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In urban areas where transit demand is widely spread, passengers may be served by an intermodal transit system, consisting of a rail transit line (or a bus rapid transit route) and a number of feeder routes connecting at different transfer stations. In such a system, passengers may need one or more transfers to complete their journey. Therefore, scheduling vehicles operating in the system with special attention to reduce transfer time can contribute significantly to service quality improvements. Schedule synchronization may significantly reduce transfer delays at transfer stations where various routes interconnect. Since vehicle arrivals are stochastic, slack time allowances in vehicle schedules may be desirable to reduce the probability of missed connections. An objective total cost function, including supplier and user costs, is formulated for optimizing the coordination of a general intermodal transit network. A four-stage procedure is developed for determining the optimal coordination status among routes at every transfer station. Considering stochastic feeder vehicle arrivals at transfer stations, the slack times of coordinated routes are optimized, by balancing the savings from transfer delays and additional cost from slack delays and operating costs. The model thus developed is used to optimize the coordination of an intermodal transit network, while the impact of a range of factors on coordination (e.g., demand, standard deviation of vehicle arrival times, etc) is examined.  相似文献   

In the advent of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS), the total wait time of passengers for buses may be reduced by disseminating real‐time bus arrival times for the next or series of buses to pre‐trip passengers through various media (e.g., internet, mobile phones, and personal digital assistants). A probabilistic model is desirable and developed in this study, while realistic distributions of bus and passenger arrivals are considered. The disseminated bus arrival time is optimized by minimizing the total wait time incurred by pre‐trip passengers, and its impact to the total wait time under both late and early bus arrival conditions is studied. Relations between the optimal disseminated bus arrival time and major model parameters, such as the mean and standard deviation of arrival times for buses and pre‐trip passengers, are investigated. Analytical results are presented based on Normal and Lognormal distributions of bus arrivals and Gumbel distribution of pre‐trip passenger arrivals at a designated stop. The developed methodology can be practically applied to any arrival distributions of buses and passengers.  相似文献   

Supporting efficient connections by synchronizing vehicle arrival time and passengers' walking time at a transfer hub may significantly improve service quality, stimulate demand, and increase productivity. However, vehicle travel times and walking times in urban settings often varies spatially and temporally due to a variety of factors. Nevertheless, the reservation of slack time and/or the justification of vehicle arrival time at the hub may substantially increase the success of transfer coordination. To this end, this paper develops a model that considers probabilistic vehicle arrivals and passengers walking speeds so that the slack time and the scheduled bus arrival time can be optimized by minimizing the total system cost. A case study is conducted in which the developed model is applied to optimize the coordination of multiple bus routes connecting at a transfer station in Xi'an, China. The relationship between decision variables and model parameters, including the mean and the standard deviation of walking time, is explored. It was found that the joint impact of probabilistic vehicle arrivals and passengers' walking time significantly affects the efficiency of coordinated transfer. The established methodology can essentially be applied to any distribution of bus arrival and passenger walking time. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As is well known, bus systems are naturally unstable. Without control, buses on a single line tend to bunch, reducing their punctuality in meeting a schedule. Although conventional schedule-based strategies that hold buses at control points can alleviate this problem these methods require too much slack, which slows buses. This delays on-board passengers and increases operating costs.It is shown that dynamic holding strategies based on headways alone cannot help buses adhere to a schedule. Therefore, a family of dynamic holding strategies that use bus arrival deviations from a virtual schedule at the control points is proposed. The virtual schedule is introduced whether the system is run with a published schedule or not. It is shown that with this approach, buses can both closely adhere to a published schedule and maintain regular headways without too much slack.A one-parameter version of the method can be optimized in closed form. This simple method is shown to be near-optimal. To put it in practice, the only data needed in real time are the arrival times of the current bus and the preceding bus at the control point relative to the virtual schedule. The simple method was found to require about 40% less slack than the conventional schedule-based method. When used only to regulate headways it outperforms headway-based methods.  相似文献   

Provision of accurate bus arrival information is vital to passengers for reducing their anxieties and waiting times at bus stop. This paper proposes models to predict bus arrival times at the same bus stop but with different routes. In the proposed models, bus running times of multiple routes are used for predicting the bus arrival time of each of these bus routes. Several methods, which include support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural network (ANN), k nearest neighbours algorithm (k-NN) and linear regression (LR), are adopted for the bus arrival time prediction. Observation surveys are conducted to collect bus running and arrival time data for validation of the proposed models. The results show that the proposed models are more accurate than the models based on the bus running times of single route. Moreover, it is found that the SVM model performs the best among the four proposed models for predicting the bus arrival times at bus stop with multiple routes.  相似文献   

