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赵丹  刘桂云 《水运管理》2009,31(4):17-19
为论证港口区域化是港口发展的下一个阶段,运用市场动态学原理,以欧洲港口为例,提出港口区域化发展策略及特征,认为在港口区域化阶段,港口实际上就是一个拥有陆向腹地和海向腹地、配有完善的多式联运通道的“大配送中心”;海港与内陆港口、内陆货运中心通过战略联盟、股权或非股权方式交叉参与、合资或合并及市场联合营销或联合促销等形式实现规模优势;在港口区域化策略驱动下,原先的港口城市突破地域界限,向物流功能高度集中的港口网络转变,连续腹地和非连续腹地并存,并形成“物流极”现象。  相似文献   

为论证港口区域化是港口发展的下一个阶段,运用市场动态学原理,以欧洲港口为例,提出港口区域化发展策略及特征,认为在港口区域化阶段,港口实际上就是一个拥有陆向腹地和海向腹地、配有完善的多式联运通道的“大配送中心”;海港与内陆港口、内陆货运中心通过战略联盟、股权或非股权方式交叉参与、合资或合并及市场联合营销或联合促销等形式实现规模优势;  相似文献   

港城一体化战略研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡瑞山  沈山 《中国水运》2006,6(12):206-207
把港城一体化的研究划分为三个阶段:海港区位研究阶段、港口区域工业化研究阶段和港口区域一体化研究阶段。对港城一体化战略重点研究领域“临港产业发展、物流化营运和健全港城整合机制”进行了探讨。  相似文献   

港口功能规划关系着经济事业发展,对港口区域现代化建设具有广泛影响力。本文分析了现代港口主要功能分类,总结影响港口功能规划的政策性因素,提出符合港口规划需求的可行性对策。  相似文献   

<正>建设河北"绿色生态循环港口群"是借鉴国内外港口发展研究成果和先进经验,推进河北港口建设向第五代港口迈进的积极探索,对实现河北港口区域化、集约化,促进京津冀协同发展有着十分重要的意义京津冀协同发展战略的实施为京津冀三地带来重大发展机遇。港口作为区域发展的引擎,  相似文献   

展现港口区域、功能、人才、机制、服务等优势,推动港口跨越发展,实现以港兴市.  相似文献   

<正>当今世界经济贸易趋于全球化,国际间资本流动加快、数量增加,全球性公司大量兴起。在世界经济上述发展趋势形成中,港口和港口城市起着越来越重要的作用。因此,研究港口与城市产业结构一体化发展的理论与实践是十分必要的。 一、港口城市产业结构发展战略的选择 城市产业结构的发展方向是由城市内外多种因素影响确定的,既有在提高劳动生产率和经济效益前提下,对城市现有产业结构的合理调整,也有着眼未来,顺应世界经济技术发展趋势的新选择。只有经过全面的考虑和综合的分析研究,才能制定出可行的城市产业结构发展战略。 对港口城市来说,一定要把港口作为一个特定的区域加以利用,并在政策上给予扶植,使之能成为带动港口城市产业结构发展的“发展极”。发展极的概念是由法国经济学家朗索瓦·佩尔鲁克斯提出的。他认为,经济增长不是在整个城市以同样速度增加的,而是在一定的地区、一定的部门快速发展,带动了整体的发展。这些地区、部门就成了带动经济发展的“发展极”。港口城市的发展极应选择在港口及港口区域。因为港口及港口区域具备了成为“发展极”的最有利条件。  相似文献   

本文重点论述了"一带一路"沿线地区经济和港口发展状况,总结我国对外投资港口区域及模式,分析"一带一路"战略对港航业的影响、海外投资项目应关注的风险问题,提出对"一带一路"沿线地区港口发展投资机遇的思考  相似文献   

通过搜集近年来发生在港口区域(如码头、堆场、石化储运区、港内道路等)的安全事故共151例,对港口事故的发生区域、事故类型、事故发生因素的规律及特点进行了统计和研究。结果表明:统计的港口事故,发生在普货码头和普货堆场的事故数量最多,石化储运区的事故数量次之;最常见的港口区域发生的事故类型为起重伤害,其次是车辆伤害、高处坠落和物体打击;直接导致事故发生的因素中,人的因素占比最大,其次为设备和货物的因素,管理和环境因素占比较小。  相似文献   

黄黎明  陈良志 《水运工程》2018,(10):108-112
为更精确地模拟港口区域的降雨过程和更合理地设计排水系统,选取Kribi港口工程二期项目为工程实例,利用软件SSA进行SWMM法的雨水系统模拟并与推理公式法进行对比。结果表明,SWMM法适用于港口区域雨水系统模拟,为后期港口区域实施低影响开发措施提供了工作基础。  相似文献   

上海国际航运中心内港口的区域协同发展研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
上海洋山深水港的开港,浙江宁波舟山两港的一体化以及江苏8大港口的资源整合,使长三角港口群的竞争与合作关系成为各地政府和企业关注的重要课题。以聚合度这一重要的经济学指标回顾这一地区港口发展的历史情况,并以大量的数据和竞争情报分析来探讨三地港口发展的深层次矛盾,即各地大力发展港口产业的利益着眼点不一致。为了解决这一矛盾,使上海国际航运中心内港口群能够协同发展,不但需要在经济层面上照顾到各方面的利益,更重要的是如何对3个地区的港口进行科学的定位发展。  相似文献   

