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Transport models, philosophy and language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paul Timms 《Transportation》2008,35(3):395-410
The aim of this paper is to encourage debate about the nature of transport modelling. It does so firstly by considering the underlying philosophies of science (apparently) adopted by transport modellers, over a period of more than 50 years, from the 1950s until the present day. The conclusion is that a new philosophy of science needs to be developed, which is more in tune with how transport modelling is actually carried out (as opposed to how early transport modellers thought it ought to be carried out). It is recommended that such a new philosophy perceives transport modelling as a linguistic activity within the overall context of transport planning, which is in turn considered as a communication process. The paper outlines three main approaches that could be taken in this respect, analysing transport models from metaphorical, narrative and aesthetic perspectives. Conclusions are drawn upon the possible future research directions that might follow from the analysis provided in the paper, emphasising the importance of bringing formal philosophical thinking into transport modelling research and practice.
Paul TimmsEmail:

Paul Timms   is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. He has been involved for 20 years in research covering a wide range of transport modelling (from traffic signals to world futures), applied to various locations in Europe, Asia and Latin America.  相似文献   

The robustness of questionnaire results to various forms of bias are explored in the context of a dual-mode (web and hardcopy) survey of employers’ anticipations of levels of employee commuting and business travel activity under a range of future ICT scenarios. The questionnaire incorporated several innovative features which, together with the dual-mode format, allowed an unusually wide range of analyses. For example: the robustness of respondents’ opinions was tested by examining the effect of incorporating alternative versions of a briefing text, one being very positive and one very negative, about the role of ICT; instrument bias was identified via detailed comparison of the results from the two versions of the questionnaire; and the impact of exogenous factors which are often ignored or taken as constant was assessed via special supplementary questions. Analysis showed that the robustness of opinions and expectations varied and was influenced by respondent characteristics, and that results from the two versions of the questionnaire differed significantly. It is concluded that opinions and expectations are less robust, and questionnaire results are more subject to bias and myopic interpretation, than is generally recognised and that web-based surveys seem particularly vulnerable to sampling bias. Methods are suggested for measuring robustness, for reducing bias and for validating and contextualising results. The use of contrasting briefing texts is recommended as a means of establishing the robustness of opinions and expectations while supplementary questions are recommended for validating and contextualising SP and SE exercises.
Peter BonsallEmail:

Peter Bonsall   Professor of Transport Planning at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His research interests include: use of innovative data sources, microsimulation, multi-criteria appraisal of policy interventions, travellers’ perception of modal attributes, their ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity and their response to new information and charges. Jeremy Shires   Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His research interests include behavioural modelling, the impact of “soft factors” on travel, stated preference design and public transport demand modelling.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the first and second best jointly optimal toll and road capacity investment problems from both policy and technical oriented perspectives. On the technical side, the paper investigates the applicability of the constraint cutting algorithm for solving the second best problem under elastic demand which is formulated as a bilevel programming problem. The approach is shown to perform well despite several problems encountered by our previous work in Shepherd and Sumalee (Netw. Spat. Econ., 4(2): 161–179, 2004). The paper then applies the algorithm to a small sized network to investigate the policy implications of the first and second best cases. This policy analysis demonstrates that the joint first best structure is to invest in the most direct routes while reducing capacities elsewhere. Whilst unrealistic this acts as a useful benchmark. The results also show that certain second best policies can achieve a high proportion of the first best benefits while in general generating a revenue surplus. We also show that unless costs of capacity are known to be low then second best tolls will be affected and so should be analysed in conjunction with investments in the network.
Agachai SumaleeEmail:

Andrew Koh   Prior to joining the Institute for Transport Studies in December 2005, Andrew was employed for number of years as a consultant in highway assignment modelling. He is an economist with wide ranging research interests in transport economics as well as evolutionary computation heuristics such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimisation and differential evolution. Simon Shepherd   At the Institute for Transport Studies since 1989, he gained his doctorate in 1994 applying state-space methods to the problem of traffic responsive signal control in over-saturated conditions. His expertise lies in modelling and policy optimisation ranging from detailed simulation models through assignment to strategic land use transport models. Recently he has focussed on optimisation of road user charging schemes and is currently working on optimal cordon design and system dynamics approaches to strategic modelling. Agachai Sumalee   Agachai is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (). He obtained a Ph.D degree with the thesis entitled “Optimal Road Pricing Scheme Design” at Leeds University in 2004. His research areas cover transport network modeling and optimization, stochastic network modeling, network reliability analysis, and road pricing. Agachai is currently an associate editor of Networks and Spatial Economics.  相似文献   

