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Four transportation handicapped groups are identified in Taiwan (impaired ambulation, visually impaired, aged, and others) and nine accessible transportation alternatives are proposed. The costs and potential ridership for these nine alternatives in the Taipei area are estimated. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and multicriteria evaluation with qualitative and quantitative data (MEQQD) methods, the most appropriate accessible transportation alternatives for each of the four handicap groups are selected. It is found that the best accessible transportation alternative for the impaired ambulation, the aged, and others would be a demand-responsive lift-equipped specialized van, while half-fare subsidized taxi would be the second-best option. By contrast, the best alternative for the visually impaired would be half-fare subsidized taxi, while conventional bus with broadcast equipment would be the second-best choice.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Transportation (1974) recently completed a comprehensive study of mass transportation needs and methods for financing these needs. Using information from the 1974 National Transportation Study, the study determined the level of capital and operating funds that would be required to implement the 1972–90 long-range plans and 1972–80 short-range programs of the states and urbanized areas. It then analyzed various funding mechanisms at state and local levels for financing their portions of these plans and programs.It was found that urban areas, in general, not only plan to stabilize transit fares in the face of rising costs, but also intend to put $ 23.6 billion into capital investments through 1980 and an additional $ 34.6 billion through 1990. Of the total $ 58.2 billion in capital expenditures by 1990, 63% would be expended by the nine largest urbanized areas; 27.8% by the New York area alone. Rail transit and commuter railroad costs would account for 90% of the nine largest urbanized areas.States and localities would be able to carry the financial burden of mass transportation improvements, even if the proposed 1980 programs were implemented in their entirety, given current levels of Federal assistance. However, there would have to be a substantial financial commitment from the states and localities and some hard decisions made by them about public expenditure priorities, fare policies, and taxation levels, and policies to discourage automobile usage. This underscores the need for careful review of their overall plans and programs by state and local officials before making financial commitments.  相似文献   

Theoretically, charges for building and operating facilities and services should be efficient (proportional to one's use of or benefit derived from the service) and equitable (proportional to one's ability to pay). A number of “innovative” financing techniques have been used recently, whereby the private sector (developers, property owners, businesses, and users) pays entirely or partially for the cost of building and operating transportation facilities or services. These techniques are particularly popular when the impact from the land use developments on the transportation system is such that substantial improvements are warranted in order to avoid serious congestion problems. The purpose of this paper is to investigate special fee assessments (a popular sub-set of “innovative” financing techniques) used for financing highway and mass transportation in order to determine their efficiency and equity implications. The need for such an investigation arises from the fact that everyone residing or doing business in a particular area does not benefit equally from a given transportation system, and neither is everyone able to contribute equally toward that system's building and operation. This paper presents some of the most commonly used special fee assessment techniques and suggests fee structures that are “optimal” on the basis of the benefits that contributors derive from the given transportation system, as well as their ability to pay for it.  相似文献   

Recently much debate has been generated over the issue of public transportation service for the transportation handicapped. In particular, older rapid rail systems have been required to make key stations accessible to the handicapped. However, a waiver of this requirement is permitted in cities where the handicapped community and local officials work out an alternative service system with equal or better station accessibility. In this context, it is the purpose of this paper to present a comparative analysis of a door-to-door demand responsive system and feeder/fixed-route service, two of the service options which are expected to represent acceptable alternatives to “key transit station accessibility” requirements. The comparisons evaluate alternative scenarios of doorstep accessible transportation for the transportation handicapped using analytical models. The results of the comparisons clearly indicate the relative advantage of door-to-door demand-responsive systems over the combination of a feeder and an existing fixed-route system. In particular, when compared to a feeder service, the direct door-to-door service is likely to be less costly, because it requires a smaller fleet and to provide a more desirable service, because it does not entail transfers.  相似文献   

This study examined the trip-making behavior of persons over 65 years of age residing in Los Angeles County. To date, the major shortcoming of most research concerned with the transportation needs of the elderly is that the aged have been treated as a homogeneous group without recognizing the various lifestyles of the senior population. The two most easily distinguishable groups of elderly persons within the county are those residing in the inner-city and those around the urban fringe. Although many elderly are still found in gray ghettos there is currently a trend toward a more suburban generation of retirees. Four areas were selected within the county that reflected these two living patterns of the elderly. A comparative analysis of trip patterns and socio-economic data was completed. It was found that the suburban elderly are characterized as (1) having higher incomes, (2) residing predominantly in single-family units and (3) being reliant upon automobile transportation. As is typical of a large proportion of those over 65 years of age, many of the suburban elderly cannot drive. Studies of the transportation needs of this group indicate that without transit alternatives they may well become society's most transit-deprived segment. On the other hand, while the inner-city elderly may have a wider range of transportation options, they also have a distinct economic disadvantage which preludes their accessibility to opportunities. An analysis of modal choices, trip purposes and the frequency of travel exhibited many similarities and some significant differences in the travel behavior as well as problems of these two groups.In addition to investigating travel patterns a survey of taxi-cab use on weekends and weekdays was undertaken. Elderly persons represent a substantial proportion of taxi-cab patrons. Their use of taxis is further indicative of the change that occurs in mobility patterns upon reaching retirement. This mode of transportation is presently the only type of demand-responsive service available to the senior population in some parts of the county.This report was produced as part of a program of Research and Training in Urban Transportation sponsored by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The results and views expressed are the independent products of university research and are not necessarily concurred in by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the Department of Transportation.  相似文献   

