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This paper examines the impact of containerization on upstream urban ports in Europe, briefly discusses the changing socio-economic role of such ports,and considers whether the few remaining upstream urban ports currently still attracting large containerships can continue to do so in the long-term. Citing the trend towards larger containerships, the analysis concludes by offering the view that continued investment in container-handling infrastructure within traditional upstream urban ports may be a flawed policy. Such ports are becoming outmoded (for the largest containerships), superseded by more appropriate custom-built infrastructure at coastal locations.  相似文献   

集装箱码头堆场翻箱技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘振宝 《集装箱化》2010,21(2):21-23
针对集装箱码头堆场翻箱效率低下和成本较高的问题,对国内外翻箱技术的研究现状进行分析和总结,提出未来研究方向:与实际相结合;改进算法;实现操作系统的可视化。  相似文献   

冷藏箱堆场作业的特殊性在于装卸过程中需要有人员进入箱区进行电源插拔的辅助操作,而自动化集装箱堆场为无人化作业。因此如何合理地布置冷藏箱箱区是自动化码头堆场布置的关键。在分析自动化集装箱码头冷藏箱箱区常用的几种布置形式的基础上,结合工程特点和装卸工艺方案对自动化堆场内冷藏箱箱区的布置形式进行优化。  相似文献   

根据《国际海运危险货物规则》(IMDG Code)中的相关规定,对自动化集装箱码头危险品堆场布置中所涉及的重点方面进行探讨,包括危险品集装箱应分散布置的原则、如何应对可能产生液体泄漏的危险品集装箱和需要温控的危险品集装箱等。通过一个典型的设计案例,对相关设计原则进行全面的解释和说明。  相似文献   

中小型集装箱码头一般使用简单、灵活的装卸设备,国内常使用集装箱正面吊,极少使用国外常用的集装箱跨运车.分析2种装卸设备对于码头作业模式、平面经济指标、整体造价的影响,讨论跨运车对于中小型集装箱码头的适用性,列举设计过程中的主要问题,对类似项目设计具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

1 53英尺内陆保温箱在北美内陆地区的冷链运输装备中,占主导地位的是53英尺内陆保温箱(以下简称内陆保温箱)及53英尺冷藏车和加热车。内陆保温箱主要用于公铁联运,在铁路运输时可实现双层堆码运输模式,在堆场堆放时可实现3层堆码仓储模式;53英  相似文献   

集卡已成为集装箱港区内的主要碳排放源,尤其两艘大型集装箱船舶同时作业时,港区内集卡碳排放问题严重。针对该情况下集卡调度模式的特征,基于智能体仿真技术构建集装箱码头生产作业微观仿真模型,定量分析传统先卸后装、双船一装一卸、同贝同步装卸工艺下集卡调度方式与集卡配置数量对船舶在港时间、集卡碳排放量的影响。实例表明,采用同贝同步装卸作业方案可保证装卸效率,并有效减少集卡碳排放,而集卡配置数量只对集卡怠速行驶产生的碳排产生影响。  相似文献   


Marketing policies have gained more importance in container shipping as the industry experiences challenges arising from commoditization. Market segmentation is fundamental to marketing policies, yet it needs a detailed analysis in container shipping. Accordingly, this paper aims to explore homogenous customer groups in container shipping by conducting a segmentation analysis, which can help container lines apply more efficient marketing policies. A survey study is conducted on 356 shippers in Turkey. The study develops five reliable and valid selection criteria factors and applies cluster analysis based on the selection criteria factors. The cluster analysis produces a total of six benefit segments which are differentiable. The segments are significantly identified by the demographic characteristics of shippers. The paper suggests several implications for the marketing policies of container lines.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multimodal transportation problem, which is the problem of determining the transportation flow, i.e. volume of container cargoes, and the transportation mode in each trade route, for the objective of minimizing the sum of shipping and inland transportation costs. The problem takes account of two restrictions: maximum cargo volumes capacitated at each seaport and maximum number of vehicles available at each transportation mode. To solve optimally the problem, this paper employs a mixed integer programming, which is an operations research technique. A case study is performed on the container cargo data in Korea and we draw several implications to improve efficiency in the transportation of international trade cargoes in Korea.  相似文献   

