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Tremendous changes took place during the past 40 years in international shipping, Cosco has since grown into an international identity with a globalimpact. The achievements of Cosco are due to hard and conscientious work of all involved and we appreciate the support of our old and new friends. As the first joint-venture agency of  相似文献   

This year is the 20th anniversary of the resumption of ocean shipping between China and the United States. On March 18, the m/v Letitia Lykes, the first vessel flying the flag of the United States made its initial call at Shanghai and received a warm welcome by the people of different cireles in Chiila. It marked a new chapter in the shipping relations between China and America.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Review the past of 1994 international shiPPing market: 1994 saw world economy begin a new cycle of boom. The economy of the West was on the way to a complete recovery, and that of East Asia was keeping up its steady growth. ACCOFding to the estimation 0f International Monetary Fund, the 1994 growth rate of world economy was 3% and that of world—trade volume was about 5%. Thanks to these factors, the international shipping market had also Undergone considerable changes. 1. In 1994,world dry—bulk shipping market first sagged and thenstiffened. Affected by the negative growth of the  相似文献   

We successfully held the first World Shipping (China)Summit at China World Hotel, in Beijing on 15th & 16thJuly 2004. Over 500 delegates attended the Summit includingleading figures from the shipping industry, senior politicians andvarious industry experts, The Summit received an overwhelmingresponse and was acclaimed as the largest and a top-level Summitin global shipping. Views and opinions expresssed at the Summit arestill being quoted in the press, The tetm of "China Factor" createdby the Summit, has since been widely quoted as an industry-specificterm.  相似文献   

Window to China     
Shanghai will become an interna- tional shipping center by 2020 V ice mayor of Shanghai municipality Hu Yanzhao told the 1st China Port City Mayor Forum held in Tianjin on April 19th that Shanghai international shipping cen- ter will be constructed in sev…  相似文献   

After 55 years' development, CCS actively takes her part in the international competition due to its fast development in the tide of China's opening up and reform process. With the rise of shipping and shipbuilding industries in China, CCS has bravely taken up the mission brought up by history in the volatile situation.  相似文献   

COSCON was awarded China's first energy management "green certificate"
After eight months of preparation and commissioning and comprehensive evaluation and certification of the two professional organizations hosted by united energy management system, COSCON passed smoothly and won China's first energy management "green certificate". On August 27, the world-renowned DNV GL classification and Chinese classification society awarded “GB/T23331-2012/ ISO 50001:2012 energy management system certification” to COSCON at the same time in Shanghai, marking the Chinese largest container liner company has marched to a new level of low carbon emission reduction in shipping industry and become a global leader in green shipping. P16  相似文献   

In April of 1979, the COSCO vessel Liulinhai, the first Chinese ship with P.R.C. flag arrived in Seattle, marking a new chapter in the shipping and trade relations between China and U.S.A. The Port of Seattle, where the first shipment of American wheat to the People's Republic of China was loaded onto Liulinhai 21 years ago, is still playing an important role in Sino-US trade now. Its annual value of trade between China and U.S.A reached 6 billion USD. Recently, invited by Port of Qingdao, a delegation  相似文献   

Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff teaches in the Harvard Business School, Boston, U.S.A. He visited China from November to December in 1981. This paper was written as a seminar material at a course on international shipping after he returned to the United States. It is noted on the paper that "This ease was prepared by Professor D. Daryl Wyckoff as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation."This paper gives the historical background and a general survey of China's ocean shipping industry. It covers commodity flow and trades, fleet development, shipbuilding industry, and international agreements.the development of China's ocean shipping industry attracts world attention. There are quite a number of reports published abroad, some of which are quoted in this paper together with the author's own opinion. We publish this paper only for presenting some reference material from abroad and it does not mean that we agree with the author's opinion or confirm any thing in this paper.  相似文献   

We successfully held the first "World Shipping(China)July 2004.Over 500 delegates attended the Summit,including leading figures from the shipping industry,senior politicians and various industry experts.The Summit received an overwhelming response and was acclaimed as the largest and a top-level Summit in global shipping.Views and opinions expressed at the Summit are still being quoted in the press.The term of "China Factor"created by the Summit,has since been widely quoted as industry-specific term.  相似文献   

The indices of shipping freight market activity published daily by the Baltic Exchange, provide a graphic illustration of the vicissitudes of the international shipping industry and a useful reminder (if it were needed) of the basic economic principles of supply and demand.  相似文献   

Window to China     
China is to apply for joining IMO voluntary audit scheme next year to protect the interests of Chinese shipping industry and the good image of a large shipping country, China plans to apply for joining IMO voluntary audit scheme in the second half of 2007…  相似文献   

On 7 Oct. 2005, the International Propeller Clubof the United States presented theInternational Maritime Achievement Award to Capt.Wei Jiafu, President and CEO of COSCO Group.Capt. Wei Jiafu thus became the first non-AmericanCEO of a shipping company who has ever receivedthis award since 1927. One more record for Capt.Wei! With his rich knowledge in economics andcorporate management, international operation, goodeducation with international background, and hisoverseas working experiences, it is no surprise thatCapt. Wei has won high respect from the worldbusiness community.  相似文献   

In 2007, 19% of global sea-borne staple goods were transported to China, 20% of containers came from China and 39% of newbuilding orders flew into China. China's global influence is getting increasingly bigger. Then how to develop Chinese shipping and shipbuilding industries? On November 27, Mr. Zhang Guobao, Vice Minister of National Development and Reform, Mr. Jin Zhuanglong, Vice Minister of COSTIND, and Mr. Xu Zuyuan, Vice Minister of Communications all gathered in Shanghai and spoke on the opening session of the high level maritime forum, declaring to international maritime the outlines of action as a large maritime country.  相似文献   

China's local shipbuilding is booming;Ship-recycling business reduced in China due to robust shipping and conversion;China's first 10000TEU super-Panamax containership launched;China's first production line of ship welding robot put into use;China's first VLOC under commencement.  相似文献   

Logistics in western China becomes new hot point for shipping industry The sustained and fast growth of Chinese economy, China having 'one foot in the WTO' virtually as well as the strategy of developing western China and so on, have offered infinite commercial opportunities for the continuous prosperity of shipping industry. AP Moller Group, the giant in the logistics industry, has marched into Chengdu, Sichuan Province, where the Group is very likely to build the largest logistics company in western China. Being perfectly in harmony without previous  相似文献   

The autumn is approaching and the chill is being felt, which is the general feeling of the shipping industry. Since the first quarter of 2011 till now, the coastal shipping market in Zhejiang has been vibrating at the low level initially and then dropping drop continuously. This  相似文献   

container shipping lines require hab ports to possess the fehowing conttions Drart of mafor conalner hub ports and their tlder differences some majer hub ports developttental programine eanctbore to be denned for the port of shunghml in the centext if international container transport comsiderahons of water depth for the international container hub port of shanghai conefesions to be drawn  相似文献   

It is April 18th again,an unforgettable date for us. 20 Vears ago, liulinhai from China Ocean Shipping Company(COSCO), the first cargo ship anchored at Seattle. It ushered in a new chapter and therefore bullt up an ocean-crossing bridge of Sino-US shipping business. Over the past 20 yearS,ships of COSCO. which shuttled between China and the United States, carrying friendship between the two countries and best wishes for peace and development, promoted greatly the Sino-US trade.  相似文献   

On 15 July 2011,the 62 session of IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee(MEPC62)concluded in London.Apart from the approval of the well-known measures to reduce emissions of CO2from international shipping in the  相似文献   

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