Bus arrival time is usually estimated using the boarding time of the first passenger at each station. However, boarding time data are not recorded in certain double-ticket smart card systems. As many passengers usually swipe the card much before their alighting, the first or the average alighting time cannot represent the actual bus arrival time, either. This lack of data creates difficulties in correcting bus arrival times. This paper focused on developing a model to calculate bus arrival time that combined the alighting swiping time from smart card data with the actual bus arrival time by the manual survey data. The model was built on the basis of the frequency distribution and the regression analysis. The swiping time distribution, the occupancy and the seating capacity were considered as the key factors in creating a method to calculate bus arrival times. With 1011 groups of smart card data and 360 corresponding records from a manual survey of bus arrival times, the research data were divided into two parts stochastically, a training set and a test set. The training set was used for the parameter determination, and the test set was used to verify the model’s precision. Furthermore, the regularity of the time differences between the bus arrival times and the card swiping times was analyzed using the “trend line” of the last swiping time distribution. Results from the test set achieved mean and standard error rate deviations of 0.6% and 3.8%, respectively. The proposed model established in this study can improve bus arrival time calculations and potentially support state prediction and service level evaluations for bus operations.  相似文献   

Among dispatching control approaches, the holding option has attracted the most attention in bus control. However, holding a vehicle at a transfer station may exacerbate the delays because more passengers might accumulate at downstream stations and may also affect other connecting routes at other transfer stations. Our problem is to minimize the total costs of dispatching ready vehicles at each transfer station along coordinated routes in a multi‐hub transit network. The total costs include the waiting cost for on‐board passengers, the missed connection costs for late arrival passengers at the subject transfer station and possible transfer costs at downstream transfer stations. We develop a heuristic algorithm to optimize the holding times based on real time information about late vehicles. The results show that ready vehicles should be held longer when the arrival variances of late vehicles are small or when many late connecting passengers are expected.  相似文献   

A numerical method has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways. Analytic and numerical results are presented for series of G/G/1 queues, i.e. with generally distributed arrivals and service times and single chambers at each lock. One or two-way traffic operations are modelled. A metamodelling approach which develops simple formulas to approximate the results of simulation models is presented. The structure of the metamodels is developed from queueing theory while their coefficients are statistically estimated from simulation results. The numerical method consists of three modules: (1) delays, (2) arrivals and (3) departures. The first estimates the average waiting time for each lock when the arrival and service time distributions at this lock are known. The second identifies the relations between the arrival distributions at one lock and the departure distributions from the upstream and downstream locks. The third estimates the mean and variance of inter-departure times when the inter-arrival and service time distributions are known. The method can be applied to systems with two-way traffic through common bi-directional servers as well as to one-way traffic systems. Algorithms for both cases are presented. This numerical method is shown to produce results that are close to the simulation results. The metamodels developed for estimating delays and variances of inter-departure times may be applied to waterways and other series of G/G/1 queues. These metamodels for G/G/1 queues may provide key components of algorithms for analyzing networks of queues.  相似文献   

If bus service departure times are not completely unknown to the passengers, non-uniform passenger arrival patterns can be expected. We propose that passengers decide their arrival time at stops based on a continuous logit model that considers the risk of missing services. Expected passenger waiting times are derived in a bus system that allows also for overtaking between bus services. We then propose an algorithm to derive the dwell time of subsequent buses serving a stop in order to illustrate when bus bunching might occur. We show that non-uniform arrival patterns can significantly influence the bus bunching process. With case studies we find that, even without exogenous delay, bunching can arise when the boarding rate is insufficient given the level of overall demand. Further, in case of exogenous delay, non-uniform arrivals can either worsen or improve the bunching conditions, depending on the level of delay. We conclude that therefore such effects should be considered when service control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, bus transit operators have begun to adopt technologies that enable bus locations to be tracked from a central location in real-time. Combined with other technologies, such as automated passenger counting and wireless communication, it is now feasible for these operators to execute a variety of real-time strategies for coordinating the movement of buses along their routes. This paper compares control strategies that depend on technologies for communication, tracking and passenger counting, to those that depend solely on local information (e.g., time that a bus arrived at a stop, and whether other connecting buses have also arrived). We also develop methods to forecast bus arrival times, which are most accurate for lines with long headways, as is usually the case in timed transfer systems. These methods are tested in simulations, which demonstrate that technology is most advantageous when the schedule slack is close to zero, when the headway is large, and when there are many connecting buses.  相似文献   

