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目前,船舶正朝着大功率,大型化发展,需要船舶的主动力装置船舶柴油机具有高可靠性和耐久性.活塞环和缸套是柴油机的关键部件,直接决定柴油机性能的优劣,必须投入力量进行研究.  相似文献   

液化天然气船主动力推进装置是影响船舶营运经济性的重要因素,因此主动力推进装置的选择就显得至关重要。介绍几种主推进装置方案,探讨了各自优缺点,重点采用熵权灰聚类方法,在经济性方面对几种主推进装置方案进行对比评估、分析,并得出结论。  相似文献   

正0引言某远洋拖船双机双桨配置,主动力推进装置及其控制系统皆由瓦锡兰公司提供。主机为瓦锡兰9L32型中速柴油机,减速齿轮箱型号为SCV 85-PC69/P72,液压式主离合器型号为KMS 9000,主推进装置为Lips 4D 1095型CPP,主推进装置的控制系统型号为Lipstronic 7000 CPP Basic(简称LT  相似文献   

正低速柴油机广泛应用于大型船舶的主动力推进装置,其运转可靠性和耐久性对船舶的重要性不言而喻。滑油在柴油机运转中是不可缺少的润滑剂,用于润滑主机曲轴等运动部件的系统滑油,其洁净程度非常关键,被水或其它物质污染的系统滑油,将会对柴油机运动部件产生严重破坏,导致船舶失去动力,是非常危险的事情。保护柴油机系统滑油不被污染是非常重要的维护保养任务。在低速船用柴油机油底壳与其底部的滑油循环舱顶部相连之处,设有回油管,  相似文献   

船用柴油推进主机作为船舶主动力装置,其作用十分重要。文中分析了我国船用柴油推进主机的研究现状、发展趋势以及我国柴油机产业政策,并提出了需大力研究开发的关键技术,以提高我国船用柴油主机的整体水平。  相似文献   

王捷  陈永芳  胡贤民 《造船技术》2007,(4):30-31,34
蒸汽机、汽轮机、燃气轮机、柴油机和电力推进系统作为液化天然气(LNG)运输船的主推进装置已广泛安装在大型LNG船舶上,通过对各种主推进装置比较和研究分析,展望了今后大型LNG运输船主推进装置的发展趋势。  相似文献   

蒋祖星 《船海工程》2008,37(1):77-79
建立采用排气余热动力回收,热电联产的柴油机船舶主动力装置总能热力系统的能级模型,实例计算表明,采用能级分析法可准确地了解船舶动力装置总能热力系统的能量分配和利用情况.  相似文献   

船舶主动力系统陆上联调模拟装置的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
根据新型号船舶其主动力系统主要设备陆上联调的要求,研制了一套能够代替船舶主动力系统的计算机模拟装置,用以模拟主动力装置遥控系统的陆上联调,并介绍该系统在某船主动力装置遥控系统的应用实例。  相似文献   

德国西门子公司船舶工程部基于其先进的性能卓越的船舶电力推进系统及主机轴带发电机系统技术,又开发出一种最具革新创意的柴油机电力增强推进系统。1997年9月,装备有输出功率为4MW柴油机电力增强推进系统的大型集装箱船投入了运行。 目前,西门子公司船舶工程部能提供系列的输出功率2~15MW的柴油机电力增强推进系统。1 什么是电力增强推进系统 所谓柴油机电力增强推进系统,即根据船舶设计,在柴油机至螺旋桨的轴系上,安装一套同步电动机,为船舶提供所需的附加推进动力。此推进电机或直接安装在柴油机推进轴系上,或通过齿轮箱联接到推进轴系上。详如图1所示。推进电机把船舶电网的电能转换成推进动力,直接作用在柴油机的推进轴系上。电力增强推进系统宛如柴油机的外部附加气缸,又像是一套“自动齿轮装置”,为柴油机的推进轴系提供无级调节的额外推进功率,并改善柴油机的推进性能。  相似文献   

