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Vehicle platooning, a coordinated movement strategy, has been proposed to address a range of current transport challenges such as traffic congestion, road safety, energy consumption and pollution. But in order to form platoons in an ad-hoc manner the vehicles have to ‘speak the same language’, which is in current practice limited to vehicles of particular manufacturers. There is no standard language yet. Also in research, while the current literature focuses on platoon control strategies, intra-platoon communication, or platooning impacts on traffic, the conceptualization of platooning objects and their operations remained unattended. This paper aims to fill this fundamental gap by developing a formal model of platooning concepts. The paper proposes an ontological model of platooning objects and properties and abstract basic building blocks of platoon operations that can then be aggregated to complex platooning behavior. The presented ontological model provides the logical reasoning to support vital decision-making during platoon lifecycles. The ontological model is implemented and demonstrated.  相似文献   

As electric vehicles (EVs) have gained an increasing market penetration rate, the traffic on urban roads will tend to be a mix of traditional gasoline vehicles (GVs) and EVs. These two types of vehicles have different energy consumption characteristics, especially the high energy efficiency and energy recuperation system of EVs. When GVs and EVs form a platoon that is recognized as an energy-friendly traffic pattern, it is critical to holistically consider the energy consumption characteristics of all vehicles to maximize the energy efficiency benefit of platooning. To tackle this issue, this paper develops an optimal control model as a foundation to provide eco-driving suggestions to the mixed-traffic platoon. The proposed model leverages the promising connected vehicle technology assuming that the speed advisory system can obtain the information on the characteristics of all platoon vehicles. To enhance the model applicability, the study proposes two eco-driving advisory strategies based on the developed optimal control model. One strategy provides the lead vehicle an acceleration profile, while the other provides a set of targeted cruising speeds. The acceleration-based eco-driving advisory strategy is suitable for platoons with an automated leader, and the speed-based advisory strategy is more friendly for platoons with a human-operated leader. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate the significance when the eco-driving advisory system holistically considers energy consumption characteristics of platoon vehicles.  相似文献   

Automated highway systems (AHS) are intended to increase the throughput and safety of roadways through computer control, communication and sensing. In the “platoon” concept for AHS, vehicles travel on highways in closely spaced groups. To maximize benefits, it is desirable to form platoons that are reasonably large (five or more vehicles), and it is also desirable to ensure that platoons remain intact for considerable distances. This paper develops and evaluates strategies for organizing vehicles into platoons at highway entrances, with the objective of maximizing the distance that platoons stay intact, so that they do not need to be regrouped into new platoons on the highway itself. Fundamentally, this entails grouping vehicles according to their destination. We evaluate various strategies in which vehicles are sorted on entrance ramps, with respect to platoon sizes, throughput and platoon formation time.  相似文献   


Platooning is an emerging transportation practice that has the potential to solve the problems of the burgeoning transportation industry. A platoon is a group of vehicles, with vehicle to vehicle communication, that travel closely behind one another such that the platoon can accelerate, brake and cruise together. Platoons can improve road safety, be energy efficient and reduce costs. Its complete socio-economic benefits include congestion mitigation, smoother traffic flow, better lane usage and throughput, incentives for green logistics and driver safety. The long-term effect of platooning on road transportation, if extensively deployed, would be better organised traffic flow and efficient tracking of vehicles on the road ushering a multilevel positive impact on the industry. In this study, we attempt to answer the critical question of whether platooning is an adoptable practice in the near future and discuss an agenda to take platooning closer to implementation on the ground by highlighting the opportunities for future research. We also present a conceptual framework to help researchers, academicians, policy makers and practitioners for the adoption of platooning into the transportation industry.  相似文献   

In a platoon, vehicles travel one after another with small intervehicle distances; trailing vehicles in a platoon save fuel because they experience less aerodynamic drag. This work presents a coordinated platooning model with multiple speed options that integrates scheduling, routing, speed selection, and platoon formation/dissolution in a mixed-integer linear program that minimizes the total fuel consumed by a set of vehicles while traveling between their respective origins and destinations. The performance of this model is numerically tested on a grid network and the Chicago-area highway network. We find that the fuel-savings factor of a multivehicle system significantly depends on the time each vehicle is allowed to stay in the network; this time affects vehicles’ available speed choices, possible routes, and the amount of time for coordinating platoon formation. For problem instances with a large number of vehicles, we propose and test a heuristic decomposed approach that applies a clustering algorithm to partition the set of vehicles and then routes each group separately. When the set of vehicles is large and the available computational time is small, the decomposed approach finds significantly better solutions than does the full model.  相似文献   

