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This study validates a recently developed agent-based pedestrian micro-simulation model in a crowded walking environment. The model is applied to simulate pedestrian movements at a major street in the downtown Vancouver area. The street was closed for traffic to allow people attending a social event to leave the area safely. The calibration of model parameters is conducted using a Genetic Algorithm that minimizes the error between simulated and actual trajectories, acquired by means of computer vision. Validation results confirm the accuracy of the simulated trajectories, as the average error between the actual and simulated trajectories is found to be 0.28?m, and the average error in walking speed is just 0.06 m/s. Furthermore, results show that the model is capable of reproducing the actual behavior of pedestrians during different interactions with high accuracy (more than 94% for most interactions).  相似文献   

Cars are designed to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, many of them evoking an impression of speed and power. Such an impression conflicts both with the aesthetic language of suburban architecture, and the needs of pedestrians. The research described in this report was conceived as a preliminary investigation of how members of the public view the aesthetic impact of cars in the residential street environment, particularly from the pedestrian’s point of view. The results suggested that people use two distinct sets of criteria when evaluating the motor car and the residential environment in visual terms. When asked to ‘match’ different models of car with different street scenes, respondents avoided referring to abstract visual qualities such as shape, colour and texture, but concentrated instead on the owners: the imagined driver and the imagined householder. The problem of visual harmony was reduced to one of social and cultural harmony. Could the imagined householder be expected to drive this or that car? However, SUVs were singled out as visually intrusive because they blocked the pedestrian’s view. Members of one of the groups, boys aged 11–12, found it difficult to visualise the impact of cars on pedestrians at all, or even to question vehicle design from the pedestrian’s point of view. They just wanted to be in the driving seat.  相似文献   

Urbanization and demands for mobility have spurred the development of mass rapid transit infrastructure in industrializing Asia. Differences between the character of pre-existing urban structure in these localities and worldwide precedents suggest a need for studies examining how new rapid transit systems function locally. This study of Bangkok’s elevated and underground rail systems identifies relationships between the built environment and pedestrian behavior surrounding stations. Based on details of 1,520 pedestrian egress trips from three elevated and three underground stations in 2006, multiple regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that types of pedestrian destinations, reflecting land uses, were related to length of walking egress trips. Trips to shopping centers and office buildings were longer, while trips to eating places were shorter. The most common type of pedestrian trip recorded was to another vehicle, and trips to automobile taxis and motorcycle taxis figured prominently. Policy implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

By estimating multinomial choice models, this paper examines the relationship between travel mode choice and attributes of the local physical environment such as topography, sidewalk availability, residential density, and the presence of walking and cycling paths. Data for student and staff commuters to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill are used to illustrate the relationship between mode choice and the objectively measured environmental attributes, while accounting for typical modal characteristics such as travel time, access time, and out-of-pocket cost. Results suggest that jointly the four attributes of the local physical environment make significant marginal contributions to explaining travel mode choice. In particular, the estimates reveal that local topography and sidewalk availability are significantly associated with the attractiveness of non-motorized modes. Point elasticities are provided and recommendations given regarding the importance of incorporating non-motorized modes into local transportation planning and in the study of how the built environment influences travel behavior.  相似文献   

There is a lack of consensus as to whether the relationship between the built environment and travel is causal and, if it is, the extent of this causality. This problem is largely caused by inappropriate research designs adopted in many studies. This paper proposes a new method (based on path choice) to investigate the causal effect of the pedestrian environment on the utility of walking. Specifically, the paper examines how the pedestrian environment affects subway commuters’ egress path choice from a station to their workplaces in downtown Boston. The path-based measure is sensitive enough to capture minor differences in the environment experienced by pedestrians. More importantly, path choice is less likely to correlate with job and housing location choices, and therefore largely avoids the self-selection problem. The results suggest that the pedestrian environment can significantly affect a person’s walking experience and the utility of walking along a path.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the relationship between micro-scale features of the built environment and street segment usage. Micro-scale features of the built environment include the width of the sidewalk, the presence of amenities such as benches and trash bins, and the presence of crossing aids such as stoplights and crosswalks. This study employs segment-level primary data collected for 338 street segments in close proximity to one of 71 bus rapid transit stations in Bogotá, Colombia. We also use secondary data to control for area-level characteristics such as density, socio-economic stratum, unemployment, and crime. Factor and regression analyses are to use identify two dimensions of the built environment that are associated with higher levels of pedestrian activity: pedestrian-friendly amenities, comprised of wider and higher quality sidewalks and the presence of amenities such as benches, garbage cans, and bike paths; and connectivity, comprised of higher levels of road density, three- and four-way intersections, and density. In addition, we find greater pedestrian activity on segments with higher development intensity, with more mix of land uses, and with more crossing aids. Although the relationships identified are not causal, they are suggestive in terms of planning successful built environment interventions.  相似文献   