发展和应用船舶柴油机热能发电技术是实现航运业节能减排的重要途径之一。围绕蒸汽朗肯循环、有机朗肯循环、卡琳娜循环和布雷顿循环4种应用于船舶主机烟气余热回收利用领域的热力循环,介绍各循环的基本原理和工质选择,并进行装置效率对比,对以热力循环为基本原理的船舶柴油机热能发电系统的研究现状和发展趋势进行总结。论文研究认为:有机朗肯循环拥有相对较高的热能回收发电效率,而以S-CO2为循环工质的布雷顿循环拥有更显著的船舶热能回收发电应用前景,在探求可联合“契合点”的基础上建立以“蒸汽-有机朗肯联合循环系统”为代表的两种甚至两种以上循环方式的联合热力循环余热回收发电系统是提升船舶热能发电整体效率的重要手段。  相似文献   

白令海潮汐能通量和底边界能耗散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial distribution of the energy flux, bottom boundary layer (BBL) energy dissipation, surface elevation amplitude and current magnitude of the major semidiurnal tidal constituents in the Bering Sea are examined in detail. These distributions are obtained from the results of a three-dimensional numerical simulation model (POM). Compared with observation data from seven stations, the root mean square errors of tidal height are 2.6 cm and 1.2 cm for M2 and N2 respectively, and those of phase-lag are 21.8° and 15.8° respectively. The majority of the tidal energy flux off the deep basin is along the shelf edge, although some of this flux crosses the shelf edge, especially in the southeast of the shelf break. The total M2 energy dissipation in the Bering Sea is 30.43 GW, which is about 10 times of that of N2 and S2. The semidiurnal tidal energy enters mainly to the Bering Sea by Samalga Pass, Amukta Pass and Seguam Pass, accounting more than 60% of the total energy entering the Being Sea from the Pacific.  相似文献   

Wave energy assessments in the Black Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work aims to evaluate the wave energy resources in the Black Sea basin. The study is focused on the western part of the sea, which is traditionally considered as being more energetic. In order to give a first perspective of the wave climate, a medium-term wave analysis was carried out using in situ measured data. As a further step, a wave prediction system was implemented for the Black Sea. This was based on the simulating waves near-shore model, which is used for both wave generation and near-shore transformation. This methodology has the advantage that a single model covers the full scale of the modelling process. Various tests were performed considering data measured at three different locations. Special attention was paid to the whitecapping process, which is still widely considered to be the weak link in deep water wave modelling. Comparisons carried out against measured data show that the wave prediction system generally provides reliable results, especially in terms of significant wave heights and mean periods. By increasing the resolution in geographical space, the field distributions of wave energy were analysed for both high and average wave conditions. The analysis and the wave prediction system developed are a prerequisite for further investigations extended in time and with increased resolution in the near-shore direction.  相似文献   

通过对造船企业能耗数据的分析,阐述了我国造船企业的能耗现状和趋势。通过与国外类似造船企业的能耗数据对比,提出了我国造船企业节能发展的目标。根据设计实践,提出了船厂节能的技术措施和实践数据。  相似文献   

浅谈船舶节能和环保能源的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李箭 《中国水运》2007,5(8):33-34
能源是发展国民经济和提高人民生活水平的重要物质基础。当前能源需求压力过大,油价每年上升的严峻形势下,船舶运输作为耗能大户,时刻提醒着人们需要节能,也促使人们不断努力寻求船舶的代用燃料和环保能源。  相似文献   

如果我们对比蒙大拿州冰河国家公园历史和当前的照片,我们就可以轻易地发现冰川正在消融,海平面正在上升。目前人们普遍认为全球变暖是碳排放造成的恶果。2007年2月2日,联合国环境规划署发布了迄今为止关于气候变化最权威的科学报导。有九成的把握认为,矿物燃料的使用及其他人类活动导致了气候变化。  相似文献   

