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文章针对当前路桥施工行业员工思想状况和企业思想政治工作现状,介绍新形势下路桥施工企业思想政治工作的特点,并对当前路桥施工企业员工队伍不稳定因素和企业思想政治工作存在的问题进行分析论述,提出了新形势下路桥施工企业思想政治工作的思路。  相似文献   

文章结合路桥企业工作实际,探讨新形势下思想政治工作有效发挥作用的途径,提出围绕企业中心任务、立足路桥行业特点和以人为本、提高员工整体素质的基本工作思路。  相似文献   

文章针在当前路桥企业青年员工思想状况以及存在的问题,提出做好青年员工思想政治工作的看法和对策,为新形势下企业如何做好青年员工思想政治工作,提供参考。  相似文献   

文章分析了路桥工程质量管理中存在的问题,从施工管理机制、质量管理、成本管理、全过程管理及员工的质量意识和专业技能等方面,探讨了提高路桥工程质量和经济效益的对策。  相似文献   

文章结合企业人力资源管理实践,根据《劳动合同法》的相关规定,分析了当前路桥施工企业人力资源管理存在的问题,提出了加强路桥施工企业人力资源管理的新思路,为路桥施工企业的人力资源管理提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以广西路桥总公司为载体,分析了现代企业对员工的素质要求,并针对该公司员工素质建设存在的问题,提出了现代企业加强员工素质建设应采取的措施。  相似文献   

人力资源是企业发展的第一资源,而人力资源规划则是人力资源管理中的重要部分和关键职能。文章从路桥施工企业的实际出发,分析新形势下路桥施工企业人力资源管理存在的问题,提出人力资源规划的整体思路和完善人力资源规划的对策。  相似文献   

为提高工程质量,提升企业的综合性效益,以结合具体工程案例,深入分析路桥施工管理过程中的创新管理,提出科学的管理对策,以期促进路桥施工管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

<正>广西路桥工程集团有限公司创立于1953年,现已发展成为集工程施工、产业投资、设计研发、房地产开发等多种业务于一体的大型国有施工企业,具有完备的全产业链优势。是广西唯一一家国家公路行业设计甲级、公路工程施工总承包特级资质企业,现有员工4 800多人,中高级职称人数1 300多人,拥有国内外大型先进施工设备5 000多台套,年生产能力超过300亿元,综合实力位居全国省级路桥施工企业前列。  相似文献   

为保证路桥工程施工质量,更好地促进区域经济发展,了解强化路桥施工技术与安全管理的重要意义,对现阶段路桥施工常见施工技术与安全管理问题进行分析,详细分析强化路桥施工技术,并提出强化路桥施工安全管理,以供广大路桥工程施工单位参考,保证路桥工程圆满竣工,促进我国路桥建设事业良好发展。  相似文献   

卢燕  邹琳  陈晨 《综合运输》2021,(3):71-77,138
随着公司制改革,国铁正向现代运输经营型企业转型,生产力的快速发展和组织变革既是机遇也是挑战。有效调适身心,适应不断变化的环境,促进职工身心健康,已成为实施健康中国发展战略的需求。本文阐述了铁路企业关注职工身心健康的现实意义,分析了现阶段企业职工身心健康存在的突出问题及成因,记录了实践活动开展过程及收效,提出了相应做法和对策。经多年调查发现,睡眠问题已成为困扰职工身心健康的突出隐患,因此率先在铁路企业中引入失眠的认知行为疗法(CBTI),结合运用多种心理学方法,招募志愿者开展小组实验,以促进职工睡眠质量,提升睡眠效率。希望通过实践活动的推广和长期坚持,从根本上改善职工睡眠质量,提高身心健康水平,为铁路安全生产构筑"心"的屏障。  相似文献   

