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政府分散采购出自于《政府采购法》相关规定,是政府采购的重要组织形式之一,它包括了除本级政府纳入集中采购目录以外的政府采购项目。在近年来,政府分散采购量逐渐上升,已经占据的了各地政府总采购量的绝对份额。不过相比于政府集中采购,政府分散采购在管理实践层面是相对松散不规范的,其操作随意且已经严重影响了区域政府采购的整体范式与形象,因此当前有必要加强政府采购管理实践过程。本文中以遵循政府采购的工程施工项目建设为背景探讨了加强政府分散采购管理的实践做法与实践效果。  相似文献   

在对船舶征收碳税和客户群体绿色偏好背景下,基于供应链视角,探讨港口与船舶碳减排的影响因素。应用博弈方法,建立集中、分散决策情形下港口和船舶的碳减排决策博弈模型,得到不同博弈模型下的港口与船舶减排策略,并进行比较分析。研究结果表明:首先,集中决策情形下,港口与船舶能实现最优利润目标;其次,港口协助减排成本与船舶减排成本之间的关系,影响港口与船舶的策略选择;最后,政府对船舶征收碳税以及客户群体绿色意识的提高,都会促进港口和船舶减排。  相似文献   

介绍了交通部门政府采购的现状,从采购范围、采购组织机构设置与监督机制、采购方式等方面对交通部门政府采购的运作体系进行了探讨,并指出了实施过程中应该注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

马明 《造船技术》2005,(6):14-16,19
本文以159 000吨级油船为例,运用科学管理方法,对各种影响目标成本的因素进行分析、归纳,确定了物资采购成本指标,实现了目标成本的控制。  相似文献   

虚拟仿真技术在船舶建造过程中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 现代造船要求速度,质量和成本,影响这三个因素的是船舶设计和制造阶段的工作.虚拟仿真技术使得制造人员能够影响设计,从而减少制造成本以及消除由于设计问题影响建造而造成的工程修改.  相似文献   

人因可靠性评估方法(HRA)能较好地反应操作人员的失误和事故产生的直接原因,所以在船舶事故分析中起到了一定的作用,但是也有其局限性,如忽视了组织管理对船舶事故发生的影响等.针对人因可靠性评估方法的不足,在HRA分析的基础上,采用层次分析法(AHP),综合考虑人的行为和决策以及组织管理因素对船舶事故的影响,客观地体现各个因素在船舶事故中的作用.  相似文献   

电子商务时代企业采购方式发生了改变,企业通过电子商务平台能够事先了解价格,在全面比对之后锁定供货商。这种采购方式节省了企业大量精力,但即便如此,也存在一些风险。例如供应商不诚信不交货、物流风险导致材料损坏、采购人员没有充分利用电子商务平台比价,这些都会导致企业采购成本增加。避免这类问题必须要培养企业专业采购队伍、招投标队伍、法务队伍,从各环节实现采购成本控制主动化。  相似文献   

张友平 《中国水运》2007,5(6):149-150
本文对市场经济条件下政府的有限行政原则进行了探讨,文章首先提出了有限行政的内涵与背景,指出其有限性体现在能力限度、效率限度和合法限度三方面,目的是为了建立高效的政府。文章继而对政府行政失效的原因及后果作了深入的分析,说明政府行为无限制必然带来寻租、官僚主义等恶果。最后,文章结合我国现实对转轨时期我国政府行为进行定位分析,指出政府应改变目前全能政府的定位,由“参与式行政”向“导向式行政”转化,实施有限行政。  相似文献   

基于动态利润模型的人民币升值对中国造船业影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
人民币对美元的持续升值给中国造船业带来了很大的负面影响.影响造船业利润的主要因素有人民币升值幅度、国外原材料及配套设备采购在总成本中所占的比例、升值前船东的付款比例、国内外原材料及配套设备的采购成本变动幅度等.综合考虑上述各种因素,建立了动态的利润模型,分析人民币升值对造船业的影响途径和影响程度,还进行了各个因素的敏感性分析,提出相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

随着物价上涨、油电价格提高以及人员成本的递增,导致了单箱操作成本的增加。本文对影响集装箱作业单箱成本的因素进行了分析,通过优化业务流程,加强人力资源管理和技术创新,提高员工操作技能,改革作业工艺,减少作业环节,降低设备故障率,减少能源消耗,从而降低集装箱作业单箱操作成本。  相似文献   

仉大志  张余庆 《船舶》2007,(4):30-32
作为传统LNG船舶蒸汽透平推进装置的替代方案之一,双低速柴油机联合再液化装置的推进方案以其经济性好、易于管理等优点越来越受到船东的欢迎.再液化装置能够让LNG船舶为买家输送更多的货物,同时使得效率更高的低速柴油机得以在LNG船舶上安装.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a case study examining a conceptual framework for assessing financial impact of occupational maritime ergonomics in a Swedish shipping company. Specifically, the aim was to study the availability and applicability of suggested determinants for operational performance, routines for estimating the effects of ergonomics and the customer’s (sea transport buyer’s) demands for ergonomics management on the case company. The results show that the determinants and subcategories for operational performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and quality are present and applicable, albeit not measured to any large extent. No routines or specific methods for measuring or estimating cost and effects of ergonomics investments, accidents and operational disturbances were found. Further, the results show that the sea transport buyers increasingly express interest for and place demands related to maritime ergonomics, for instance, through compliance of specific standards and guiding principles linked to maritime ergonomics. It is concluded that in order to support and enable managers’ ability to make well-informed decisions and prioritizations, between investments, ergonomic or other, increased knowledge is needed of the financial effects of ergonomics on company core value processes. There is also a need to develop and implement usable tools to simplify these measuring procedures.  相似文献   

