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Although the South China arbitration has been settled recently, the final settlement of the South China Sea disputes remains in a political stalemate, at least for the near future. This article proposes a regional mechanism that could form the basis for further cooperation in the South China Sea. This mechanism is informed by political theory, facts on the grounds, and lessons learned from cooperative practices in other regions. As a way to work toward a resolution to the South China Sea's sovereignty disputes, and to improve on current cooperative practices, the objective of this mechanism is to involve all parties in the region and thus cover the entire South China Sea, including the disputed areas. Based on incentives for claimants, the level of political sensitivity, the advantage of involving all claimants and disputed areas, and past practices that have facilitated Taiwan's participation, it is the conclusion of this analysis that the conservation and management of marine living resources is the most promising area of cooperation. In addition, the practice in Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission is recommended as an appropriate model to be applied mutatis mutandis in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

林华春 《船舶》2015,(1):86-89
"南海自安装试采平台"是一种多功能的油田开发设施,主要用于滚动开放南海北部湾海域多个年产量小于25万m3、开发年限少于5年、周围无依托设施的边际小油气田,主电站是影响该平台技术方案和运营成本的关键设备。文中根据该平台的功能和用电负荷,结合拟开发边际油田的燃料来源情况,从技术性与经济性两方面比较论证适用于"南海自安装试采平台"的主电站方案。  相似文献   

The South China Sea has attained global attention because of terraria disputes over oil, gas, fisheries and other resources in the sea area. Compared with the valuable natural resources, the underwater cultural heritage is not recognized or considered, but is an important legacy of many losses of vessels over centuries. Recently, the surrounding states in the South China Sea have taken measures to preserve underwater cultural heritage in their sea waters. However, the current complicated situation of the South China Sea intensifies the difficulties of protection of underwater cultural heritagein that area. There is an important and interesting potential issue of identification of ownership of underwater cultural heritage because of differences of legislation and claims to jurisdiction. Under the current information of legislation of some states in the South China Sea, it can be understood this issue cannot be avoid on the protection of underwater cultural heritage. This article discusses potential disputes over ownership of underwater cultural heritage in the South China Sea based on the different legislation of several states (China, Vietnam and Philippines) and proposes some possible suggestions for resolving the issue of ownership, rather than performing a primary research.  相似文献   

This paper begins by providing a brief overview of the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), noting that this Convention, often called the “Seafarers’ bill of rights”, seeks to achieve both social and labour rights (“decent work”) for seafarers and fair competition (achieving a level-playing field) for shipowners. It has been described as the “fourth pillar” of the international maritime regulatory regime complementing the major International Maritime Organization conventions. The paper provides a brief update on international efforts to achieve the 30/33 formula needed to bring the Convention into force [at present, the tonnage element, 33% has been achieved already with coverage now at 54% of the world fleet (by gross tonnage), with 18 ratifications]. It then explores challenges faced by flag States in connection with capacity to implement the ship inspection and certification system under the MLC, 2006 and other difficulties with respect to legal implementation by the flag States. The paper also comments on some challenges in connection with port State, coastal State and labour-supplying State responsibilities. The paper points out that the MLC, 2006 is a comprehensive code that covers diverse issues and a wider range of both ships and seafarers than previous conventions. It often requires interdepartmental cooperation to implement its requirements at the national level. The paper concludes that, despite the slower pace of ratification in some regions, largely because of the recent economic and other crises, it appears that many actors in the maritime sector are already actively engaged in MLC, 2006 implementation, often ahead of governments. The question is not “if” but “when” the formula will be achieved to allow the MLC, 2006 to enter into force.  相似文献   

“桑吉”轮所载货物凝析油,不属于《1992年责任公约》所调整的“持久性油类”范畴,此外其还装载有1900余吨船用燃料油。该案作为世界上首例“凝析油”油船海难事故,因此导致油污损害赔偿法律适用问题并不明朗,适用不同法律可能导致相关方赔偿责任限制差异巨大。探究“桑吉”轮案油污损害赔偿法律适用问题,不仅有助于满足我国现实司法需要,更可为我国乃至世界处理此类油污损害问题提供有益借鉴。文中将从国际公约及国内法角度,对“桑吉”轮油污损害赔偿问题可能涉及的法律适用问题进行探析。  相似文献   

当前,发展中韩物流业合作引起了广泛关注。阐述了中韩物流业合作交流的基础与条件,分析了中韩物流业发展的前景,详细讨论了中韩物流合作框架。最后指出,加快中韩物流合作进程,对我国融入东北亚物流圈及进入全球供应链物流圈,都有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

南海FLNG上部模块总体布局方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FLNG在南海深水气田开发中应用前景广阔,应加强对其设计技术的研究.本文结合调研和项目经验,总结FLNG上部模块总体布置原则和规范,研究布局影响因素,并提出南海FLNG布局建议.FLNG上部模块设计时,应符合安全、经济、合理的原则,并遵守船级社和本行业在总体、工艺、安全等方面的规范;在选择布局方案时,应重点考虑系泊、外输、解脱、工艺方案等4个因素的影响;对于南海FLNG总体布局方案,采用旁靠时建议按从船首到船尾"单点-火炬-预处理-液化-外输-电站/公用-生活楼"布局,采用尾靠时建议按"生活楼-单点-电站/公用-预处理-火炬-液化-外输"布局.本研究成果可以为今后开展南海FLNG上部模块设计提供参考.  相似文献   