The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy.  相似文献   

In the past few years, vehicular ad hoc networking (VANET) has attracted significant attention and many fundamental issues have been investigated, such as network connectivity, medium access control (MAC) mechanism, routing protocol, and quality of service (QoS). Nevertheless, most related work has been based on simplified assumptions on the underlying vehicle traffic dynamics, which has a tight interaction with VANET in practice. In this paper, we try to investigate VANET performance from the vehicular cyber-physical system (VCPS) perspective. Specifically, we consider VANET connectivity of platoon-based VCPSs where all vehicles drive in platoon-based patterns, which facilitate better traffic performance as well as information services. We first propose a novel architecture for platoon-based VCPSs, then we derive the vehicle distribution under platoon-based driving patterns on a highway. Based on the results, we further investigate inter-platoon connectivity in a bi-directional highway scenario and evaluate the expected time of safety message delivery among platoons, taking into account the effects of system parameters, such as traffic flow, velocity, platoon size and transmission range. Extensive simulations are conducted which validate the accuracy of our analysis. This study will be helpful to understand the behavior of VCPSs, and will be helpful to improve vehicle platoon design and deployment.  相似文献   

Length-based vehicle classification is an important topic in traffic engineering, because estimation of traffic speed from single loop detectors usually requires the knowledge of vehicle length. In this paper, we present an algorithm that can classify vehicles passing by a loop detector into two categories: long vehicles and regular cars. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of event-based loop detector data that contains every vehicle detector actuation and de-actuation “event”, therefore time gaps between consecutive vehicles and detector occupation time for each vehicle can be easily derived. The proposed algorithm is based on an intuitive observation that, for a vehicle platoon, longer vehicles in the platoon will have relatively longer detector occupation time. Therefore, we can identify longer vehicles by examining the changes of occupation time in a vehicle platoon. The method was tested using the event-based data collected from Trunk Highway 55 in Minnesota, which is a high speed arterial corridor controlled by semi-actuated coordinated traffic signals. The result shows that the proposed method can correctly classify most of the vehicles passing by a single loop detector.  相似文献   

Intersections are the bottlenecks of the urban road system because an intersection’s capacity is only a fraction of the maximum flows that the roads connecting to the intersection can carry. This capacity can be increased if vehicles cross the intersections in platoons rather than one by one as they do today. Platoon formation is enabled by connected vehicle technology. This paper assesses the potential mobility benefits of platooning. It argues that saturation flow rates, and hence intersection capacity, can be doubled or tripled by platooning. The argument is supported by the analysis of three queuing models and by the simulation of a road network with 16 intersections and 73 links. The queuing analysis and the simulations reveal that a signalized network with fixed time control will support an increase in demand by a factor of (say) two or three if all saturation flows are increased by the same factor, with no change in the control. Furthermore, despite the increased demand vehicles will experience the same delay and travel time. The same scaling improvement is achieved when the fixed time control is replaced by the max pressure adaptive control. Part of the capacity increase can alternatively be used to reduce queue lengths and the associated queuing delay by decreasing the cycle time. Impediments to the control of connected vehicles to achieve platooning at intersections appear to be small.  相似文献   

In this paper, acceleration-based connected cruise control (CCC) is proposed to increase roadway traffic mobility. CCC is designed to be able to use acceleration signals received from multiple vehicles ahead through wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We consider various connectivity structures in heterogeneous platoons comprised of human-driven and CCC vehicles. We show that inserting a few CCC vehicles with appropriately designed gains and delays into the flow, one can stabilize otherwise string unstable vehicle platoons. Exploiting the flexibility of ad-hoc connectivity, CCC can be applied in a large variety of traffic scenarios. Moreover, using acceleration feedback in a selective manner, CCC provides robust performance and remains scalable for large systems of connected vehicles. Our conclusions are verified by simulations at the nonlinear level.  相似文献   

