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经2008年7月10日和2008年11月1日秘书处扩大会议审议,吸收以下20人为我会会员。广船国际:陈穗华中国人民解放军第4801工厂:王土金、贺新权、肖万龙、陈川、许锐添、高华、王铭刚、张志兵、何国杨、梁良、张文清、梁智雄、李玉葵、符史轩、伍建良、钟伟民。中船集团第六0五研究院:吴群明。广东新中国船厂有限公司:熊戈兵、张宏建。  相似文献   

<正>据国家发改委2013年3月26日出台的《促进综合交通枢纽发展的指导意见》,"十二五"期间我国需基本建成42个全国性综合交通枢纽。42个全国性综合交通枢纽城市分别为北京、天津、哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、大连、石家庄、秦皇岛、唐山、青岛、济南、上海、南京、连云港、徐州、合肥、杭州、宁波、福州、厦门、广州、深圳、湛  相似文献   

交通部优秀科技期刊中国高校特色科技期刊上海市新闻出版行业文明单位华东地区优秀期刊《水运管理》杂志创刊于1979年,系经新闻出版总署批准、上海海事大学主管主办的学术性期刊(月刊)。刊物的定位是:立足航运市场,面向全球物流,以水运为主,以管理为特色,服务经济。刊物内容涵盖航运、船舶、港口、航道、规划、仓储、现代物流、集装箱运输、多式联运、客运、船代、货代、外运、理货、投融资、财务、海事、航务、劳务、法  相似文献   

[本刊专讯]2010年10月18日,《水运工程》编委会主任、《水运工程》理事会理事长联席会议在北京召开。编委会主任、交通运输部水运局副局长肖大选.理事会理事长、中交水运规划设计院有限公司董事长宋海良,编委会常务副主任、副主任、理事会副理事长(或其代表)吴澎、包起帆、孙宏、范期锦、郑荣平、王祥、冯俊、周泉生、朱立岩、梁至慷出席了会议。  相似文献   

11月28日,由上海市、湖北省、重庆市和交通部共同发起的“合力建设黄金水道,促进长江经济发展”座谈会在北京举行。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊出席会议并作重要讲话。上海、江苏、安徽、江西、湖北、湖南、重庆、四川、云南七省二市党政主要领导和交通部领导参加了座谈会,国家发改委、水利部、三峡办有关负责人应邀参加了会议。  相似文献   

肖素英 《船艇》2014,(1):110-115
2013年,中国杯帆船赛进入第七届。中国杯有很多种色彩,既拥有赤、澄、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫等色彩的炫烂,也饱含拼搏、欢乐、幸福、激情等情感。北京航海中心队身着明黄色的队服在海上驰骋,观鲸队(Whale Watching Sydney)老船队lan Ford率领船队以蓝色上装征服蓝色的海洋;观众们身着各色服饰为船队加油,不时发出阵阵惊呼……。船队、观众、媒体、工作人员、嘉宾和观众们以蓝色为主调,在赤、澄、黄、绿、靛、紫等色彩的配合下,分享着船队的拼搏、弄潮儿的惊艳、归航的欢乐、情侣们的幸福,以及挑战“海上珠穆朗玛”的激情。  相似文献   

喀斯特地貌、60万亩连片油菜花花海、九龙瀑布群、多依河的田园风光、布依民族风情……共同造就了罗平雄、险、奇、幽、秀为一体的自然风光  相似文献   

随着现代科学信息技术迅猛发展和广泛应用,我国测绘业已基本实现由传统模拟测绘技术体系向数字化、信息化测绘技术体系的跨越.地理信息是一种以采集、贮存、管理、分析和描述整个或部分地球表面空间地理分布有关数据的空间信息,已广泛应用于交通、电力、水利、农林、国土资源、环境保护、金融、电信、地质、矿产、城市建设、教育、人口、海洋以及军事等几十个领域.  相似文献   

10月16日,新版上海出口集装箱运价指数(SCFI)在上海首发。上海航运交易所以发布当日为基期,首发指数1000点,每周五编制、发布新版SCFI及上海至地中海、欧洲、美西、美东、澳新、西非、南非、南美、波斯湾、日本关西、日本关东、东南亚、韩国、香港和台湾等15条航线的即期市场运价。  相似文献   

10月16日,新版上海出口集装箱运价指数(SCFI)在上海首发。上海航运交易所以发布当日为基期,首发指数1000点,每周五编制、发布新版SCFI及上海至地中海、欧洲、美西、美东、澳新、西非、南非、南美、波斯湾、日本关西、日本关东、东南亚、韩国、香港和台湾等15条航线的即期市场运价。  相似文献   