We examine whether specific types of people are more sensitive to the built environment when making a decision to walk or engage in other physical activity. Over 700 participants from 36 environmentally diverse, but equivalent-sized neighborhoods or focus areas responded to a survey, kept a travel diary, and wore an accelerometer for seven days. Subgroups defined by demographic and socioeconomic variables, as well as self reported health and weight status demonstrate that most subgroups of people walk more for transportation in high density areas. However, only the less healthy walked more overall in high density areas after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics and physical activity was remarkably similar among the groups and across different kinds of environments. While environmental interventions may not increase physical activity population wide, some populations – including some for whom interventions may be important such as the less healthy and the unemployed or retired – are more affected by these neighborhood environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Very few studies examine the costs associated with general aviation accidents. Given the large number of general aviation operations as well as the large number of fatalities and injuries attributed to general aviation accidents in the United States, understanding the costs to society is of great importance. This study estimates the costs associated with general aviation accidents in the United States. The direct costs are estimated and the indirect costs are estimated via the human capital approach in addition to the willingness-to-pay approach. The average annual accident costs attributed to general aviation are found to be $1.64 billion and $4.64 billion (2011 US$) utilizing the human capital approach and willingness-to-pay approach, respectively. These values appear to be fairly robust when subjected to a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

道路交通事故分析及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路交通事故的预防是一个系统工程,通过对全国和新疆道路交通安全现状与道路交通事故原因的对比分析,分别从影响道路交通安全的人、车、路及环境四个方面提出了降低和预防道路交通事故的发生,确保行车安全的相应措施和建议。  相似文献   

The child pedestrian death rates, per 100,000 population, for the USA and 22 European countries are compared. The safety measures used in some of these countries, for the two key areas of danger for children, the school journey and the residential environment, are outlined. Problems that might prevent the introduction of these countermeasures in some other countries are discussed. It is recommended that: 1) there should be special low speed limits on the roads outside all schools. On minor roads traffic calming measures would be suitable, on main roads new speed limits could be introduced and enforced by police surveillance using video camera techniques. 2) In suitable residential areas children should be enabled to play out in safety on the streets near their homes. In some countries the most acceptable way of achieving this might be by a change in the law whereby children would have priority in these designated Home Zones.  相似文献   

长三角危险化学品事故渐增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长三角跨地区的化学品运输有三个"不清楚":始发地及终点不清楚、运输路线不清楚、路途动态状况不清楚,而有效监控有毒化学品流通的方式,就是江浙沪三地联动.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,地铁在我国越来越多的城市建成,地铁隧道主要沿着城市干道修建.与此同时,人行天桥越来越与城市环境不相协调,而且,施工时常常会阻断交通,因此,更多采用暗挖人行隧道来解决繁华路口行人过街问题,这样,就给人行隧道的设计和施工带来一定难度.文章介绍了广州市东山口人行隧道跨越地铁隧道区段的施工技术,可为以后类似工程提供参考.  相似文献   

This study examines the connection between the built environment, perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour by conducting a travel survey in King County, Washington State, U.S. and employing a two-stage least squares model. We seek to answer two research questions: how does the built environment affect perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour; and how does one’s perception of safety from crime affect his/her walking behaviour. Our results show that the built environment is not only significantly related to walking behaviour, as previous research has identified, but also correlated with people’s perception of safety. In addition, a significant association between perceived safety from crime and walking behaviour is found, revealing possible indirect impacts of the built environment on walking. In specific, people living in neighborhoods with good accessibility and pedestrian facilities tend to perceive their neighborhoods safer while density has an opposite impact. Moreover, residents in safe and high-density areas are more likely to walk.  相似文献   

This research investigated the role of parental psychological and socio-economic factors as well as built environment for the choice of their children’s (primary school pupils, aged 7–9 years) travel mode to school in Rasht, Iran. A total of 1078 questionnaires were distributed (return rate of 80 percent) among pupils in nine primary schools in January 2014. A mixed logit (ML) model was employed due to its ability to test heterogeneity among parents and also to determine its possible sources. Results of random coefficient ML modelling showed that several psychological, socio-economic and built environment characteristics were significant factors in parental mode choice. Only walking time perception to school had a significant random normal distribution coefficient and no other psychological and socio-economic variable had a random effect. Further investigation by random coefficient analysis showed that the possible source of household preference heterogeneity could be to own two or more cars. Regarding psychological variables, strong parental worry about their children walking alone to school had a negative impact on allowing them to walk to school. Parents who evaluated poor contextual and design preconditions for walking tended to choose school service more than private car and walking. Parents with stronger environmental personal norms were more willing to allow their children to walk. The findings suggest that infrastructural measures, such as sidewalk facilities, neighborhood security and safety, encourage parents to allow children to walk to school. Information campaigns targeting environmental norms may increase walking among pupils in an Iranian setting.  相似文献   

