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An optimization model for scheduling of quay cranes (QCs) and yard trailers was proposed to improve the overall efficiency of container terminals. To implement this model, a two-phase tabu search algorithm was designed. In the QCs scheduling phase of the algorithm, a search was performed to determine a good QC unloading operation order. For each QC unloading operation order generated during the QC's scheduling phase, another search was run to obtain a good yard trailer routing for the given QC's unloading order. Using this information, the time required for the operation was estimated, then the time of return to availability of the units was fed back to the QC scheduler. Numerical tests show that the two-phase Tabu Search algorithm searches the solution space efficiently, decreases the empty distance yard trailers must travel, decreases the number of trailers needed, and thereby reduces time and costs and improves the integration and reliability of container terminal operation systems.  相似文献   

贾大山 《集装箱化》1998,(11):18-18,37
Over the recent ten years,China‘s container transport has witnessed a tremendous development side by side with china‘s successful development of foreign trade,owing to the fact that more and more coastal and inland river ports have gone for container transport in succession,  相似文献   

container shipping lines require hab ports to possess the fehowing conttions Drart of mafor conalner hub ports and their tlder differences some majer hub ports developttental programine eanctbore to be denned for the port of shunghml in the centext if international container transport comsiderahons of water depth for the international container hub port of shanghai conefesions to be drawn  相似文献   

Yang Peiju 《中国船检》2011,(4):109-109
On Feb 21(st),the industry was shocked by the news that AP Moller-Maersk placed an order of 10 container ships of 18,000 TEU with the South Korean ship yards.The order brings the development of large vessels to a new climax and at the same time puts forward a series of research subjects to the industry,such as what is the limit for the development of large vessels,whether ship safety can be guaranteed,and etc.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more hazardous wastes are produced due to the development of industry and agriculture. These hazardous wastes are usually packed, handled and carried in containers, Based upon the internationally recognized regulations, the following methods for labeling, storing, handling and carrying of containers containing hazardous waste aretherefore suggested.  相似文献   

In order to standardize the market management of china‘s intemational container multimodal transport and promote china‘s foreign trade,the ministry of commuications and the ministry of railways of the people‘s republic of china(hereinfter referred to as the two ministries)jointly promulgated on march1997 the “regulations for the managemetnt of intemational container multimodal transport ”(hereinafter referred to as the regulations )and began to enforce the regulations on oct.1.1997.  相似文献   

In the Pearl River Delta (PRD), there is severe competition between container ports, particularly those in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, for collecting international maritime container cargo. In addition, the second phase of the Nansha terminal in Guangzhou’s port and the first phase of the Da Chang Bay container terminal in Shenzhen opened last year. Under these circumstances, there is an increasing need to quantitatively measure the impact these infrastructure investments have on regional cargo flows. The analysis should include the effects of container terminal construction, berth deepening, and access road construction. The authors have been developing a model for international cargo simulation (MICS) which can simulate the movement of cargo. The volume of origin-destination (OD) container cargo in the East Asian region was used as an input, in order to evaluate the effects of international freight transportation policies. This paper focuses on the PRD area and, by incorporating a more detailed network, evaluates the impact of several infrastructure investment projects on freight movement.  相似文献   

In china today,containers acconut for only 10% of all rail traffic volume in order to push forward china's container multimodal transport,the ministry of railways(MOR)is working hard to get domestic shippers/forwarders to containerise their conventional general cargo shipments,and for intemational ocean carriers,to get them to move a larger proprotion of the boxex inland by rail.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a risk assessment model considering danger zone, capsizing time, and evaluation time factors(DCEFM)to quantify the emergency risk of ship inflow and calculate the degree of different factors to the emergency risk of water inflow. The DCEFM model divides the water inflow risk factors into danger zone, capsizing time, and evacuation time factors. The danger zone, capsizing time, and evacuation factors are calculated on the basis of damage stability probability,the numerical sim...  相似文献   

What is ordinarily assumed is that the Ioadable TEUcapacity of a full container ship is a constant figure,which is close to the designed figure provided by the ship-yard where the ship had been designed/ built. But in factthe said figure is not a constant one and is variable in eachvoyage to each ship. If some carrier overestimated this figure,  相似文献   

BEDFORD, NY - ⅡCL has released its Tenth Annual Leased Container Fleet Survey. As of the beginning of 1998,  相似文献   

Loads generated after an air crash, ship collision, and other accidents may destroy very large floating structures(VLFSs) and create additional connector loads. In this study, the combined effects of ship collision and wave loads are considered to establish motion differential equations for a multi-body VLFS. A time domain calculation method is proposed to calculate the connector load of the VLFS in waves. The Longuet–Higgins model is employed to simulate the stochastic wave load. Fluid force and hydrodynamic coefficient are obtained with DNV Sesam software. The motion differential equation is calculated by applying the time domain method when the frequency domain hydrodynamic coefficient is converted into the memory function of the motion differential equation of the time domain. As a result of the combined action of wave and impact loads, high-frequency oscillation is observed in the time history curve of the connector load. At wave directions of 0° and 75°, the regularities of the time history curves of the connector loads in different directions are similar and the connector loads of C1 and C2 in the X direction are the largest. The oscillation load is observed in the connector in the Y direction at a wave direction of 75° and not at 0°. This paper presents a time domain calculation method of connector load to provide a certain reference function for the future development of Chinese VLFS  相似文献   

