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柴油车排放法规的升级带来选择性催化还原(SCR)技术大量应用,作为SCR技术中必备消耗品,柴油机尾气处理液用于还原氮氧化物,从而实现尾气净化。文章详细阐述了SCR技术应用背景,以及柴油机尾气处理液在SCR系统中的净化反应机理;列举了柴油机尾气处理液主要产品标准规范,以及代表性的ISO22241规范主要技术指标;最后介绍了柴油机尾气处理液在国内外应用情况并提出在国内发展建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了世界范围内关于车用发动机而制定的排放法规及相关治理措施,并详细阐述了基于排放法规的车用柴油机技术路线变迁,重点对排放法规和燃油经济性要求对轻型车用发动机及重型车用柴油机的技术路线选择产生的影响进行了研究,并据此进行了展望。内燃机在现在及未来相当长的一段时间内,依然会作为主流的车用动力装置。就目前而言,排放法规及燃油经济性要求依然对车用发动机的技术路线选择起着显著的影响。考虑到当前的世界气候环境及燃料储备,对车用发动机进行节能减排的技术改良可谓势在必行。  相似文献   

柴油机在节能和降低CO_2方面具有突出的优势,但如何在不牺牲经济性的前提下有效地降低颗粒物(PM)和氮氧化物(NO_x)排放,以满足未来愈来愈严的排放法规,是柴油机未来发展面临的主要挑战。本文在分析柴油机后处理技术路线的基础上,介绍了降低车用柴油机NO_x排放的选择催化还原(SCR)技术的基本原理。列举了SCR技术的主要影响因素并进一步指明了其发展方向。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内现阶段燃料电池应用于车用动力装置的现状以及面临的技术性问题,同时阐述了限制其推广应用的主要原因。通过与传统内燃机的对比,分析了其应用现状,并作了未来展望。目前燃料电池由于技术水平、制造成本及燃料制取储备等原因尚未得以广泛应用,在未来的相当一段时间内仍会以内燃机为主占据主流车用动力市场。但是,随着化石能源的日渐枯竭以及相关技术的不断完善,燃料电池必将在车用动力装置中占据一席之地。  相似文献   

高原地区,海拔高,空气中含氧量低,机动车燃烧不充分,尾气排放中有害气体比全国平均水平高。所以要利用先进技术健全机动车排放标准体系,加强在用车排放检测的管理、加强汽车维修质量的控制与监管,有效控制车辆尾气排放。  相似文献   

轻型汽车国Ⅵ排放标准特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车排放物是城市空气污染的主要源头,执行严格的尾气排放标准对于大气污染治理有重大作用。2016年底,国家环保部与国家质检总局发布GB18352.6-2016《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法 (中国第六阶段)》,要求自2020年7月1日起在全国范围内全面实施。本文就轻型汽车国Ⅵ排放标准的检测项目与内容、技术亮点与实施条件做了分析。  相似文献   

对汽车节油技术的检测主要分为发动机性能台架对比试验和整车性能道路对比试验两大类别,文章采用整车性能道路对比试验,使用流量计检测内燃机采用节油技术前后的燃油消耗量,来评定内燃机在运用了节油技术或产品后的节油效果,适用于车辆和柴油发电机组等内燃机的应用产品。  相似文献   

为缓解全球能源紧张和排放污染问题,世界各国都在大力研究”发新型节能低污染或零污染的汽车。随着经济的快速发展,许多大城市汽车密集、交通拥挤,汽车(尤其是城市公交)需要频繁起步停车,对于传统内燃机汽车,这种变工况(特别是低速、怠速)运行模式会导致排放差、噪声大、油耗率高等问题。因此,开发低排放、低油耗的增程式客车已成为当今新能源行业的热门课题。  相似文献   

文章通过流体力学、空气动力学机械原理分析,来实现既能节约油耗又能起到降低尾气排放污染目的。这种汽车节能器不仅能降低尾气污染和节油,而且具有显著的降低噪音、增加动力、净化尾气、减少黑烟、还有起到装饰汽车尾部的效果。  相似文献   

