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Leading indicators, one type of accident precursor, are conditions, events or measures that precede an undesirable event and that have some value in predicting the arrival of the event, whether it is an accident, incident, near miss, or undesirable safety state. Leading indicators are associated with proactive activities that identify hazards and assess, eliminate, minimize and control risk. An empirical analysis of leading indicators of safety for an international energy transportation company was undertaken, utilizing a previously validated research model. Quantitative safety performance and qualitative safety culture data were obtained from 943 participants on 37 vessels from three fleets in the organization. Organizational, vessel and individual safety factors and leading indicators were identified and an analysis of fleet, vessel, and individual safety cultures was undertaken. The results indicate that individual and vessel-level leading indicators can provide important input to an organization's continuous safety measuring and monitoring systems.  相似文献   

鄂海亮 《中国船检》2010,(8):28-28,92-93
<正>中国是石油消费大国,也是进口大国,2009年石油进口量达到1.99亿吨,其中1.91亿吨通过海上油轮运输。油轮一旦发生事故,极易造成灾难性后果。为此,近年来,交通运输部加大了对油轮安全和防污染管理方面的力度。首先,加强源头管理。交通运输部制定了《船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则》,并自2004年7月1日起对500总吨及以上的国内油船生效。2006年,颁布了《老旧运输  相似文献   

王峰  杜明钢 《江苏船舶》2007,24(4):40-42
列举了近十年间油船修理爆炸事故案例,分析了油船爆炸事故频发现象,进一步探讨了油船爆炸事故成因,提出了油船修理应遵循的步骤。  相似文献   

刘振武  庄良 《中国修船》2009,22(5):53-54
新造成品油轮"津油3号",货油系统选用两台240 kW康明斯发动机,每台发动机通过齿轮箱、过墙轴、弹性联轴节带动一台双螺杆货油泵 (445m3/h)驳油.  相似文献   

邹葵 《世界海运》2011,34(3):14-19
2010年世界经济显现复苏,油船运输市场一度大幅回升,但终受新船加速投入的影响而陷入低迷。2011年,在运力供给增加远远大于运力需求增加的压力之下,油船运输市场形势更加严峻。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the quantitative modelling techniques that have been applied to the analysis of dry bulk shipping markets. Of necessity it will be dated by the time it is published. The principal points that emerge from the survey are fourfold: first:-reduced form rather than structural modelling, has become the standard approach in the past 15 years. Second, there is a greater focus on modelling rate variability rather than rate levels, using models that estimate the behaviour of both the conditional mean freight rate and its conditional variance. Third, the introduction of models of financial derivatives and their application to shipping markets has been very marked, as finance models of risk management have been adapted to shipping markets. Fourth, the use of segmented models of different ship types, and higher frequency data is now standard. It is argued that the relative neglect of structural models means that estimating fully specified structural econometric models may be a fruitful research agenda for the future.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the quantitative modelling techniques that have been applied to the analysis of dry bulk shipping markets. Of necessity it will be dated by the time it is published. The principal points that emerge from the survey are fourfold: first:-reduced form rather than structural modelling, has become the standard approach in the past 15 years. Second, there is a greater focus on modelling rate variability rather than rate levels, using models that estimate the behaviour of both the conditional mean freight rate and its conditional variance. Third, the introduction of models of financial derivatives and their application to shipping markets has been very marked, as finance models of risk management have been adapted to shipping markets. Fourth, the use of segmented models of different ship types, and higher frequency data is now standard. It is argued that the relative neglect of structural models means that estimating fully specified structural econometric models may be a fruitful research agenda for the future.  相似文献   

顾文军  曹非 《世界海运》2008,31(1):13-15
2007年油船运输市场整体呈现低迷态势,各船型运价普遍遭遇较大幅度的下跌,同时船东还不得不面对高成本燃油的考验,船舶收益大幅度缩水。展望2008年的油船市场,世界经济前景依然看好,石油消费也随之稳步增长,但是船东依旧要面临大量新增运力充斥市场的情况。当前市场有超过40艘单壳超大型油船签订了改造意向,如果这部分船舶2008年完全退出油运市场,将对拉紧市场供需起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

张帅  邱云明 《江苏船舶》2007,24(1):27-28
近年来,油船因静电放电而引起的重大火灾事故已占整个油船火灾事故的1/3。为了保证油船运输的安全,本文分析了油船静电产生的原因和影响因素,提出了一些预防措施。  相似文献   

