structure for each segment simultaneously. The approach is demonstrated here through three models that conceptualize the multi-dimensional discrete choice problem. The first two are Nested Logit models with a two-choice dimension of destination and mode; they represent the estimation of a fixed-structure model using pre-segmented data as is mostly common in multi-dimensional discrete choice model implementation. The third model, the FMS, includes a fuzzy segmentation method with weighted variables, as well as a combination of more than one model structure estimated simultaneously. The FMS model significantly improves estimation results, using fewer variables than do segmented NL models, thus supporting the hypothesis that different model structures may best describe the behavior of different groups of people in multi-dimensional choice models. The implementation of FMS involves presenting the travel behavior of an individual as a mix of travel behaviors represented by a number of segments. The choice model for each segment comprises a combination of different choice model structures. The FMS model thus breaks the consensus that an individual belongs to only one segment and that a segment can take only one structure.  相似文献   

We compare two common ways of incorporating service frequency into models of airline competition. One is based on the so called s-curve, in which, all else equal, market shares are determined by frequency shares. The other is based on schedule delay—the time difference between when travelers wish to travel and when flights are available. We develop competition models that differ only with regard to which of the above approaches is used to capture the effect of frequency. The demand side of both models is an approximation of a nested logit model which yields endogenous travel demand by including not traveling in the choice set. We find symmetric competitive equilibrium for both models analytically, and compare their predictions concerning market frequency with empirical evidence. In contrast to the s-curve model, the schedule delay model depicts a more plausible relationship between market share and frequency share and accurately predicts observed patterns of supply side behavior. Moreover, the predictions from both models are largely the same if we employ numerical versions of the model that capture real-world aspects of competition. We also find that, for either model, the relationship between airline frequency and market traffic is the same whether frequency is determined by competitive equilibrium, social optimality, or social optimality with a break-even constraint.  相似文献   

This study introduces an extended version of a standard multilevel cross-classified logit model which takes co-variations into account, i.e., variations jointly caused by two or more unobserved factors. Whilst focusing on mode choice behavior, this study deals with four different types of variation: spatial variations, inter-individual variations, intra-individual variations and co-variations between inter-individual and spatial variations. Such co-variations represent individual-specific spatial effects, reflecting different responses to the same space among individuals, which may for example be due to differences in their spatial perceptions. In our empirical analysis, we use data from Mobidrive (a continuous six-week travel survey) to clarify the existence of co-variation effects by comparing two models with and without co-variation terms. The results of this analysis indicate that co-variations certainly exist, especially for utility differences in bicycle and public transport use in comparison with car use. We then sequentially introduce four further sets of explanatory variables, examine the sources of behavioral variations and determine what types of influential factors are dominant in mode choice behavior.  相似文献   

The majority of US metropolitan regions still use the four‐step urban transportation modeling system to develop their travel forecasts. Trip generation, the first step of this system, has as objective of predicting the expected total travel demand in a region. The commonly used methods in planning practice for predicting this expected total travel demand typically use only the most recent cross‐sectional data available from a study region for model development, which ties the resulting travel‐forecast model to the economic environment prevailing at the time of data collection. Applying such models to generate forecasts of travel in economic environments significantly different from those embodied in the estimated model parameters could result in greater errors than would otherwise be the case. To address the aforementioned problem, this paper proposes the development of trip generation models estimated on multiple independent cross‐sectional datasets collected in the same urban region but at different times representing different economic environments. Data used in the research were collected in cross‐sectional household travel behavior surveys undertaken in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada in 1986, 1996, 2001, and 2006. The results lead to the conclusion that well‐specified models, estimated on pooled multiple cross‐sectional datasets, yield travel predictions in the base and horizon years, respectively, that have smaller error compared with corresponding travel predictions generated with single cross‐sectional models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present empirical and theoretical analyses to investigate the relationship between happiness (or subjective well-being) and activity participation and develop a framework for using well-being data to enhance activity-based travel demand models. The overriding hypothesis is that activities are planned and undertaken to satisfy needs so as to maintain or enhance subjective well-being. The empirical analysis consists of the development of a structural equations exploratory model of activity participation and happiness using data from a cross-sectional survey of a sample of commuters. The model reveals significant correlations between happiness and behavior for different types of activities: higher propensity of activity participation is associated with greater activity happiness and greater satisfaction with travel to the activity. The theoretical analysis consists of the development of a modeling framework and measures for the incorporation of well-being within activity-based travel demand models. The motivation is that activity pattern models have been specified in ad-hoc ways in practice as a function of mobility, lifestyle, and accessibility variables. We postulate that well-being is the ultimate goal of activity patterns which are driven by needs and propose two extensions of activity pattern models. The first extension consists of the use of well-being measures as indicators of the utility of activity patterns (in addition to the usual choice indicators) within a random utility modeling framework. The second extension models conceptually the behavioral process of activity generation based on needs satisfaction. We present an example of an operational activity pattern model and propose well-being measures for enhancing it.  相似文献   

