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目前内河船舶及江海直达船舶已使用含硫量低于10mg/kg的低硫国标普通柴油,内河船舶排放大气污染物主要有硫氧化物、氮氧化物等。本文采用基于燃油、行驶里程的排放因子法和燃油理论排放最大值估算法计算肇庆市船舶大气污染物的排放值,同时结合海事部门检测数据进行修正并提出相关工作建议。  相似文献   

倡导船舶岸基供电 推进船舶节能减排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常船舶靠泊后需要开启辅机发电,为船舶提供日常的电力。大型船舶特别是油船和集装箱船使用燃油发电,燃油燃烧过程中产生大量硫化物和氮氧化物,对周边环境造成污染。国际海事组织(IMO)数据表明:全球以柴油为动力的船舶每年向大气排放1000万吨NOx,850万吨SOx。此外,船舶使用燃油发电机产生的噪声也会对环境造成污染。因此,为减少污染物排放量以降低污染的船舶岸基供电技术应运而生。  相似文献   

吴海文 《珠江水运》2004,(11):30-34
珠海高栏港华联油码头地处西江和谭江流域的出口处,水流复杂和可航水域有限,且进出港航道为横流航道,受潮流影响较大.本文根据自已引航操船实践经验,浅析引领超大型船舶驶靠珠海高栏港华联油码头的操纵方法.  相似文献   

珠海高栏港经济区依托全国沿海主枢纽港之一的高栏港而设立,是国家发改委核准的省级经济开发区。全区首期开发面积183平方千米,规划控制面积330平方千米,高栏港口岸为国家一类对外开放口岸。《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》中明确指出要加快建设珠海船舶建造基地,大力发展大功率中低速柴油机等船舶关键配套装备,打造产能干万吨级的世界级大型修造船基地和具有现代化技术水平的海洋工程装备制造基地。珠海高栏港在此千载难逢机遇中将掀起船市经济发展新纪元。  相似文献   

大气环境污染问题越来越严重,国家对环境保护重视程度达到了空前高度。随着航运业的不断发展,船舶尾气排放已成为导致大气环境污染的重要原因之一,船舶污染物排放法规是限制船舶排放的重要手段。通过研究中国内河船舶和压燃式汽车发动机使用燃油标准及排气污染物排放限值的标准发展历程以及现状,对比中国内河船舶和压燃式汽车发动机使用燃油和排气污染排放标准,分析船舶法规存在的问题,研究船舶燃料及排放法规的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为推进绿色港口建设,治理港口大气污染,以《港口工程大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南第1部分:集装箱码头》为依据,介绍集装箱码头的大气污染源构成和不同污染源的大气污染物排放量计算方法,以青岛前湾联合集装箱码头为例计算并分析各类大气污染物排放情况和排放量,由此提出积极推进靠港船舶使用岸电、推进港口作业机械和运输车辆电气化、建立能耗和环境智慧管控系统、构建大气污染源排放清单编制机制与体系、积极参与创新交流活动等建议。  相似文献   

为实现船舶大气污染物排放量的远程测量,初步筛选出高排放船舶,提高船舶排放监管的针对性和效率,设计一种基于嗅探式传感器的岸基监测设备和配套的软件平台系统。系统通过采集船舶大气污染物浓度数据、船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Indentification System,AIS)数据和气象数据等实时信息,基于船舶尾气排放量在线估算方法、船舶尾气排放扩散数值模拟、观测数据的模式识别算法等,实现船舶尾气排放特征的在线识别和疑似高排放船舶的粗筛。对比在相同环境条件下CALPUFF模型计算得到的气体污染物模拟理论浓度,验证岸基嗅探式自动监测系统的监测可行性和准确性。  相似文献   