随着国际社会对船舶节能减排的要求不断提高,船舶节能技术进入快速发展时期,新造船舶的能效水平大大提高,并使得在营运船舶在航运市场的竞争力被不断削弱.提高在营运船舶能效水平并降低其营运成本成为广大在营运船舶面对激烈市场竞争时的必由之路.水动力节能装置因其所具有的节能效果良好、结构简单、改造成本低等优点,成为在营运船舶节能改造时的主要选择之一.本文以某万吨级散货船为对象,根据实船性能特点开展水动力节能方案设计及实船应用,采用前置预旋导轮、高效螺旋桨及桨毂消涡鳍的综合水动力节能装置方案.经实船营运数据统计分析表明,针对该船设计开发的综合水动力节能方案的节能效果达到15%左右,具有良好的实船应用效果与示范效应.  相似文献   

During ship collisions part of the kinetic energy of the involved vessels immediately prior to contact is absorbed as energy dissipated by crushing of the hull structures, by friction and by elastic energy. The purpose of this report is to present an estimate of the elastic energy that can be stored in elastic hull vibrations during a ship collision.When a ship side is strengthened in order to improve the crashworthiness it has been argued in the scientific literature that a non-trivial part of the energy released for structural deformation during the collision can be absorbed as elastic energy in global ship hull vibrations, such that with strong ship sides less energy has to be spent in crushing of the striking ship bow and/or the struck ship side.In normal ship–ship collision analyses both the striking and struck ship are usually considered as rigid bodies where structural crushing is confined to the impact location and where local and global bending vibration modes are neglected. That is, the structural deformation problem is considered quasi-static. In this paper a simple uniform free–free beam model is presented for estimating the energy transported into the global bending vibrations of the struck ship hull during ship–ship collisions. The striking ship is still considered as a rigid body. The local interaction between the two ships is modeled by a linear load–deflection relation.The analysis results for a simplified model of a struck coaster and of a large tanker show that the elastic energy absorbed by the struck ship normally is small and varies from 1 to 6% of the energy released for crushing. The energy stored as elastic global hull girder vibrations depends on the ship mass, the local stiffness of the side structure, and of the position of contact. The results also show that in case of highly strengthened ship sides the maximum global bending strains during collisions can lead to hull failure.  相似文献   

杨智 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):487-497
氢能作为一种高效、清洁、可持续利用的二次能源被认为是构建未来以可再生能源为主的多元能源结构的重要载体,以其开发和利用技术为主逐渐形成全球化氢能产业规模,氢能产业技术发展离不开氢能技术标准的推动和支撑,纵观国内外氢能技术标准化的发展及现况,我国氢能技术与国外还存在很大的差距,在液氢制取与储运、船用氢能燃料电池动力系统、加氢站关键设备及部件等技术方面需要加大科研投入,预研相关技术标准,提前谋划布局,以标准引领我国氢能技术及产业快速、高质量发展。  相似文献   

The shipping industry shows potential for improvements in energy efficiency. Nonetheless, shipping companies appear reluctant to adopt these seemingly cost-efficient technical and operational measures aiming at reducing energy costs. Such phenomenon is not specific to the shipping industry and is commonly referred to as the energy efficiency gap. Decades of research in other sectors have contributed to the development of taxonomy of economic, organizational and psychological barriers that determine energy efficiency gaps through the use of a variety of research frameworks. This article aims to apply this research in the shipping context through interviews and review of existing literature and applications from other industries, with the objective of providing useful insight for shipping managers. The article discusses examples of barriers that are typical to shipping and that are related to information asymmetries and power structures within organizations. Managers of shipping firms are encouraged to look through their organizations in search of principal agent problems and power structures among the possible causes for energy efficiency gaps in their companies’ operations and possibly strive towards organizational change.  相似文献   

利用多重网格技术及VOF方法,在恒定流情况下,对侧墙长廊道单明沟、双明沟及三明沟消能工充水过程进行三维数值模拟。分析和比较各型式明沟的剩余比能、动能及流场分布,综合评判各型式明沟消能工的消能特性。研究结果表明,3种明沟型式比较,三明沟布置消能效果最优,单明沟和双明沟各项消能指标较接近,但双明沟消能条件下,其布置更为灵活,消能空间更大,水流分布亦较单明沟更为均匀,尤其是在减小闸室内横向水流对船舶的作用力方面较单明沟型式优越。  相似文献   

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