The methodology presented here seeks to optimize bus routes feeding a major intermodal transit transfer station while considering intersection delays and realistic street networks. A model is developed for finding the optimal bus route location and its operating headway in a heterogeneous service area. The criterion for optimality is the minimum total cost, including supplier and user costs. Irregular and discrete demand distributions, which realistically represent geographic variations in demand, are considered in the proposed model. The optimal headway is derived analytically for an irregularly shaped service area without demand elasticity, with non‐uniformly distributed demand density, and with a many‐to‐one travel pattern. Computer programs are designed to analyze numerical examples, which show that the combinatory type routing problem can be globally optimized. The improved computational efficiency of the near‐optimal algorithm is demonstrated through numerical comparisons to an optimal solution obtained by the exhaustive search (ES) algorithm. The CPU time spent by each algorithm is also compared to demonstrate that the near‐optimal algorithm converges to an acceptable solution significantly faster than the ES algorithm.  相似文献   

Two distinguishable modelling approaches exist for modelling the attitudes of travellers to the unexpected day-to-day variability of travel times. The direct approach sees the extent of travel time variability (TTV) as the variable that travellers react to, whereas the indirect approach claims that TTV effects are fully explained by trip scheduling considerations. Past research has not yet overcome the issue of which of these concepts is preferable, especially for public transport users. In the current paper, factors affecting bus users’ scheduling behaviour and attitudes to TTV are investigated, based on a survey among bus users in the city of York, England. The survey methodology and its Internet-based design are described. The results confirm that the influence of TTV on bus users is best explained indirectly through scheduling considerations. The penalty placed on early arrival to the destination is found similar to the penalty on travel time itself; late arrivals are much more heavily penalised. Since the common treatment of TTV in practice is through models that ignore the effect of lateness and earliness, we also examine how using the simple approach rather than the correct one affects the economic interpretation of TTV; the results reveal a massive bias.  相似文献   

This paper develops an application-oriented model to estimate waiting times as a function of bus departure time intervals. Bus stops are classified into Type A and B depending on whether they are connected with urban rail transit systems. Distributions of passenger arrival rates are analyzed based on field data for Beijing. The results indicate that the best fits for the distribution of passenger arrival rates for Type A and B bus stops are the lognormal distribution and gamma distribution, respectively. By analyzing relationships between passenger arrival rates and bus departure time intervals, it is demonstrated that parameters of the passenger arrival rate distribution can be expressed by the average and coefficient of variation of bus departure time intervals in functional relationships. The validation shows that the model provides a reliable estimation of the average passenger waiting time based on readily available bus departure time intervals.  相似文献   

Given a group of one or more schools, each with a specific arrival time window, and the bus routes serving these schools, the problem is to create an optimum set of combinations of routes to be served by a single bus, where optimality is defined in terms of fleet size and deadhead travel distance. We present the results of a computational study comparing ten heuristics, adapted from procedures which have appeared in the literature, on a set of 30 test problems derived from actual school data. This study is a follow on to that reported in Graham and Nuttle (1986).  相似文献   

Waiting time at public transport stops is perceived by passengers to be more onerous than in-vehicle time, hence it strongly influences the attractiveness and use of public transport. Transport models traditionally assume that average waiting times are half the service headway by assuming random passenger arrivals. However, research agree that two distinct passenger behaviour types exist: one group arrives randomly, whereas another group actively tries to minimise their waiting time by arriving in a timely manner at the scheduled departure time. This study proposes a general framework for estimating passenger waiting times which incorporates the arrival patterns of these two groups explicitly, namely by using a mixture distribution consisting of a uniform and a beta distribution. The framework is empirically validated using a large-scale automatic fare collection system from the Greater Copenhagen Area covering metro, suburban, and regional rail stations thereby giving a range of service headways from 2 to 60 min. It was shown that the proposed mixture distribution is superior to other distributions proposed in the literature. This can improve waiting time estimations in public transport models. The results show that even at 5-min headways 43% of passengers arrive in a timely manner to stations when timetables are available. The results bear important policy implications in terms of providing actual timetables, even at high service frequencies, in order for passengers to be able to minimise their waiting times.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed an evaluation method of exclusive bus lanes (EBLs) in a bi-modal degradable road network with car and bus transit modes. Link travel time with and without EBLs for two modes is analyzed with link stochastic degradation. Furthermore, route general travel costs are formulated with the uncertainty of link travel time for both modes and the uncertainty of waiting time at a bus stop and in-vehicle congestion costs for the bus mode. The uncertainty of bus waiting time is considered to be relevant to the degradation of the front links of the bus line. A bi-modal user equilibrium model incorporating travelers’ risk adverse behavior is proposed for evaluating EBLs. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate how the road degradation level, travelers’ risk aversion level and the front link’s correlation level with the uncertainty of the bus waiting time affect the results of the user equilibrium model with and without EBLs and how the road degradation level affects the optimal EBLs setting scheme. A paradox of EBLs setting is also illustrated where adding one exclusive bus lane may decrease share of bus.  相似文献   

