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Frequency setting takes place at the strategic and tactical planning stages of public transportation systems. The problem consists in determining the time interval between subsequent vehicles for a given set of lines, taking into account interests of users and operators. The result of this stage is considered as input at the operational level. In general, the problem faced by planners is how to distribute a given fleet of buses among a set of given lines. The corresponding decisions determine the frequency of each line, which impacts directly on the waiting time of the users and operator costs. In this work, we consider frequency setting as the problem of minimizing simultaneously users' total travel time and fleet size, which represents the interest of operators. There is a trade‐off between these two measures; therefore, we face a multi‐objective problem. We extend an existing single‐objective formulation to account explicitly for this trade‐off, and propose a Tabu Search solving method to handle efficiently this multi‐objective variant of the problem. The proposed methodology is then applied to a real medium‐sized problem instance, using data of Puerto Montt, Chile. We consider two data sets corresponding to morning‐peak and off‐peak periods. The results obtained show that the proposed methodology is able to improve the current solution in terms of total travel time and fleet size. In addition, the proposed method is able to efficiently suggest (in computational terms) different trade‐off solutions regarding the conflicting objectives of users and operators. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposes an integrated multi‐objective model to determine the optimal rescue path and traffic controlled arcs for disaster relief operations under uncertainty environments. The model consists of three sub‐models: rescue shortest path model, post‐disaster traffic assignment model, and traffic controlled arcs selection model to minimize four objectives: travel time of rescue path, total detour travel time, number of unconnected trips of non‐victims, and number of police officers required. Since these sub‐models are inter‐related with each other, they are solved simultaneously. This study employs genetic algorithms incorporated with traffic assignment and K‐shortest path methods to determine optimal rescue path and controlled arcs. To cope with uncertain information associated with the damaged network, fuzzy system reliability theory (weakest t‐norm method) is used to measure the access reliability of rescue path. To investigate the validity and applicability of the proposed model, studies on an exemplified case and a field case of Chi‐Chi earthquake in Taiwan are conducted. The performances of three rescue strategies: without traffic control, selective traffic control (i.e. the proposed model) and absolute traffic control are compared. The results show that the proposed model can maintain the efficiency of rescue activity with minimal impact to ordinary trips and number of police officers required.  相似文献   

We consider a hub and spoke location problem (HSLP) with multiple scenarios. The HSLP consists of four subproblems: hub location, spoke location, spoke allocation, and customer allocation Under multiple scenarios, we aim to provide a set of well‐distributed solutions, close to the true Pareto optimal solutions, for decision makers. We present a novel multi‐objective symbiotic evolutionary algorithm to solve the HSLP under multiple scenarios. The algorithm is modeled as a two‐leveled structure, which we call the two‐leveled multi‐objective symbiotic evolutionary algorithm (TMSEA). In TMSEA, two main processes imitating symbiotic evolution and endosymbiotic evolution are introduced to promote the diversity and convergence of solutions. The evolutionary components suitable for each sub‐problem are defined. TMSEA is tested on a variety of test‐bed problems and compared with existing multi‐objective evolutionary algorithms. The experimental results show that TMSEA is promising in solution convergence and diversity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi‐objective optimization model and its solution algorithm for optimization of pedestrian phase patterns, including the exclusive pedestrian phase (EPP) and the conventional two‐way crossing (TWC) at an intersection. The proposed model will determine the optimal pedestrian phase pattern and the corresponding signal timings at an intersection to best accommodate both vehicular traffic and pedestrian movements. The proposed model is unique with respect to the following three critical features: (1) proposing an unbiased performance index for comparison of EPP and TWC by explicitly modeling the pedestrian delay under the control of TWC and EPP; (2) developing a multi‐objective model to maximize the utilization of the available green time by vehicular traffic and pedestrian under both EPP or TWC; and (3) designing a genetic algorithm based heuristic algorithm to solve the model. Case study and sensitivity analysis results have shown the promising property of the proposed model to assist traffic practitioners, researchers, and authorities in properly selecting pedestrian phase patterns at signalized intersections. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solving the multi‐objective network design problem (MONDP) resorts to a Pareto optimal set. This set can provide additional information like trade‐offs between objectives for the decision making process, which is not available if the compensation principle would be chosen in advance. However, the Pareto optimal set of solutions can become large, especially if the objectives are mainly opposed. As a consequence, the Pareto optimal set may become difficult to analyze and to comprehend. In this case, pruning and ranking becomes attractive to reduce the Pareto optimal set and to rank the solutions to assist the decision maker. Because the method used, may influence the eventual decisions taken, it is important to choose a method that corresponds best with the underlying decision process and is in accordance with the qualities of the data used. We provided a review of some methods to prune and rank the Pareto optimal set to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The methods are applied using the outcome of solving the dynamic MONDP in which minimizing externalities of traffic are the objectives, and dynamic traffic management measures are the decision variables. For this, we solved the dynamic MONDP for a realistic network of the city Almelo in the Netherlands using the non‐dominated sorting genetic algorithm II. For ranking, we propose to use a fuzzy outranking method that can take uncertainties regarding the data quality and the perception of decision makers into account; and for pruning, a method that explicitly reckons with significant trade‐offs has been identified as the more suitable method to assist the decision making process. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider a city region with several facilities that are competing for customers of different classes. Within the city region, the road network is dense, and can be represented as a continuum. Customers are continuously distributed over space, and they choose a facility by considering both the transportation cost and market externalities. More importantly, the model takes into account the different transportation cost functions and market externalities to which different customer classes are subjected. A logit‐type distribution of demand is specified to model the decision‐making process of users' facility choice. We develop a sequential optimization approach to decompose the complex multi‐class and multi‐facility problem into a series of smaller single‐class and single‐facility sub‐problems. An efficient solution algorithm is then proposed to solve the resultant problem. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This study applied the genetic programming (GP) model to identify traffic conditions prone to injury and property‐damage‐only (PDO) crashes in different traffic states on freeways. It was found that the traffic conditions prone to injury and PDO crashes can be classified into a high‐speed and a low‐speed traffic state. The random forest (RF) analyses were conducted to identify the contributing factors to injury and PDO crashes in these two traffic states. Four separate GP models were then developed to link the risks of injury and PDO crashes in two traffic states to the variables selected by the RF. An overall GP model was also developed for the combined dataset. It was found that the separate GP models that considered different traffic states and crash severity provided better predictive performance than the overall model, and the traffic flow variables that affected injury and PDO crashes were quite different across different traffic states. The proposed GP models were also compared with the traditional logistic regression models. The results suggested that the GP models outperformed the logistic regression models in terms of the prediction accuracy. More specifically, the GP models increased the prediction accuracy of injury crashes by 10.7% and 8.0% in the low‐speed and high‐speed traffic states. For PDO crashes, the GP models increased the prediction accuracy by 7.4% and 6.0% in the low‐speed and high‐speed traffic states. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the scheduling of supply chains with interrelated factories consisting of a single vendor and multiple customers. In this research, one transporter is available to deliver jobs from vendor to customers, and the jobs can be processed by batch. The problem studied in this paper focuses on a real-case scheduling problem of a multi-location hospital supplied with a central pharmacy. The objective of this work is to minimize the total cost, while satisfying the customer’s due dates constraints. A mathematical formulation of the problem is given as a Mixed Integer Programming model. Then, a Branch-and-Bound algorithm is proposed as an exact method for solving this problem, a greedy local search is developed as a heuristic approach, and a hybrid Genetic Algorithm is presented as a meta-heuristic. Computation experiments are conducted to highlight the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology to determine fleet size and structure for those airlines operating on hub‐and‐spoke networks. The methodology highlights the impact of stochastic traffic network flow effects on fleet planning process and is employed to construct an enhanced revenue model by incorporating the expected revenue optimization model into fleet planning process. The objective of the model is to find a feasible allocation of aircraft fleet types to route legs using minimum fleet purchasing cost, thus ensuring that the expected fleet profit is maximized subject to several critical resource constraints. By using a linear approximation to the total network revenue function, the fleet planning model with enhanced revenue modeling is decomposed into the nonlinear aspects of expected revenue optimization and the linear aspects of determining fleet size and structure by optimal allocation of aircraft fleet types to route legs. To illustrate this methodology and its economic benefits, an example consisting of 6 chosen aircraft fleet types, 12 route legs, and 57 path‐specific origin‐destination markets is presented and compared with the results found using revenue prorated fleet planning formulation. The results show that the fleet size and structure of the methodology proposed in this paper gain 211.4% improvement in fleet profit over the use of the revenue prorated fleet planning approach. In addition, comparison with the deterministic model reveals that the fleet size and structure of this proposed methodology are more adaptable to the fluctuations of passenger demands. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rear‐end collision control model is proposed using the fuzzy logic control scheme. Through detailed analysis of car‐following cases, our fuzzy control system is established with reasonable control rules. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm is introduced into the fuzzy rules refining process to reduce the computational complexity while maintaining accuracy. Numerical results indicate that our genetic algorithm‐optimized fuzzy logic controller outperforms the traditional fuzzy logic controller in terms of better safety guarantee and higher traffic efficiency. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performance of two‐lane intercity highways has been evaluated in terms of level of service (LOS) by different researchers. Different follower‐related performance measures, namely, the number of followers (NF), percent followers (PF), follower density (FD) and the number of followers as a proportion of capacity (NFPC) are examined in the present study to define LOS. Data are collected from five sites located in different parts of India. While almost all the past studies used 3‐s headway rule to identify followers suggested by US Highway Capacity Manual, a new methodology is proposed in the current study to identify the followers by analysing speed difference (SD) and the gap between two consecutive vehicles. It is observed that vehicles travel in non‐following condition after a critical gap threshold value of 10 s. By using a SD limit of ?4 km/h to +10 km/h and a gap value of 10 s, followers are identified across all the study sites. Thereafter, different critical gap values ranging from 1.9 s to 4.3 s are observed at the study sites beyond which the probability of not following would increase. Variation in two‐way traffic volume is found to be the main contributory factor which affects the critical gap values. Among all of the performance measures, NFPC shows a strong correlation with two‐way traffic volume followed by FD under heterogeneous traffic condition. Finally, different threshold values of LOS ranges for two‐lane intercity highways are provided by carrying out cluster analysis with the help of NFPC and FD. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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