为降低生产成本及提高施工效率,结合现有生产工艺的特点,通过研究入级船级社规范对焊缝设计的要求,考虑焊缝设计的经济性及可操作性,建立有效的焊缝设计优化工作机制,在详细设计阶段和生产设计阶段实现焊缝设计优化。优化的焊缝设计可充分利用现有资源,减少额外的生产投入,降低生产综合成本。将降低施焊难度及推广自动焊的设计理念融入焊缝设计中,在提高焊接效率的同时,产品焊缝的焊接质量特别是外观成形质量可得到保证,减少焊缝的补焊及打磨工作,提高产品的整体生产效率。  相似文献   

投资控制是水运工程项目控制的重点,贯穿于项目建设的全过程。在满足项目合理工期和质量的前提下,采取技术与经济相结合的手段,在工程建设的各个阶段对投资进行控制。分别介绍从水运工程项目决策阶段、设计阶段、招投标阶段、实施阶段和结算阶段进行投资控制的做法,为工程项目投资发挥较大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Adelaide's bus system has been transformed from a government monopoly operation to a competitively tendered system with services provided by private operators under contract. The ‘Adelaide model’ has unique features, and has been considered in several international reviews of urban bus service procurement. The paper reviews the experience in Adelaide up to 2006/07. It updates previous evidence that focused on technical efficiency impacts. It particularly examines the development of the system to address allocative efficiency, in terms of the quantity, quality and market orientation of the services provided, and the consequent effects on patronage.  相似文献   

In India, different layers of Government control different policy instruments to tackle transport externalities which might result in coordination problems and possible efficiency losses. This paper, therefore, addresses the coordination problem resulting from the division of policy instruments between two different government levels that face different types of externalities in varying degrees of magnitude in the urban transport sector by developing three types of theoretical models: the Full Control Centralised Model where the state government has full control over all pricing instrument; a Nash equilibrium model where each of the government levels controls only one instrument and takes the behaviour of the other as given; and a Stackelberg equilibrium mode where the behaviour of the state government is influenced by the fact that one of the price instruments is controlled by the local government. With an empirical illustration of the model for Delhi, the paper finds that since there are many interactions and many externalities between the two levels of government, a division of roles between them does not guarantee an efficient pricing outcome and the efficiency of pricing would depend on the institutional set up and on the correspondence between the objective functions of the two government levels.  相似文献   

为解决在船舶外场涂装阶段除锈和拉毛施工效率低、质量不稳定、环境污染严重等问题,设计一款用于船舶甲板的智能抛丸机器人。简介该型机器人系统组成,阐述其抛丸分系统、除尘分系统和越障辅助机构的硬件设计及其软件设计,并设计手动遥控和自主导引操作方式。实船测试结果表明,该型机器人可满足船舶甲板除锈清理的工作要求。  相似文献   

Australia port reform initiatives have taken on a variety of forms — from out-right sale and transfer of ownership, to the sale of particular assets of infrastructure or services, or to long-term lease arrangements; or in some cases state governments, unable to relinquish control, have opted for corporatization or commercialization strategies. Reform is driven by the belief that ownership impacts on efficiency and efficiency is perceived to suffer if governments either retain ownership or direct control. As a result a major aim of reform is to either remove or distance governments from day to day port operations. The sale of ports removes government control outright and privatized ports are subject to identical regulatory constraints as any company in the private sector. But corporatization strategies are such that government ownership is retained and ports have been transformed into statutory state owned corporations. Effectiveness of this strategy requires legislation to be such that port corporations are free to operate like their private sector counterparts. To date this has not occurred and some serious impediments are emerging which are embedded in legislation and which, rather than reduce, have indeed, increased government control.  相似文献   

对影响大容量铅酸蓄电池板栅铸造质量的因素进行了探讨。影响板栅浇铸质量的因素主要有:①脱模剂及喷涂;②模具温度控制;③铅勺的改进和铅液温度的控制;④板栅合金的影响;⑤新模具调质。浇铸经验对板栅质量和铸板效率也有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

随着科技信息手段不断进步,通过信息化手段实现对船舶的远程检验已在部分国际知名船级社成为现实,并取得良好社会反响。随着《船舶安全监督规则》及相关配套文件的出台,作为海事监管核心业务之一的船舶安全检查工作,在实际工作中面临一些新问题,尤其是对船旗国监督检查(FSC)复查的要求变化较大。随着国家简政放权、大力提高政府效能相关理念的提出,笔者结合工作实际,提出在船旗国监督检查复查时采取远程复查方式构想和建议,希望对进一步提升海事执法效能,更好服务港航经济发展有所借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

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