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“五一”走进最美公交人 说起公交行业,人们最先想到的往往是公交车驾驶员.在公交车驾驶员背后,有很多做着各种后勤保障工作的公交人——他们默默无闻地付出着,在平凡的岗位上辛勤劳动,以自己的方式演绎着人生的精彩——让我们对这些劳动者致以节日的问候,衷心地道一声:你们辛苦了! “状元司机”王文秀的“服务经” 38岁的王文秀在2015“宇通杯”全国公交驾驶员节能技术大赛上获得全国“节能技术能手称号”,在长春市2015年职工技能大赛中被授予“长春市高技能职工”荣誉称号.她不仅车开得好,为乘客提供的服务也是一流.  相似文献   

<正>公交驾驶员在驾驶公交车辆运营服务过程中,始终保持良好精神状态和心理素质,对于行车安全和预防交通事故十分重要。公交驾驶员“情绪”驾驶的引发因素很多,直接影响着行车安全,要有针对性地加以预防。1公交驾驶员“情绪”驾驶引发因素(1)交通环境。随着机动车保有量增加和道路施工、交通管制等,城市道路“路难走、车难行”会引起驾驶员的烦躁情绪;  相似文献   

安全是公交企业发展的基础,在公交的生产经营中,驾驶员起着主导作用,如何快速识别出影响公交驾驶员安全行车的心理因素并及时疏导,是个需要深思的问题。2020年7月7日,交通运输部发文要求“切实强化城市公共交通安全管理。要督促公交企业密切关注驾驶员身体、心理健康状况,严禁心理不健康、身体不适应的驾驶员上岗从事营运,严禁客运车辆带病运行,加强公交车运行动态监控,及时提醒和纠正不安全驾驶行为。”这是对公交车运行安全的关注和对公交驾驶员安全行车心理问题的重视。对此,本文围绕公交驾驶员的职业心理特点、影响安全的心理因素及对策展开研究。  相似文献   

3月3日,以全国五一劳动奖章获得者、济南公交103路驾驶员徐维玉名字命名的“徐维玉线路”公交车驶上泉城街头。这是济南公交首次以公交驾驶员的名字为线路命名,标志着济南公交特色服务又提升了一个新水平。  相似文献   

大街上,五彩公共自行车穿梭如织;小巷里,“迷你”公交轻盈而过;城里城外,新能源公交车往来有序——从只有几条线路的“老爷车”到300辆纯电动公交车上路运营;从滞后的人工协调到GPRS智能调度;从名不见经传到省内公交行业前列——青州公交的跨越式发展和一个响当当的人物密不可分,他,就是山东省青州市政协委员、青州凯程公共交通股份有限公司董事长——张伟民.  相似文献   

巴士公交志愿者蹲点稽查交通陋习整治全覆盖 “乱变道、乱鸣号、乱停站”——这些公交车的陋习一旦被巴士公交志愿者查实,将纳入对驾驶员的考核.近日早晚高峰时段,在上海市共和新路、延安路等主干道的一些公交站点上,活跃着公交志愿者的身影,他们头戴巴士志愿者白帽、佩戴营运巡视臂章、身着绿色稽查专用背心,对沿线公交驾驶员交通违法行为开展现场稽查,扩大重点区域路段的蹲点稽查,加大了政治巴士公交驾驶员交通陋习的覆盖面.  相似文献   

7月31日,在青奥交通保供车辆集结地——南京河西中胜停车场,一辆辆印有2014青奥会徽的新能源公交车整齐排列,统一着装的青奥驾驶员方阵精神抖擞,这里正在举行南京江南公交“冲刺青奥会”誓师大会。市交通集团、公交集团领导和江南公交干部职工共计300余人参加了誓师大会。  相似文献   

我司召开“服务青运会满意在公交”文明服务竞赛活动表彰大会 去年12月23日,我司召开“服务青运会满意在公交”文明服务竞赛活动表彰大会,对在市道管处开展行业竞赛中胜出的14条“公交文明示范线路”和337名“模范公交车驾驶员”进行表彰,集团党委书记、董事长陈宙泉,纪委书记、工会主席张诚等集团领导,基层各单位管理干部、受表彰的线路及驾驶员代表参加会议.  相似文献   

正5月11日至12日,在杭州举行的第四届(2017)"宇通杯"全国公交驾驶员节能技术大赛上,唐山公交作为唐山地区唯一参赛单位,选派的两名驾驶员刘磊、蔡忠不负众望,分别在LNG公交车10.5米手动档车型和纯电动公交车10.5米车  相似文献   

城市公交车“节油”是个永恒的话题,公交车驾驶员非常关注,公交管理者十分重视。那么,从什么地方节油?笔者以为,在车辆技术状况相同的条件下,驾驶技术高低对节约燃油影响很大,正确合理的驾驶操作可以大大降低燃耗。不同技术水平的驾驶员,在相同条件下,驾驶相同汽车,油耗可相差20%-40%。驾驶车辆的各个环节都是有节油潜力可挖的。  相似文献   

