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The maneuvering models of motorcycles in previous studies often considered motorcycles' traveling in terms of movements in a physical static lane and not in terms of dynamic virtual lane‐based movements. For that reason, these models are not able to imitate motorcyclists' behavior well. This paper proposes a maneuverability model framework for motorcycles in queues at signalized intersections with considering the dynamic motorcycle's lane. The model includes (i) a dynamic motorcycle's lane to identify the current, left, and right lanes of the subject motorcycle, (ii) a threshold distance to determine when a motorcyclist starts to consider maneuvering, (iii) a lane selection model to identify the lane preferred by a motorcyclist, and (iv) a gap acceptance model to describe whether or not the lead and lag gaps are acceptable for maneuvering. The model framework captures the variation across the motorcyclist population and over time observations. The models were applied to Hanoi and Hochiminh city, Vietnam, based on microscopic data collected from video images. All of the parameters were estimated using the maximum likelihood method with the statistical estimation software GAUSS. The results show that 77.88% of the observed maneuvers – either staying in the current lane or turning left or right – could be modeled correctly by the proposed models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic delay model for signalized intersections with right‐turn channelization lanes considering the possibility of blockage. Right‐turn channelization is used to improve the capacity and to reduce delay at busy intersections with a lot of right‐turns. However, under heavy traffic conditions the through vehicles will likely block the channelization entrance that accrues delay to right‐turn vehicles. If the right‐turn channelization gets blocked frequently, its advantage in reducing the intersection delay is neglected and as a result the channelization lane becomes inefficient and redundant. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) neglects the blockage effect, which may be a reason for low efficiency during peak hours. More importantly, using HCM or other standard traffic control methods without considering the blockage effects would lead to underestimation of the delay. To overcome this issue, the authors proposed delay models by taking into account both deterministic and random aspects of vehicles arrival patterns at signalized intersections. The proposed delay model was validated through VISSIM, a microscopic simulation model. The results showed that the proposed model is very precise and accurately estimates the delay. In addition, it was found that the length of short‐lane section and proportion of right‐turn and through traffic significantly influence the approach delay. For operational purposes, the authors provided a step‐by‐step delay calculation process and presented approach delay estimates for different sets of traffic volumes, signal settings, and short‐lane section lengths. The delay estimates would be useful in evaluating adequacy of the current lengths, identifying the options of extending the short‐lane section length, or changing signal timing to reduce the likelihood of blockage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was to evaluate traffic safety of four‐legged signalized intersections and to develop a spreadsheet tool for identifying high‐risk intersections taking into consideration vehicle movements, left‐turn signal phase types, and times of day. The study used data from Virginia and employed count data models and the empirical Bayes (EB) method for safety evaluation of such intersections. It was found that crash pattern defined by vehicle movements involved in a crash and time of day are important factors for intersection crash analysis. Especially for a safety performance function (SPF), a model specification (Poisson or NB), inclusion of left‐turn signal types, type of traffic flow variables, variable functional forms, and/or magnitudes of coefficients turned out to be different across times of day and crash patterns. The spreadsheet application tool was developed incorporating the developed SPFs and the EB method. As long as Synchro files for signal plans and crash database are maintained, no additional field data collection efforts are required. Adjusting the developed SPFs and the spreadsheet for recent traffic and safety conditions can be done by applying the calibration methods employed in the SafetyAnalyst software and the Highway Safety Manual. Implementing the developed tool equipped with streamlining data entry would greatly improve accuracy and efficiency of safety evaluation of four‐legged signalized intersections in localities and highway agencies that cannot operate the SafetyAnalyst. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unconventional intersection designs have been used to increase the capacity of intersections that are over‐saturated under conventional ones. However, existing unconventional designs typically require extra land space and their effectiveness often depends on drivers' familiarity with the uncommon operating rules. To overcome these challenges, we propose a new unconventional design, where movements that are mutually incompatible under the conventional design can be made compatible of each other by allocating exit lanes to them appropriately, thereby creating opportunities for capacity improvement. We develop a lane‐based capacity optimization model that incorporates the allocation of exit lanes as decision variables. The model is formulated as a Binary Mixed Integer Linear Programming problem, which can be efficiently solved by standard branch‐and‐bound algorithms. Numerical experiments show that significant capacity improvement can be obtained under our design. Besides proposing a new unconventional design, we also contribute to the literature of lane‐based signal optimization methods by providing a novel linear formulation for the latest, yet nonlinear, model described in Wong and Heydecker [Transportation Research Part B 45(4):667–681]. This improvement is methodologically beneficial as linear models are computationally more convenient than nonlinear ones. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops inhomogeneous cellular automata models to elucidate the interacting movements of cars and motorcycles in mixed traffic contexts. The car and motorcycle are represented by non‐identical particle sizes that respectively occupy 6×2 and 2×1 cell units, each of which is 1.25×1.25 meters. Based on the field survey, we establish deterministic cellular automata (CA) rules to govern the particle movements in a two‐dimensional space. The instantaneous positions and speeds for all particles are updated in parallel per second accordingly. The deterministic CA models have been validated by another set of field observed data. To account for the deviations of particles' maximum speeds, we further modify the models with stochastic CA rules. The relationships between flow, cell occupancy (a proxy of density) and speed under different traffic mixtures and road (lane) widths are then elaborated.  相似文献   