在船舶制造中,技术成熟度的评估意识薄弱且缺少信息化手段。通过确定评估指标、设定权重,建立船舶制造技术成熟度评估系统,由系统计算成熟度的得分和等级,从总体设计、建造工艺、船厂建造资源能力、船舶研制定型后等方面进行评估。该系统可减少返工带来的时间成本、人力成本,提高船舶制造技术成熟度评估的科学性、准确性、可靠性、灵活性及效率。  相似文献   

Whale-watching is a significant and growing tourism industry worldwide. Whaling has a long history and, although largely curtailed today, still occurs in a few countries around the world and in the Caribbean. Whaling has been labeled an incompatible activity with whale-watching because, in some cases, it reduces the number of whales available for use and changes whale behavior. Moreover, in some situations, whale-watching generates greater revenue than whaling, and whaling may detrimentally affect the larger tourism industry because of negative attitudes toward whaling by whale-watchers, other tourists, and host communities. This article examines the potential impacts of whaling on the whale-watching and tourism industries, and places these impacts in the Caribbean context. In doing so, the article outlines the history and current status of whale-watching in the Caribbean, outlines other potential constraints, and highlights the need for research about the impacts and roles of these industries. In the highly competitive global tourism industry, maintaining and nurturing a country's tourism image is critically important.  相似文献   

装备维修是生产制造、作业运转的基础,特别是在船舶、航空等领域。由于在维修过程中装备结构复杂、维修人员经验技术不足和缺少直观维修手段导致容易导致维修效率低下和操作出错。因此,通过研究基于增强现实的装备维修方案,直观交互地进行维修作业,能够有效地提升维修的质量和效率。由于装备体型较大,结构复杂,给跟踪定位带来了新的困难,针对实际的工程需求,创新性地将主流方法进行结合,提出了多Marker和ORB-SLAM混合跟踪的方法。通过二次调整多Marker定位结果的动态权值,提高局部定位维修的精度和可靠性。分析比较现有的特征点算法,选择ORB-SLAM作为方案,实现全局的定位和导航,对维修过程给以指导,并设计开发装备诱导维修系统,为大型复杂设备地维修提供了通用解决方案。  相似文献   

闫伟  缑海健  陆苗 《水运工程》2019,(S1):12-15
港口系统设备一般外型尺寸和质量较大,多采用截面积较大的起重机钢轨作为行走轨道。根据港口系统设备使用特点和工程施工现场条件,结合码头和堆场结构,借鉴轻轨和重轨的无缝连接技术,对各种焊接工艺进行比较,分析钢轨的材料组成和焊接过程内部组织变化,推荐一种保证设备使用安全和操作人员舒适度、连接质量稳定、便于维护、操作简便、满足港口系统设备钢轨安装现场要求的连接方法和工艺,有助于实现工期目标,可推广应用于矿山、港口、电厂、码头及堆场等大质量机车或起重设备的钢轨连接。  相似文献   

A few cities in some of the larger developing countries in Latin America and Asia have made increasing use of multi-year concessions or franchises, competitively awarded to private companies, for construction and operation of urban transport infrastructure and for provision of public transport services. In view of the strong prospective growth of developing-country cities with large transport needs, and the rise in the emerging economies of potential new sources of private capital, it is important to see how effective PPP has so far been in this area. The experience is analyzed principally by thorough comparative review of what has actually happened for some of the main users to date: Bogotá, Santiago, São Paulo, Seoul, and several cities in both China and India. Despite delays and mistakes that have been made in development of most of the projects, the overall results, already delivered and in prospect, are very positive and urban public transport is benefiting substantially, with significant side effects on poorer people's access to work and to services, air pollution levels and road accident rates. The widest and most important advantage of the PPP arrangements, as compared with more conventional short-term contracting, is found to be the innovations, technical and managerial, developed, and, in particular, the mutual capacity building of the countries' private and public sectors and their more effective interaction. The experience in the six countries covered suggests that other developing-country cities may be best assisted to develop sound urban transport PPPs more rapidly through provision of help on chosen items among 7 elements that have proved particularly crucial but sometimes weak in the projects reviewed: Civic consultation systems, Land-use/Transport strategic planning, Land/property market management, Monitoring systems, Progressive policies, Economic regulation, and Public institutional framework for PPPs.  相似文献   