Bus bridging has been widely used to connect stations affected by metro disruptions such that stranded passengers could resume their journeys. Previous studies generally assumed that a bus operates exclusively on one bridging route with given frequency, which limits the service flexibility and reduce the operational efficiency. We propose a strategy to instruct buses to operate on predefined bridging routes once they are dispatched from depots. Buses are allowed to flexibly serve different bridging routes. Each bus operates based on a bridging plan that lists the stations to serve in sequence instead of route frequencies. A two-stage model is developed to optimize the bridging plans and their assignments to buses with the objectives that balance the operational priorities between minimizing bus bridging time and reducing passenger delay. A Weight Shortest Processing Time first (WSPT) rule based heuristic algorithm is developed to solve the proposed model. The developed model is further incorporated in a rolling horizon framework to handle dynamic passenger arrivals during the disruption period. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is demonstrated in comparison with alternative strategies in real-world case studies.  相似文献   

Effective prediction of bus arrival times is important to advanced traveler information systems (ATIS). Here a hybrid model, based on support vector machine (SVM) and Kalman filtering technique, is presented to predict bus arrival times. In the model, the SVM model predicts the baseline travel times on the basic of historical trips occurring data at given time‐of‐day, weather conditions, route segment, the travel times on the current segment, and the latest travel times on the predicted segment; the Kalman filtering‐based dynamic algorithm uses the latest bus arrival information, together with estimated baseline travel times, to predict arrival times at the next point. The predicted bus arrival times are examined by data of bus no. 7 in a satellite town of Dalian in China. Results show that the hybrid model proposed in this paper is feasible and applicable in bus arrival time forecasting area, and generally provides better performance than artificial neural network (ANN)–based methods. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a single line model, it has been shown recently that the presence of a stringent financial constraint induces a less than optimal bus frequency and larger than optimal bus size. This occurs because the constraint induces a reduction of the importance of users’ costs (their time); in the extreme, users’ costs disappear from the design problem. In this paper we show that such a constraint also has an impact on the spatial structure of transit lines. This is done departing from the single line model using an illustrative urban network that could be served either with direct services (no transfers) or with corridors (transfers are needed). First, the optimal structure of lines is investigated along with frequencies and vehicle sizes when the full costs for users and operators are minimized (unconstrained case); the optimal lines structure is shown to depend upon the patronage level, the values of time and the cost of providing bus capacity. Then the same problem is solved for the extreme case of a stringent financial constraint, in which case users’ costs have relatively little or no effect in determining the solution; in this case the preferred outcome would be direct services under all circumstances, with lower frequencies and larger bus sizes. The impact of the financial constraint on the spatial structure of transit lines is shown to be caused by the reduction in cycle time under direct services; the introduction of users’ costs in the objective function makes waiting times reverse this result under some circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-based multiobjective control strategy to reduce bus bunching and hence improve public transport reliability. Our goal is twofold. First, we define a proper model, consisting of multiple static and dynamic components. Bus-following model captures the longitudinal dynamics taking into account the interaction with the surrounding traffic. Furthermore, bus stop operations are modeled to estimate dwell time. Second, a shrinking horizon model predictive controller (MPC) is proposed for solving bus bunching problems. The model is able to predict short time-space behavior of public transport buses enabling constrained, finite horizon, optimal control solution to ensure homogeneity of service both in time and space. In this line, the goal with the selected rolling horizon control scheme is to choose a proper velocity profile for the public transport bus such that it keeps both timetable schedule and a desired headway from the bus in front of it (leading bus). The control strategy predicts the arrival time at a bus stop using a passenger arrival and dwell time model. In this vein, the receding horizon model predictive controller calculates an optimal velocity profile based on its current position and desired arrival time. Four different weighting strategies are proposed to test (i) timetable only, (ii) headway only, (iii) balanced timetable - headway tracking and (iv) adaptive control with varying weights. The controller is tested in a high fidelity traffic simulator with realistic scenarios. The behavior of the system is analyzed by considering extreme disturbances. Finally, the existence of a Pareto front between these two objectives is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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