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Widespread uptake of battery electric, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles (collectively zero-emissions vehicles or ZEVs) could help many regions achieve deep greenhouse gas mitigation goals. Using the case of Canada, this study investigates the extent to which increasing ZEV charging and refuelling availability may boost ZEV sales relative to other ZEV-supportive policies. We adapt a version of the Respondent-based Preferences and Constraints (REPAC) model using 2017 survey data from 1884 Canadian new vehicle-buyers to simulate the sales impacts of increasing electric vehicle charging access at home, work, public destinations, and on highways, as well as increasing hydrogen refuelling station access. REPAC is built from a stated preference choice model and represents constraints in supply and consumer awareness, as well as dynamics in ZEV policy out to 2030. Results suggest that new ZEV market share from 2020 to 2030 does not substantially benefit from increased infrastructure. Even when electric charging and hydrogen refuelling access are simulated to reach “universally” available levels by 2030, ZEV sales do not rise by more than 1.5 percentage points above the baseline trajectory. On the other hand, REPAC simulates ZEV market share rising as high as 30% by 2030 with strong ZEV-supportive policies, even without the addition of charging or refuelling infrastructure. These findings stem from low consumer valuation of infrastructure found in the stated preference model. Results suggest that achieving ambitious ZEV sale targets requires a comprehensive suite of policies beyond a focus on charging and refueling infrastructure.  相似文献   

In this era of globalization, adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the critical determinants of logistics companies' competitiveness and growth. This is especially so for the ASEAN countries as they pursue the vision of regional economic development and integration. Existing empirical studies on ICT adoption by logistics companies in developing countries are, however, scarce and have limited theoretical support and so far no comparative analysis of ICT adoption among ASEAN logistics companies and its determinants has been undertaken. This paper investigates the level of ICT adoption among ASEAN logistics companies and also develops an investment-based model to explain it. The model is evaluated with logistic regression using firm-level data collected from interviews with a sample of ASEAN logistics companies. The study finds that ICT adoption level varies significantly among the ASEAN countries and provides an empirical support for an investment-based view of ICT adoption. It also finds no further evidence for the relevance of the institutional theory to the ASEAN logistics industry. These findings have important strategic and policy implications for the ASEAN policy-makers and logistics industry.  相似文献   

Research that addresses policy measures to increase the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has discussed government regulations such as California’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) or penalties on petroleum-based fuels. Relatively few articles have addressed policy measures designed to increase the adoption of EVs by incentives to influence car buyers’ voluntary behavior. This article examines the effects of such policy measures. Two of these attributes are monetary measures, two others are traffic regulations, and the other three are related to investments in charging infrastructure. Consumer preferences were assessed using a choice-based conjoint analysis on an individual basis by applying the hierarchical Bayes method. In addition, the Kano method was used to elicit consumer satisfaction. This not only enabled the identification of preferences but also why preferences were based on either features that were “must-haves” or on attributes that were not expected but were highly attractive and, thus, led to high satisfaction. The results of surveys conducted in 20 countries in 5 continents showed that the installation of a charging network on freeways is an absolute necessity. This was completely independent from the average mileage driven per day. High cash grants were appreciated as attractive; however, combinations of lower grants with charging facilities resulted in similar preference shares in market simulations for each country. The results may serve as initial guidance for policymakers and practitioners in improving their incentive programs for electric mobility.  相似文献   

Subnational incentives to adopt zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) are critical for reducing the external economic damages posed by transportation to air quality and the climate. Few studies estimate these damages for on-road freight, especially at scales relevant for subnational policies requiring cross-border cooperation. Here, we assess the damages to US receptors from emissions of air pollutants (PM2.5, NOx, SO2, NH3), and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) from medium and heavy duty freight trucking, and the benefits of ZEV adoption by census division in the Province of Ontario. We develop an integrated modelling framework connecting a travel demand model, a mobile emissions simulator, and a regression based marginal damages model of air pollutants and climate change. We estimate $1.9 billion (2010 USD) in annual cross-border damages, or $0.16/VKT, resulting from scaled up atmospheric emissions from a ‘typical day’ of medium and heavy duty truck traffic volume for Ontario in 2012. This implies approximately $8000 per truck per year in damages, which could inform an economic incentive for emission reduction. The provincial goal of 5% ZEV adoption would reduce GHG emissions in 2012 by 800 ktCO2e, yielding $89 Million (2010 USD) in cross-border benefits annually, with air quality co-benefits of $83/tCO2e. This result varies between −19% and 22% based on sensitivity analysis for travel and emissions models, though economic damages are likely the largest uncertainty source. Such advances in subnational scale integrated modeling of the environmental impacts of freight can offer insights into the sustainable design of clean freight policy and programs.  相似文献   