交通运输部日前印发《珠三角、长三角、环渤海(京津冀)水域船舶排放控制区实施方案》(简称“方案”),首次设立船舶大气污染物排放控制区,控制船舶硫氧化物、氮氧化物和颗粒物排放,为全面控制船舶大气污染奠定基础。 “方案”要求:自2016年1月1日起,排放控制区内有条件的港口,可以实施高于现行排放控制要求的措施,包括船舶靠岸停泊期间使用硫含量不高于0.5%的燃油。自2017年起,船舶在排放控制区内的核心港口区域靠岸停泊期间(靠港后的1h和离港前的1h除外),应使用硫含量不高于0.5%的燃油。  相似文献   

为有效控制船舶大气污染物排放,我国划定了珠三角、长三角、环渤海(京津冀)水域为船舶排放控制区(ECZ),本文在介绍我国船舶排放控制区硫含量控制要求的基础上,结合现场执法工作实际,重点分析海事部门在开展燃油质量检查、监督排放控制等方面面临的问题,并提出监管对策及建议,以期能为ECZ开展监管工作提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

中化格力港务有限公司石化公用码头工程位于珠海高栏港,共8个泊位.船舶靠泊等级为1000~80000DWT船舶,远期兼顾150000DWT船舶的靠泊。通过该工程的设计,重点介绍如何结合港区波浪条件、靠泊船舶的等级情况等进行码头结构设计优化。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of ship exhaust emissions at the Port of Piraeus and undertakes the challenge of finding a cost-effective option for its reduction according to the upcoming requirements of the 2005/33/EU Directive, through analysis of port traffic data and the utilisation of the experience gained through previous studies in this field. The Port of Piraeus makes a particularly suitable reference for this type of work, since it is one of the busiest and highly urbanised ports in the world. It is shown that cruise ships calling at Piraeus fulfill the criteria of selection for such an exercise by virtue of their frequency of calling, berth power requirements and time spent at berth. It was found that, according to current practice, cruise ships at berth consume 11 034 tons of fuel and produce 620.1 tons of NOX, 274.8 tons of SO2 and 20.7 tons of PM, totalling to 915.6 tons of exhaust emissions per year. This represents an overall annual cost of 21 million euro, divided between private (bunkering) and external (emission damage) costs by 19.4% and 80.6%, respectively. With regard to the upcoming EU requirements for ship power at berth, it was found that, irrespective of whether operating on ultralow-sulphur (0.1% sulphur) fuel or on shore-side electricity, a sizeable reduction in emissions and associated external costs is achieved, whereas private costs were always higher than those of the current practice. Comparing the two options, it was further found that the shore-side electricity presents the lowest external costs but highest private costs, whereas the overall costs are around 25% lower than the onboard use of ultralow-sulphur fuel.  相似文献   

为实现碳减排目标,航运业必须寻找更为清洁环保的船舶替代燃料,而零碳排放的氢能源电池将发挥巨大潜力.在介绍氢燃料电池船舶国内应用现状和技术规范基础上,分析氢燃料电池船舶的优势和面临的挑战,最后从海事管理机构的角度提出了对氢燃料电池船舶的监管建议.  相似文献   

为进一步提升青岛港董家口港区矿石码头泊位通过能力、提高卸船作业效率,在当前董家口港区矿石泊位使用率居高不下以及无新增码头投建的背景下,考虑2艘40万吨级矿船在吃水受限港池进行套泊作业的高风险系数,基于船舶操纵模拟试验,仿真40万吨级矿船在不同风、浪、流工况组合条件下进行套泊作业试验,并根据试验结果确定40万吨级矿船套泊作业的关键要素。结果表明,在确定的套泊作业关键要素条件下,董家口港区可安全进行40万吨级矿船套泊作业。  相似文献   

天津港目前正在建设大型原油和矿石码头,从经济上分析,运输两货种采用的船型越大越经济。但天津港受渤海水深的限制,一些超大型船不能满载到达。本文研究了天津港最大设计船型,认为是:25万吨级原油和矿石船、部分30万吨级油船。  相似文献   

