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介绍了当前车联网的发展现状,以及车联网面临的安全威胁与挑战,围绕恶意控制、关键基础设施攻击与信息泄露等可能影响我国车联网发展的安全问题开展分析。从整车安全检测、车联网安全监测和车联网安全攻防三方面介绍了一些典型的车联网安全技术。  相似文献   

<正>《车联网产业发展白皮书》发布近日,中国移动研究院和工信部电信研究院联合发布《车联网产业发展白皮书》,该书从产业发展背景出发,阐述了现阶段我国汽车市场基本情况、道路交通安全状况以及凸显的交通拥堵、环境污染及能源安全等问题,提出了推动我国车联网产业发展的相关思考与政策建议。《白皮书》分析,车联网对电信运营商的影响是巨大的。运营商在车联网的发展中将经历几个主要阶段,首先是管道  相似文献   

中国移动研究院和工信部电信研究院联合发布《车联网产业发展白皮书》,该书从产业发展背景出发,阐述了现阶段我国汽车市场基本情况、道路交通安全状况以及凸显的交通拥堵、环境污染及能源安全等问题,提出了推动我国车联网产业发展的相关思考与政策建议。  相似文献   

2010下半年开始,一则“车联网将被写入国家科技重大专项,并有巨额资金扶持”的消息,让车联网概念在资本市场被炒得红透半边天,并进入商用汽车领域.  相似文献   

车联网是汽车行业发展的重要方向之一,近年来我国车联网产业发展迅速,顶层设计规划和政策不断完善。先导区是落实国家制造强国和网络强国发展战略,推进车联网关键技术研发、产业发展综合服务构建、车联网创新应用实践的重要平台。本文结合当前我国车联网产业发展现状,对车联网产业政策进行了思考,并提出了我国车联网先导区建设思路和基本策略。  相似文献   

翟波 《车时代》2021,(1):111-111
车联网就与互联网一般具有双面性,其在给人们的行车、行车管理提供便利的同时也让车辆人员的信息安全遭受着威胁。本文运用调查法、文献法、归纳总结法对车联网的安全问题进行分析,并就如何解决车联网安全问题展开探析。  相似文献   

随着车联网技术的不断发展,车联网技术已经在各大车厂的量产车型实现了广泛的应用,但随之而来的车联网技术相关问题已经日益凸显。文章主要从车联网的行业动态、车联系统的功能、车联网信息安全的重要性、安全架构设计等方面进行了介绍,并对车联网信息安全技术的开发流程、信息安全机制、策略设计、实车渗透测试以及响应机制体系建立进行了讲解,从车联网端、管、云三个层面进行车联网信息安全设计的解析,其中包括手机APP、数据中心、通信运营商、车载通信终端的安全设计,以及车厂在未来信息安全持续加固、信息安全测试验证、相关标准制定,面临的挑战。  相似文献   

介绍集成车联网显示功能的组合仪表设计,通过此设计可实现低成本的安全驾驶、智能驾驶和车联网的同屏显示,为后续的车联网和仪表完全融合提供参考。  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术、互联网技术以及汽车电子技术的发展,车联网应用应运而生。作为承载车联网应用在车身上的最基本载体,车联网终端盒(T-BOX)将成为汽车标配电子部件。论文在简单介绍Telematics系统基本架构及服务内容基础上,设计了基于TDD-LTE通讯技术的车联网终端盒平台,并重点介绍了该终端盒平台系统的软、硬件架构。  相似文献   

<正>本文深入分析了当下车联网的发展现状,针对具体的车联网品牌进行了详细剖析,结合调研发现消费者对车联网的真实需求及体验,并预判未来车联网的发展趋势。汽车厂商重掌车联网话语权早期,车联网参与方比较少,主要为硬件、软件及通讯运营商。车企也因为技术实力不强,发展意愿不高,基本将车联网开发话语权让渡给TSP运营商。随着车联网在汽车中的重要性越来越高,车联网的参与方阵容不断扩大,除了硬件、软件和通讯运营商外,还有车载系统、  相似文献   

为更好地保护海洋和内河水域环境,加强对船舶排放舱底水行为的监督,在结合国际标准规范和船舶自身特点的基础上,探讨了基于A IS (船载自动识别系统)远程传输在航船舶油水分离器状态信息的必要性与可行性。选择A IS消息12和14作为油水分离器状态信息传输载体,设计了1套完整的油水分离器状态信息传输交互协议,协议共定义了6类报文,即实时数据报文、请求发送报文、启闭情况报文、历史排油情况报文、自定义消息报文、确认收到报文,并详细介绍和分析了报文编码、生成、传输与解析等过程。在有房屋和树木干扰环境下对报文传输过程进行了仿真试验。结果表明,传输过程丢包率为30%左右,满足A IS报文传输要求。   相似文献   