Collecting microscopic pedestrian behavior and characteristics data is important for optimizing the design of pedestrian facilities for safety, efficiency, and comfortability. This paper provides a framework for the automated classification of pedestrian attributes such as age and gender based on information extracted from their walking gait behavior. The framework extends earlier work on the automated analysis of gait parameters to include analysis of the gait acceleration data which can enable the quantification of the variability, rhythmic pattern and stability of pedestrian’s gait. In this framework, computer vision techniques are used for the automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians in an open environment resulting in pedestrian trajectories and the speed and acceleration dynamic profiles. A collection of gait features are then derived from those dynamic profiles and used for the classification of pedestrian attributes. The gait features include conventional gait parameters such as gait length and frequency and dynamic parameters related to gait variations and stability measures. Two different techniques are used for the classification: a supervised k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm and a newly developed semi-supervised spectral clustering. The classification framework is demonstrated with two case studies from Vancouver, British Columbia and Oakland, California. The results show the superiority of features sets including gait variations and stability measures over features relying only on conventional gait parameters. For gender, correct classification rates (CCR) of 80% and 94% were achieved for the Vancouver and Oakland case studies, respectively. The classification accuracy for gender was higher in the Oakland case which only considered pedestrians walking alone. Pedestrian age classification resulted in a CCR of 90% for the Oakland case study.  相似文献   

Samia Sharmin 《运输评论》2018,38(4):524-550

Ample research has been conducted investigating the built environment impacts on pedestrian movement (PM). A clear division is also evident in the literature on this topic: one group tends to use geographic measures (metric distance) of the environment to explain pedestrian behaviour; the other group uses syntactic measures (visual distance). Many review articles have been published on the former. However, relatively little is known about the effect size (ES), directions, and consistency of syntactic measures in explaining PM. This paper fills this gap through a meta-analysis of published and unpublished studies on this topic spanning over 1975–2016, and answers the following five research questions: (a) What are the different measures used in the space syntax literature to explain PM?; (b) What are the magnitudes and directions of associations between space syntax measures and PM?; (c) Which space syntax measure has a more consistent relationship with PM?; (d) To what extent do the explanatory powers of different measures vary between their derivation methods?; and (e) What are the likely causes of variations of the reported results in prior studies? This research examined four syntactic measures (integration, connectivity, choice, and control) in a random effect model with 95% confidence interval (CI). The choice and integration measures were further investigated based on their operational approaches (topological, angular and metric). Results show that integration (ES?=?0.206, 95% CI?=?0.173–0.238, p?<?0.001), choice (ES?=?0.481, 95% CI?=?0.391–0.561, p?<?0.001), and connectivity (ES?=?0.305, 95% CI?=??0.225–0.696, p?=?0.257) measures positively influence PM with choice being the strongest predictor. Both connectivity and control (ES?=??0.001, 95% CI?=??0.117–0.115, p?=?0.990) were found to have a statistically insignificant impact. The choice and integration measures show stronger effects when derived using the angular approach (ES?=?0.493 for choice, and ES?=?0.502 for integration) compared to topological approach (ES?=?0.374 for choice, and ES?=?0.124 for integration). However, the reported results of all measures are highly heterogeneous, perhaps due to the differences in research design. The significance, magnitude, and consistency of integration and choice measures justify their relevance in built environment interventions to promote PM.  相似文献   

Pedestrian scramble phasing is usually implemented to reduce pedestrian‐vehicle conflicts and therefore increase the safety of the intersection. However, to adequately determine the benefits of scramble phasing, it is necessary to understand how pedestrians react to such an unconventional design. This study investigates changes in pedestrian crossing behavior following the implementation of a scramble phase by examining the spatiotemporal gait parameters (step length and step frequency). This detailed microscopic‐level analysis provides insight into changes in pedestrian walking mechanisms as well as the effect of various pedestrian and intersection characteristics. The study uses video data collected at a scramble phase signalized intersection in Oakland, California. Gait parameters were found to be influenced by pedestrian gender, age, group size, crosswalk length, and pedestrian signal indications. Both average step length and walking speed were significantly higher for diagonally crossing pedestrians compared with pedestrians crossing on the conventional crosswalks. Pedestrians were found to have the tendency to increase their step length more than their step frequency to increase walking speed. It was also found that, compared with men, women generally increase their walking speed by increasing their step frequency more than step length. However, when in non‐compliance with signal indications, women increase their walking speed by increasing their step length more than step frequency. It was also found that older pedestrians do not significantly change their walking behavior when in non‐compliance with signal indications. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of vision on the uni- and bi-directional flow has been investigated via experiment and modeling. In the experiments, pedestrians are asked to walk clockwise/anti-clockwise in a ring-shaped corridor under view-limited condition and normal view condition. As expected, the flow rate under the view-limited condition decreases comparing with that under the normal view condition, no matter in uni- or bi-directional flow. In bidirectional flow, pedestrians segregate into two opposite moving streams very quickly under the normal view condition, and clockwise/anti-clockwise walking pedestrians are always in the inner/outer ring due to right-walking preference. In the first set of experiment, spontaneous lane formation has not occurred under the view-limited condition. Pedestrian flow does not evolve into stationary state. Local congestion occurs and dissipates from time to time. However, in the later sets of experiments, spontaneous lane formation has re-occurred. This is because participants learned from the experience and adapted right-walking preference to avoid collision. To model the flow dynamics, an improved force-based model has been proposed. The driving force has been modified. The right-walking preference has been taken into account. The fact that pedestrians cannot judge the moving direction accurately under limited-view condition has been considered. Simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

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