This paper defines the relationship between telecommunications and transportation, by expanding on linkages already identified in the literature, by identifying additional relationships, and by putting these relationships into a robust conceptual framework. There are conceptual, physical, analytical, and regulatory parallels between telecommunications and transportation. Telecommunications affects the demand for, and supply of, transportation — and vice versa. In the broadest sense, all communication requires transportation in order to occur: transportation either of people, of objects, or of electronic impulses. In other words, communication takes place via one or more of those three modes. It is suggested that “communication breeds communication.” That is, the easier it is to communicate (whether through travel or communications), or the more that one or another form of communication takes place, the more that communication as a whole is stimulated. The relative shares of each of the three modes of communication may vary as one mode partially substitutes for another, but the absolute amounts of communication via each mode are likely to increase. Two empirical studies are summarized, one illustrating that teleconferencing increased travel, the other illustrating that telecommuting decreased travel. Other implications for transportation planning are highlighted.  相似文献   

Managerial decisions and inter-patron congestion delays result in user costs for travel on fixed-route public transportation which vary with patronage volume. This paper analyses the types of variations which can be observed in riding and waiting times for a given public transportation fare, frequency and service structure, and develops the resulting performance functions. Typical managerial decisions with respect to fare and frequency of service are then considered, and the variation in user cost resulting from such supply changes is discussed. Various managerial strategies are explored such as maintaining service standards or constant load factors and maximizing service, profit, or net social benefits. An example of a peak-hour, radial transit route is used extensively to illustrate the impact of such decisions.  相似文献   

Major technological and infrastructural changes over the next decades, such as the introduction of autonomous vehicles, implementation of mileage-based fees, carsharing and ridesharing are expected to have a profound impact on lifestyles and travel behavior. Current travel demand models are unable to predict long-range trends in travel behavior as they do not entail a mechanism that projects membership and market share of new modes of transport (Uber, Lyft, etc.). We propose integrating discrete choice and technology adoption models to address the aforementioned issue. In order to do so, we build on the formulation of discrete mixture models and specifically Latent Class Choice Models (LCCMs), which were integrated with a network effect model. The network effect model quantifies the impact of the spatial/network effect of the new technology on the utility of adoption. We adopted a confirmatory approach to estimating our dynamic LCCM based on findings from the technology diffusion literature that focus on defining two distinct types of adopters: innovator/early adopters and imitators. LCCMs allow for heterogeneity in the utility of adoption for the various market segments i.e. innovators/early adopters, imitators and non-adopters. We make use of revealed preference (RP) time series data from a one-way carsharing system in a major city in the United States to estimate model parameters. The data entails a complete set of member enrollment for the carsharing service for a time period of 2.5 years after being launched. Consistent with the technology diffusion literature, our model identifies three latent classes whose utility of adoption have a well-defined set of preferences that are significant and behaviorally consistent. The technology adoption model predicts the probability that a certain individual will adopt the service at a certain time period, and is explained by social influences, network effect, socio-demographics and level-of-service attributes. Finally, the model was calibrated and then used to forecast adoption of the carsharing system for potential investment strategy scenarios. A couple of takeaways from the adoption forecasts were: (1) placing a new station/pod for the carsharing system outside a major technology firm induces the highest expected increase in the monthly number of adopters; and (2) no significant difference in the expected number of monthly adopters for the downtown region will exist between having a station or on-street parking.  相似文献   