Objective: Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication has become one of the most active fields of research recently. The implementation of the wireless connected vehicles has widely extended the transmission range of warning messages to inform drivers of hazards ahead. The present study addressed the human component with mathematical modeling of the human reaction time to warning messages in the connected vehicle systems (CVSs) with different confidence intervals (CIs). Methods: In the present study, human performance in warning responses is modeled by extending an existing mathematical model of human performance with the complexity level of tasks. The modeling of human performance with different levels of uncertainty is integrated to propose the warning message notification model in the CVS settings. The warning message notification models were proposed to model the CVSs parameters including maximum available message notification delay, the maximum available machine processing time, the minimum acceptable message notification range, and the designed message display delay. Results: The optimal designs of CVSs parameters were presented in general and for specific conditions by applying the modeling of human performance with different CIs (i.e., 95% and 99% CI) and the warning message notification model with human in the loop. A software interface with the message notification model implemented was presented to discuss the practical benefits of the current work in the design of CVSs.  相似文献   

随着人们对汽车的各项要求逐渐提高,车辆朝着智能化、网联化趋势发展。车联网、无线通信、远距离无线通信、专用短程通信、5G通信等技术的日趋成熟,为汽车FOTA技术应用提供充足条件。本文系统阐述了电动汽车FOTA系统的组成方案、升级流程和升级方式,详细介绍了电动汽车FOTA的测试目的和测试方法。  相似文献   

SAE J1939协议在重型车OBD中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重型车OBD的法规要求和相关研究在国内剐刚起步,本文根据国际上重型车OBD诊断通信协议的发展现状和国内相关标准的制定情况,对SAE J1939和SAE J1939—73的技术内容作了简要概述。  相似文献   

新能源电动汽车其安全性一直困扰着行业与市场的发展,传统电池管理系统(BMS)储及计算能力不足,难以实 现动力电池的异常状态预测,基于车联网数据,搭建了大数据监控与管理平台,提出了动力电池热失控关键算法,并实现 了算法的平台集成与应用。应用结果表明,此系统应用能够有效评估和预测动力电池潜在安全风险,并能及时有效地指 导安全处置,从而降低整车安全事故发生概率。  相似文献   

The connected vehicle is a rapidly emerging paradigm aimed at deploying and developing a fully connected transportation system that enables data exchange among vehicles, infrastructure, and mobile devices to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce the adverse environmental impacts of the transportation systems. This study focuses on micromodeling and quantitatively assessing the potential impacts of the connected vehicle (CV) on mobility, safety, and the environment. To assess the benefits of CVs, a modeling framework is developed based on traffic microsimulation for a real network located in the city of Toronto, Canada, to mimic communication between enabled vehicles. In this study, we examine the effects of providing real-time routing guidance and advisory warning messages to CVs. In addition, to take into account the rerouting in nonconnected vehicles (non-CVs) in response to varying sources of information such as apps, global positioning systems (GPS), variable message signs (VMS), or simply seeing the traffic back up, the impact of fraction of non-CV vehicles was also considered and evaluated. Therefore, vehicles in this model are divided into; uninformed/unfamiliar not connected (non-CV), informed/familiar but not connected (non-CV) that get updates infrequently every 5 minutes or so (non-CV), and connected vehicles that receive information more frequently (CV). The results demonstrate the potential of connected vehicles to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) at the network-wide level. The results also show quantitatively how the market penetration of connected vehicles proportionally affects the performance of the traffic network. While the presented results are pertinent to the specifics of the road network modeled and cannot be generalized, the quantitative figures provide researchers and practitioners with ideas of what to expect from vehicle connectivity concerning mobility, safety, and environmental improvements.  相似文献   