The demand for mental health services has been growing stronger over the last couple of decades. This indicates the need to study and assess the access to these mental health services especially with a focus on the vulnerable populations having the greatest need. As such, this paper presents a Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-based analysis in order to study and evaluate the accessibility of mental health facilities using the information on the spatial distributions of population and facilities, and regional traffic characteristics. For this purpose, different age group segments are utilized including the total population as well as those aged between 18 and 21, 22 and 49, 50 and 64, and those aged over 65 and 85. Focusing on the State of Florida, spatially detailed accessibility metrics are calculated with regard to healthcare facilities using travel times between population block groups and these critical mental health facilities. These estimates are used to calculate the weighted county accessibility scores for each county. Findings clearly delineate those counties that lack access to mental facilities, especially those in Northwest Florida, a demographically diverse and substantially rural region. This type of analysis can help planners and policy makers develop better strategies in order to provide adequate mental health care options needed in targeted locations.  相似文献   

There have been many empirical studies associating commuting time and health outcomes in the last few decades. Their general conclusion is that commuting and health are negatively related. The validity of their findings, however, is questionable, given their lack of good identification strategies to correctly account for omitted variables. In this paper, we analyze this relationship using a large and unique nationally representative sample of Brazilian individuals, coupled with the use of propensity score matching techniques, and the application of an exhaustive set of standard falsification tests and sensitivity analysis that may prevent one from claiming a causal link between the two variables. Our results indicate that individuals with more than one hour of commuting appear to have statistically higher probability, ranging from 1.9 to 4.6 percentage points, of reporting bad health status when compared to a person whose commuting time is less than one hour.  相似文献   

文章从自我意识、情绪、人格等方面分析了高职院校学生存在的心理问题,并借鉴《道德经》的教育思想,阐述其对高职院校学生心理的健康发展和形成所能起到的指导作用.  相似文献   

Land use can influence walking (measured by the number of steps) and so the health of people. This paper presents the result of empirical research on the impact of regional population densities (inhabitants per inhabitable area) on the number of steps (all steps, both outdoors and indoors). With data collected from almost 11,000 respondents in 148 Japanese regions, we estimate polynomial regression models, the total number of steps being the dependent variable and densities being the main independent variable. Regional population density significantly affects the number of steps after controlling for individual and household attributes. The estimated population density that maximizes the number of steps is around 11,000?persons/km2. Increasing densities, up to levels of around 11,000?inhabitants/km2, could increase walking and consequently the health of inhabitants. The population density elasticity of the number of steps is 0.046–0.049 in a simple log linear regression model without a peak.  相似文献   

The taxi industry plays an important role in urban transportation systems, both in economic and mobility terms. In the case of the former, it provides employment for a large number of people and circulates significant amounts of money. In the case of the latter, it is a flexible means of transportation capable of arriving at any destination. Although the way the taxi industry is organised varies across countries and even within countries, some factors are shared at varying latitudes of the globe. Working conditions, habits, health, and exposure to road crashes have been a subject of interest for researchers from various disciplines, including medicine, psychology, and economics. However, much of this research focuses on a part of the problem and is not mutually referential. A review of the literature may be useful not only to researchers of diverse disciplines but also to industry representatives and those public officials responsible for transportation, road safety and health policy. This article provides a comprehensive review of the working conditions of taxi drivers, their relationship to road risk exposure and their consequences on the health of workers. It also includes information on coping strategies and protective behaviors. The review is based on a Scopus database search. The search covered the period from 1990 to 2015. This initial search was complemented with other database searches, which yielded some additional studies. Our goal was to summarise existing knowledge, identify possible lines of research and suggest some practical recommendations. It would be important (a) to reduce the workload, establish adequate time for breaks, and provide access to healthcare, (b) to implement actions to promote and maintain healthy habits, (c) to diagnose, detect and treat indicators of occupational fatigue and stress, and (d) to develop programs that make it possible to evaluate work concerns and broaden coping strategies to foster positive changes.  相似文献   

