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2006年6月19—20日在英国伦敦劳埃德海事学院(Lloyds Maritime Academy)举行航运界环保法规研讨会(Environmental Law & Regulation in the Shipping Industry),该次交互式的研讨会旨在:接受完全的环境法规复习——全球的、地区性或国家的法律(RECEIVE a complete overview of Environmental Regulation—Global,Regional and National Laws);了解欧洲有关海事安全和船舶来源污染的建议(UNDERSTAND EU Proposals for Maritime Safety and Ship Source Pollution);  相似文献   

刘昭青 《世界海运》2007,30(5):24-24
管理海上紧急情况研讨会(Managing Maritime Emergencies Seminar)将于2007年11月12-14日在伦敦举行。会议主要关注风险确定、计划和管理紧急情况、危机时刻通信等,主要议题包括:分析海上作业面临的关键风险;探究如何在危急情形下处理媒体;调查必要的计划和程序,确保专业的反应管理;  相似文献   

据悉,国际海上人命安全公约和国际海上搜救公约有关修正案(Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Lifeat Sea(SOLAS)and the International Convention on Maritime Searchand Rescue(SAR))自2006年7月1日起生效,其中主要包括有关散货船安全(Bulk carrier safety)、海上处境危急人员(Persons in distress at sea)、救生艇事故(Accidents with lifeboats)、  相似文献   

2005年10月10~14日在IMO伦敦总部举行外交大会,(1988年抑止有害航海安全的非法行为公约及其相关议定书修正案》(Amendments to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation,1988 and its related Protocol-the SUA Treaties)以其协议书形式(the 2005 Protocols)获得通过。该SUA2005议定书扩大了列入非法犯罪行为的目录范围。  相似文献   

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has encouraged its member countries to introduce Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for ship operations since the end of the last century. FSA can be used through certain formal assessing steps to generate effective recommendations and cautions to control marine risks and improve the safety of ships. On the basis of the brief introduction of FSA, this paper describes the ideas of applying FSA to the prevention of human error in ship operations. It especially discusses the investigation and analysis of the information and data using navigation simulators and puts forward some suggestions for the introduction and development of the FSA research work for safer ship operations.  相似文献   

Risk management modeling and its application in maritime safety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantified risk assessment (QRA) needs mathematicization of risk theory. However, attention has been paid almost exclusively to applications of assessment methods, which has led to neglect of research into fundamental theories, such as the relationships among risk, safety, danger, and so on. In order to solve this problem, as a first step, fundamental theoretical relationships about risk and risk management were analyzed for this paper in the light of mathematics, and then illustrated with some charts. Second, man-machine-environment-management (MMEM) theory was introduced into risk theory to analyze some properties of risk. On the basis of this, a three-dimensional model of risk management was established that includes: a goal dimension; a management dimension; an operation dimension. This goal management operation (GMO) model was explained and then emphasis was laid on the discussion of the risk flowchart (operation dimension), which lays the groundwork for further study of risk management and qualitative and quantitative assessment. Next, the relationship between Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) and Risk Management was researched. This revealed that the FSA method, which the international maritime organization (IMO) is actively spreading, comes from Risk Management theory. Finally, conclusion were made about how to apply this risk management method to concrete fields efficiently and conveniently, as well as areas where further research is required.  相似文献   

ISO standards include tools for advancing the specific goals of this year's World Environment Day (WED - 5 June) , the theme of which is combatting climate change. Overall, ISO's offering includes hundreds of environment-related standards that support the broader aims of World Environment Day, which is coordinated by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) , a partner in the development of many of these standards.  相似文献   

环境港口管理协商会(Environmental Port Manage-ment Conference)于2006年9月25~26日在丹麦哥本哈根举行,旨在未来港口可持续发展。该会议主要议题为:环境立法和政策趋向(Environmental legislation and policytrends);处理主要港口计划编制中的立法事宜(Dealingwith environm  相似文献   

为帮助船公司职员更好地理解船员面临的保安风险,波罗的海国际海运协会(BIMCO)已安排于2006年9月27~28日在新加坡举行BIMCO海事保安大会(the BIMCO Maritime Security Conference)。该研讨会与新加坡的海事周(Singapore’s Maritime Week)活动同步,并且是紧接着IMO关于马六甲海峡保安的吉隆坡会议(the IMO’s Kuala Lumpur meeting on security in the Malacca Straits)之后,其时BIMCO也将出席该会。本次BIMCO海事保安研讨会将集中面向涉及商业运作船舶的船公司岸上职员,旨在启发开导有关其海上同事所面临挑战的意识。主要议题有关海事保安威胁,包括毒品走私、海盗行为、武装抢劫、偷渡者登船和恐怖主义行动等。  相似文献   