Advanced public transport system (APTS) technologies have received much attention from industry researchers in recent years for their evident importance to economic growth. The development of critical APTS technology, such as the contact-less smart card (CSC), in newly industrialized areas receives its impetus from the experience of developed countries. The evaluation of technology sourcing with a higher growth potential in CSC technology has become a critical issue for Taiwanese firms. However, past research rarely emphasized it. This paper utilizes the grey statistical method with survey techniques and the analytic hierarchy process to develop an integrated evaluation model for solving the technology-sourcing problem. An empirical case of the CSC technology sourcing in Taiwan was chosen to demonstrate the application of the proposed model on this issue. The research results suggest that the application of the model provides a sensible path for company policy makers to effectively cope with the technology-sourcing evaluation problem.  相似文献   

Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) as environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional internal combustion engines have gained increasing attention in general public. While empirical studies have begun to explore product-specific factors that drive consumer adoption of AFVs, an integrative framework of a comprehensive set of AFV adoption factors and its theoretical foundation as well as empirical validation is still missing. By drawing on theory of innovation adoption and theory of reasoned action we show that consumers’ perceptions of AFV attributes lead to a general attitude formation towards AFV. In conjunction with consumers’ subjective and personal norm, this in turn determines AFV adoption behavior. Concerning AFV attributes, compatibility, design, and relative advantage of AFVs exhibit the strongest influence on consumers’ attitude formation toward AFV. We derive implications for future research and policy makers. The latter include suggestions on how to develop and communicate AFV in order to stimulate AFV adoption.  相似文献   

Cities, characterised by scarce resources and facing increasing citizens’ requests for more liveable and attractive environments, need to define and implement more efficient urban freight transport policy interventions. It is strategically relevant to perform an ex-ante in-depth policy evaluation. The paper aims at investigating the relevance, the needs and the implications of the data acquisition process by combining a focused review with an original research study. It critically compares five categories of methodological approaches adopted for policy evaluation purposes with an explicit focus on the stated preference method given its behavioural peculiarity and robustness. The review, following a systematic procedure where scientific quality is complemented by relevance and coverage, underlines a high variability in the level of sophistication for data acquisition. While a stakeholder-specific approach seems natural in all those cases where local authorities want to adopt distinct policy instruments for each stakeholder, this is also needed when homogeneous policies impacting the various stakeholders are tested. Stakeholder-specific data acquisition translates into the creation of multiple experimental designs, explicitly conceived for each stakeholder considered. A case study, intended to compare two alternative strategies for data acquisition, provides a quantitative measure of potential distortions in policy evaluation due to the adoption of a stakeholder-generic approach. Results, in terms of willingness to pay measures, show that a stakeholder-specific approach is needed not only when modelling but also in the data acquisition process.  相似文献   

During the last years, many governments have set targets for increasing the share of biofuels in the transportation sector. Understanding consumer behavior is essential in designing policies that efficiently increase the uptake of cleaner technologies. In this paper we analyze adopters and non-adopters of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). We use diffusion of innovation theory and the established notion that the social system and interpersonal influence play important roles in adoption. Based on a nationwide database of car owners we analyze interpersonal influence on adoption from three social domains: neighbors, family and coworkers. The results point primarily at a neighbor effect in that AFV adoption is more likely if neighbors also have adopted. The results also point at significant effects of interpersonal influence from coworkers and family members but these effects weaken or disappear when income, education level, marriage, age, gender and green party votes are controlled for. The results extend the diffusion of innovation and AFV literature with empirical support for interpersonal influence based on objective data where response bias is not a factor. Implications for further research, environmental and transport policy, and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   


Academic research on automated vehicles (AVs) has to date been dominated by the fields of engineering and computer science. Questions of how this potentially transformative technology should be governed remain under-researched and tend to concentrate on governing the technology’s early development. We respond in this paper by exploring the possible longer-term effect of government (lack of) intervention.