This article presents scenarios of watershed pollution costs in Rarotonga, the largest of the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. The valuation method applied here estimates the market costs that would be avoided in the absence of watershed pollution. The study finds gross annual watershed pollution costs in Rarotonga between NZ$3.2 to NZ$17.7, with a best estimate of NZ$7.4, million. The best estimate results in household costs of NZ$2,900 per year and equates to 3.12% of gross domestic product. A wide error margin is placed around these estimates due to uncertain and incomplete datasets, a common situation for small island nations. They are presented as “cost scenarios” rather than definitive results. The article explores the practical, theoretical, and policy issues surrounding the valuation of water resources in the context of small island nations. It is argued that rough estimates of opportunity costs, limited to market goods and services, can supply governments with sufficient information to assess the relative importance of watershed pollution.  相似文献   

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) was established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as a body to settle disputes between States Parties to the Convention regarding the interpretation or application of the Convention s provisions, including provisions concerning the exercise of the powers of States over shipping and the discharge by states of their responsibilities and obligations in relation to ships.ITLOS is competent to deal with disputes in which a State is alleged to have wrongly interfered with or otherwise restrained the operation of a vessel when it is in a port of the State or within the territorial sea or exclusive economic zone of the State.In its previous judgments, ITLOS has provided clarifications of some important areas of the law of the sea concerning the operation and regulation of shipping by flag States and other states.ITLOS plays a key role in the regime of the Law of the Sea Convention relating to the prompt release of ships and their crews that are arrested or detained in a foreign port.ITLOS also has the possibility to serve as ajudicial organ for the settlement of disputes under other maritime agreements and contracts, if the parties to the agreements or contracts agree to confer jurisdiction on it.There are many advantages to be gained by States and shipping operators from using ITLOS as the body for the settlement of disputes under agreements. These advantages include savings in time and expenses.  相似文献   

随着全球海洋石油天然气开发从浅水走向深水,由于潜水员下潜深度有限,海底油气管道的连接必须通过水下机器人代替潜水员完成此项工作。因此各种管道连接技术也越来越多地应用于海洋石油开发中。水下管道连接器作为一种重要的自动安装连接装置,涉及到机械、液压、材料、防腐、密封等各个方面,具有免潜水员操作、安装便捷、可靠性高等特点,可广泛应用于水下油气管道连接。本文对已成功应用于南海某气田中水下采气树跨接管连接的水平机械式管道连接器和水下管汇发球器连接的垂直液压式管道连接器,从密封结构、导向结构、锁紧结构的设计进行了深入的阐述,并在连接器样机型式试验、产品防腐、水下安装等方面也进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   

对中国南海新型可解脱FPSO的系泊系统开发设计而言,如何快速有效地实现解脱是其中的关键技术之一.该文首先对可解脱FPSO的解脱方式及解脱系统进行了简单介绍,然后对解脱过程进行了时域模拟及相关影响因素的敏感性分析,最后得到影响浮子解脱的关键因素,并据此进行了浮子的优化设计.本研究工作为系泊系统解脱的设计提供了分析方法与优化思路,相关结论可被类似解脱系统的设计作为参考.  相似文献   

由于中国南海海域海况十分恶劣,浮式钻井生产储油轮(FDPSO,Floating,Drilling,Production,Storage and Offloading vessel)定位方式的研究是海洋工程界值得关注的课题。文章采用数值模拟和模型试验的方法对多点系泊FDPSO水动力性能开展研究。数值模拟包括FDPSO船体频域水动力性能计算和船体/锚链时域耦合分析。船体频域水动力性能计算得到了水动力系数,波浪力和运动幅值响应算子;时域耦合数值分析得到了中国南海海域一年一遇海况和百年一遇海况下船体六自由度运动时历。模型试验在上海交通大学海洋工程深水池开展,包括静水衰减试验,白噪声试验和不规则波试验。对数值计算结果和模型试验结果进行了比较,验证了数值结果的准确性,并对多点系泊FDPSO在中国南海海域的水动力性能进行了研究。  相似文献   

中国海岸波浪特征与建港条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了中国渤海、黄海、东海和南海海岸的风与波浪特征。提出用代表波高描述海区年均波浪强度。时波高极大值应进行重现研究和归并处理。时港址选择、波要素推算和防浪设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

本文研究2种典型结构形式半潜平台在不同海域结构应力长期分布特征。对比中国南海典型波浪散布与墨西哥湾典型波浪散布特征,计算两海域平台结构应力响应,得到平台结构应力范围长期Weibull分布形状参数。中国南海典型环境条件对于双下浮体式半潜平台结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数不大于1,对于环形浮箱半潜平台结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数不大于1.05,为针对中国南海应用简化疲劳分析方法分析半潜式平台结构疲劳寿命提供依据。同时,计算得到两类典型半潜式平台在墨西哥湾典型环境条件下结构波浪应力长期Weibull分布形状参数值不大于0.8的结论,证实对于半潜式平台的疲劳设计,南海疲劳海况较墨西哥湾海况更恶劣。  相似文献   