随着墨西哥作为第26个批准国于2006年2月22日递交其批准书,1972年防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋公约(The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Polution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972)的1996年议定书(the 1996 Protocol)将于2006年3月24日开始生效,这意味着国际保护海洋环境法制进程达到了一个重要里程碑。  相似文献   

由中国海事仲裁委员会(China Maritime Arbitration Commission, CMAC )和波罗的海国际航运公会( Baltic and International Maritime Council, BIMCO ) 共同举办的BIMCO—CMAC标准造船合同(上海格式)讨论会暨CMAC标准造船合同(上海格式)发布会于2011年1月4日在上海长航大厦顺利举行。  相似文献   

随着墨西哥作为第26个批准国干2006年2月22日递交其批准书,1972年防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋公约(The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Poilution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972)的1996年议定书(the 1996 Protocol)将于2006年3月24日开始生效,这意味着国际保护海洋环境法制进程达到了一个重要里程碑。  相似文献   

To fight climate change successfully, the world needs to act as a team. ISO is proud of its teamwork with partners such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in developing solutions to this challenge said ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele in connection with World Maritime Day 2009, which is organized annually on 24 September by the IMO, a partner organization to ISO in developing standards for this sector.  相似文献   

倪耀能 《航海技术》2007,(B03):27-29
为了控制和防止船舶压载水传播有害水生物和病原体.国际海事组织于1997年11月27日第20次大会通过了A868(20)号决议—《控制和管理船舶压载水使有害水生物和病原体的转移降至最小程度指南》;2004年2月13日于伦敦签订《2004年国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理公约》(International convention for the control and management of ships’ballast water and sediments,2004)(以下简称公约)。  相似文献   

国际货物和集装箱追踪大会(Cargoand Container Traceability)将干2006年3月27~28日在伦敦举行。该次大会旨在:理解当今在保安提高环境中追踪的必要性;调研在射频识别检验(RFID)技术和相关技术使用中的实际好处;探究和发现成本收益和揭示市场夸张(cost benefits and uncovering the marketing hype);  相似文献   

2006年压载水管理会议(Ballast Water Management 2006)于10月16~17日在英国伦敦举行。该年度会议拟就抗御外来水生物入侵种类(Aquatic Invasive Species)的策略和方案进行研讨,主要议题集中包括:总结回顾IMO压载水指南补充更新资料(Overview of Updates to the IMO Ballast Water Guidelines);满足压载水公约有关生物学方面要求(Meeting the Biological Requirements of the Bal1ast Water Convention);  相似文献   

IMO海环会(MEPC)第54次会议于2006年3月20日--24日在伦敦总部召开。该次会议拟审议新建议的拆船再循环国际法规第一稿草案(the first draft of aproposed new international instrument on ship recycling)。会议其他议项还包括:压载水管理和防止船舶大气污染(ballast water management and air pollution from ships)。预计海环委还将通过一系列MARPOL公约的修正案(amendments to the MARPOL convention)。  相似文献   

便利海上运输公约(the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic—FAL Convention)若干重要修正案于2006年11月1日生效,其于2005年7月获得通过。该修改案鼓励使用电子系统交换数据的新建议做法,原则上简化程序以增强贸易的便易性,其中包括要求与船舶、人员和货物的到达、停留、离开等相关而传输资料到一个单点(a single point),  相似文献   

在2006年3月20~24日召开的IMO海环会(MEPC)第54次会议上,作为修正的MARPOL 73/78公约附则Ⅱ和修正的国际载运散装危险化学品船舶结构和设备规则(International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkIBC Code)的结果,载运散装危险化学品船舶结构和设备规则(the Code for the Cortstruction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk—BCH Code)的修正案被通过,其预计于2007年1月1日生效。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the work on fluid/structure impact based on inviscid and imcompressible liquid and irrotational flow. The focus is on the velocity potential theory together with boundary element method (BEM). Fully nonlinear boundary conditions are imposed on the unknown free surface and the wetted surface of the moving body. The review includes (1) vertical and oblique water entry of a body at constant or a prescribed varying speed, as well as free fall motion, (2) liquid droplets or column impact as well as wave impact on a body, (3) similarity solution of an expanding body. It covers two dimensional (2D), axisymmetric and three dimensional (3D) cases. Key techniques used in the numerical simulation are outlined, including mesh generation on the multivalued free surface, the stretched coordinate system for expanding domain, the auxiliary function method for decoupling the mutual dependence of the pressure and the body motion, and treatment for the jet or the thin liquid film developed during impact.  相似文献   

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