清洁柴油技术公司(CLEAN DIESEL TECHNOLOGIESINc.简称CDTi)是一家领先的尾气控制技术公司,该公司于4日宣布推出新的专利技术,以代替在催化转换器中使用的昂贵的铂族元素金属和稀土金属。CDTi为其SpinelTM技术申请到了专利家族的前两个,该技术是一种清洁尾气排放技术,可以显著减少为了达到日益严格的清洁空气标准所产生的成本。  相似文献   

Suburban sprawl, population growth, and automobile dependency contribute directly to air pollution problems in US metropolitan areas. As metropolitan regions attempt to mitigate these problems, they are faced with the difficult task of balancing the mobility needs of a growing population and economy, while simultaneously lowering or maintaining levels of ambient pollutants. Although ambient air quality can be directly monitored, predicting the amount and fraction of the mobile source components presents special challenges. A modeling framework that can correlate spatial and temporal emission-specific vehicle activities is required for the complex photochemical models used to predict pollutant concentrations. This paper discusses the GIS-based modeling approach called the Mobile Emission Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation (MEASURE). MEASURE provides researchers and planners with a means of assessing motor vehicle emission reduction strategies. Estimates of spatially resolved fleet composition and activity are combined with activity-specific emission rates to predict engine start and running exhaust emissions. Engine start emissions are estimated using aggregate zonal information. Running exhaust emissions are predicted using road segment specific information and aggregate zonal information. The paper discusses the benefits and challenges related to mobile source emissions modeling in a GIS framework and identifies future GIS mobile emissions modeling research needs.  相似文献   

纯电动汽车作为新能源汽车行业发展的主要方向,在发展其核心技术中,动力系统的匹配对于发展纯电动汽车具有重要的意义,合理的动力系统匹配影响着汽车的动力性和续航里程等因素。根据纯电动汽车的整车参数和性能指标,计算选择动力系统的基本参数,并利用ADVISOR仿真软件进行仿真分析,为改进技术提供依据,验证了设计的有效性。  相似文献   

To better assess health impacts from diesel transportation sources, particle number emissions can be modeled on a road network using traffic operating parameters. In this work, real-time particle number emissions rates from two diesel transit buses were aggregated to the roadway link-level and modeled using engine parameters and then vehicle parameters. Modern statistical methods were used to identify appropriate predictor variables in the presence of multicollinearity, and controlled for correlated emission measurements made on the same day and testing route. Factor analysis helped to reduce the number of potential engine parameters to engine load, engine speed, and exhaust temperature. These parameters were incorporated in a linear mixed model that was shown to explain the variation attributable to link-characteristics. Vehicle specific power and speed were identified as two surrogate vehicle travel variables that can be used in the absence of engine parameters, although with a loss in predictive power compared to the engine parameter model. If vehicle speed is the only operating input available, including road grades in the model can significantly improve particle number emission estimates even for links with mild grade. Although the data used are specific to the buses tested, the approach can be applied to modeling emissions from other vehicle models with different engine types, exhaust systems, and engine retrofit technologies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and gasoline fuel on the exhaust emissions and the fuel consumption of a spark-ignition engine powered passenger car. The vehicle was driven according to the urban driving cycle and extra urban driving cycle speed profiles with the warmed-up engine. Cause and effect based analysis reveals potential for using different fuels to reduce vehicle emission and deficiencies associated with particular fuels. The highest tank to wheel efficiency and the lowest CO2 emission are observed with the natural gas fuelled vehicle, that also featured the highest total hydrocarbon emissions and high NOx emissions because of fast three way catalytic converter aging due the use of the compressed natural gas. Retrofitted liquefied petroleum gas fuel supply systems feature the greatest air-fuel ratio variations that result in the lowest TtW efficiency and in the highest NOx emissions of the liquefied gas fuelled vehicle.  相似文献   