The safety of signalized intersections has often been evaluated at an aggregate level relating collisions to annual traffic volume and the geometric characteristics of the intersection. However, for many safety issues, it is essential to understand how changes in traffic parameters and signal control affect safety at the signal cycle level. This paper develops conflict-based safety performance functions (SPFs) for signalized intersections at the signal cycle level. Traffic video-data was recorded for six signalized intersections located in two cities in Canada. A video analysis procedure is proposed to collect rear-end conflicts and various traffic variables at each signal cycle from the recorded videos. The traffic variables include: traffic volume, maximum queue length, shock wave characteristics (e.g. shock wave speed and shock wave area), and the platoon ratio. The SPFs are developed using the generalized linear models (GLM) approach. The results show that all models have good fit and almost all the explanatory variables are statistically significant leading to better prediction of conflict occurrence beyond what can be expected from the traffic volume only. Furthermore, space-time conflict heat maps are developed to investigate the distribution of the traffic conflicts. The heat maps illustrate graphically the association between rear-end conflicts and various traffic parameters. The developed models can give insight about how changes in the signal cycle design affect the safety of signalized intersections. The overall goal is to use the developed models for the real-time optimization of signalized intersection safety by changing the signal design.  相似文献   

Turning vehicle volumes at signalized intersections are critical inputs for various transportation studies such as level of service, signal timing, and traffic safety analysis. There are various types of detectors installed at signalized intersections for control and operation. These detectors have the potential of producing volume estimates. However, it is quite a challenge to use such detectors for conducting turning movement counts in shared lanes. The purpose of this paper was to provide three methods to estimate turning movement proportions in shared lanes. These methods are characterized as flow characteristics (FC), volume and queue (VQ) length, and network equilibrium (NE). FC and VQ methods are based on the geometry of an intersection and behavior of drivers. The NE method does not depend on these factors and is purely based on detector counts from the study intersection and the downstream intersection. These methods were tested using regression and genetic programming (GP). It was found that the hourly average error ranged between 4 and 27% using linear regression and 1 to 15% using GP. A general conclusion was that the proposed methods have the potential of being applied to locations where appropriate detectors are installed for obtaining the required data. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an enhanced cell transmission model (CTM) to capture traffic operation at signalized intersections without explicit permissive left‐turn yielding rules (i.e. aggressive permissive left‐turn maneuvers may not necessarily yield to opposing through traffic), which can be widely observed in many developing countries. Different from previous studies that focus on traffic dynamics on approaching links, this study contributes to modeling traffic operations within the intersection. A novel cell transmission framework with various types of virtual cells is proposed to model the dynamics of traffic movements from approach to exit. The unique phenomenon of competitive occupying of the conflict point between the left turn and opposing through movements is modeled. The cell state indicating its blockage is proposed to capture the dynamic queue formulation and dissipation and to evaluate the operational traffic performance at the intersection. Field validation results show that the proposed model can capture the operation of traffic at signalized intersections without explicit permissive left‐turn yielding rules with significantly higher level of accuracy than traditional traffic flow models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在庞杂的城市交通环境下,驾驶员为了寻求更快的速度,常常采用主动的换道行为。由于汽车使用量逐年增长,换道引起的交通事故经常发生。研究车辆变道行为,寻求有效措施减少交通事故的发生,对提高道路安全性具有积极的意义。本文以多车道系统中车辆变道行为为研究对象,以元胞自动机理论为基础,对比分析单向单车道、单向双车道换道行为,并运用MATLAB仿真软件进行分析,获得变道交通流的相关特性曲线。  相似文献   