Binary stated choices between traveller’s current travel mode and a not-yet-existing mode might be used to build a forecasting model with all (current and future) travel alternatives. One challenge with this approach is the identification of the most appropriate inter-alternative error structure of the forecasting model.By critically assessing the practise of translating estimated group scale parameters into nest parameters, we illustrate the inherent limitations of such binary choice data. To overcome some of the problems, we use information from both stated and revealed choice data and propose a model with a cross-nested logit specification, which is estimated on the pooled data set.  相似文献   

We analyze the vehicle usage and consumer profile attributes extracted from both National Household Travel Survey and Vehicle Quality Survey data to understand the impact of vehicle usage upon consumers’ choices of hybrid electric vehicles in the US. In addition, the key characteristics of hybrid vehicle drivers are identified to determine the market segmentations of hybrid electric vehicles and the critical attributes to include in the choice model. After a compatibility test of two datasets, a pooled choice model combining both data sources illustrates the significant influences of vehicle usage upon consumers’ choices of hybrid electric vehicles. Even though the data-bases have in the past been used independently to study travel behavior and vehicle quality ratings, here we use them together.  相似文献   

Transit agencies often provide travelers with point estimates of bus travel times to downstream stops to improve the perceived reliability of bus transit systems. Prediction models that can estimate both point estimates and the level of uncertainty associated with these estimates (e.g., travel time variance) might help to further improve reliability by tempering user expectations. In this paper, accelerated failure time survival models are proposed to provide such simultaneous predictions. Data from a headway-based bus route serving the Pennsylvania State University-University Park campus were used to estimate bus travel times using the proposed survival model and traditional linear regression frameworks for comparison. Overall, the accuracy of point estimates from the two approaches, measured using the root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) and mean absolute errors (MAEs), was similar. This suggests that both methods predict travel times equally well. However, the survival models were found to more accurately describe the uncertainty associated with the predictions. Furthermore, survival model estimates were found to have smaller uncertainties on average, especially when predicted travel times were small. Tests for transferability over time suggested that the models did not over-fit the dataset and validated the predictive ability of models established with historical data. Overall, the survival model approach appears to be a promising method to predict both expected bus travel times and the uncertainty associated with these travel times.  相似文献   

Location-Based Social Networking (LBSN) services, such as Foursquare, Facebook check-ins, and Geo-tagged Twitter tweets, have emerged as new secondary data sources for studying individual travel mobility patterns at a fine-grained level. However, the differences between human social behavioral and travel patterns can cause significant sampling bias for travel demand estimation. This paper presents a dynamic model to estimate time-of-day zonal trip arrival patterns. In the proposed model, the state propagation is formulated by the Hawkes process; the observation model implements LBSN sampling. The proposed model is applied to Foursquare check-in data collected from Austin, Texas in 2010 and calibrated with Origin-Destination (OD) data and time of day factor from Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). The proposed model is compared with a simple aggregation model of trip purposes and time of day based on a prior daily OD estimation model using the LBSN data. The results illustrate the promising benefits of applying stochastic point process models and state-space modeling in time-of-day zonal arrival pattern estimation with the LBSN data. The proposed model can significantly reduce the number of parameters to calibrate in order to reduce the sampling bias of LBSN data for trip arrival estimation.  相似文献   