The paper tests the hypothesis that a “laissez-faire” governance approach is likely to produce less desirable outcomes in a scenario of mass uptake of AVs than would a well-planned set of government interventions. This is done using two prominent themes in transport policy – traffic flow and accessibility – in a scenario of high market penetration of Level-5 automated vehicles in capitalist market economies. The evidence used is drawn from a literature review and from the findings of a set of workshops with stakeholders.

We suggest that a laissez-faire approach will lead to an increase in traffic volume as a result of a growing population of “drivers” and a probable increase in kilometres driven per passenger. At the same time, the hoped-for increases in network efficiency commonly claimed are not guaranteed to come about without appropriate government intervention. The likely consequence is an increase in congestion. And, with respect to accessibility, it is likely that the benefits of AVs will be enjoyed by wealthier individuals and that the wider impacts of AV use (including sprawl) may lead to a deterioration in accessibility for those who depend on walking, cycling or collective transport.

We consider the range of possible government intervention in five categories: Planning/land-use; Regulation/policy; Infrastructure/technology; Service provision; and Economic instruments. For each category, we set out a series of interventions that might be used by governments (at city, region or state level) to manage congestion or protect accessibility in the AV scenario described. Many of these (e.g. road pricing) are already part of the policy mix but some (e.g. ban empty running of AVs) would be new. We find that all interventions applicable to the management of traffic flow would also be expected to contribute to the management of accessibility; we define a small number of additional interventions aimed at protecting the accessibility of priority groups.

Our general finding is that the adoption of a package of these interventions could be expected to lead to better performance against generic traffic-flow and accessibility objectives than would a laissez-faire approach, though questions of extent of application remain.

In our conclusions, we contrast laissez-faire with both anticipatory governance and “precautionary” governance and acknowledge the political difficulty associated with acting in the context of uncertainty. We point out that AVs do not represent the first emerging technology to offer both opportunities and risks and challenge governments at all levels to acknowledge the extent of their potential influence and, in particular, to examine methodically the options available to them and the potential consequences of pursuing them.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the empirical evidence relating to the impact of parking policy measures on the demand for parking and for travel. Disaggregate modal choice models, disaggregate parking location models and site‐specific studies of parking behaviour are examined. With regard to modal choice models, it is concluded that few studies deal adequately with parking factors, but that there is some support for the view that parking policy measures are a relatively important influence on modal choice. When parking location models are examined parking policy variables are shown to have a substantial impact on choice of parking location. With regard to site‐specific studies, the paper concludes that there is a great variation in the parking price elasticities quoted, which reflects partly the methodological problems associated with such studies. Suggestions to improve model specification are made.  相似文献   

Telecommuting and travel: state of the practice,state of the art   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the status of telecommuting in the United States, especially as it relates to changes in travel behavior. Regarding the state of the practice, the paper discusses some refinements to the definition of telecommuting that have developed through increased operational experience. It reports several policy statements involving telecommuting, and explores the appeal of telecommuting as a public policy instrument. It highlights some trends in the implementation of home-based and work center-based telecommuting, and suggests that visible public-sector involvement has been crucial to the increased activity in this area.In sketching the state of the art, the paper outlines some frequently-stated hypotheses on telecommuting and travel behavior, and summarizes current empirical findings relating to those hypotheses. Finally, it suggests a variety of topics suitable for further research. These include studying factors influencing the ultimate adoption levels of telecommuting; impacts on energy/air quality, mode choice, and location/urban form; interactions with other transportation demand management strategies; relationships to the traditional urban travel demand forecasting process; cost/benefit tradeoffs; and telecommuting centers.  相似文献   

Concerns about local air pollution and climate change have prompted all levels of government to consider a variety of policies to reduce vehicle dependence and fuel consumption, as the transportation sector is one of the largest sources of local and global emissions. Because many of the policy options under consideration are market-based (e.g., gasoline tax, carbon tax), it is important to consider how the impacts would vary across space and affect different subpopulations. Evaluating incidence is relevant for both the expected costs and benefits of a particular policy, however detailed data on vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) and fuel consumption allowing for the distributions of these variables to be estimated at a fine geographic scale is rarely available. This paper uses a unique dataset with more than 20 million vehicles in California to derive estimates of VMT and fuel consumption in order to examine the spatial distribution of impacts for an increase in the price of gasoline as well as the consequences of using different statistics for policy evaluation. Results show that VMT and fuel consumption distributions are not symmetrically distributed and vary significantly within transportation planning regions. To understand the potential implications of this asymmetry, we do a back of the envelope comparison using the mean and mode of the VMT or fuel consumption distribution for policy analysis. We find that assuming a symmetric distribution can lead to a divergence of 20–40% from the estimates based on the empirical distribution. Our results, therefore, introduce caution in interpreting the incidence of policies targeting the transportation sector based on averages.  相似文献   