The average delay experienced by vehicles at a signalized intersection defines the level of service (LOS) at which the intersection operates. A major challenge in this regard is the ability to accurately estimate all the components underlying the overall control delay, including the uniform, incremental and initial queue delays. This paper tackles this challenging task by proposing a novel exact model of the uniform control delay component with a view to enhancing the accuracy of the existing approximate models, notably, the one reported in the Highway Capacity Manual 2010. Both graphical and analytical proofs are employed to derive exact closed‐form expressions for the uniform control delay at undersaturated signalized intersections. The high degree of accuracy of the proposed models is analysed through extensive simulations to demonstrate their abilities to exactly characterize the performance of real‐life intersections in terms of the resulting vehicle delay. Unlike the existing widely adopted uniform delay models, which tend to overestimate the LOS of real‐life intersections, the delay models introduced in this paper have the merit of exactly capturing such a LOS. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study intended to (1) investigate the injury risk of pedestrian casualties involved in traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong; (2) determine the effect of pedestrian volumes on the severity levels of pedestrian injuries; and (3) explore the role of spatial correlation in econometric crash‐severity models. The data from 1889 pedestrian‐related crashes at 318 signalized intersections between 2008 and 2012 were elaborately collected from the Traffic Accident Database System maintained by the Hong Kong Transport Department. To account for the cross‐intersection heterogeneity, a Bayesian hierarchical logit model with uncorrelated and spatially correlated random effects was developed. An intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior was specified for the spatial correlation term. Results revealed that (1) signalized intersections with greater pedestrian volumes generally exhibited a lower injury risk; (2) ignoring the spatial correlation potentially results in reduced model goodness‐of‐fit, an underestimation of variability and standard error of parameter estimates, as well as inconsistent, biased, and erroneous inference; (3) special attention should be paid to the following factors, which led to a significantly higher probability of pedestrians being killed or sustaining severe injury: pedestrian age greater than 65 years, casualties with head injuries, crashes that occurred on footpaths that were not obstructed/overcrowded, heedless or inattentive crossing, crashes on the two‐way carriageway, and those that occurred near tram or light‐rail transit stops. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At frontage road intersections located downstream of freeway off-ramps, the use of dual right-turn lanes may provide improved weaving environments for right-turning vehicles from the off-ramp and reduce forced merges toward the desired right-turn bay. This paper investigates the safety impacts of the installation of dual right-turn lanes at frontage road intersections. A two-stage approach is used to estimate weaving conflicts as safety surrogates. In the first stage, micro-simulation models are calibrated based on field data to simulate vehicle trajectories. In the second stage, the trajectories are processed to estimate surrogate safety measures and frequency of weaving conflicts under different conditions. The two-stage approach is validated by correlation analysis between predicted weaving conflicts and actual crash rates. The results show that dual right-turn lanes can reduce weaving conflicts significantly compared to single exclusive right-turn lanes, and the safety benefits increase exponentially as weaving distance is reduced.  相似文献   