Due to the limited cruising range of battery electric vehicle (BEV), BEV drivers show obvious difference in travel behavior from gasoline vehicle (GV) drivers. To analyze BEV drivers’ charging and route choice behaviors, and extract the differences between BEV and GV drivers’ travel behavior, two multinomial logit-based and two nested logit-based models are proposed in this study based on a stated preference survey. The nested structure consists of two levels: the upper level represents the charging decision, and the lower level shows the route choices corresponding to the charging and no-charging situations respectively. The estimated results demonstrate that the nested structure is more appropriate than the multinomial structure. Meanwhile, it is observed that the initial state of charge (SOC) at origin of BEV is the most important factor that affects the decision of charging or not, and the SOC at destination becomes an important impact factor affecting BEV drivers’ route choice behavior. As for the route choice behavior when BEV has charging demand, the charging station attributes such as charging time and charging station’s location have significant influences on BEV drivers’ decision-making process. The results also show that BEV drivers incline to choose the routes with charging station having less charging time, being closer to origin and consistent with travel direction. Finally, based on the proposed models, a series of numerical analysis has been conducted to verify the effect of range anxiety on BEV charging and route choice behavior and to reveal the variation of comfortable initial SOC at origin with travel distance. Meanwhile, the effects of charging time and distance from origin to charging station also have been discussed.  相似文献   

In recent decades, activity-based transportation models have gained growing attention, due to their strong foundation in behavioral theory and ability to model the response of individuals to travel demand management policies. Hence, researchers have become increasingly interested in analyzing and predicting individuals’ decisions about activity participation. This paper investigates the reliability and uncertainty of computational process activity-based models. The design of the scheduling process model is experimented with by introducing an alternative decision sequence. The results provide additional information to better understand the process model’s reliability and behavior. Furthermore, the findings show that the current sequence of decision steps in the process model in ALBATROSS achieves satisfactory work activity schedules. Finally, the study concludes that using a decision tree model achieves a better performance than using diverse data mining approaches.  相似文献   

Models of individual choice behavior have been extensively developed and used in travel prediction during the last ten years. These models are generally formulated with utility functions that are linear in parameters. Theories of economics and psychology suggest that the true relationship between service variables and utility is non-linear. In this paper we demonstrate that non-linear transformations of time and cost variables produce statistically significant improvements in the model estimated, have a theoretically appealing interpretation, and lead to managerially important differences in policy evaluations. These results support the need to refine the specification of choice utility functions based on theoretical considerations and empirical research.  相似文献   

Random coefficient logit (RCL) models containing random parameters are increasingly used for modelling travel choices. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) measures, such as the value of travel time savings (VTTS) are, in the case of RCL models estimated in preference space, ratios of random parameters. In this paper we apply the Delta method to compute the confidence intervals of such WTP measures, taking into account the variance–covariance matrix of the estimates of the distributional parameters. The same Delta method can be applied when the model is estimated in WTP space. Compared to simulation methods such as proposed by Krinsky and Robb, the Delta method is able to avoid most of the simulations by deriving partly analytical expressions for the standard errors. Examples of such computations are shown for different combinations of random distributions.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of characteristics of the built environment on travel behavior can yield valuable tools for land use and transportation planning. Of particular interest are planning models that can estimate the effects of ‘smart growth’ planning. In this paper, a post-processor method of quantifying and searching for relationships among many aspects of travel behavior and the built environment is developed and applied to the Buffalo, NY area. A wide scope of travel behavior is examined, and over 50 variables, many of which are based on high-detail data sources, are examined for potentially quantifying the built environment. Linear modeling is then used to relate travel behavior and the built environment, and the resulting models may be applied in a post-processor fashion to travel models to provide some measure of sensitivity to built environment modifications. The study’s findings demonstrate that mode choice is highly correlated to measures of the built environment, and that many of the principles of smart growth appear to be a valid way to encourage non-vehicle travel. Home-based VHT and VMT appear to be affected by the built environment to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

The parameters for travel time and travel cost are central in travel demand forecasting models. Since valuation of infrastructure investments requires prediction of travel demand for future evaluation years, inter-temporal variation of the travel time and travel cost parameters is a key issue in forecasting. Using two identical stated choice experiments conducted among Swedish drivers with an interval of 13 years, 1994 and 2007, this paper estimates the inter-temporal variation in travel time and cost parameters (under the assumption that the variance of the error components of the indirect utility function is equal across the two datasets). It is found that the travel time parameter has remained constant over time but that the travel cost parameter has declined in real terms. The trend decline in the cost parameter can be entirely explained by higher average income level in the 2007 sample compared to the 1994 sample. The results support the recommendation to keep the travel time parameter constant over time in forecast models, but to deflate the travel cost parameter with the forecasted income increase among travellers and the relevant income elasticity of the cost parameter. Evidence from this study further suggests that the inter-temporal and the cross-sectional income elasticities of the cost parameter are equal. The average elasticity is found to be ?0.8 to ?0.9 in the present sample of drivers, and the elasticity is found to increase with the real income level, both in the cross-section and over time.  相似文献   

