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镜头一:2004年4月29日,福建某船务公司所属的一艘散货船“金富达9”轮,从防城港开往天津塘沽港途中与台湾基隆渔船“鱼圣”轮发生碰撞,造成“金富达9”轮沉没,直接经济损失约1850万元。镜头二:2004年5月12日,福建省某船务公司所属的杂货船“安鲁江”轮,从广西钦州港装载12500吨  相似文献   

通过有限元直接计算,对不同载重量散货船要求采用不同结构形式从理论上进行了一定分析说明.具体针对双层底板架, 底边水舱, 以及底墩下纵桁等结构进行分析, 找出热点应力所在之处, 并根据热点应力形成原因, 得出结构形式上的应对方法.  相似文献   

戴涛 《天津航海》2021,(1):43-46
文章以载运镍矿、粮食、煤炭、水泥、硫磺等固体散货为例,重点阐述了散货船舶货物运输管理和港口风险管控,为强化过程管控提供借鉴.  相似文献   

杜国军 《天津航海》2007,(3):8-10,29
文章通过对散装船的结构特性和避免导致结构损伤的因素进行探讨和分析,明确管理不善是影响船体结构安全的最主要的原因之一。强调管理是根本,提升管理和操作人员的专业技术和水平是关键,重在过程监控,并提出维持结构安全的管理对策。  相似文献   

陆洪度 《江苏船舶》2006,23(5):17-20
简介了16000DWT散货船总体和结构设计的特点,并对单舷侧散货船的结构设计提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

肖龙 《集装箱化》2011,22(4):24-26
经过20年的高速发展,货物运输集装箱化的过程已接近尾声。业内人士普遍认为,今后集装箱运量的走势主要由国际经济贸易的发展形势决定,集装箱航运市场将从快速发展阶段转入平缓发展阶段。为拓宽集装箱航运的发展空间,实现区域贸易板块间双向货流的平衡,本文以东亚——北美航线散粮运输为例,对普通集装箱实施相应的技术改造,  相似文献   

阐述了二手杂货船改装成散货船方案的确定,船体强度的校核及经济性分析。  相似文献   

在世界海洋经济快速发展的今天,各种贸易船舶航行在有限的航道上,这给整个航道的安全管理带来巨大挑战,为了应对这样复杂的海洋航行环境,提高船舶的安全性,本文重点对散货船的安全综合评价体系进行研究,并以计算机作为辅助,采用模糊评价算法对散货船的安全模型进行设计,通过对安全模型的分析,航道管理人员和船舶安全设计人员能够快速准确判断船舶的航行环境,避免了碰撞事故的发生。通过将整个评价标准进行归一化,能够按照不同的标准进行问题定位,从源头上避免了安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimate of uncertainties affecting still water hull girder loads of bulk and dry cargo ships. In strength assessment of ships, two main categories of acting loads are considered: still water loads and wave induced ones. While the latter are generally defined bearing in mind their stochastic nature, this is not the case for still water loads, which are basically deterministically considered. The underlying assumption is that there is an overall control of the operational profile during the service of a ship. However, this is not the case in actual fact, especially for general dry cargo ships and bulk carriers, since the loading/unloading process cannot be fully controlled by the crew, often resulting into loading conditions rather different from those planned by the designer. Based on an earlier work, where loading conditions of the above-mentioned ship types were statistically analyzed, in the present paper Monte Carlo simulations are used to estimate the uncertainties affecting the hull girder still water loads of ships in service, showing that their allowable values can be exceeded due to inaccuracies in ship and cargo management.  相似文献   


Bulk cargo containerization (BCC) involves changes in the transportation mode of container shipping for cargo that uses bulk carriers without packing. This topic has recently attracted considerable attention as an alternative transportation method for container cargo. BCC is advantageous because it can address imbalances in the amount of cargo conveyed between the main and back hauls, thereby improving efficiency. A previous survey among companies involved in cargo shipping revealed that in addition to ocean freight, vanning and devanning, and customs clearance costs, consignees’ decisions were the key factor in selecting transport modes. The present study aims to clarify the cost competitiveness of container shipping and identify cost reductions that may increase the use of BCC. To quantitatively check the results of the survey employed in this study, we constructed a model based on consignees’ and container shipping companies’ costs to determine the choice of transport mode for back-haul trade, then examined the incentives for consignees and shipping companies. We found that BCC can be realized by cost reduction on the part of the consignee and profit improvement on the part of the container shipping company for some routes and goods. Although reducing the freight rate would effectively promote BCC, reducing other costs would not have the same effect.  相似文献   

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