While discrete choice analysis is prevalent in capturing consumer preferences and describing their choice behaviors in product design, the traditional choice modeling approach assumes that each individual makes independent decisions, without considering the social impact. However, empirical studies show that choice is social – influenced by many factors beyond engineering performance of a product and consumer attributes. To alleviate this limitation, we propose a new choice modeling framework to capture the dynamic influence from social networks on consumer adoption of new products. By introducing social influence attributes into a choice utility function, social network simulation is integrated with the traditional discrete choice analysis in a three-stage process. Our study shows the need for considering social impact in forecasting new product adoption. Using hybrid electric vehicles as an example, our work illustrates the procedure of social network construction, social influence evaluation, and choice model estimation based on data from the National Household Travel Survey. Our study also demonstrates several interesting findings on the dynamic nature of new technology adoption and how social networks may influence hybrid electric vehicle adoption.  相似文献   

Major technological and infrastructural changes over the next decades, such as the introduction of autonomous vehicles, implementation of mileage-based fees, carsharing and ridesharing are expected to have a profound impact on lifestyles and travel behavior. Current travel demand models are unable to predict long-range trends in travel behavior as they do not entail a mechanism that projects membership and market share of new modes of transport (Uber, Lyft, etc.). We propose integrating discrete choice and technology adoption models to address the aforementioned issue. In order to do so, we build on the formulation of discrete mixture models and specifically Latent Class Choice Models (LCCMs), which were integrated with a network effect model. The network effect model quantifies the impact of the spatial/network effect of the new technology on the utility of adoption. We adopted a confirmatory approach to estimating our dynamic LCCM based on findings from the technology diffusion literature that focus on defining two distinct types of adopters: innovator/early adopters and imitators. LCCMs allow for heterogeneity in the utility of adoption for the various market segments i.e. innovators/early adopters, imitators and non-adopters. We make use of revealed preference (RP) time series data from a one-way carsharing system in a major city in the United States to estimate model parameters. The data entails a complete set of member enrollment for the carsharing service for a time period of 2.5 years after being launched. Consistent with the technology diffusion literature, our model identifies three latent classes whose utility of adoption have a well-defined set of preferences that are significant and behaviorally consistent. The technology adoption model predicts the probability that a certain individual will adopt the service at a certain time period, and is explained by social influences, network effect, socio-demographics and level-of-service attributes. Finally, the model was calibrated and then used to forecast adoption of the carsharing system for potential investment strategy scenarios. A couple of takeaways from the adoption forecasts were: (1) placing a new station/pod for the carsharing system outside a major technology firm induces the highest expected increase in the monthly number of adopters; and (2) no significant difference in the expected number of monthly adopters for the downtown region will exist between having a station or on-street parking.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) are still a maturing technology. Barriers to their adoption include price and range anxiety. EV batteries are significant in determining both EV prices and costs. In this work, we focus on the impact of a high-capacity battery and EV rebates on an EV ecosystem. Using survey data from Los Angeles, California, we simulate different cases of battery costs and prices by means of an agent-based EV ecosystem model. We find that even in Los Angeles, a geographically spread out city, the price of EVs is a more significant barrier to adoption than EV range. In fact, even a quintupling of battery size at no additional costs improves EV adoption by only 5 %. Therefore, policy makers should focus more on affordability than range in promoting EV adoption.  相似文献   

Single policies or entire policy packages are often assessed using different methods aiming at a quantification of effects as well as the detection of undesired outcomes. The knowledge of potential impacts is essential to take informed policy actions. Hence, there is a constant need for efficient assessment approaches to support policy decision-making. A broad range of such assessment methods is used in policymaking. Some of them are using quantitative data; others are characterized by qualitative information, observations or opinions. Practical experiences with transport policy prove that these methods all have their pros and cons, but none of them are able to detect the full range of effects. This leads to important questions this article deals with, such as what are the strengths and limitations of the different tools and methods for assessing impacts, and how should different approaches be integrated into the policymaking processes?We analyze the ability of assessment methods to detect different kinds of intended and unintended effects, and introduce the concepts of structurally open (mainly qualitative) and structurally closed (mainly quantitative) methods. It is argued that these concepts support making the pros and cons of the tools and methods more explicit and, thus, allow integrating the different tools and methods into the process of policy packaging. Based on a policy package example, we provide practical recommendations on how to integrate different assessment methods adequately and show that both quantitative and qualitative tools should be used in different phases of the process. The main recommendation is to alternate the application of assessment methods with structurally open methods used in the beginning and the end of the policymaking process and applying structurally closed methods in between.  相似文献   