We present the observations from a pair of field experiments at the New England shelfbreak front in June and August of 2002, each consisting of 14 cross-frontal surveys using the Lamont Pumping SeaSoar. Measurements of the front's physical, chemical, and bio-optical characteristics were made at high spatial and temporal resolution. The front, based on water-column hydrographic distributions, was found within a few km of the 200 m isobath during both cruises. We present here composite sections, based on averages of individual sections shifted in space to a common frontal location, of the cross-frontal distributions of these properties as a measure of the mean state of the front in both June and August. The observations show the familiar temperature, salinity, and density distributions of the summertime front, dominated by surface thermal heating. Nutrient and bio-optical distributions show the combined effects of water-mass exchange and biological processes. T, S, silicate, and phosphate distributions are suggestive of cross-frontal exchange of slope- and shelf waters, although transport mechanisms and pathways are not apparent. These properties, along with nitrate and optical measures of the suspended particle distributions, show vertical displacements of isopleths as the front is approached: property contours slope upwards toward the front from the shoreward side, and downwards toward the front from the seaward side. Again, actual water-movement pathways are not constrained by these suggestive patterns. Bio-optical distributions show elevated indicators of photosynthetic efficiency both seaward and shoreward of the front, but the front itself is a minimum in biomass. Accumulation of photosynthetic biomass appears to be controlled primarily by nitrate scarcity in waters within and above the pycnocline. At the base of the pycnocline, light limitation appears to be the controlling factor, although the base of the euphotic zone is deeper than the biomass maxima and the base of the pycnocline. Mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are unclear, but tenuous evidence suggests low stratification at the depth of the 1% light level may not allow phytoplankton to optimize for the low-light, high-nutrient conditions at depth. Cross-frontal differences in nutrient and bio-optical parameters, particularly in August, suggest distinct phytoplankton assemblages, and the presence of calcite-forming or nitrogen fixing groups to the community structure, especially in very shallow waters across the front and in pycnocline waters seaward of the front.  相似文献   

近年来防波堤越浪方面的相关研究,分别在越浪影响因素、越浪量计算公式推导论证、越浪数值模拟与越浪量标准4个方面进行归纳总结.已有成果表明:1)越浪影响因素的研究多是集中于常规因素,包括波高周期,堤顶高程,坡肩宽度,护面块体,而对水流、风速、波浪谱以及水的性质等其他因素研究相对较少;2)越浪量计算公式研究中主要集中在影响越...  相似文献   

The effects of variability in environmental conditions on species composition in benthic ecosystems are well established, but relatively little is known about how environmental variability relates to ecosystem functioning. Benthic invertebrate assemblages are heavily involved in the maintenance of ecological processes and investigation of the biological characteristics (traits) expressed in these assemblages can provide information about some aspects of functioning. The aim of this study was to establish and explore relationships between environmental variability and biological traits expressed in megafauna assemblages in two UK regions. Patterns of trait composition were matched to environmental conditions and subsets of variables best describing these patterns determined. The nature of the relationships were subsequently examined at two separate scales, both between and within the regions studied. Over the whole area, some traits related to size, longevity, reproduction, mobility, flexibility, feeding method, sociability and living habit were negatively correlated with salinity, sea surface temperature, annual temperature range and the level of fishing effort, and positively associated with fish taxon richness and shell content of the substratum. Between the two regions, reductions in temperature range and shell content were associated with infrequent relative occurrences of short-lived, moderately mobile, flexible, solitary, opportunistic, permanent-burrow dwelling fauna and those exhibiting reproductive strategies based on benthic development. Relationships between some traits and environmental conditions diverged within the two regions, with increases in fishing effort and shell content of the substratum being associated with low frequencies of occurrence of moderately mobile and moderately to highly flexible fauna within one region, but high frequencies in the other. These changes in trait composition have implications for ecosystem processes, with, for example, reductions in permanent-burrow dwellers within one of the regions potentially compromising the ability of the assemblages to process and store chemicals and waste products. However, the connections between environmental conditions and trait composition are complex and incorporate many factors. Experimental investigations will be necessary to determine the extent and consequences of these important relationships.  相似文献   

采用现场调查的方法,统计分析广西沿海重力式码头病害,主要有裂缝、水工结构附属设施病害、结构破损、不均匀沉降与位移、漏砂、基床淘刷等,讨论病害与泊位吨级、运营时间的关系以及病害的成因与危害,提出病害防治措施。  相似文献   

三维航道GIS中大型场景的动态组织与可视化技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
三维可视化技术以其直观、逼真、实时、动态等特征,目前己成为港口、海岸、航道、运河等相关领域进行科学研究、工程设计、管理与决策的重要手段。文中在对基于该技术实现的天津港三维港区与航道信息管理系统进行简单介绍的基础上,重点研究了基于空间网格索引技术、Delaunay三角网技术与LOD技术的港口地面景观与地形模型的动态组织与管理,以及基于多线程技术和OpenGL的显示列表技术的子场景块与专题信息的实时读取与渲染,并对动态海洋、全景天空、水下地形仿真与漫游、交互操作与信息查询等作了深入探讨。实践表明,文中所开发的三维可视化系统中大数据量、复杂的场景对绘制的速度影响并不大,场景逼真度高,能进行实时操作与漫游,可以满足航道与港口三维可视化、空间分析与管理的需要。  相似文献   

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