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The University of Washington recently (1981) established a College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences which incorporates extant programmes in oceanography, fisheries and other marine resource fields. The Institute for Marine Studies (IMS), organized in 1972 and presently directed by Professor Warren Wooster, is one component of the new college. IMS, a multidisciplinary academic and research unit, focuses on the management and policy issues arising from the many different uses of marine and coastal resources.  相似文献   

The University of Washington recently (1981) established a College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences which incorporates extant programmes in oceanography, fisheries and other marine resource fields. The Institute for Marine Studies (IMS), organized in 1972 and presently directed by Professor Warren Wooster, is one component of the new college. IMS, a multidisciplinary academic and research unit, focuses on the management and policy issues arising from the many different uses of marine and coastal resources.  相似文献   

In 1976, Washington became the first state to implement the federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) primarily through the 1971 WA Shoreline Management Act (SMA). However, there has been little effort in Washington to evaluate outcomes of shoreline protection programs post SMA. In 2006–2008, we characterized shoreline conditions in San Juan County over three time periods spanning pre and post SMA and engaged community members to improve effectiveness of shoreline protection. We found modest improvements in forest retention on marine shorelines between pre and post 1977, but few other improvements through time. While we could not measure shoreline construction rates, construction practices for shore armor and overwater structures (docks) have changed very little, despite the increased regulatory standards. The vast majority of shore armor constructed post SMA occurred without mandatory county or state permits likely due to: widespread perception that permits were unnecessary and that permit standards were arbitrary and inconsistently applied; poor understanding of shoreline ecology by community members; lack of county or state enforcement authority and shoreline monitoring programs; and poor permit tracking systems.  相似文献   

Large North American ports are encountering serious management challenges. Surrounding communities, environmental interest groups, and government policy are focusing on protection and enhancement of public coastal amenities. In Vancouver, the federal port management system historically enabled national trade interests to override local and regional objectives at the discretion of port decison makers. In contrast, the Port of Seattle is administered at the local level, and legislation and policy require that local publics are involved in decision‐making. Recently, VPC established itself as the vanguard among Canada's major ports in the advancement of progressive management. Nevertheless, the adoption of new policies would ensure that Vancouver, and Canada's other ports, continue to be responsible leaders in Canadian coastal management. These policies include: federal, municipal, and provincial government representation on the local board of directors; strengthening community involvement; creation of a standing planning advisory committee; subjecting Canadian ports to the federal environmental assessment law; and adoption of explicit land and water use regulations.  相似文献   

Shellfish aquaculture can result in conflicts among stakeholders who perceive impacts and tradeoffs regarding sense of place, aesthetic, recreational, economic, and ecological values. Pacific geoduck clams (Panopea generosa Gould 1850) are grown in intertidal plots using gear- and labor-intensive techniques that result in a high value export product. A confluence of issues has resulted in on-going social and legal tensions surrounding geoduck aquaculture in southern Puget Sound, Washington (WA), USA. Using interviews and document analysis, we explored stakeholder perspectives and policy issues related to geoduck aquaculture in southern Puget Sound. Twenty-three stakeholders were interviewed, including state agency employees, representatives of the aquaculture industry, nongovernmental organizations, landowners, a tribal member, and an academic. Nine state hearings board decisions on challenges to aquaculture permits were also analyzed. Stakeholders articulated a variety of perspectives regarding aesthetic, recreational, land-use, ecological, political, regulatory, and economic aspects of geoduck aquaculture activities. Hearings board cases addressed similar issues (aesthetic, ecological, and recreational), as well as challenges to restrictions on aquaculture. Potential strategies for managing this conflict include emphasizing best management practices, identifying and incorporating best available science, joint fact-finding approaches, and initiating and improving communication among all stakeholders.  相似文献   