Traffic forecasts are employed in the toll road sector, inter alia, by private sector investors to gauge the bankability of candidate investment projects. Although much is written in the literature about the theory and practice of traffic forecasting, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the predictive accuracy of traffic forecasting models. This paper addresses that shortcoming by reporting the results from the largest study of toll road forecasting performance ever conducted. The author had access to commercial-in-confidence documentation released to project financiers and, over a 4-year period, compiled a database of predicted and actual traffic usage for over 100 international, privately financed toll road projects. The findings suggest that toll road traffic forecasts are characterised by large errors and considerable optimism bias. As a result, financial engineers need to ensure that transaction structuring remains flexible and retains liquidity such that material departures from traffic expectations can be accommodated.
Robert BainEmail:

Robert Bain   spent the first 15 years of his career as a traffic and transportation consultant before joining the infrastructure team at Standard & Poor’s in 2002. He is currently retained by the rating agency on a freelance basis and, separately, provides transport-related technical support services to infrastructure funds, insurance companies and institutional investors. Robert recently completed a PhD at the Institute for Transport Studies—hence his affiliation with the University of Leeds.  相似文献   

The effect of complex models of externalities on estimated optimal tolls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transport externalities such as costs of emissions and accidents are increasingly being used within appraisal and optimisation frameworks alongside the more traditional congestion analysis to set optimal transport policies. Models of externalities and costs of externalities may be implemented by a simple constant cost per vehicle-km approach or by more complex flow and speed dependent approaches. This paper investigates the impact of using both simple and more complex models of CO2 emissions and cost of accidents on the optimal toll for car use and upon resulting welfare levels. The approach adopted is to use a single link model with a technical approach to the representation of the speed-flow relationship as this reflects common modelling practice. It is shown that using a more complex model of CO2 emitted increases the optimal toll significantly compared to using a fixed cost approach while reducing CO2 emitted only marginally. A number of accident models are used and the impact on tolls is shown to depend upon the assumptions made. Where speed effects are included in the accident model, accident costs can increase compared to the no toll equilibrium and so tolls should in this case be reduced compared to the congestion optimal toll. Finally it is shown that the effect of adding variable CO2 emission models along with a fixed cost per vehicle-km for accidents can increase the optimal toll by 44% while increasing the true welfare gained by only 8%. The results clearly demonstrate that model assumptions for externalities can have a significant impact on the resulting policies and in the case of accidents the policies can be reversed.
Simon Peter ShepherdEmail:

Simon Peter Shepherd   at the Institute for Transport Studies since 1989, he gained his doctorate in 1994 applying state-space methods to the problem of traffic responsive signal control in over-saturated conditions. His expertise lies in modelling and policy optimisation ranging from detailed simulation models through assignment to strategic land use transport models. He is currently working on optimal cordon design and systems dynamics approaches to strategic modelling.  相似文献   

Despite widespread growth in on-road public transport priority schemes, road management authorities have few tools to evaluate the impacts of these schemes on all road users. This paper describes a methodology developed in Melbourne, Australia to assist the road management authority, VicRoads, evaluate trade-offs in the use of its limited road-space for new bus and tram priority projects. The approach employs traffic micro-simulation modelling to assess road-space re-allocation impacts, travel behaviour modelling to assess changes in travel patterns and a social cost benefit framework to evaluate impacts. The evaluation considers a comprehensive range of impacts including the environmental benefits of improved public transport services. Impacts on public transport reliability improvements are also considered. Although improved bus and tram reliability is a major rationale for traffic priority its use in previous evaluations is rare. The paper critiques previous approaches, describes the proposed method and explores some of the results found in its application. A major finding is that despite a more comprehensive approach to measuring the benefits of bus and tram priority, road-space reallocation is difficult to economically justify in road networks where public transport usage is low and car usage high. Strategies involving the balanced deployment of bus and tram priority measures where the allocation of time and space to PT minimises negative traffic impacts is shown to improve the overall management of road-space. A discussion of the approach is also provided including suggestions for further methodology development.
Bill YoungEmail:

This paper reports the results of a stated-preference study aimed at investigating how transport decisions are made by receivers or by transport operators about the potential use of an urban freight consolidation centre in the city of Fano, Italy. Because there are no revealed preference data, a stated-choice methodology is used. The stated-choice experiments present two alternatives—one using a private vehicle subject to various traffic regulations and one using the urban freight consolidation centre with varying cost and efficiency levels. Conventional discrete choice data modelling shows that the potential demand is influenced mainly by the distance of the parking bay from the shop, by access permit cost, by the service cost of the urban freight consolidation centre, and by the delay in delivery time. Simulations are then performed to assess how the potential demand is affected by various incentives and regulations affecting urban goods distribution.
Edoardo MarcucciEmail:

Edoardo Marcucci   is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Roma Tre, Italy, General Secretary of the Italian Society of Transportation Economists, and co-founder of the Kuhmo—Nectar Conference and Summer School Series on Pricing, Financing, Regulating Transport Infrastructures and Services. He has studied freight transportation concentrating on interactions along logistic supply chains. Romeo Danielis   is Full Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy. He is managing editor of European Transport\Trasporti Europei. He has published articles on input-output modelling, regional environmental policy, social costing of transport externalities, EU enlargement and on several transport issues including road pricing, the Down-Thompson paradox, energy use and CO2 emissions, freight transport demand and stated preferences.  相似文献   

The impact of high-speed technology on railway demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper estimates a passenger railway demand function to analyse effects arising from the introduction and use of high-speed technologies. The paper reports estimates of demand elasticities with respect to price, income, quality of service and a range of exogenous characteristics. The results show that travel time savings from conventional high-speed technology have a larger impact on passenger demand than tilting train technology. The introduction of conventional high-speed technology is associated with an 8% increase in passenger railway demand. Increasing the use of either type of high-speed technology appears to induce small positive effects on demand beyond those obtained from usual traffic density increases on non-high-speed existing technology.
Daniel J. Graham (Corresponding author)Email:

Antonio Couto   is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) at the University of Porto. He received his PhD from FEUP in 2005 having completed a thesis in railway transport economics. His research focuses on issues related to transport economics and infrastructures. Daniel J. Graham   is a Reader in the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College London. He specialises in the economics of transport, focusing in particular on modelling the implications of transport provision and accessibility for productivity and economic growth.  相似文献   

Flexible transport services include a wide range of demand responsive transport systems that provide non-conventional passenger and freight transportation services. Several alternative business models varying according to the local market conditions, the socio-economic, legal, and institutional framework may be developed for the provision of Flexible Transport Systems (FTS). The objective of this paper is twofold: first to present an integrated methodological framework for developing and assessing alternative FTS business models and second to demonstrate its applicability to a case study regarding the prioritization of alternative FTS business models for the provision of flexible passenger transport services in Helsinki.
Teemu SihvolaEmail:

The example of Singapore shows that rapid urban and economic growth does not have to bring traffic congestion and pollution. Singapore has chosen to restrain car traffic demand due to its limited land supply. Transport policy based on balanced development of road and transit infrastructure and restraint of traffic has been consistently implemented for the past 30 years. Combined with land use planning, it resulted in a modern transport system, which is free from major congestion and provides users with different travel alternatives. As the economic growth caused a substantial increase in demand for cars, several pricing policies were introduced with the aim of restraining car ownership and usage. Growth of the vehicle population is now controlled and potentially congested roads are subject to road pricing. These measures help to keep the roads free from major congestion, maintain car share of work trips below 25% and keep the transport energy usage low. Although Singapore conditions are in many aspects unique, its travel demand experience can provide useful lessons for other rapidly growing cities in Asia.
Piotr S. OlszewskiEmail:

This paper reports the results of a scenario-based simulation study to explore mobility effects of an aging society in the Netherlands. Four accumulative behavioral scenario variants, embedded in an economic and demographic scenario are used to simulate possible future activity-travel patterns, using the Albatross system as the simulator. The variants account for likely differences in activity-travel behavior between elderly today and elderly in the future. Trends ongoing over the last decade in the Netherlands suggest that future elderly need to work longer, change their activity pattern with most growth occurring in the social/leisure activity category, will try to avoid morning peak hours by rescheduling their activities and may introduce more spatial diversity in terms of their residence location. Results show that these behavioral and spatial changes lead to a significant increase in travel demands as well as temporal, spatial and modal shifts in mobility patterns. We discuss possible policy implications of these predictions and evaluate the specific strength of activity-based models for studies of this kind.
Theo ArentzeEmail:

Theo Arentze   received a Ph.D. in Decision Support Systems for urban planning from the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is now an Associate Professor at the Urban Planning Group at the same university. His main fields of expertise and current research interests are activity-based modeling, discrete choice modeling, knowledge discovery and learning-based systems, and decision support systems with applications in urban and transport planning. Harry Timmermans   (1952) holds a Ph.D. degree in Geography/Urban and Regional Planning. He studied at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Since 1976 he is affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. First as an assistant professor of Quantitative and Urban Geography, later as an associate professor of Urban Planning Research. In 1986 he was appointed chaired professor of Urban Planning at the same institute. In 1992 he founded the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (a sister-institute of the Canadian Institute of Retailing and Services Studies). His main research interests concern the study of human judgement and choice processes, mathematical modelling of urban systems and spatial interaction and choice patterns and the development of decision support and expert systems for application in urban planning. He has published several books and many articles in journals in the fields of Marketing, Urban Planning, Architecture and Urban Design, Geography, Environmental Psychology, Transportation Research, Urban and Regional Economics, Urban Sociology, Leisure Sciences and Computer Science. Peter Jorritsma   graduated in 1981 as a Traffic Engineer and in 1987 as MSc in Economic Geography at the University of Groningen. After a 2-year period as researcher at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen he started in 1989 a career at the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Planning and Water Management. Within the Ministry, Peter Jorritsma worked within different research departments. The focus of his research work was on (inter)national public transport issues, spatial planning in relation to transport, travel behaviour in common and travel behaviour of different groups in society (elderly, immigrants, women). Since 2006 Peter Jorritsma is working for the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis, a scientific research institute within the Ministry of Transport. Marie-José Olde Kalter   graduated in 1997 as MSc in Traffic and Transport Engineering at the University of Twente. She started her career at Goudappel Coffeng BV, a traffic and transport consultant for public and private parties. Within Goudappel Coffeng, Marie-José was the first 3 years concerned with developing transport models to forecast the future use of infrastructure given different scenario’s and policy measures. After this period she specialized in qualitative and quantitative research methods. In 2005 she continued her career at the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Strategic Modeling and Forecasting. Since 2006 is Marie-José working for the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis, a scientific research institute within the Ministry of Transport. She is mainly involved in qualitative and quantitative research related to travel behaviour. Arnout Schoemakers   graduated in 1998 as MSc in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning at the University of Groningen. He started his career at AGV, a traffic and transport consultant for public and private parties. Within AGV, Arnout was concerned with developing land-use and transportation models to forecast the future use of infrastructure and land-use given different scenario’s and policy measures. In 2002 he continued his career at the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Strategic Modeling and Forecasting. At this Ministry Arnout was project manager of the new developed LUTI model TIGRIS XL and the activity based model ALBATROSS. Since 2008 Arnout is working at Oranjewoud, a stock-noted leading consultancy and engineering firm. He is mainly involved developing and using transport models, and in designing processes how to use these model systems in the Dutch planning system.  相似文献   

When a new public transport service is introduced it would be valuable for public authorities, financing organisations and transport operators to know how long it will take for people to start to use the service and what factors influence this. This paper presents results from research analysing the time taken for residents living close to a new guided bus service to start to use (or adopt) the service. Data was obtained from a sample of residents on whether they used the new service and the number of weeks after the service was introduced before they first used it. Duration modelling has been used to analyse how the likelihood of starting to use the new service changes over time (after the introduction of the service) and to examine what factors influence this. It is found that residents who have not used the new service are increasingly unlikely to use it as time passes. Those residents gaining greater accessibility benefits from the new service are found to be quicker to use the service, although the size of this effect is modest compared to that of other between-resident differences. Allowance for the possibility that there existed a proportion of the sample that would never use the new service was tested using a split population model (SPD) model. The SPD model indicates that 36% of residents will never use the new service and is informative in differentiating factors that influence whether Route 20 is used and when it is used.
Kang-Rae MaEmail:

Kiron Chatterjee   has been a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Bristol, since 2003 and previously was at the University of Southampton. Currently, a main focus of his research is on longitudinal analysis of travel behaviour to improve policy analysis. Kang-Rae Ma   received a PhD in Planning from University College London. He worked at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and the Korea Transport Institute before he joined Chung-Ang University as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include modelling of travel behaviour and urban excess commuting.  相似文献   

Activity-travel behavior research has hitherto focused on the modeling and understanding of daily time use and activity patterns and resulting travel demand. In this particular paper, an analysis and modeling of weekly activity-travel behavior is presented using a unique multi-week activity-travel behavior data set collected in and around Zurich, Switzerland. The paper focuses on six categories of discretionary activity participation to understand the determinants of, and the inter-personal and intra-personal variability in, weekly activity engagement at a detailed level. A panel version of the Mixed Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value model (MMDCEV) that explicitly accounts for the panel (or repeated-observations) nature of the multi-week activity-travel behavior data set is developed and estimated on the data set. The model also controls for individual-level unobserved factors that lead to correlations in activity engagement preferences across different activity types. To our knowledge, this is the first formulation and application of a panel MMDCEV structure in the econometric literature. The analysis suggests the high prevalence of intra-personal variability in discretionary activity engagement over a multi-week period along with inter-personal variability that is typically considered in activity-travel modeling. In addition, the panel MMDCEV model helped identify the observed socio-economic factors and unobserved individual specific factors that contribute to variability in multi-week discretionary activity participation.
Kay W. AxhausenEmail:

Erika Spissu   is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari (Italy). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Palermo and University of Cagliari (Italy) in Transport techniques and economics. She spent the past 2 years at the University of Texas at Austin as a Research Scholar focusing primarily in activity-based travel behavior modeling, time use analysis, and travel demand forecasting. Abdul Rawoof Pinjari   is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida, Tampa. His research interests include time-use and travel-behavior analysis, and activity-based approaches to travel-demand forecasting. He has his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research. Ram M. Pendyala   is a Professor of Transportation Systems in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches and conducts research in travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling and forecasting, activity-based microsimulation approaches, and time use. He specializes in integrated land use—transport models, transport policy formulation, and public transit planning and design. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research and is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values. He has his PhD from the University of California at Davis. Kay W. Axhausen   is a Professor of Transport Planning at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. Prior to his appointment at ETH, he worked at the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford. He has been involved in the measurement and modelling of travel behaviour for the last 25 years, contributing especially to the literature on stated preferences, microsimulation of travel behaviour, valuation of travel time and its components, parking behaviour, activity scheduling and travel diary data collection.  相似文献   

The introduction of the congestion charge in central London on the 17th of February, 2003, led to a reduction in congestion. One factor that has not been fully analysed is the impact of the congestion charge on traffic casualties in London. Less car travel within the charging zone may result in fewer traffic collisions, however, as the number of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists increased after the introduction of the congestion charge, the number of traffic casualties associated with these groups may also have increased. Reductions in congestion can also lead to faster speeds. Therefore, there could be increases in injury severity for those crashes that do occur. An intervention analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of the congestion charge on traffic casualties for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, both within the charging zone and in areas of London outside the zone. This was done for killed and serious injuries (known as KSI in British terminology) and for slight injuries to examine whether there were any shifts in severity outcomes. Our results suggest no statistically significant effect for total casualties in London, but within the charging zone there has been a statistically significant drop in motorist casualties, and possibly an increase in cyclist casualties. There is an associated effect of an increase in casualties of motorcyclists and cyclists in some areas outside the charging zone, suggesting that changes in the design of the congestion charge may be needed to achieve reductions in casualties.
Mohammed A. QuddusEmail:

Dr. Robert B. Noland   is Reader in Transport and Environmental Policy at the Centre for Transport Studies at Imperial College London. He received his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania in Energy Management and Environmental Policy and previously was a Policy Analyst at the US Environmental Protection Agency. Dr. Mohammed A Quddus   is a Lecturer in Transport Studies at Loughborough University. Prior to this he was a Research Assistant at Imperial College London where he obtained his PhD in 2006. His main research interests are in road transport safety, geographic information science and its application to transport planning. Dr. Washington Y. Ochieng   is the Reader in Geomatics and Transport Telematics at Imperial College London. He is the Director of the Engineering Geomatics group that carries out research in ATM-ATC, positioning and navigation, and transport telematics. Dr. Ochieng holds BSc (Eng), MSc and PhD degrees in space geodesy.  相似文献   

