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Background: In a marine cargo insurance case, many glass lens was loaded in one container and transported from USA to Shanghai At the time of discharging, all pallets were found in normal condition. When the end-user received the cargo, one pallet was found fresh-waterdamaged. The glass lens were very carefully packaged and the warehouse was found dry and clean at the time of survey. It was assumed in the preliminary survey report that the water might have entered into the container through  相似文献   

<正>19–24 October 2014 Singapore CONFERENCE THEMES The overall aim of the ICHD Conference is to provide a forum for participants from around the world to review,discuss and present the latest developments in the broad discipline of hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics.The first International Conference on Hydrodynamics(ICHD)was initiated in 1994 in Wuxi,China.Since then,9more ICHD conferences were held subsequently in Hong Kong,Seoul,Yokohama,Tainan,Perth,Ischia,Nantes,Shanghai and St Petersburg.Evidently the ICHD conference has become an important event among academics,  相似文献   

The 9th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics(IWSH’2015)will be held in Glasgow,UK on 26-28 August 2015.Aim:The IWSH conference was first held in Wuhan,China in 1999.Then it was held in Wuhan,Shanghai,Zhenjiang,Harbin,Shanghai and Seoul in subsequent every two years.These Conferences have drawn a variety of international delegates with a common interest in ship and  相似文献   

China International Marine Containers (Group), one of the pioneer container manufacturers and Sino-foreign joint ventures in China, was founded by China Merchants Holdings and the East Asiatic Company Ltd. in January 1980 and put into operation on 22nd September 1982. CIMC became a tri-party joint venture after COSCO joined in. CIMC went to the public in 1993 and has been listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange market since April 1994. The operation of CIMC started to run as a group structure in 1995.  相似文献   

On 23rd May 2006, a grand signing cer- emony of Greek government authorization to CCS for performing statutory survey was held in Athens. Mr. Wu Bangguo Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress attended the ceremony and highly …  相似文献   

The 2007 shipbuilding industry work meeting was sponsored by COSTIND for the first time. With the clarion call for strategic transformation, the meeting is aimed to drive China toward a strong shipbuilding country with full efforts. This clarion call not only inspires people from the shipbuilding industry, but also makes related sectors ready for full support. Recently, our reporter interviewed relevant persons from China Classification Society (CCS), the Import and Export Bank of China, Harbin Engineering University, and deeply felt the surging passion from relevant industries in pushing forward the strategic transformation of Chinese shipbuilding industry.  相似文献   

正19–24 October 2014 SingaporeCONFERENCE THEMES The overall aim of the ICHD Conference is to provide a forum for participants from around the world to review,discuss and present the latest developments in the broad discipline of hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics.The first International Conference on Hydrodynamics(ICHD)was initiated in 1994 in Wuxi,China.Since then,9 more ICHD conferences were held subsequently in Hong Kong,Seoul,Yokohama,Tainan,Perth,Ischia,Nantes,Shanghai and St Petersburg.Evidently the ICHD conference has become an important event among academics,researchers,engineers and operators,working in the fields closely related to the science and technology of hydrodynamics.The 11th ICHD will be held in Singapore in 2014.  相似文献   

<正>The 9th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics(IWSH'2015)will be held in Glasgow,UK on 26-28 August 2015.Aim:The IWSH conference was first held in Wuhan,China in 1999.Then it was held in Wuhan,Shanghai,Zhenjiang,Harbin,Shanghai and Seoul in subsequent every two years.These Conferences have drawn a variety of international delegates with a common interest in ship and  相似文献   

COSCON was awarded China's first energy management "green certificate"
After eight months of preparation and commissioning and comprehensive evaluation and certification of the two professional organizations hosted by united energy management system, COSCON passed smoothly and won China's first energy management "green certificate". On August 27, the world-renowned DNV GL classification and Chinese classification society awarded “GB/T23331-2012/ ISO 50001:2012 energy management system certification” to COSCON at the same time in Shanghai, marking the Chinese largest container liner company has marched to a new level of low carbon emission reduction in shipping industry and become a global leader in green shipping. P16  相似文献   