文章围绕被加框的网站加框行为进行分析后认为:被加框的网站不是—个演绎作品;本案中的加框行为构成了不正当竞争,简单的免责声明并不足以免责。在立法机关加强相关立法的同时,当事人各方技术上的“自助”会在一定程度上减少和避免纠纷。  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration and feeding on phytoplankton by adult female Calanus pacificus, Metridia lucens and Pseudocalanus newmani were simultaneously measured near the end of a phytoplankton bloom. Almost the entire Calanus population migrated out of the deep layer (108–50 m) at night but only about 30% came to the surface (25–0 m). Feeding occurred only at night and was equally high in the surface and intermediate layers, in spite of much higher food concentrations in the surface. Like Calanus, the entire Metridia population was found in the deep layer during the day but unlike Calanus, 20–50% remained in the deep layer at night and most migratory Metridia were collected from the surface layer. Metridia feeding at night was highest in the surface layer but significant feeding also occurred in both the intermediate and deep layers. Migratory behavior of Pseudocalanus was weak, with the proportion of the population in the surface layer increasing from slightly <10% during the day to approx 30% at night. Feeding occurred in both surface and intermediate layers throughout the 24 h but was greater in both layers at night. The different migratory patterns are discussed in the context of our current understanding of the contributions of predator avoidance and feeding to diel vertical migration.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) may be increasing in frequency and intensity worldwide. Coastal economies suffer significant income losses when fisheries or beaches are closed to protect human health and subsistence fishing communities are at risk. Despite these hardships, managers must often conservatively close harvests across a wide area or for long periods, because they lack scientific information that would allow them to predict HAB events. The outer coast of Washington State has experienced several closures of the razor clam (Siliqua patula) fishery starting in 1991, due to domoic acid (DA) contamination caused by toxic blooms of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. Improved science-based management was needed to minimize the impact of DA on this fishery and the coastal communities that relied on it for income, tourism, and subsistence. The Olympic Region Harmful Algal Bloom (ORHAB) Partnership, comprised of state and tribal managers, scientists, and local stakeholders, evolved in response to this need; it has been successful in its mission. Here we examine ORHAB through the lens of the Institutional Analysis and Development framework, in order to identify key factors contributing to its success. The relevance of our findings for other ORHAB-like institutions in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere is discussed.  相似文献   

高全余 《中国水运》2006,6(12):233-234
全世界的主要新闻媒体中几乎都刊载有与中国相关的报道、评论。美国两大主要报纸《the New York Times》和《the Washington Post》对中国的报道更是数不胜数。它们对汉语特殊名词的翻译,形成了自己独特的方式。  相似文献   

FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语应用与案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李燕 《集装箱化》2002,(9):X016-X017,X006
FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语在运输方式、风险转移点、提单签发人、时间、地点、性质及运费计收、保险区段、运输合同订立等方面存在差异,国际商会自上世纪20年代起即不断对有关价格术语进行研究和解释.但由于国际贸易、运输的发展,人们对新、老价格术语中买卖双方的风险转移、责任、费用的划分时常难以理解.本文中作者试通过案例分析说明之.  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were taken in the framework of the GEOTRACES program on “POLARSTERN” expedition ANT XXIII/1 in the Eastern Atlantic in 2005 to study the distribution of the trace elements Hg (mercury), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Zn (zinc), Co (cobalt), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), and Al (aluminium). With the exception of Hg, results were compared to earlier datasets from 1989 to 1990. The particulate fraction averaged over the transect was calculated to be 49% for Cd, 23% for Mn and 50% for Fe indicating a release of these TEI's (trace elements and their isotopes) from a leachable SPM fraction in the stored and acidified samples.Total Pb concentrations ranged between 5 and 20 pmol kg? 1 in 2005 with highest values in the ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone). In 1989 Pb concentrations were twice as high in the region of the ITCZ, while by a factor of 10–15 higher values were obtained in the North Atlantic.Total Cd and Co are dominated, by different seasonal upwelling regimes (Equatorial upwelling, Guinea Dome, Angola Dome).Total Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Al show nearly identical concentrations in 1990 and 2005. For total manganese and aluminium strong maxima (3–4 nmol kg? 1 and 55 nmol kg? 1 respectively) are observed between 23°N and 0°, while the Fe maximum (6–9 nmol kg? 1) is located at 7°N. Total Hg concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 4.5 pmol kg? 1.  相似文献   