A model is presented that relates the proportion of bicycle journeys to work for English and Welsh electoral wards to relevant socio-economic, transport and physical variables. A number of previous studies have exploited existing disaggregate data sets. This study uses UK 2001 census data, is based on a logistic regression model and provides complementary evidence based on aggregate data for the determinants of cycle choice. It suggests a saturation level for bicycle use of 43%. Smaller proportions cycle in wards with more females and higher car ownership. The physical condition of the highway, rainfall and temperature each have an effect on the proportion that cycles to work, but the most significant physical variable is hilliness. The proportion of bicycle route that is off-road is shown to be significant, although it displays a low elasticity (+0.049) and this contrasts with more significant changes usually forecast by models constructed from stated preference based data. Forecasting shows the trend in car ownership has a significant effect on cycle use and offsets the positive effect of the provision of off-road routes for cycle traffic but only in districts that are moderately hilly or hilly. The provision of infrastructure alone appears insufficient to engender higher levels of cycling.
Matthew PageEmail:

John Parkin   joined academia after a career in consultancy. He has experience of all stages of the promotion of transport infrastructure, from planning and modelling to design and implementation. His specialises in transport engineering with an emphasis on design innovation, sustainability principles and community benefit. Mark Wardman   has been involved in transport research for over 20 years. His main research interests are in behavioural response models in general and stated preference in particular. Areas of application have included public transport, notably rail, with several novel applications to cycling and environmental issues. Matthew Page   research interests include transport policy and how it has developed, the environmental impacts of transport, the impacts of transport on climate change, and walking and cycling.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of transport model applications that not only provide a central traffic forecast (or forecasts for a few scenarios), but also quantify the uncertainty in the traffic forecasts in the form of a confidence interval or related measures. Both uncertainty that results from using uncertain inputs (e.g. on income) and uncertainty in the model itself are treated. The paper goes on to describe the methods used and the results obtained for a case study in quantifying uncertainty in traffic forecasts in The Netherlands.
Gerard de JongEmail:

Most major cities across the world today are facing an intractable challenge of financing public transport. In Kuala Lumpur for example, public transport services are somewhat poor in part because of the failure of major operators to secure ample funding. Previous funding programs implemented in the city have failed to produce a replicable model for financing public transport. Due to numerous financial problems and the dismal performance of privately owned transport firms, the State has in the recent past emerged as a key source of funding for the public transport sector in Kuala Lumpur. This article argues that, despite the insuperable challenges, prospects for the future funding of public transport in Kuala Lumpur appears to be good. The article also draws lessons from both Tokyo and Hong Kong. In order to address the funding deficit facing the public transport industry in the city it is crucial that more viable strategies and policies such as value capture and public–private sector partnerships are adopted by the urban authorities.
Amin T. KiggunduEmail:

There has been a great deal of research on deriving estimates of the value of travel time savings (VTTS) as a way of converting travel time benefits of toll roads relative to free routes into monetary units, the major user benefit in the development of forecasts of traffic and hence revenue streams. By contrast there has been almost no consideration given to identifying the role that various tollroad products play in establishing preferences for toll routes over non-tolled routes. Increasingly tollroads give users the option to pay by cash at a toll booth, by electronic tolling or by a pre- or post-paid debit and credit account system involving vehicle identification. The efficiency gained by electronic tolling for both the users and the operator have resulted in moves in many jurisdictions to eliminate cash collection entirely (or not introduce it when introducing a new tolled road facility), and to introduce a range of pre- and post-payment options. This has been accompanied by a growing move to distance-based charging in some contexts which is more cumbersome to structure with a cash option. This paper investigates current and potential travellers’ preferences for a range of toll products and how much individual’s are willing to pay for very specific toll products. Data from a stated choice experiment is used in a mixed logit model to establish the role that toll products play in the context of offered times and costs of alternative routes, in choosing between alternative ways of paying for the use of tolled routes.
John M. RoseEmail:

David A. Hensher   is Professor of Management, and Founding Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. David is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, Recipient of the 2006 Engineers Australia Transport Medal for lifelong contribution to transportation, member of Singapore Land Transport Authority International Advisory Panel (Chaired by Minister of Transport). David is on the editorial boards of 10 of the leading transport journals and Area Editor of Transport Reviews. David was appointed in 1999 by one of the worlds most prestigious academic publishing houses—Elsevier Science press as series and volume editor of a new handbook series “Handbooks in Transport”. Appointments over recent years include: a member of the executive committee that reviewed bus transport bids for the Olympic Games, the NSW Government’s Peer Review Committee for the Sydney Strategic Transport Plan, Peer reviewer for Transfund (NZ) of the New Zealand project evaluation program, Peer reviewer of the NZ Land Passenger Transport Procurement Strategy for Land Transport NZ, member of the executive committee of ATEC, a consortium promoting a freight rail system between Melbourne and Darwin; economic adviser to Gilbert+Tobin Lawyers on valuation methods in IP context; panel member of NSW Ministry of Transport benchmarking program; specialist toll road project adviser to Thiess. John M. Rose   is Director of the Industry Program and a Deputy Director at Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS). John’s research interests are in the areas of discrete choice modelling and efficient stated choice experiments. John has several articles published in the top Transportation and Logistics journals (including Transportation, Transportation Research A, B and E) and is a co-author of (with Professors David Hensher and William Greene) Applied Choice Analysis; A Primer, (2005) by Cambridge University Press. He is currently writing a book on generating efficient stated choice experimental designs (with Mike Bliemer, Delft).  相似文献   

Due to a variety of reasons, the previous century is characterized by an extraordinary growth in car use that has continued into the current century. This has resulted in serious environmental repercussions. Despite technological advancements, the externalities remain an ecological threat that can not be discarded by policy makers. Therefore, it is essential that policy makers focus on reducing car use and on stimulating the shift towards more environment-friendly transport modes. In this study, Q-methodology is adopted as the technique to segment people, and to ascertain which approaches and determinants matter to medium distance travel. Segmentation is important, as policy measures will be more efficient and effective if they are fine-tuned on specific target groups. The analysis revealed that four discourses preponderate the paradigm of environmentally sustainable transport: travelers who use public transport as a dominant alternative, car-dependent travelers, travelers with a positive perception of using public transport, and travelers with a preference for car use. Concerning rational, economic motives, individuals evaluate travel time reliability as most important. To increase the reliability policy makers should consider the use of separate bus lanes and traffic light manipulation. In addition, public transport can be made even more attractive, when costs of cars are made more variable by road or congestion charging. When the s motives are discussed, the differences between the different groups of travelers were more pronounced. Next to increasing the benefits of using public transport, policy makers should also pay attention to removing psycho-social barriers.
Mario CoolsEmail:

In this paper, a joint model of vehicle type choice and utilization is formulated and estimated on a data set of vehicles drawn from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey. The joint discrete–continuous model system formulated in this study explicitly accounts for common unobserved factors that may affect the choice and utilization of a certain vehicle type (i.e., self-selection effects). A new copula-based methodology is adopted to facilitate model estimation without imposing restrictive distribution assumptions on the dependency structures between the errors in the discrete and continuous choice components. The copula-based methodology is found to provide statistically superior goodness-of-fit when compared with previous estimation approaches for joint discrete–continuous model systems. The model system, when applied to simulate the impacts of a doubling in fuel price, shows that individuals are more likely to shift vehicle type choices than vehicle usage patterns.
Chandra R. Bhat (Corresponding author)Email:

Erika Spissu   is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari (Italy). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Palermo and University of Cagliari (Italy) in Transport techniques and economics. She spent the past 2 years at The University of Texas at Austin as a Research Scholar focusing primarily in activity-based travel behavior modeling, time use analysis, and travel demand forecasting. Abdul Pinjari   is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida, Tampa. His research interests include time-use and travel-behavior analysis, and activity-based approaches to travel-demand forecasting. He has his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. Ram M. Pendyala   is a Professor of Transportation Systems in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches and conducts research in travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling and forecasting, activity-based microsimulation approaches, and time use. He specializes in integrated land use-transport models, transport policy formulation, and public transit planning and design. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research and is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values. He has his PhD from the University of California at Davis. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.  相似文献   

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