According to the intra-vehicle interaction, a traffic flow can generally be divided into three homogeneous states (1) that of free driving, (2) that of bunched driving, and (3) that of standing. The parameter describing the state of free driving is the desired speed, for the state of bunching it is the intra-vehicle gaps (time headway) within the convoy and the mean speed of the convoy, and for the state of standing it is the maximum jam density. These are the most essential parameters which do not depend on the actual traffic situation.This paper introduces a new model which considers the Fundamental Diagram (equilibrium speed–flow–density relationship) as a function of the homogeneous states. All traffic situations in reality can be considered as combinations of the homogeneous states and therefore can be described by the essential parameters mentioned above. The non-congested (fluid) traffic is a combination (superposition) of the states of free driving and bunched driving, the congested (jam, stop, and go) traffic is a combination of the states of bunched driving (go) and standing (stop). The contribution of the traffic states within the differently congested traffic situations can then be easily obtained from the queuing and probability theory. As a result, Fundamental Diagram in all equilibrium traffic situations is derived as simple functions of the essential parameters.According to the new model the capacity of freeways and rural highways can be determined by measuring the essential parameters. This is much easier than measuring the capacity directly.Furthermore, the probabilities of the various traffic states can be obtained from the new model. This leads to new possibilities in real-time controlling and telematics.The new model is verified by comprehensive measurements carried out on freeways and rural highways in Germany.  相似文献   

This work addresses the formation phase of automatic platooning. The objective is to optimally control the throttle of vehicles, with a given arbitrary initial condition, such that desired ground speed and inter-vehicular spacings are reached. The steering of the vehicles is also controlled, because the vehicles should track a desired path while forming the platoon. In order to address the platoon formation problem, a cooperative strategy is formed by constructing a discrete state space model which represents the dynamics of a set of n vehicles. Once this model is set, a control method known as Interpolating Control, which aims at regulating to the origin an uncertain and/or time-varying linear discrete-time system with state and control constraints, is utilized. The performance of this control method is evaluated and compared with other approaches such as Model Predictive Control (MPC).Simulations are conducted which suggest that the Interpolating Control approach can be seen as an alternative to optimization-based control schemes such as Model Predictive Control, especially for problems for which finding the optimal solution requires calculations, where the Interpolating Control approach can provide a straightforward sub-optimal solution.In the experimental part of this work, the control algorithms for the platoon formation and path tracking problems are combined, and tested in a laboratory environment, using three mobile robots equipped with wireless routers. Validation of the proposed models and control algorithms is achieved by successful experiments.  相似文献   

This study evaluates a new approach for reducing delay, and consequently improving level of service and safety on long upgrades on two-lane rural roads. This is the systematic provision of overtaking lanes, termed passing-climbing lanes (PCL), to improve traffic flow, safety, and capacity. The traffic impact of such lanes is analyzed for various grades, traffic volumes, and lane configurations by means of a simulation model developed for this study. Results show that this concept could provide substantial flow benefits—reduction in delay and in passenger-car platooning—with implications for better safety. Although the reduction in delay is found to be more pronounced as volume increases, these results may be obtained even with a small percentage of passing-climbing lanes. A model predicting average relative delay, formulated and calibrated on the basis of the simulation output, explains 95% of the observed variability. The economic advantages of the concept in optimizing the distribution of a limited budget among several sites, in staging construction over several years, and in adapting highway investment to traffic-demand variations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the analysis and comparisons of discharge headways at 26 sites in Hong Kong. Previous studies here established good understanding of the average discharge headway under various conditions but very few studies dealt with discharge headway of individual vehicles which is a vital component in the traffic simulation at signalized intersections. This study that looked into the discharge headway of individual vehicles found that the discharge headway at different queue position follows the Type I Extreme Value Distribution. A method of estimating site‐specific parameters for this distribution has also been proposed.  相似文献   

Conceptually, a Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system suggests speeds to vehicles, allowing them to pass through an intersection during the green interval. In previous papers, a single speed is computed for each vehicle in a range between acceptable minimum and maximum values (for example between standstill and the speed limit). This speed is assumed to be constant until the beginning of the green interval, and sent as advice to the vehicle. The goal is to optimise for a particular objective, whether it be minimisation of emissions (for environmental reasons), fuel usage or delay. This paper generalises the advice given to a vehicle, by optimising for delay over the entire trajectory instead of suggesting an individual speed, regardless of initial conditions – time until green, distance to intersection and initial speed. This may require multiple acceleration manoeuvres, so the advice is sent as a suggested acceleration at each time step. Such advice also takes into account a suitable safety constraint, ensuring that vehicles are always able to stop before the intersection during a red interval, thus safeguarding against last-minute signal control schedule changes. While the algorithms developed primarily minimise delay, they also help to reduce fuel usage and emissions by conserving kinetic energy. Since vehicles travel in platoons, the effectiveness of a GLOSA system is heavily reliant on correctly identifying the leading vehicle that is the first to be given trajectory advice for each cycle. Vehicles naturally form a platoon behind this leading vehicle. A time loop technique is proposed which allows accurate identification of the leader even when there are complex interactions between preceding vehicles. The developed algorithms are ideal for connected autonomous vehicle environments, because computer control allows vehicles’ trajectories to be managed with greater accuracy and ease. However, the advice algorithms can also be used in conjunction with manual control provided Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication is available.  相似文献   