江泽民同志在建党八十周年大会上提出的“三个代表”,与邓小平同志在1992年提出的“三个有利于”都体现了历史唯物主义关于生产力、生产关系、上层建筑相互关系的基本原理,都是我国社会主义实践经验的总结,两者是一脉相承的。“三个代表”的需求,作为中国共产党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,在党建思想上把马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论发展到了一个新阶段。  相似文献   

The research on biomass reduction of Fe2O3 was carried out by using sawdust as reductant. The direct reducing agents in the biomass magnetization process were determined by comparing various biomass pyrolysis products with the reduction degree (divalent iron content in total iron), reduction temperature range and valence change of Fe2O3 in the reduction process. The microstructure variation of Fe2O3 at different stages was also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nonisothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was applied to explore the thermal reduction process. The results show that the direct reducing substances in the biomass reaction with Fe2O3 are H2 and bio-oil, and the reduction process can be divided into two steps: biomass pyrolyzing to release H2 and bio-oil, and reductive volatiles reacting with Fe2O3. The two steps are relatively independent. The kinetic of the reduction reaction follows a first-order reaction kinetic model, with 88.99 kJ/mol activation energy and 9.55 × 108 min?1 frequency factor.  相似文献   

Phase space can be constructed for N equal and distinguishable binary subsystems which are correlated in a scale-invariant manner. In the paper, correlation coefficient and reduced probability are introduced to characterize the scale-invariant correlated binary subsystems. Probabilistic sets for the correlated binary subsystems satisfy Leibnitz triangle rule in the sense that the marginal probabilities of N-system are equal to the joint probabilities of the (N −1)-system. For entropic index q ≠ 1, nonextensive entropy S q is shown to be additive in the scale-invariant occupation of phase space.  相似文献   

建设"公交都市"已经成为城市公共交通系统发展新的战略部署,相对于近十年一直倡导的"公交优先"战略,"公交都市"在中国仍处于探索时期。在地方政府积极参与"公交都市"申报的背景下,许多城市对于构建"公交都市"采取与"公交优先"相同的策略、思路、方法,"公交都市"相对于"公交优先"是否只是一种战略上的提升或改进?本文从内涵意义、策略措施、考核指标、战略目标四个方面阐述两者之间的关联和区别,揭示"公交都市"和"公交优先"的不同战略角度和目标宗旨,为城市正确构建"公交都市"提供指导。  相似文献   

CuCeZrOx and KCuCeZrOx catalysts were synthesized and coated on the blank diesel particulate filter (DPF) substrate and a particulate matter (PM) loading apparatus was used for soot loading. The catalytic performances of soot oxidation were evaluated by temperature programmed combustion (TPC) test and characterization tests were conducted to investigate the physicochemical properties of the catalysts. The reaction mechanism in the oxidation process was analyzed with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that CuCeZrOx catalyst exhibited high activities of soot oxidation at low temperature and the best results have been attained with Cu0.9Ce0.05Zr0.05Ox over which the maximum soot oxidation rate decreased to 410 °C. Characterization tests have shown that catalysts containing 90% Cu have uniformly distributed grains and small particle sizes, which provide excellent oxidation activity by providing more active sites and forming a good bond between the catalyst and the soot. The low-temperature oxidation activity of soot could be further optimized due to the excellent elevated NO’s conversion rate by partially substituting Cu with K. The maximum particle oxidation rate can be easily realized at such a low temperature as 347°C.  相似文献   

porting water vapor. The second one is from South China Sea. It is the weakest one. The third is from the tropical Pacific Ocean to the east  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper focuses on the combustion optimization to cut down NO x emission with a new strategy. Firstly, orthogonal experimental design (OED) and chaotic sequences are introduced to improve the performance of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Then, a predicting model for NO x emission is established on support vector machine (SVM) whose parameters are optimized by the improved PSO. Afterwards, a new optimization model considering coal quantity and air quantity along with the traditional optimization variables is established. At last, the operating parameters are optimized by the improved PSO to cut down the NO x emission. An application on 600MW unit shows that the new optimization model can cut down NO x emission effectively and maintain the load balance well. The NO x emission optimized by the improved PSO is lowest among some state-of-the-art intelligent algorithms. This study can provide important guides for the low NO x combustion in the power plant.  相似文献   

A series of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) method in this study, and electric field was applied for catalytic combustion of lean methane over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts at low temperature. When electric field was applied, the catalytic combustion performance of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts was greatly improved, and the application of electric field could reduce the load of active element Pd to some extent while maintaining the same efficiency. Based on experimental tests and the analysis results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H2-temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) and in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (in-situ DRIFTS), the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of CH4 over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts in electric field was proposed. The catalytic combustion of CH4 occurs only when the temperature is higher than 250 °C normally, but when electric field was applied, the whole process of CH4 oxidation was promoted significantly and the reaction temperature was reduced. Electric field could promote the reduction of the support Co3O4 to release the lattice oxygen, resulting in the increase of PdOx and the surface chemisorbed oxygen, which could provide more active sites for the low-temperature oxidation of CH4. Furthermore, electric field could accelerate the dehydroxylation of CoOOH to further enhance the activity of the catalysts.  相似文献   

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