浮式海上风力机运动性能和锚泊系统(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of offshore wind farms was originally carried out in shallow water areas with fixed(seabed mounted) structures.However,countries with limited shallow water areas require innovative floating platforms to deploy wind turbines offshore in order to harness wind energy to generate electricity in deep seas.The performances of motion and mooring system dynamics are vital to designing a cost effective and durable floating platform.This paper describes a numerical model to simulate dynamic behavior of a new semi-submersible type floating offshore wind turbine(FOWT) system.The wind turbine was modeled as a wind block with a certain thrust coefficient,and the hydrodynamics and mooring system dynamics of the platform were calculated by SESAM software.The effect of change in environmental conditions on the dynamic response of the system under wave and wind loading was examined.The results indicate that the semi-submersible concept has excellent performance and SESAM could be an effective tool for floating wind turbine design and analysis.  相似文献   

以市场为中心、以顾客为关注焦点的经营理念已经被企业、社会所广泛接受,文章就如何在经营过程中贯彻这个理念,谈了一些做法和看法,认为应该与顾客建立“诚信”为本的经营战略伙伴关系、提高顾客满意度、提供人性化的售后服务、以顾客满意度测评结果为依据,持续改进、提高产品质量和售后服务质量。  相似文献   

市场维稳却暗含危机 2009年被认为是世界经济最为艰难的一年,企业裁员之声不绝于耳,大学生就业竞争也尤为惨烈.然而,就在众多毕业生饱经严冬煎熬之时,海上专业却一枝独秀.  相似文献   

位于中国东南沿海的泉州,历史上曾经以"刺桐"之名为世界所熟知。刺桐港是12-14世纪(宋元时期)中国最大的贸易港,在海上丝绸之路历史上和东西方交流史上占有极为重要的地位和非常深远的影响。本文通过论述刺桐港的发展史,来说明没有历史上的"世界的刺桐港",就没有现在的"世界的泉州学";通过举例论述两百多年来世界各国、各界人士对泉州和"泉州学"的关注、兴趣和研究,验证"泉州学"具有的世界性特征。  相似文献   

目前,船舶设计部门、船舶修造厂.验船部门及港航监督部门,在船舶设计、修造.检验及安全检查中,主要是以1999年《船舶与海上设施法定检验规则》(以下简称《规则》)、2001年《钢质海船八级与建造规范》和2002年《钢质内河船舶八级与建造规范》(以下简称《规范》)为依据。《规则》中明确指出:“本法规是执行法定检验的依据”  相似文献   

当今海员穿一身得体的海员服,戴一顶大沿帽,有与众不同的风度,有传奇的经历,有普通人望洋兴叹的美元,确实令人羡慕,难怪一些大胆的姑娘非海员不嫁.但是他们也有远离陆地,远离亲人,远离当今各种信息常人难以理解的.我做过专门调查,问他们当海员经受的最大考验是什么,十之八九回答是:寂寞.  相似文献   

<正>人物简介魏家福:1950年出生,江苏镇江人。现任中国远洋运输总公司总裁。在他看来,这次对比雷埃夫斯港的投资相当于买到了一条下午的鱼,而且是"鲜鱼"。"反正都是活鱼,我干嘛现在去抢呢?等到傍晚去捡,就不是原来的高价了!"其实魏家福早已不是真正意义上的船长了。12年前,魏家福成为中远集团这艘大船的"船长"之时,他的"船长"之职也就发生了质的改  相似文献   

吕航 《中国船检》2000,(6):20-23
2000年9月12日新华社武汉专电,备受媒体关注的中山舰修复工程主体部分,在历时10个月后终于基本结束.但由于舰体水密试验出现未曾意料到的困难,一代名舰于今年底重新"启航"的原定计划在人们的翘首期盼中搁浅.由此有关中山舰修复工作的报道在沉寂了近三年之后再度浮出水面.  相似文献   

这是台风正面袭击的福建沙埕港海事人员亲身经历“桑美”的切身感受,这是奋战在防抗“桑美”台风一线海事人员的真实写照,让我们来感受他们——防抗台的英雄。  相似文献   

小型船舶因稳性、进水角和储备浮力决定了它倾覆时间小于大船的瞬间性和事故频率高于大船的规律性。预防和控制小型船舶事故就应把重点放在预防和控制险情发生上,而不能放在险情发生后的应变上。  相似文献   

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