Performance of two‐lane intercity highways has been evaluated in terms of level of service (LOS) by different researchers. Different follower‐related performance measures, namely, the number of followers (NF), percent followers (PF), follower density (FD) and the number of followers as a proportion of capacity (NFPC) are examined in the present study to define LOS. Data are collected from five sites located in different parts of India. While almost all the past studies used 3‐s headway rule to identify followers suggested by US Highway Capacity Manual, a new methodology is proposed in the current study to identify the followers by analysing speed difference (SD) and the gap between two consecutive vehicles. It is observed that vehicles travel in non‐following condition after a critical gap threshold value of 10 s. By using a SD limit of ?4 km/h to +10 km/h and a gap value of 10 s, followers are identified across all the study sites. Thereafter, different critical gap values ranging from 1.9 s to 4.3 s are observed at the study sites beyond which the probability of not following would increase. Variation in two‐way traffic volume is found to be the main contributory factor which affects the critical gap values. Among all of the performance measures, NFPC shows a strong correlation with two‐way traffic volume followed by FD under heterogeneous traffic condition. Finally, different threshold values of LOS ranges for two‐lane intercity highways are provided by carrying out cluster analysis with the help of NFPC and FD. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Traffic instability is an important but undesirable feature of traffic flow. This paper reports our experimental and empirical studies on traffic flow instability. We have carried out a large scale experiment to study the car-following behavior in a 51-car-platoon. The experiment has reproduced the phenomena and confirmed the findings in our previous 25-car-platoon experiment, i.e., standard deviation of vehicle speeds increases in a concave way along the platoon. Based on our experimental results, we argue that traffic speed rather than vehicle spacing (or density) might be a better indicator of traffic instability, because vehicles can have different spacing under the same speed. For these drivers, there exists a critical speed between 30 km/h and 40 km/h, above which the standard deviation of car velocity is almost saturated (flat) along the 51-car-platoon, indicating that the traffic flow is likely to be stable. In contrast, below this critical speed, traffic flow is unstable and can lead to the formation of traffic jams. Traffic data from the Nanjing Airport Highway support the experimental observation of existence of a critical speed. Based on these findings, we propose an alternative mechanism of traffic instability: the competition between stochastic factors and the so-called speed adaptation effect, which can better explain the concave growth of speed standard deviation in traffic flow.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of traffic signal coordination on emissions and compares it with their effects on operational performance measures of delay and stops. Various platoon ratios are obtained by simulating cycle lengths and offsets. Our results indicate that the impact of the cycle length on delay is more significant than those on stops and emissions for under-saturation traffic conditions. Given a fixed cycle length, increasing the platoon ratio can reduce delay, stops, and emissions, with reduction in emissions being correlated with stops than delay. The effect on emissions from the platoon arrival with respect to the onset of green or red indication is identified. With the same cycle length and platoon ratio, the early arrival situation, when the leading vehicles of a platoon encounters the red signal, can generate more emissions than are associated with late platoon arrival, when the last few vehicles in a platoon are stopped at the intersection by the onset of the red signal.  相似文献   


Slow‐moving vehicles, including agricultural vehicles, on arterial highways can cause serious delays to other traffic as well as posing an extra safety risk. This paper elaborates on a small‐scale solution for these problems: the passing bay. It investigates the impacts of a passing bay on the total delay for other motorized vehicles, the number of passing manoeuvres and hindered vehicles, and the mean delay per hindered vehicle. The latter is also considered to be an indicator for traffic safety. The calculations are performed for two characteristic trips with a slow‐moving vehicle. The passing bay is an effective solution to reducing delays on arterial highways when two‐way hourly volumes exceed 600–1000 vehicles. The effects depend on the trip length and speed of the slow‐moving vehicle, and on the passing sight distance limitations of the road. A distance of 2–4?km between the passing bays seems an acceptable compromise between the reduction of delay for other motorized vehicles and the extra discomfort and delay for drivers of slow‐moving vehicles. This result also shows that passing bays are not effective in regions where slow‐moving vehicles mainly make trips shorter than this distance.  相似文献   

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