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文章阐述了我国专用汽车的发展概况,从专用汽车技术发展现状出发,分析了我国专用汽车发展中存在的问题以及发展趋势,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

中国重卡企业正在尝试通过整车匹配和新材料应用,试图在轻量化技术上走得更远。如空气悬挂、铝合金、真空胎的使用等等,但核心技术的缺失让中国重卡轻量化之路步履维艰,甚至被质疑为“妖孽”。此外,中国运输市场的现状和用户的承受能力。却也实实在在限制了企业将研发成果转换成实际技术应用的脚步。  相似文献   

随州这座出土编钟的文化古城,以曾侯乙墓遗址出土的“鹿鹤”青铜器为市标,如今这座城市已成为国内“专用汽车之都”。东风随州专用汽车有限公司(下文简称“东风随专”)即坐落在这里。  相似文献   

汽车数量不断创新高,对全球环境构成越来越严重的挑战,新能源、轻量化等被提上日程,而轻量化被认为是更现实、更有效的节能减排举措。王立耀是国内最早研究商用汽车轻量化领域的权威专家。为解读轻量化技术在商用车方面的应用,本期独家策划采访了中国汽车工程学会常务理事王立耀先生,聆听专家是如何深度解读商用车轻量化技术的。  相似文献   

以“品质江淮新体验,牵财引富格尔发”为主题的江淮重卡轻量化牵引车上市品鉴会正如火如茶地展开,8月份相继在郑州、阜阳、青岛、上海等地上市,受到当地用户和经销商的热烈欢迎。  相似文献   

初晓伟 《运输经理世界》2010,(15):I0017-I0017
雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。关于商用车轻量化的专题报道,似乎用这句话来结束最为恰当。从2009年的年初开始,我刊就针对新能源汽车进行了多次报道,越深入越发现问题实在太多,电池问题、充电问题、  相似文献   

随着国内超载限载以及计重收费法规的全面推广,为了留住用户或是吸引新客户,行业内重卡纷纷开始“减肥”,掀起新一轮重卡市场争夺战。代表华菱高端重卡的星凯马轻量化工作近年取得了长足的进步,在2月2日华菱公司营销大会上,董事长刘汉如表示,今年要加大力度推出为用户打造的全新的星凯马轻量化产品。  相似文献   

随着全球汽车数量的不断增加,10亿辆的庞大数字已经对地球能源和环境形成了巨大挑战,节能减排——成为全球汽车企业的集体课题。  相似文献   

面对2011年不利的市场环境,华菱公司通过推出细分市场产品积极应对,取得了良好的销量成绩,各月销量同比保持正向增长,其中轻量化车型——华菱之星功不可没。轻量化是重卡发展趋势之一,轻量化车型的开发是个系统工程,华菱之星重卡从开发调研到试制成功,到品质试验及多次改进再开发再到最后定型,花费近两年多的时间,确保交到用户手中的产品沿袭华菱产品一贯高品质的美誉,  相似文献   

燃油价格的居高不下,以及节能减排的环保需要,在轻卡、重卡、客车等各个商用车领域刮起了一场“轻量化”节能风暴。  相似文献   

通过对高速针对常规清障车由于超高、转弯空间受限无法进入地下车库进行施救的难题,文章提出了专用皮卡式清障车的总体功能要求,探讨了总体布置、底盘选型与改造、专用装置结构设计等关键技术,研发并制造了皮卡式清障车样机,并进行了相应功能验证。在此基础上,深入剖析了皮卡式清障车在市场应用中所遇到的问题,并提倡将"主动救援新模式"常态化。  相似文献   

清障车是道路车辆事故(故障)施救,城市违章车辆处理以及自然灾害抢险救灾必不可少的救援装备。本文阐述了我国道路清障车行业从技术引进到自主创新的发展历程。通过比较国内外道路清障车技术水平差异,深入分析了当前我国清障车行业发展所遇到的"瓶颈"问题。根据清障车行业的发展轨迹,对我国道路清障车市场的未来发展前景与趋势做出了预测。  相似文献   

本文结合作者实际工作经验,介绍了某氢燃料电池电动汽车的电堆及其附件系统的布置设计,包括空气供应系统、氢气供应系统和电堆热管理系统,积累经验,供后来者参考。  相似文献   