Real-time energy trading services for privately owned non-commercial electric vehicles are characterized by an e-vehicle provider, by a provider of energy trading skills and technology, and by the fact that the latter manages (dis-)charging of the e-vehicle of the former with real-time energy prices. We conduct a simulation study to present a comprehensive assessment of the financial value of such services. Such an assessment is required in order to provide policymakers with guidance on if and how real-time trading services can serve as a tool to incentivize e-vehicle ownership. We propose a fully reproducible simulation model of the value creation process of real-time trading services, and use the model to assess services with a range of e-vehicle provider characteristics as well as with a range of technology setups. Our empirical results show that all considered real-time trading services are able to create significant energy cost savings, and that overall cost savings strongly depend on technology characteristics, surcharge rate, as well as on the e-vehicle provider's commute, household size, and office hours. We show that services including solar energy generation have the largest economic potential but do not necessarily maximize renewable energy deployment with residential households. We conclude with recommendations for policymakers on how to tap the full economic potential of real-time trading services for stimulating the adoption of e-vehicles.  相似文献   

To accelerate the diffusion of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), consumer preferences for different products and policy attributes must be determined. Although previous studies have investigated consumer preferences for some product attributes, including purchase price, operation cost, driving range, and charging time, limited studies have discussed the broader aspects of product attributes, such as battery warranty and depreciation rate. Moreover, market-oriented incentives, including the personal carbon trading (PCT) scheme and the tradable driving credits (TDC) scheme, can theoretically be effective alternatives to expensive purchase subsidies. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence that confirms the influence of these two schemes on BEV adoption. To fill these gaps, we conducted a stated preference choice experimental survey in China and investigated the effect of product attributes, existing policy incentives, and two emerging market-oriented incentives on BEV adoption. Our results reveal that along with the main product attributes, battery warranty has a significant positive effect on inducing mainstream consumers to adopt BEVs while no preference difference occurs among existing policy incentives after purchase subsidies are abolished. For young consumers, almost all incentives that reduce the operation cost (e.g., PCT) or increase convenience (e.g., TDC) can increase their adoption of BEVs. These findings can provide important implications for the government with regard to designing novel incentives and promoting BEV adoption.  相似文献   

As a capital intensive transport technology linked to industrialized economies, containerization has only recently penetrated the non-Western, developing periphery. The spatial spread of this revolutionary technology through the transport surface of a developing region encounters numerous institutional and technological barriers which are only removed by a reformulation of government trade and transport policies. In examining the spread process of container technology at the Port of Belawan and its hinterland of North Sumatra, Indonesia, attention is given to the important role of policy as a catalyst to the spatial penetration of this foreign imposed transport mode. Some negative consequences of technology adoption are explored and a spatial penetration model of container technology in a developing regional economy is proposed.  相似文献   

Moving toward sustainable mobility, the sharing economy business model emerges as a prominent practice that can contribute to the transition to sustainability. Using a system dynamics modeling approach, this paper investigates the impacts of an e-carsharing scheme in carbon emissions and in electric vehicle adoption. We study the VAMO scheme located in Fortaleza, Brazil, as the first e-carsharing scheme in the country. We study two policies combined: a VAMO planned growth policy and a retirement policy for conventional vehicles. Our results show that the VAMO incentive policy is an important factor to reduce emissions and to increase awareness of electric vehicles, highlighting the role of the government as an institutional entrepreneur, stimulating and sustaining the VAMO scheme. The retirement policy in combination with the VAMO incentive policy obtained the best results in our simulations, reducing 29% of CO2 emissions and increasing 36% electric vehicle adoption, when compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The main conclusions are that such e-carsharing schemes offer direct and indirect benefits to urban mobility (specially to electric vehicle adoption) and that they depend on how the government supports them.  相似文献   

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