CVN-77“乔治·布什”号航空母舰是美国海军“尼米兹”级超级航母的第十艘,也是该纫的最后一艘,是美国海军第十一艘核动力航空母舰,也是美国海军中第一艘以“布什”(美国第41任总统,现任总统小布什之父)命名的战舰。据称,CVN-77之所以以老布什的名字命名,不仅是因为他曾任美国总统,曾领导美国打赢了1991年的海湾战争,而且缘于他与美国海军及航母有很深的渊源:早在1942年,18岁的布什就参加了美国海军并于次年成为一名舰载机飞行员,  相似文献   

王甜  韩正君  黄小平 《船舶工程》2013,35(Z2):106-109
在进行船体结构强度的计算分析时,需要将球扁钢等效为L型材或T型材进行屈服及屈曲计算。然而,现有的等效转化方法存在较为明显的问题。本文在前人研究基础上,推出两种简化等效方法,并与现有方法进行计算对比,结果表明这两种方法简单方便,精确度高。此外,本文分别使用三种转化方法,运用Mars2000软件计算某船剖面的极限强度。计算结果表明,使用本文提出的等效转化方法一计算船体结构极限强度最合理。  相似文献   

王孟霞 《中国船检》2006,(10):26-29
工业界的压力主要来自政治记者:当今,政府对环境保护的要求越来越高,有所谓“零容忍度”的环境要求之说。在此情形之下,油轮承受的压力最大。ICS一项重要的工作是制订综合性的政策。在政策制订方面,ICS将作何考虑?Horrocks:我们面临的挑战是“灾难”。1978年的英国溢油事件,199  相似文献   

崔连德 《中国船检》2006,(11):20-25
在世界经济加速全球化的背景下,港口如何应对船舶日益大型化发展态势?吞吐量日益攀升,如何保持港区道路畅通有序?面对恐怖主义威胁,作为物流前沿阵地的港口在保安问题上有何良策?在环保日益受到重视的今天,港口又将担当何种角色?2006年10月25日,一年一度的“大厦组织”会议开幕。来自美国长滩港、纽约/新泽西港、荷兰鹿特丹港、新加坡港以及中国上海港等世界五大港的港务局局长、总裁或首席执行官齐聚上海,就当今世界港口发展最前沿的问题展开对话。  相似文献   

Congress has not been able to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation in recent years. Nonetheless, significant individual oceans policy measures have been enacted. These are reviewed in the article. A Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress has been established to recommend reforms in how Congress conducts its business, including proposals for committee restructuring. These proposals could affect how Congress examines oceans policy issues, but it is unlikely that these reforms will make it easier to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation. For this to happen, well‐organized constituencies have to demonstrate support for this legislation, which has not happened to date.  相似文献   


Marine and coastal zone policy represents a collaboration of people managing and people managed. This paper takes a holistic stance in suggesting that marine communities are viewed properly as networks of focused interest groups, policymakers, professionals, and publics. The interplay between culture and marine and coastal policy is appropriately one topic of applied social research. Seven ethnographic studies in this domain are introduced in this theme issue and help us to understand sociocultural processes and institutions bearing on marine affairs.  相似文献   

梁纯华 《世界海运》2002,25(3):43-43
详细地介绍了船舶备件管理系统,集理论与实践为一体。  相似文献   

摘要:从工程项目的决策阶段到实施阶段的整个过程中,影响工程项目质量的因素主要有“人、机、料、法、环、测”等六大方面。文章论述了对这六方面的因素予以严格控制是保证重大工程项目质量的关键。  相似文献   

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