The promotion of Electric Vehicles (EVs) has become a key measure of the governments in their attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, range anxiety is a big barrier for drivers to choose EVs over traditional vehicles. Installing more charging stations in appropriate locations can relieve EV drivers’ range anxiety. To determine the locations of public charging stations, we propose two optimization models for two different charging modes - fast and slow charging, which aim at minimizing the total cost while satisfying certain coverage goal. Instead of using discrete points, we use geometric objects to represent charging demands. Importantly, to resolve the partial coverage problem (PCP) for networks, we extend the polygon overlay method to split the demands on the road network. After applying the models to Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and to Downtown Toronto, we show that the proposed models are practical and effective in determining the locations of charging stations. Moreover, they can eliminate PCP and provide much more accurate results than the complementary partial coverage method (CP).  相似文献   

The French government has implemented a periodical vehicle inspection program, which aims at maintaining proper functioning of the vehicle and ensuring the emissions control systems installed on the vehicle work properly. Also, an incentive program for scrapping old vehicles was introduced in 1994 through 1996 to promote the replacement of those vehicles with higher emissions by newer vehicles with lower emissions. A hazard-based duration model of household vehicle transaction behavior has been developed in this study to examine the effects of the inspection program and the grant for scrappage on vehicle transaction timing. The model is developed as a competing risks model assuming the following three types of competing risks: replacing one of the vehicles in the household fleet, disposing of one vehicle in the fleet, and acquiring one vehicle to add to the fleet. The empirical analysis is carried out using the panel data of French households' vehicle ownership from 1984 to 1998, obtained by the panel survey called Parc-Auto, which has been conducted by a French marketing firm, SOFRES, since 1976. The long panel observation period facilitates the introduction of macro-economic indicators into the model, enabling the analysis to distinguish the effects of policy measures from macro-economic factors. The empirical results indicate that the expected vehicle holding duration becomes 1.3 years longer under the inspection program than before the program commenced, given that the vehicle is replaced by another vehicle at the end of the holding duration; and that the conditional probability of replacing a vehicle aged 10 years and over becomes 1.2 times higher, and the average holding duration becomes shorter by 3.3 years, when the grant for scrappage is available.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results regarding the experimental validation of connected automated vehicle design. In order for a connected automated vehicle to integrate well with human-dominated traffic, we propose a class of connected cruise control algorithms with feedback structure originated from human driving behavior. We test the connected cruise controllers using real vehicles under several driving scenarios while utilizing beyond-line-of-sight motion information obtained from neighboring human-driven vehicles via vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. We experimentally show that the design is robust against variations in human behavior as well as changes in the topology of the communication network. We demonstrate that both safety and energy efficiency can be significantly improved for the connected automated vehicle as well as for the neighboring human-driven vehicles and that the connected automated vehicle may bring additional societal benefits by mitigating traffic waves.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study battery capacity design for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The core of such design problems is to find a good tradeoff between minimizing the capacity to reduce financial costs of drivers and increasing the capacity to satisfy daily travel demands. The major difficulty of such design problems lies in modeling the diversity of daily travel demands. Based on massive trip records of taxi drivers in Beijing, we find that the daily vehicle miles traveled (DVMT) of a driver (e.g., a taxi driver) may change significantly in different days. This investigation triggers us to propose a mixture distribution model to describe the diversity in DVMT for various driver in different days, rather than the widely employed single distribution model. To demonstrate the merit of this new model, we consider value-at-risk and mean-variance battery capacity design problems for BEV, with respect to conventional single and new mixture distribution models of DVMT. Testing results indicate that the mixture distribution model better leads to better solutions to satisfy various drivers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of new vehicle registrations in European Union (EU) countries by focusing on four particular segments – passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles. A panel cointegration analysis for a panel of 13 EU countries during the period from January 1999 to August 2010 shows that new vehicle sales have long-run cointegration relations with vehicle prices, consumer confidence, income, interest rates, fuel prices, industrial production, and trade. More effective factors in determining new vehicle sales appear to be trade, interest rates, and industrial production.  相似文献   

This paper applies the concept of entropy to mine large volumes of global positioning system (GPS) data in order to determine the purpose of stopped truck events. Typical GPS data does not provide detailed activity information for a given stop or vehicle movement. We categorize stop events into two types: (1) primary stops where goods are transferred and (2) secondary stops where vehicle and driver needs are met, such as rest stations. The proposed entropy technique measures the diversity of truck carriers with trucks that dwell for 15 min or longer at a given location. Larger entropy arises from a greater variety of carriers and an even distribution of stop events among these carriers. An analysis confirms our initial hypothesis that the stop locations used for secondary purposes such as fuel refills and rest breaks tend to have higher entropy, reflecting the diversity of trucks and carriers that use these facilities. Conversely, primary shipping depots and other locations where goods are transferred tend to have lower entropy due to the lower variety of carriers that utilize such locations.  相似文献   

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