In Norway, as in many countries, a political goal is to increase bicycle use, and the e-bike is promising in this respect. However, concerns have been raised about mode-share effects. It has been argued that if the e-bike’s only function is in cycling becoming cycling with electric assistance, there would be no benefit to either the environment or public health. Little is yet known about the use of the e-bike, or of its potential in reducing motorized travel. In the current study, 66 randomly selected participants were given an e-bike to use for a limited period of time and the results compared with those of a control group (N = 160). E-bike cycling trips increased from 0.9 to 1.4 per day, distance from 4.8 km to 10.3 km and, as a share of all transport, from 28% to 48%, whereas with the control group there was no increase in cycling. The effect of the e-bike increased with time, indicating a learning effect among users, and was greater for female than for male cyclists. There were no differences with age. Overall, the results suggest that the e-bike is indeed practical for everyday travel.  相似文献   

We present a statistical process control framework to support structural health monitoring of transportation infrastructure. We contribute an integrated, generally-applicable (to various types of structural response data) statistical approach that links the literatures on statistical performance modeling and on structural health monitoring. The framework consists of two parts: The first, estimation of statistical models to explain, predict, and control for common-cause variation in the data, i.e., changes, including serial dependence, that can be attributed to usual operating conditions. The ensuing standardized innovation series are analyzed in the second part of the framework, which consists of using Shewhart and Memory Control Charts to detect special-cause or unusual events.We apply the framework to analyze strain and displacement data from the monitoring system on the Hurley Bridge (Wisconsin Structure B-26-7). Data were collected from April 1, 2010 to June 29, 2011. Our analysis reveals that, after controlling for seasonal effects, linear trends are significant components of the response measurements. Persistent displacement may be an indication of deterioration of the bridge supports. Trends in the strain data may indicate changes in the material properties, i.e., fatigue, sensor calibration, or traffic loading. The results also show that autocorrelation and conditional heteroscedasticity are significant sources of common-cause variation. Use of the control charts detected 43 possible special-cause events, with approximately 50% displaying persisting effects, and 25% lasting longer than one week. Analysis of traffic data shows that unusually heavy loading is a possible cause of the longest special-cause event, which lasted 11 days.  相似文献   

Traditionally, theory suggests the ageing individual is strongly influenced by the environment and has difficulties in overcoming distance and space. Recently, however, theory has moved to suggest that older people possess greater agency, being more capable of selecting and mastering their environments and spaces according to their needs and preferences. This paper suggests that both opposing theories are correct for differing groups. Observations and surveys of older people (n = 365) in public space examined how far person–environment agency is present in active use of outdoor space, measured by confidence to use and explore space, in three locations (urban shopping centres, suburban residential area and an area of shared space). In all three areas, dominance of the space was associated with being male and having higher levels of reported health, confidence and higher socio-economic status. Only 11% of participants walked at least as fast as the UK department for transport guidance on crossing speeds.  相似文献   

Human fatigue continues to threaten safe transport. There are claims that employers of operators should do more to mitigate the risks, and several regulators are promoting fatigue-risk management in the context of safety management systems (SMS). The current paper reviews fatigue-related risk and exposure factors and control measures for operators of land- and sea-based transport forms. Our review identifies 13 types of measures for the monitoring or control of fatigue risks: optimal staffing; optimal schedule design; optimisation of breaks/naps; monitoring of actual hours worked; optimisation of work content; monitoring and feedback of actual sleep; health screening and treatment; promotion of recovery from work; fitness-for-duty testing; monitoring of fatigue symptoms while operating; control of fatigue while operating; performance monitoring and assistance; and fatigue-proofing. We also identify two systemic measures needed to anchor risk mitigation in SMS: organisational learning and training/other. By structuring monitoring and control measures along Dawson and McCulloch’s [Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 9(5), 365–380] fatigue-risk trajectory, a framework is obtained that acts as a guide for fatigue-risk management by transport employers. To inform transport managers further, evaluations are needed of the effectiveness of individual control measures as well as whole fatigue-risk management interventions.  相似文献   

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