高洪生  张文锋 《水运工程》2004,(11):122-124
介绍秦皇岛港西港区集装箱泊位改造工程沉箱接高冬期施工工艺。通过精心设计与施工,沉箱接高冬期施工取得了良好的效果,为沉箱冬期施工积累了经验。  相似文献   

针对集装箱码头传统冷藏箱钢结构电源插座支架易腐蚀、维护工作量大的特点,采用防腐性能优异的连续纤维增强树脂基复合材料代替传统钢结构制作冷藏箱支架。对复合材料冷藏箱电源插座支架的设计、计算、制造、安装进行研究,研究表明复合材料冷藏箱电源插座支架在整个生命周期维护需求小、综合成本低,对自动化集装箱堆场作业干扰小,适合自动化集装箱码头作业特点。  相似文献   

集装箱房屋市场方兴未艾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄科 《集装箱化》2009,20(2):28-31
随着社会的不断进步和发展,人口众多、生活节奏快和人员流动性大成为现代生活的标志,加上自然灾害的侵袭让许多人无家可归,传统钢筋混凝土房屋的弊端显露无遗,激发人们重新思考居住空间的改进。安全性高、模块化、环境友好以及智能化逐渐成为房屋建筑业发展的新思路。  相似文献   

This paper considers a multimodal transportation problem, which is the problem of determining the transportation flow, i.e. volume of container cargoes, and the transportation mode in each trade route, for the objective of minimizing the sum of shipping and inland transportation costs. The problem takes account of two restrictions: maximum cargo volumes capacitated at each seaport and maximum number of vehicles available at each transportation mode. To solve optimally the problem, this paper employs a mixed integer programming, which is an operations research technique. A case study is performed on the container cargo data in Korea and we draw several implications to improve efficiency in the transportation of international trade cargoes in Korea.  相似文献   

胡月祥 《中国海事》2013,(10):24-26
一、事故经过某轮为改装的全集装箱船舶,主要航线为远东到欧洲地中海航线。在中国国内港口满载集装箱出口,集装箱内装载件杂货和部分小型工程车等。开航前大副带领水手长对全船的集装箱系固绑扎从前到后都进行了通常检查。其绑扎状态符合适航要求,大副把检查情况记录于航海日志。尽管是改装船,船舶具有船级社认可的系固手册。绑扎属具依据集装箱系固手册要求配置了适用的花篮螺栓、  相似文献   

港口枢纽集疏运对城市交通影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的发展,我国港口的吞吐量增长迅猛。本文以腹地型的港口——上海港为背景,通过对集装箱运输的特点和流程进行分析,指出港口枢纽城市集装箱运输中存在的问题,并提出降低公路集疏运分担率是减少上海港道路集装箱集疏运对城市交通影响的战略目标之一。  相似文献   

集装箱船改装设计中若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨智 《中国修船》2003,(1):9-12
集装箱船属布置地位型的运输船舶 ,船上集装箱堆垛和装卸的快捷方便是集装箱船的改装设计是否成功的标志。文章论述了在集装箱船改装设计的工程实践中 ,解决诸如集装箱系固方法、系固受力计算以及箱角处船体结构加强等问题的思路和方法。  相似文献   

嘉兴内河集装箱运输虽然起步较晚,规模较小,但其低廉的运输成本、便捷的通关条件以及腹地经济的强有力支持使嘉兴具备了发展集装箱运输的优势。随着上海国际航运中心和洋山深水港的建设,嘉兴面临内河集装箱运输难得的历史发展机遇。  相似文献   

葛雅梦  江南 《中国海事》2010,(11):21-22
<正>随着北冰洋冰量减少,北极将会成为世界贸易的新可能性区域。北极贸易路线,可以减少在途时间、燃油消耗和废气排放,从而成为一条足以替代目前其他航线的有吸引力的贸易路线。目前,这条跨越北冰洋的航线在夏末季节可以通航。一个名为"ARCON"的项目已经研究出其可能性、挑战和与此有关的从今年直至2050年新航线的风险。  相似文献   

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