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Using the metabelian property, regularity, p-commutativity and some properties of congruence, this paper gave the orders of automorphism groups of family Φ24, which are the groups of order p6 determined by Rodney James, where p denotes an odd prime.  相似文献   

如果一个图的自同构群作用在它的弧集上是传递的,那么称这个图为对称图.文中给出了8p阶5度对称图的完全分类.  相似文献   

一个简单无向图,如果它的全自同构群作用在它的弧集上传递,则称该图为对称图.本文给出了3p2阶连通4度对称图的完全分类,其中P是一个素数.  相似文献   

阶素因子个数较小且每个素因子的次数较低的有限群在群的研究中有重要的作用,很多与群结构相关的结论都是利用这种群描述的(比如可解群)。利用线性群的方法以及群的线性表示的思想,给出Zp×Zp的两个相对全形同构的一个性质充分条件,并利用这一充分条件,给出p2q阶群的同构类数的另一证明。  相似文献   

On the basis of the quasi-isomorphism of finite groups, a new mapping, weak isomorphism, from a finite group to another finite group is defined. Let G and H be two finite groups and G be weak-isomorphic to H. Then G≌H if G satisfies one of the following conditions. 1) G is a finite Abelian group. 2) The order of G is p^3. 3 ) The order of G is p^n+1 and G has a cyclic normal subgroup N = 〈a〉 of order p^n. 4) G is a nilpotent group and if p^││G│, then for any P ∈ Sylp (G), P has a cyclic maximal subgroup, where p is a prime; 5) G is a maximal class group of order p4(p〉3).  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally soluble groups,G a hyper-(cyclic or finite)locally soluble group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite,G∈F,f(∞)≌f(p),f(P)≠Фfor each P∈π.The following conclutions are obtained:(1)if there exists a maximal submodule B of A such that A/B is F central in G and B has no nonzero F centml ZG-factors,then A has an F decomposition;(2)if there exists an irreducible F central submodule B of A such that all ZG-composition factors of A/B are F ecentric,then A has an F decomposition.  相似文献   

Let F be a locally defined formation consisting of locally solvable groups, G a hyper-( cyclic or finite) locally solvable group and A a noetherian ZG-module with all irreducible ZG-factors being finite. The following conclusion is obtained: if G∈F, f( ∞ ) include f(p), f(p) ≠φ for each p∈π, and A has no nonzero F central ZG- images, then any extension E of A by G splits conjugately over A, and A has no nonzero F central ZG-factors.  相似文献   

A subgroup H of G is called s-conditionally permutable in G if for every Sylow subgroup T of G,there exists an element x∈G such that HTx=TxH.In this paper,we investigate further the influence of s-conditionally permutability of some 2-maximal subgroups of the Sylow subgroup of G,on the structure of finite groups.New criteria for a group G being p-nilpotent are obtained.  相似文献   

采用大涡模拟方法和FW-H声学模型对车用交流发电机气动噪声进行数值模拟, 采用矢量合成方法优化交流发电机前扇叶分布角度, 以低噪声、高流量与优化频谱结构降低单频旋转噪声为目标, 分析了交流发电机气动噪声特性。分析结果表明: 交流发电机噪声声压级、主要影响阶次与幅值的数值模拟与试验结果有很好的一致性; 交流发电机气动噪声源为前后扇叶, 总噪声的主要影响阶次为第6、8、10、12、18阶次, 主要能量集中在1 120~5 600Hz范围内; 总噪声最大预测误差为6.97dB, 第12、18阶次旋转噪声预测误差分别为2.30、3.30dB; 前扇叶分布角度优化后总噪声最大降幅为3.10dB, 平均降幅为2.58dB, 第12、18阶次噪声平均降幅为5.80dB, 降噪效果明显。  相似文献   

The ring of quaternion over R, denoted by R[i,j,k], is a quaternion algebra. In this paper, the roots of quadratic equation with one variable in quaternion field are investigated and it is shown that it has infinitely many roots. Then the properties of quaternion algebra over Zp are discussed, and the order of its unit group is determined. Lastly, another ring isomorphism of M2(Zp) and the quaternion algebra over Zp when p satisfies some particular conditions are presented.  相似文献   

借助于Hartley变换及Hartley调制函数微分性质,建立了参数模型直接估计的最小二乘算法.通过数字仿真分别辨识了一个二阶系统和四阶系统,研究了频率指数m和调制函数阶次n对辨识精度的影响.辨识结果表明:该方法简单实用,对噪声具有较强的抑制能力.  相似文献   