Loads generated after an air crash, ship collision, and other accidents may destroy very large floating structures(VLFSs) and create additional connector loads. In this study, the combined effects of ship collision and wave loads are considered to establish motion differential equations for a multi-body VLFS. A time domain calculation method is proposed to calculate the connector load of the VLFS in waves. The Longuet–Higgins model is employed to simulate the stochastic wave load. Fluid force and hydrodynamic coefficient are obtained with DNV Sesam software. The motion differential equation is calculated by applying the time domain method when the frequency domain hydrodynamic coefficient is converted into the memory function of the motion differential equation of the time domain. As a result of the combined action of wave and impact loads, high-frequency oscillation is observed in the time history curve of the connector load. At wave directions of 0° and 75°, the regularities of the time history curves of the connector loads in different directions are similar and the connector loads of C1 and C2 in the X direction are the largest. The oscillation load is observed in the connector in the Y direction at a wave direction of 75° and not at 0°. This paper presents a time domain calculation method of connector load to provide a certain reference function for the future development of Chinese VLFS  相似文献   

The main challenge for container ports is the planning required for berthing container ships while docked in port.Growth of containerization is creating problems for ports and container terminals as they reach their capacity limits of various resources which increasingly leads to traffic and port congestion.Good planning and management of container terminal operations reduces waiting time for liner ships.Reducing the waiting time improves the terminal’s productivity and decreases the port difficulties.Two important keys to reducing waiting time with berth allocation are determining suitable access channel depths and increasing the number of berths which in this paper are studied and analyzed as practical solutions.Simulation based analysis is the only way to understand how various resources interact with each other and how they are affected in the berthing time of ships.We used the Enterprise Dynamics software to produce simulation models due to the complexity and nature of the problems.We further present case study for berth allocation simulation of the biggest container terminal in Iran and the optimum access channel depth and the number of berths are obtained from simulation results.The results show a significant reduction in the waiting time for container ships and can be useful for major functions in operations and development of container ship terminals.  相似文献   

In this paper,various aspects of the 2D and 3D nonlinear liquid sloshing problems in vertically excited containers have been studied numerically along with the help of a modified-transformation.Based on this new numerical algorithm,a numerical study on a regularly and randomly excited container in vertical direction was conducted utilizing four different cases: The first case was performed utilizing a 2D container with regular excitations.The next case examined a regularly excited 3D container with two different initial conditions for the liquid free surface,and finally,3D container with random excitation in the vertical direction.A grid independence study was performed along with a series of validation tests.An iteration error estimation method was used to stop the iterative solver(used for solving the discretized governing equations in the computational domain) upon reaching steady state of results at each time step.In the present case,this method was found to produce quite accurate results and to be more time efficient as compared to other conventional stopping procedures for iterative solvers.The results were validated with benchmark results.The wave elevation time history,phase plane diagram and surface plots represent the wave nonlinearity during its motion.  相似文献   

"Rental" of various subjects has a history of hundreds of years and there are still arguments whether it is innovated by the Chinese or by the European people. But current finance lease and operating lease actually started only in early 1950s which could be regarded as the start of the new era for the leasing industry. Container leasing was started even later and the common agreement is in early 1970s when revolutionary changes occurred in transportation.  相似文献   

In order to reduce time and improve the probability of successful matting it is useful to co-ordinate between the movement control and mating process of the underwater vehicle. Because it is hard to control with the common method under the condition of mating process, the hierarchical intelligent control is introduced. Timed fuzzy Petri net (TFPN) , which is the integration of PN and fuzzy reasoning, is used in the design of coordinate level of hierarchically intelligent control. It made the control process better in reflecting the characteristics of time-driven, event-driven, fuzzy information and so on. The test shows that TFPN could shorten the time of mating and enhance the efficiency.  相似文献   

根据最近召开的IMO海安会(MSC)第81次会议信息,继2005年6月国际海关组织(WCO)通过了旨在保护和便利世界贸易的标准框架(the Framework of Standards)之后,海安会(MSC)讨论了封闭式货物运输组件和船舶运输货物集装箱的装运事宜(the carriage of closed cargo trailsport units and of freight containers transported by ships),并涉及了船/港界面工作组的事务(the matter to the Ship/Port Interface(SPI) Working Group),  相似文献   

The existence of a multi-path channel under the water greatly decreases the accuracy of the short baseline positioning system.In this paper,the application of a time reversal mirror to the short baseline positioning system was investigated.The time reversal mirror technique allowed the acoustic signal to better focus in an unknown environment,which effectively reduced the expansion of multi-path acoustic signals as well as improved the signal focusing.The signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of the time reversal operator greatly increased and could be obtained by ensonifying the water.The technique was less affected by the environment and therefore more applicable to a complex shallow water environment.Numerical simulations and pool experiments were used to demonstrate the efficiency of this technique.  相似文献   

In this paper a hybrid process of modeling and optimization,which integrates a support vector machine(SVM) and genetic algorithm(GA),was introduced to reduce the high time cost in structural optimization of ships.SVM,which is rooted in statistical learning theory and an approximate implementation of the method of structural risk minimization,can provide a good generalization performance in metamodeling the input-output relationship of real problems and consequently cuts down on high time cost in the analysis of real problems,such as FEM analysis.The GA,as a powerful optimization technique,possesses remarkable advantages for the problems that can hardly be optimized with common gradient-based optimization methods,which makes it suitable for optimizing models built by SVM.Based on the SVM-GA strategy,optimization of structural scantlings in the midship of a very large crude carrier(VLCC) ship was carried out according to the direct strength assessment method in common structural rules(CSR),which eventually demonstrates the high efficiency of SVM-GA in optimizing the ship structural scantlings under heavy computational complexity.The time cost of this optimization with SVM-GA has been sharply reduced,many more loops have been processed within a small amount of time and the design has been improved remarkably.  相似文献   

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