为打好船舶大气污染防治攻坚战,落实交通运输部海事局"陆海空天"一体化海事监管体系建设方向,提升我国海洋、内河及环境情况复杂水域中在航船舶尾气监测的自动化水平,研究了小型化的船舶尾气嗅探传感器,利用无人机搭载嗅探传感器实时监测在航船舶尾气中的SO2和CO2浓度,依此反推船舶燃油的硫含量.选择对上海(排放控制区)关键水域的...  相似文献   

混合动力电动船舶模糊逻辑控制策略   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
混合动力电动船舶对于纯电动船舶具有较好的续航能力,适用于航线较长且具有随机性的船舶工况,同时对于工程作业船舶工况其可以降低柴油发电机为动力的工程作业船舶柴油机功率,减少燃油消耗与排放。本文分析了上述两种不同船舶工况特点,并针对该工况采用串联式混合动力结构作为船舶动力系统结构并根据工况需求设计了相应的模糊逻辑控制策略。运用MATLAB/Simulink搭建了系统仿真模型,仿真结果表明,所设计串联式混合动力系统及其模糊逻辑控制策略能够在上述两种船舶工况下实现控制要求。  相似文献   


Accurately estimating fuel consumption of ships is crucial for shipping companies, port authorities, and environmental protection agencies. The bottom-up approach is becoming increasingly popular because it can estimate ship fuel consumption by accounting for ship activity conditions, such as changes in voyage speed, time, and distance; however, its use is still limited when estimating ship fuel consumption. Ship-specific information, such as the daily fuel consumption rate for main and auxiliary engines for every vessel, is expensive to gather, and generally not collected from private shipping companies. To address this research gap, we develop simplified and composite ship fuel consumption models for ocean-going container ships by size using a regression model. To estimate the fuel consumption models for container ships, we rely on ship activity data, including average speed and sailing time, distance, and actual fuel consumption for main and auxiliary engines. This information is obtained from a major container shipping company in Korea. We estimate and validate the parameters associated with fuel consumption for five different container ship sizes, all of which are smaller than the Post-Panamax container ship (15,000 TEU and above).  相似文献   


Much is known about transport costs at sea and costs made at terminals in ports. About costs, made by ports to provide nautical facilities (incl. infrastructure) and services, not much research is done yet. This paper estimates the impact of increasing ship sizes on costs made by the Port Authority of Amsterdam when providing nautical facilities and services by using hedonic pricing techniques. We have rather unique data on ship’s sizes and harbour dues paid per ship for over 25 years for ships that visited the Port of Amsterdam. Harbour dues paid are used as a proxy for the costs of nautical facilities and services. We have found nearly constant returns to scale, when volume is used as a measure of a ships’ size. An increase in average ship size with 1,000 tonnes deadweight will result in approximately €2 million additional yearly costs (an increase of the average ship size of six percent results in an increase of nautical costs with nearly the same percentage). Our results can be used by Port Authorities and port operators (in case of landlord ports) to estimate costs to be made for providing nautical facilities and services in the near future.  相似文献   

[目的]为提升船舶的能源利用率,对多因素影响下的燃料电池/锂电池混合动力船舶能效优化方法进行分析。[方法]基于Matlab/Simulink仿真建模软件,建立对象船舶的能效仿真模型,研究通航环境要素对船舶能效的影响。考虑动力源特性和船舶功率需求,提出基于模糊逻辑的功率分配策略,以优化系统能量流动。然后在此基础上,以系统总能耗最低为优化目标,建立考虑多因素的船舶航速非线性优化模型,采用鲸鱼优化算法开展优化模型动态寻优,并进行不同航行方法和航行时间约束下的能效优化分析。[结果]结果显示,在总航行时间不变的情况下,采用所提的考虑多因素的船舶能效优化方法可以降低船舶5.04%的总能耗和13.16%的燃料电池氢气总消耗。[结论]所述方法对船舶节能减排具有积极的作用,同时对提高船舶续航力和经济性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于中、日、韩航线及海峡两岸的航运市场不断发展,为了船舶的安全及经济效益,到我国台湾地区的船舶缩短在石垣港的换单时间及操船,关系到船舶的安全营运,抓好这一环节十分重要。  相似文献   

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