Democratic group signatures(DGSs) attract many researchers due to their appealing properties, i.e., anonymity, traceability and no group manager.Security results of existing work are based on decisional Diffie-Hellman(DDH) assumption.In this paper, we present a democratic group signature scheme based on any gap Diffie-Hellman(GDH) group where DDH problem is easily but computational Diffie-Hellman(CDH) problem is hard to be solved.Besides the properties of ordinary DGSs, our scheme also provides the property of linkability, i.e., any public verifier can tell whether two group signatures are generated using the same private key.Security properties of our scheme employ a new and independently interesting decisional product Diffie-Hellman(DPDH) assumption which is weaker than DDH one.  相似文献   

F.Harary在[1]中提出如下一个未解决问题:那些有限置换群是完全图同构分解的因子对称群?本文证明了偶数阶完全图的路分解的因子对称群是循环群.  相似文献   

F.Harary在[1]中提出如下一个未解决问题:那些有限置换群是完全图同构分解的因子对称群?对于n〉1。构造了2n+1阶完全图G的/7,个不同的同构分解G^e=G1∪G2∪…∪Gn,其中G1是2n个点的路的第e对对称点和另1个点连接得到的图。证明了G的同构分解的因子对称群是n阶循环群。  相似文献   

在扰动模糊逻辑命题及其算子的基础上,定义了扰动模糊逻辑算子组的概念,讨论了扰动模糊逻辑算子组的性质.从而使经典模糊逻辑的概念及性质得到进一步的推广,同时也揭示了在这种由一维到二维的推广中存在的问题.最后,从代数观点研究了扰动模糊逻辑算子组与经典模糊逻辑算子组之间的同态关系.  相似文献   

在扰动模糊逻辑命题及其算子的基础上,定义了扰动模糊逻辑算子组的概念,讨论了扰动模糊逻辑算子组的性质.从而使经典模糊逻辑的概念及性质得到进一步的推广,同时也揭示了在这种由一维到二维的推广中存在的问题.最后,从代数观点研究了扰动模糊逻辑算子组与经典模糊逻辑算子组之间的同态关系.  相似文献   

面向班型动态生成的地服人员排班旨在动态生成班型,并将员工分配到班型中,以班型为航班地面保障单元.现有面向班型的人员排班算法是建立在固定班型数和班型内的员工资质数,未考虑班型数未知的重要前提.为此,提出面向班型动态生成的地服人员排班算法,其核心思想是通过block Gibbs抽样迭代优化班型内人员构成、班型内航班集和班型生成.在某机场值机人员的数据集中验证此算法,实验结果表明,在满足员工层次资质、员工白夜班和班型动态生成的约束下,算法能够生成合理的班型.  相似文献   

针对应急作战保障具有突发性、不确定性、非常规性等特点,提出了利用机场群保障应急作战的理念并分析了机场群保障应急作战的优势、限制因素,提出了提高机场群应急作战保障能力的有关措施,对于提高我军航空军事运输的组织水平和保障能力具有现实意义.  相似文献   

将杆系结构有限单元法与荷载传递迭代法相耦合,形成一桩基沉降分析计算的混合法.采用近似解析解中RandolphandWroth'Model和双曲线模型相结合,模拟桩身与桩周介质边界上剪切滑移.桩间相互作用,在采用弹性理论Mindlin方程解答计算,并考虑了桩间"加筋与遮帘"作用.分析了刚性承台下群桩桩数、桩长、桩间距和桩土模量比等群桩工作特性的影响.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法和对比分析法等研究方法,对历届全运会我国各省市区代表团的竞技实力进行了研究,并分别确立了第九届、十届全运会代表团所属竞技实力集团,旨在揭示全运会竞技实力格局的现代特征,服务于各省市区竞技体育发展战略的科学规划。研究结果表明:从集团间竞技实力的变迁看,各个集团内部的实力竞争日趋激烈,越来越多的省市区代表团跻身前3集团并重新进行实力定位;前两集团传统强省的优势正逐步减弱,集团内部实力排序都有所变动;第45、集团的省市区代表团整体实力虽较以前有所发展,但这两个集团成员的实力排序没有发生根本性变化。从经济发展区域的划分看,我国竞技实力自东部沿海地区经中部内陆地区至西部边远地区形成了1~5集团的逐级递减的梯层发展竞争态势。  相似文献   

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