This paper develops new methodological insights on Random Regret Minimization (RRM) models. It starts by showing that the classical RRM model is not scale-invariant, and that – as a result – the degree of regret minimization behavior imposed by the classical RRM model depends crucially on the sizes of the estimated taste parameters in combination with the distribution of attribute-values in the data. Motivated by this insight, this paper makes three methodological contributions: (1) it clarifies how the estimated taste parameters and the decision rule are related to one another; (2) it introduces the notion of “profundity of regret”, and presents a formal measure of this concept; and (3) it proposes two new family members of random regret minimization models: the μRRM model, and the Pure-RRM model. These new methodological insights are illustrated by re-analyzing 10 datasets which have been used to compare linear-additive RUM and classical RRM models in recently published papers. Our re-analyses reveal that the degree of regret minimizing behavior imposed by the classical RRM model is generally very limited. This insight explains the small differences in model fit that have previously been reported in the literature between the classical RRM model and the linear-additive RUM model. Furthermore, we find that on 4 out of 10 datasets the μRRM model improves model fit very substantially as compared to the RUM and the classical RRM model.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided that the vehicle trajectories generated by car-following models may not represent the real driving characteristics, thus leading to significant emission estimation errors. In this paper, two of the most widely used car-following models, Wiedemann and Fritzsche models, were selected and analyzed based on the massive field car-following trajectories in Beijing. A numerical simulation method was designed to generate the following car’s trajectories by using the field trajectories as the input. By comparing the simulated and the filed data, the representativeness of the simulated regime fractions and VSP distributions were evaluated. Then, the mechanism of car-following models was investigated from the aspects of regime determination and the acceleration rule in each regime. Further, the regime threshold parameters and acceleration model were optimized for emission estimations. This study found that the “Following” regime threshold of SDX and the maximum acceleration in “Free Driving” regime are critical parameters for Wiedemann model. The differences between the Wiedemann simulated VSP distribution and the field one can be reduced separately by applying the optimized SDX and maximum acceleration model individually. However, a much sharper reduction was observed by optimizing both parameters simultaneously, and the emission estimation errors were further reduced, which were less than 4% in the case studies. Fritzsche model generated more realistic VSP distributions and emissions, while the maximum accelerations could be further optimized for high speed conditions.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in incorporating both preference heterogeneity and scale heterogeneity in choice models, as a way of capturing an increasing number of sources of utility amongst a set of alternatives. The extension of mixed logit to incorporate scale heterogeneity in a generalised mixed logit (GMXL) model provides a way to accommodate these sources of influence, observed and unobserved. The small but growing number of applications of the GMXL model have parameterized scale heterogeneity as a single estimate; however it is often the case that analysts pool data from more than one source, be it revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) sources, or multiple SP sources, inducing the potential for differences in the scale factor between the data sources. Existing practice has developed ways of accommodating scale differences between data sources by adopting a scale homogeneity assumption within each data source (e.g., the nested logit trick) that varies between data sources. This paper extends the state of the art by incorporating data-source specific scale differences in scale heterogeneity setting across pooled RP and SP data set. An example of choice amongst RP and SP transport modes (including two ‘new’ SP modes) is used to obtain values of travel time savings that vary significantly between a model that accounts for scale heterogeneity differences within pooled RP and SP data, and the other where differences in scale heterogeneity is also accommodated between RP and SP data.  相似文献   

Multinomial logit models of travel demand are subject to a variety of specification errors that can severely affect the accuracy the models' forecasts. This paper describes some of the important sources of specification errors in logit models, presents numerical illustrations of the errors' effects on forecasts of travel behavior, and evaluates the ability of several informal and formal statistical procedures to identify and diagnose the errors. Among the tests considered, the most powerful are a test against a probit model and the McFadden, Tye and Train (1976) test based on the universal logit method. The least powerful tests are a test based on extrapolating the logit model and informal tests based on examination of the signs, t-statistics and ratios of the estimated parameters of the logit function.  相似文献   

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