近年来,在国家新能源汽车产业的战略引导下,我国新能源汽车产业加速发展,新能源汽车技术也得到了不断提高。本文对目前新能源道路运输车辆在交通运输行业中应用面临的问题进行了深入剖析,并从战略规划、车辆选型、车辆管理等方面,对完善交通运输行业新能源汽车应用的环境提出了意见和建议,为进一步保障新能源汽车安全运行、科学发展提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

基于李群理论的汽油发动机尾气分析模型匹配算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确对发动机尾气排放状态和规律进行分析,本文提出了一种基于李群理论的汽油发动机尾气分析模型。该模型针对尾气排放量的非线性变化特征,利用李代数和李群之间的指数映射关系建立李群仿射模型,然后在流行拓扑空间上对尾气中主要污染物的含量进行建模。通过模型匹配算法实现对尾气排放状态的正常与否进行分析。该方法利用数据的流行拓扑信息,有效提高了非线性建模和匹配的准确性和效率。在福特蒙迪欧牌轿车上的实验结果表明,该模型能够以较高精度对汽油机尾气排放状况进行建模和状态匹配。  相似文献   

Due to growing concerns about NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel engines, stricter regulations are being introduced requiring advanced emission control technology. In response the diesel industry has begun testing various emission control technologies and applying them. To assess vehicle renewal policies of bus companies, two exhaust after-treatment technologies are compared: the combination of a diesel particulate filter and an exhaust gas re-circulation system and the combination of a selective catalytic reduction and urea. On-board emission measurements were conducted under real-world driving conditions on a specific bus route in the city of Madrid.  相似文献   

The paper describes exhaust emission tests performed on a PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), in which the combustion engine was used as a range extender. The measurements of the exhaust emissions were performed for CO2/fuel consumption, CO, THC and NOx. The RDE measurements were performed including the engine operating parameters and emissions analysis. This analysis shows that the engines of BEVs and PHEVs operate in a different parameter range when under actual operating conditions, which directly translates into the exhaust emission values. This is particularly the case for the emission of NOx. The investigations were carried out for two routes differentiated by the length and share of the urban and extra-urban cycles. For both routes, the emission of THC and CO were lower for the PHEV engine – HC by 69% (22 mg/km, route 1) and 6% (15 mg/km, route 2), CO by 69% (0.12 mg/km, route 1) and 80% (0.1 mg/km, route 2). For route 1, characterized by a greater share of the urban cycle, the emission of NOx was lower by 70% (2 mg/km) for the BEV engine, and (route 2) lower by 60% (8 mg/km) for the PHEV engine. Additionally, the curves of the exhaust emissions in time for individual exhaust components have been presented that indicate that in the motorway cycle the emission of THC and CO from the BEV vehicle increases significantly up to ten times compared to urban cycle.  相似文献   

A low-cost exhaust gas after treatment system called water-scrubbing is attempted in this paper. An emission treatment setup is fabricated, which is installed in the exhaust of the engine. This takes the exhaust gas and sprays water in the exhaust and passes it through the chamber containing silica gel. An attempt is made to investigate experimentally the performance and emission characteristics of a direct injection (DI) diesel engine, with and without water injection at the exhaust using diesel fuel (DF), diesel-Karanja oil blend (DKB) and diesel-Jatropha oil blend (DJB). The exhaust gas after treatment system helps to reduce NOx, CO and Particulate matter. The performance of the engine has also been monitored to determine whether the engine has any decrease in performance when the setup is used and it is found that there is no change in the engine performance.  相似文献   

金属波纹管在柴油机排气系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据柴油机排气管道系统的具体应用要求,对金属波纹管设计技术、导流套设计技术、组件制造技术进行研究.确定了多层薄壁密波的波纹管结构,翻边免焊的连接工艺,导流套的选型及设计原则,最终使金属波纹管满足国内大功率柴油机排气系统的应用要求.  相似文献   

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