Auxiliary lanes connecting freeway entrance and exit ramps provide additional space for entering and exiting vehicles to change lanes. The method of dropping auxiliary lanes is critical in the design of freeway auxiliary lanes. This study investigates the performance of different methods of dropping auxiliary lanes. Case studies were conducted at two selected freeway segments with successive entrance or exit ramps in the City of Houston. Traffic simulation analysis results of these two case studies show that additional operational benefits can be achieved by extending an auxiliary lane beyond the freeway weaving segment. The study also found that if the weaving segment is followed by an entrance/exit ramp and this ramp has high traffic volume, it can be less operationally favorable to extend and terminate the auxiliary lane at this entrance/exit ramp location. Instead, dropping the auxiliary lane before this entrance/exit ramp represents a more operationally effective option.  相似文献   

An improved cellular automata model for heterogeneous work zone traffic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to develop an improved cellular automata (ICA) model for simulating heterogeneous traffic in work zone. The proposed ICA model includes the forwarding rules to update longitudinal speeds and positions of work zone vehicles. The randomization probability parameter used by the ICA is formulated as a function of the activity length, the transition length and the volumes of different types of vehicles traveling across work zone. Compared to the existing cellular automata models, the ICA model possesses a novel and realistic lateral speed and position updating rule so that the simulation of vehicle’s lateral movement in work zone is close to the reality. The ICA model is calibrated and validated microscopically and macroscopically by using the real work zone data. Comparisons of field data and ICA for trajectories, speed and speed–flow relationship in work zone show very close agreement. Finally, the proposed ICA model is applied to estimate traffic delay occurred in work zone.  相似文献   

At non‐signalized mid‐block street crossings in China's cities, pedestrians often weave between motor vehicle flows. This paper investigated the influence patterns of the gender and age of pedestrians, the presence of a pedestrian group, vehicles' interference and the crossing direction on the crossing time at non‐signalized mid‐block street crossings in Changsha, China. The results show that the crossing speed is approximately 1–1.1 m/s; the crossing time increases with increasing age, and the crossing speed of a pedestrian will be quicker when the time gap between the pedestrian and the oncoming vehicle is smaller if he/she decides to cross. This paper also analyzed the crossing time pattern when pedestrians cross lane by lane and found that pedestrians spend the most time crossing the first lane and the least time crossing the middle lane, regardless of whether they are crossing from the curb to the central island or from the central island to the curb. The crossing speed is an important input to the design of pedestrian facilities, so these findings can be applied to the assessment of pedestrian crossing safety in China's cities and can provide a basis for the design of pedestrian crossing facilities. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the combination effects of queue jump lanes (QJLs) on signalised arterials to establish if a multiplier effect exists, that is, the benefit from providing QJLs at multiple intersections is higher than the sum of benefits from providing them individually at each of those intersections. To explore the combination effects on bus delay and total person delay, a delay estimation model is developed using kinematic wave theory, kinematic equations and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, to investigate the combination effects in offset settings optimised for bus delay or total person delay, offset optimisation models are proposed. Validation results using traffic micro‐simulation indicate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed models. Results of a modelling test bed suggest that providing QJLs at multiple intersections can create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings with signal offsets that provide bus progression. Furthermore, optimising offsets to minimise bus delay tends to create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings, particularly when variations in dwell times are not high. The reason for the multiplier effect may be that providing QJLs reduces variations in bus travel times, which makes signal coordination for buses perform more effectively. From a policy perspective, the existence of a multiplier effect suggests that a corridor‐wide scale implementation of QJLs has considerable merit. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the impacts of an unconventional left-turn treatment called contraflow left-turn lane (CLL) on the operational performance of left-turn movement at signalized intersections. An analytical model was developed for estimating the capacity of left-turn movement at signalized intersections with the CLL design. The capacity model was calibrated and validated using field data collected at six approaches at five signalized intersections in the city of Handan, China. The results of field data analyses showed that the use of CLL design improved the capacity of left-turn movements. However, the capacity gains with the CLL design were quite stochastic considering the randomness in the arrivals of left-turning vehicles. Analytical delay models were proposed for estimating the delay to left-turning vehicles at intersections with the CLL design. A procedure was also proposed for optimizing the location of the upstream median opening and the green interval of the pre-signal. Simulation analyses were conducted to compare the delay experienced by the left-turning and through vehicles at signalized intersections with the conventional left-turn lane, the CLL and another unconventional left-turn treatment entitled “tandem design”. The results showed that both CLL and tandem designs outperformed conventional left-turn lane design; and the CLL design generated less delay to both the left-turning and through vehicles as compared with the tandem design.  相似文献   