彭铁军 《世界海运》2008,31(3):47-48
油船安全运营已经越来越成为国际海事界及航运界一个敏感的议题。分析油船腐蚀与船舶结构缺陷的关系,并分析油船腐蚀的种类、影响因素、特点趋势。  相似文献   

顾文军  曹非 《世界海运》2006,29(1):8-10
随着世界经济的稳步发展,对石油的需求也在不断增加,而大部分的石油都是通过海上运输的,因此,国际油运市场备受关注。介绍了国际油运市场的现状,提出了影响国际油运市场的主要因素,其中包括国际经济形势、国际石油消费需求和运力,并阐述了三者与国际油运市场走势的关系,在此基础之上,展望了未来的国际油运市场发展趋势,并着重对未来市场的运力发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

2010年全球经济逐步复苏,主要国家经济同比增长较快,全年呈现“前高后低”的发展态势。  相似文献   

王刚 《中国船检》2010,(8):34-34,96-97
<正>油轮结构合作论坛(TSCF)1983年由壳牌国际海运公司发起,是国际油轮业在油轮结构方面共享运营经验和开展技术交流的一个重要平台。成员主要由船级社、大型油公司(BP)和独立油轮运营公司组成。目前有27个成员。中国船级社于2008年底加入。  相似文献   

1 2009年世界石油贸易小幅下滑2009年石油消费量的下降主要是由于美欧等经济发达地区石油需求减少。亚洲发展中经济体、拉丁美洲地区及中东地区的石油消费量在经历2009年第1季度的下降后,一直呈增长趋势。受金融危机和燃油税费改革的双重影响,我国原油消费量在2009年第1季度有所下降,从第2季度开始上升。  相似文献   

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has encouraged its member countries to introduce Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for ship operations since the end of the last century. FSA can be used through certain formal assessing steps to generate effective recommendations and cautions to control marine risks and improve the safety of ships. On the basis of the brief introduction of FSA, this paper describes the ideas of applying FSA to the prevention of human error in ship operations. It especially discusses the investigation and analysis of the information and data using navigation simulators and puts forward some suggestions for the introduction and development of the FSA research work for safer ship operations.  相似文献   

In 1987, the government of Kuwait requested permission of the US government to reflag 11 of its tankers to the American flag for the purpose of gaining protection from Iranian attacks. The US government agreed, citing overall strategic and political considerations. As part of the reflagging, waivers were granted to permit the vessels to operate without proper inspections and without licensed radio operators. Furthermore, the vesels employed only one US mariner each, th eecaptain, and though subsequent legislation closed the 'loophole' through which that occurred, anotherr waiver allowed the Kuwaitis to continue without hiring Americans. The maritime policy implications-and the juxtaposition of maritime and foreign policies-were of concern to members of Congress, who held hearings and introduced and passed legislation on the issue.  相似文献   

2002年下半年以来,油船运输市场在世界经济普遍复苏因素影响下迅速上扬,目前市场的繁荣是有目共睹的,但是这一轮的繁荣期能持续多久成为争论的焦点.从全球范围出发,对油船运输市场的供需、运价、造拆船市场现状进行了分析,并对未来油船运输市场的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

世界油轮运输市场现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、油轮船队 世界油轮船队是世界上最大的一类船队,占世界商船队总吨位的比重为38.5%.结构情况见下表:  相似文献   

俞健康 《中国水运》2007,5(4):25-26
近年来内河小型散化船数量急剧增加,这些船多由个体经营,船东为了降低船舶养护的成本及简化日常养护活动,使得船上出现了各种各样的安全缺陷。本文结合工作实践,叙述了营运检验中的一些常见问题,并提出了相关的整改措施。  相似文献   

In a previous article by the same authors, we described the operational, short term tanker scheduling problem, focusing on the Chevron Shipping Company case study. We developed a model for the scheduling situation and described an integer programming formulation for schedule optimization. In this paper, we describe the scheduling system implementation on the University of Michigan IBM 3090-600E computer. The system generates feasible schedules for each vessel and then uses integer programming to attempt to solve for the optimal overall schedule. Use of the system and the potential for cost savings is demonstrated with a realistic scheduling situation based on Chevron Shipping Company information.  相似文献   

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