The ‘Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road’ (One Belt One Road, OBOR) strategy initiated by the Chinese government has a significant impact on the business and logistics modes which involves Asia, Europe, Africa, and their adjacent seas. Many countries and ports are developing new strategies that are suitable for this economic environment. Compared with many ports in the world, the ports in Zhejiang province of China have a novel property. In addition to Ningbo-Zhoushan port, there are several other sea ports and river ports in that province. In this paper, we propose a concept of port service network that consists of a huge hub and multiple ports. Ports of small and medium sizes can share their capacities of different types of port service with the hub when the service capacities are integrated into the network. We develop a mixed integer nonlinear programming model to determine the optimal decisions in such a network with constraints on the budget to conduct integration. An optimization algorithm incorporated with a genetic algorithm is developed to solve large size problems. We provide managerial insights on the policies of government, including expanding port capacity, reducing fixed integration cost, and providing better financial condition.  相似文献   

为了更好地发挥港口在推动海洋经济建设中的龙头作用,基于现代港口竞争实质,对港口物流服务创新的内涵作了界定.针对浙江省海洋经济发展现状,分析港口物流服务创新的内外驱动力及在发展海洋经济中的重要性,提出了港口物流服务创新五大策略:港口物流柔性化服务策略、港口物流定制化服务策略、港口物流可视化服务策略、港口物流联运化服务策略以及港口物流网络化服务策略.港口物流五大策略的实施,将提升港口整体服务水平,促进海洋经济可持续发展.  相似文献   

为了总结国内外对港口群的研究情况,通过研究这一领域积累的大量国内外文献,分析总结了港口群演化与整合的研究内容和研究方法。并在此基础上,提出对我国港口群发展与整合的建议。  相似文献   

Development of ports and shipping in China are continuing at a phenomenal pace. They are now entering a second phase in these developments. With basic capacity to handle China's growing foreign trade established. China's ports and shipping are now being ratinalized in terms of inland infrastructure and intermodal networks, optimum trade flows, foreign alliances, and physical forms or consolidation of cargo. These developments are driven by the lack of a large, deep water ocean fleet on one hand and limited water depths at many major ports. Similarly, the extension of economic development to the inland ports of China has become a priority as has the effective integration of Hong Kong and gradual opening of direct shipping across the Taiwan Straits.  相似文献   

无人表面船(USV)是实现港口信息化的新型技术装备。阐述用于港口的无人表面船的技术要点,分析无人表面船船型和总体设计技术路线、动力系统和推进装置的开发、导航与测量传感器集成技术及智能控制技术。对无人表面船相关法律法规的制定与完善提出了一些建议,对未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对浙江省港口基础设施建设融资所面临的难题,论述“地主港”模式的优点及其在港口融资中所发挥的作用,介绍国外著名港口“地主港”模式的运行情况和国内港口的尝试情况,阐明浙江沿海港口实施该模式所具备的条件,并对实施过程中应做好的工作提出见解。  相似文献   

介绍了长江三角洲港口群的范围,然后根据国家有关部门的规划,应用多种预测法,对上海港、江苏、浙江等主要港口货物吞吐量进行预测。  相似文献   

Dry port plays increasingly an important role in the integration of inland regions with seaports, and cross-border inland ports especially in the context of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) originally proposed by China. This paper studies a logistics network connecting the inland regions by dry ports based on a two-stage logistical gravity model. First, a basic logistical gravity model is developed to analyze the radiated inland regions from dry ports, where the logistical quality of dry ports is calculated by principal component analysis. Second, considering mutual impacts among dry ports, seaports and cross-border inland ports, the influence of logistical gravity on the network is examined by using a coefficient based on the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator in multi-attribute decision theory. An improved logistical gravity model is further developed to investigate the logistical connections among various ports (e.g. dry ports, seaports and cross-border inland ports; hub and feeder ports). Then, a hub-and-spoke network can be established. Dry ports are potential to connect to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. So a Chinese case is used to verify the proposed method. The strategies of embedding inland regions in the BRI are discussed based on the experimental studies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of integration between two neighbor ports with a third port sharing the same overlapping hinterland. The merger (integrated port) can select either the price discrimination or uniform pricing strategy after integration. Our study reveals that port integration is always beneficial to the merger and the third port, but results in the reduction of consumer surplus and social welfare, regardless of the type of pricing strategy implemented. Further analysis shows that when the inland transportation cost to the ports is relatively low or sufficiently high, a better option is for the merger to adopt the price discrimination strategy. When port pollution is considered and has a relatively large impact, the integration of the two ports improves green social welfare for the region. This finding provides strong support for the ongoing port integration in China. In terms of pricing strategy, the uniform pricing strategy generates higher green social welfare when both inland transportation cost and pollution are relatively low, or both are significantly high. Otherwise, the price discrimination strategy generates the best result for the region.  相似文献   

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