A variety of sensor technologies, such as loop detectors, traffic cameras, and radar have been developed for real-time traffic monitoring at intersections most of which are limited to providing link traffic information with few being capable of detecting turning movements. Accurate real-time information on turning movement counts at signalized intersections is a critical requirement for applications such as adaptive traffic signal control. Several attempts have been made in the past to develop algorithms for inferring turning movements at intersections from entry and exit counts; however, the estimation quality of these algorithms varies considerably. This paper introduces a method to improve accuracy and robustness of turning movement estimation at signalized intersections. The new algorithm makes use of signal phase status to minimize the underlying estimation ambiguity. A case study was conducted based on turning movement data obtained from a four-leg signalized intersection to evaluate the performance of the proposed method and compare it with two other existing well-known estimation methods. The results show that the algorithm is accurate, robust and fairly straightforward for real world implementation.  相似文献   


This paper develops a model for estimating unsignalized intersection delays which can be applied to traffic assignment (TA) models. Current unsignalized intersection delay models have been developed mostly for operational purposes, and demand detailed geometric data and complicated procedures to estimate delay. These difficulties result in unsignalized intersection delays being ignored or assumed as a constant in TA models.

Video and vehicle license plate number recognition methods are used to collect traffic volume data and to measure delays during peak and off-peak traffic periods at four unsignalized intersections in the city of Tehran, Iran. Data on geometric design elements are measured through field surveys. An empirical approach is used to develop a delay model as a function of influencing factors based on 5- and 15-min time intervals. The proposed model estimates delays on each approach based on total traffic volumes, rights-of-way of the subject approach and the intersection friction factor. The effect of conflicting traffic flows is considered implicitly by using the intersection friction factor. As a result, the developed delay model guarantees the convergence of TA solution methods.

A comparison between delay models performed using different time intervals shows that the coefficients of determination, R 2, increases from 43.2% to 63.1% as the time interval increases from 5- to 15-min. The US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) delay model (which is widely used in Iran) is validated using the field data and it is found that it overestimates delay, especially in the high delay ranges.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relationship between environmental factors and mobility is critical for developing a sustainable traffic signal control system. In this study, the authors investigate the correlation of the environmental impacts of transport and mobility measurements at signalized intersections. A metamodeling-based method involving experimental design, simulations, and regression analysis was developed. The simulations, involving microscopic traffic modeling and emission estimation with an emerging emission estimator, provide the flexibility of generating cases with various intersection types, vehicle types, and other parameters such as driver behavior, fuel types, and meteorological factors. A multivariate multiple linear regression (MMLR) analysis was applied to determine the relationship between environmental and mobility measurements. Given the limitations of using the built-in emissions modules within current traffic simulation and signal optimization tools, the metamodeling-based approach presented in this paper makes a methodological contribution. The findings of this study set up the base for extensive application of simulation optimization to sustainable traffic operations and management. Moreover, the comparison of outputs from an advanced estimator with those from the current tool recommend improving the emissions module for more accurate analysis (e.g., benefit-cost analysis) in practical signal retiming projects.  相似文献   

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