介绍了南海海域的自然条件、南海环礁岛礁地形地貌特点和地质特征等,分析了南海环礁岛礁建港条件,总结 了建设原则,并给出了方案实例。  相似文献   

The South China Sea contains tremendous oil and gas resources in deepwater areas. However, one of the keys for deepwater exploration, the investigation of deepwater floating platforms, is very inadequate. In this paper, the authors studied and compared the hydrodynamics and global motion behaviors of typical deepwater platforms in the South China Sea environment. The hydrodynamic models of three main types of floating platforms, e.g. the Semi-submersible, tension leg platform (TLP), and Truss Spar, which could potentially be utilized in the South China Sea, were established by using the 3-D potential theory. Additionally, some important considerations which significantly influence the hydrodynamics were given. The RAOs in frequency domains as well as global motions in time domains under time-varying wind, random waves, and current in 100-y, 10-y, and 1-y return period environment conditions were predicted, compared, and analyzed. The results indicate that the heave and especially the pitch motion of the TLP are favorable. The heave response of the Truss Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low. However, the pitch motion of Truss Spar is extraordinarily larger than that of Semi-submersible and TLP.  相似文献   

本文简述了国内外深海油气勘探开发现状以及海洋平台发展情况,分析各类平台的结构特点及应用状况,根据我国南海深水油气生产需要和海况,对我国南海区油气开发选取海洋平台类型以及重点研究方向,提出几点浅见。  相似文献   

Mooring systems play an important role for semi-submersible rigs that drill in deepwater.A detailed analysis was carried out on the mooring of a semi-submersible rig that conducted a trial well drilling at a deepwater location in the South China Sea in 2009.The rig was 30 years old and had a shallow platform with a designed maximum operating water depth of 457 m.Following the mooring analysis,a mooring design was given that requires upgrading of the rig’s original mooring system.The upgrade included several innovations,such as installing eight larger anchors,i.e.replacing the original anchors and inserting an additional 600 m of steel wires with the existing chains.All this was done to enhance the mooring capability of the rig in order for the rig to be held in position to conduct drilling at a water depth of 476 m.The overall duration of the drilling was 50 days and the upgraded mooring system proved to be efficient in achieving the goal of keeping the rig stationary while it was drilling the trial well in the South China Sea.This successful campaign demonstrates that an older semi-submersible rig can take on drilling in deep water after careful design and proper upgrading and modification to the original mooring system.  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy and its international seaborne trade has escalated the demand for high-quality and efficient port services. “Decentralization” of the port management regime has given local government greater freedom in port development and operational decision-making. However, major port capacity expansion in coastal areas, coupled with the slowing down of both the economy and trade growth over recent years, has led to overcapacity and excessive competition. Although both port specialization and government regulations are called for to address these issues, few studies have investigated the formation mechanism and economic implications of port specialization. This paper uses alternative duopoly games, namely a Stackelberg game and a simultaneous game, to model port competition, where ports provide differentiated services in the sectors of containerized cargo and dry-bulk cargo. Our analytical results reveal that inter-port competition can lead to port specialization in the following three ways. A port can specialize in a type of cargo (1) for which there is relatively high demand, (2) where it has established capacity first, or (3) for services which require prohibitively high capacity costs. Also, it is seen that overcapacity is likely if strategic port decisions are made simultaneously instead of sequentially. These results suggest that if there is a clear market leader, policy intervention may not be necessary. However, if no port has clear market power, then government coordination and intervention may be needed in order to prevent overcapacity and to encourage specialization.  相似文献   

Transportation of tension leg platform(TLP) structures for a long distance has always been associated with the use of a heavy semi-transport vessel.The requirements of this type of vessel are always special,and their availability is limited.To prepare for the future development of South China Sea deepwater projects,the China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation has recently built a heavy lift transport vessel-Hai Yang Shi You 278.This semi-submersible vessel has a displacement capacity of 50k DWT,and a breath of 42 meters.Understanding the vessel’s applicability and preparing it for use in future deepwater projects are becoming imminent needs.This paper reviews the current critical issues associated with TLP transportation and performs detailed analysis of the designed TLP during load-out and transportation.The newly built COOEC transportation vessel HYSY 278 was applied to dry transport of the TLP structure from the COOEC fabrication yard in Qingdao to an oil field in South China Sea.The entire process included the load-out of the TLP structure from the landsite of the fabrication yard,the offloading and float-on of the platform from the vessel,the dry transport of the TLP over a long distance,and the final offloading of the platform.Both hydrodynamic and structure analysis were performed to evaluate the behavior of the transport vessel and TLP structure.Special attention was paid to critical areas associated with the use of this new vessel,along with any potential limitations.The results demonstrate that HYSY 278 can effectively be used for transporting the structure with proper arrangement and well-prepared operation.The procedure and details were presented on the basis of the study results.Special attention was also given to discussion on future use based on the results from the analysis.  相似文献   

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