Dynamic message signs (DMS) have been widely used by transportation agencies to disseminate traffic information (referred to in this article as “public traffic information”) for decades. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is limited, based on the following reasons: they are costly, can only present a limited amount of information, and typically only display information in one language. The wide availability of smart devices and the development of connected vehicles offer the possibility to create “virtual” DMS (VDMS), utilizing geofencing and audible messages to convey public traffic information. This research compares the ability of VDMS to convey public traffic information with existing DMS. A mixed repeated-measure experiment using a driving simulator was designed that examined the impacts of driver age, information transmission mode, amount of information, and driving complexity on message comprehension. Forty-two participants were recruited and each of them was tested under different combinations of the three within-subject factors. Participant performance was measured in terms of message comprehension, distraction, and self-reported overall difficulty level in receiving messages. Results revealed that VDMS generally performs better than DMS as information content increases and driving condition complexity increases, regardless of driver age. VDMS increased message comprehension by 16% under relatively complex driving conditions, reduced driver reaction time to unexpected stimuli (as measured with a reduced time-to-brake of 0.39 s), and made the same messages easier to process and retain for drivers than DMS. Based on these results, it is recommended that transportation agencies give careful consideration to VDMS as a future strategy for delivering public traffic information in a connected vehicle environment.  相似文献   

In the connected vehicles, connecting interfaces bring threats to the vehicles and they can be hacked to impact the vehicles and drivers. Compared with traditional vehicles, connected vehicles require more information transfer. Sensor signals and critical data must be protected to ensure the cyber security of connected vehicles. The communications among ECUs, sensors, and gateways are connected by in-vehicle networks. This paper discussed the state-of-art techniques about secure communication for in-vehicle networks. First, the related concepts in automotive secure communication have been provided. Then we have compared and contrasted existing approaches for secure communication. We have analyzed the advantages/disadvantages of MAC and digital signatures for message authentication and compared the performance and limitations of different cryptographic algorithms. Firewall and intrusion detection system are introduced to protect the networks. The constraints and features of different intrusion detection approaches are presented. After that, the technical requirements for cryptographic mechanism and intrusion detection policy are concluded. Based on the review of current researches, the future development directions of the automotive network security have been discussed. The purpose of this paper is to review current techniques on automotive secure communication and suggest suitable secure approaches to implement on the in-vehicle networks.  相似文献   

伴随汽车智能网联发展,车辆电气网络架构行业趋势由1~2路CAN总线网络快速演变为7~8路CAN总线与4~5路百兆以太网相结合的融合网络架构。其中网关作为车辆网络的数据交互中心,提供了各网络之间的无缝通信,并需要以极低的延迟将这些数据进行可靠传输,这对低成本网关是一个巨大的挑战。提出了一种基于车载融合网络下低成本网关路由软件缓存区的设计方法,以路由软件缓存区去配合CAN控制器和以太网Switch硬件缓存区,设计中断式报文存储发送进程,将收到的数据实时发送到硬件发送缓存区,当硬件发送缓存区已满,则将报文存储到软件缓存区中。通过与软硬件缓存区的这种联动方式,能够实时的接收报文,保证报文不丢帧;也能够在目标总线负载率较大时,避免漏发报文以及保证发送报文周期。  相似文献   

未来基于车联网的车路协同和自动驾驶场景要求车-车/车-路等网络通信在保证数据安全的前提下,具备低时延、高可靠的特性,从而保证车辆的行驶安全以及车/人的信息安全。LTE-V2X作为车联网通信方案之一,LTE的多点协作联合传输(Coordinated Multiple Points-Joint Transmission,CoMP-JT)技术不仅可以减少车辆在高速行驶过程中进行基站(Evolved Node B,eNB)切换时的通信中断,还能通过多个基站的协同传输来辅助提高网络的数据传输性能。然而当前LTE标准中的安全密钥管理方案无法满足多点协作联合传输过程中的密钥管理场景。针对该问题,提出一种可用于LTE-V2X车联网通信中多点协作传输切换的安全密钥生成与更新算法。该算法由车辆生成基站切换请求并使用随机数、共享密钥、目标基站公钥对切换请求进行加密、广播;基于密码学特性,目标基站不仅可基于私钥从密文请求中计算出共享密钥,还可以计算得到后续的会话密钥;车辆则可以基于目标基站位置信息、生成请求时的随机数计算出会话密钥,从而实现在只需要1次密钥传输的前提下,达成车辆与基站之间的密钥共享和密钥更新,并从密码学角度针对该密钥生成与更新算法进行验证分析。研究结果表明:在LTE-V2X多点协作传输时的基站切换过程中,该算法能够确保车辆与基站进行后向/前向密钥分离的安全认证以及会话密钥建立;与传统方案相比,所提方法可减少26.4%的基站切换过程中引入的通信时延,基站信道负载均仅为传统方案的1/2,并且随基站小区范围内车辆数目增加,基站的信道负载也仅线性增加,提升了该算法在LTE-V2X车联网场景中的适用性。  相似文献   

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