This paper has two major components. The first one is the day-to-day evolution of travelers’ mode and route choices in a bi-modal transportation system where traffic information (predicted travel cost) is available to travelers. The second one is a public transit operator adjusting or adapting its service over time (from period to period) based on observed system conditions. Particularly, we consider that on each day both travelers’ past travel experiences and the predicted travel cost (based on information provision) can affect travelers’ perceptions of different modes and routes, and thus affect their mode choice and/or route choice accordingly. This evolution process from day to day is formulated by a discrete dynamical model. The properties of such a dynamical model are then analyzed, including the existence, uniqueness and stability of the fixed point. Most importantly, we show that the predicted travel cost based on information provision may help stabilize the dynamical system even if it is not fully accurate. Given the day-to-day traffic evolution, we then model an adaptive transit operator who can adjust frequency and fare for public transit from period to period (each period contains a certain number of days). The adaptive frequency and fare in one period are determined from the realized transit demands and transit profits of the previous periods, which is to achieve a (locally) maximum transit profit. The day-to-day and period-to-period models and their properties are also illustrated by numerical experiments.  相似文献   

Transportation for the rural elderly is an increasing concern as baby boomers age and young people continue to exit rural communities. When the elderly are no longer able to drive, they rely on alternative forms of transportation, including public transportation systems. Currently, such systems are usually not good substitutes for driving a private car, especially in rural areas. Because expanded rural transportation systems would likely be funded by taxpayers, an understanding of their preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for non-medical transportation options is essential. To help understand WTP and preferences, a choice experiment survey was administered to taxpayers in three counties (Atascosa, Polk, and Parker) in Texas. Results indicate taxpayers’ value transportation services for the elderly and are willing to support them. They value more flexible options over base levels of the attributes presented, but they may not always prefer the most flexible options. Respondents’ WTP for the same transportation attribute was similar across counties, but differences in socio-demographic coefficients suggest that transportation systems may need to be customized to meet local needs. Furthermore, county residents’ WTP may not cover the cost of desired improvements to the transportation systems.  相似文献   

甩挂运输是一种先进的运输组织方式,是提高道路运输效率的重要手段,对于促进节能减排,推动道路运输业的发展具有重要意义。本文针对某一具体甩挂运输企业构建数学模型并从固定成本、变动成本两个方面对其进行经济效益评价,从油耗、二氧化碳排放量和污染物排放量三个方面进行节能减排评价,进而论证得出了甩挂运输具有提高经济效益和节能减排的优势。  相似文献   

To support the development of policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by encouraging reduced travel and increased use of efficient transportation modes, it is necessary to better understand the explanatory effects that transportation, population density, and policy variables have on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. This study presents the development of a model of CO2 emissions per capita as a function of various explanatory variables using data on 146 urbanized areas in the United States. The model takes into account selectivity bias resulting from the fact that adopting policies aimed at reducing emissions in an urbanized area may be partly driven by the presence of environmental concerns in that area. The results indicate that population density, transit share, freeway lane-miles per capita, private vehicle occupancy, and average travel time have a statistically significant explanatory effect on passenger travel related CO2 emissions. In addition, the presence of automobile emissions inspection programs, which serves as a proxy indicator of other policies addressing environmental concerns and which could influence travelers in making environmentally favorable travel choices, markedly changes the manner in which transportation variables explain CO2 emission levels.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of highway and transportation planning in England. It covers the division of responsibilities between central and local government; the organisation of the Department of Transport; the planning, financing and implementation of road schemes, both local and national. A very brief review of transport legislation is included.NOTE: This paper was printed before the UK General Election of May 1979. The Department of Transport is now responsible to the Minister of Transport. The Minister has similar responsibilities to those previously exercised by the Secretary of State for Transport as referred to in this paper. The views expressed in this paper are those of the writer and are not necessarily those of the Department of Transport.  相似文献   

Transportation Research, Part C is a forum designed to serve as a focus for new efforts and achievements in traffic research. While its past issues have been a fertile ground for new scientific concepts and paradigms it is the appropriate international scientific platform to recognize the importance of agent technologies for the traffic research community. Thus I am very glad to follow Leighton Chipperfield’s (Social Science Department of Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK) invitation to be the guest editor for this special issue of Transportation Research, Part C.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to emphasize social equity in transportation are emerging as local, regional and national governments have set initiatives to identify, existing and potential, disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority populations, also referred to as transportation justice (TJ). Currently, there are suggested methods for identifying transportation justice areas; however, there is no streamlined method instituted across transportation agencies. Each jurisdiction identifies transportation justice (or environmental justice) areas based on their own methodology, typically based on either average regional thresholds, graduated thresholds, or a more unique in-house index methodology. This research explores and evaluates existing methods and develops a rigorous and comprehensive method called the Transportation Justice Threshold Index Framework (TJTIF) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as factors based on demographics, socio-economics, and transportation/land use. The framework is applied to a case study region in Pennsylvania reflective of the Marcellus Shale impact area, highlighting Sullivan County, PA. The methodology and the case study application serve as an example for how transportation agencies throughout the country can promote social sustainability and enhance transportation equity.  相似文献   

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