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徐迎春 《运输经理世界》2010,(11):I0024-I0024
5月10日,中通客车董事长李海平在2009年度股东大会上表示,2010年公司将紧紧抓住国家推广新能源客车的机遇,健全新能源客车产品体系,加快新能源客车生产基地建设,争取年内推出6款新能源客车,包括3款混合动力客车和3款纯电动客车,加大新能源客车在海内外市场销售力度,  相似文献   

10月23日,中通客车与中国联通战略合作签约仪式暨“中联智通”运营管理系统上市发布会在山东大厦隆重举行,山东省副省长王军民、中通客车董事长李海平、山东联通总经理霍海峰共同启动系统上市水晶球。  相似文献   

5月10日,中通客车董事长李海平在2009年度股东大会上表示,2010年公司将紧紧抓住国家推广新能源客车的机遇,健全新能源客车产品体系,加快新能源客车生产基地建设,争取年内推出6款新能源客车,包括3款混合动力客车和3款纯电动客车,加大新能源客车在海内外市场销售力度,形成新的  相似文献   

从2006年年报显示,中通客车公司2006年全年累计生产客车5506辆,销售客车5505辆,实现销售收入10.09亿元,较05年同期分别增长了17.69%、19.54%和17.92%。“2007年我们提了‘7133’的目标,就是客车产销7000台,销售收入13个亿,利润确保3000万。这个是我们的目标,整个指导思想。”中通客车总经理李海平在年初宣誓后,带着他的七款豪客剑舞华夏,驰骋沙场!  相似文献   

11月25日,山东聊城。漫天的礼花中,井冈山旅游发展股份有限公司副总曾圣芳从中通客车董事长李海平手中接过象征车辆交接的金钥匙,中通客车与井冈山旅游发展股份有限公司交接车仪式圆满结束。据悉,井冈山旅游发展股份有限公司是中国第一家进行规模化、专业化红色旅游的公司。在9月23日该公司50辆红色旅游线路用车招标中,中通客车凯驰LCK6802H-3和  相似文献   

近几年来,交通事故频发,安全问题已成为全社会关注的焦点,在这样的情况下,创新技术手段提升车辆的安全性能势在必行。3月1日上午,中通客车在聊城昌润大酒店隆重举行了中通-哈工大技术研究院启动仪式,共同攻关客车安全新技术。聊城市人民政府副市长张璇宇,哈尔滨工业大学(威海)校长冯吉才、副校长曲世友及汽车方面的有关专家,聊城市交运集团副总经理韩坤,中通客车董事长李海平、总经理孙庆民等领导,共同出席了本次会议。  相似文献   

一个企业能发展多大,关键在于它能在多大范围内整合资源。借用广泛资源为我所用,这才是企业生存壮大之道近年来,中通客车成为行业稳健发展的代表,增长速度始终居行业前列,尤其是在新兴产业如新能源客车、清洁能源客车和校车上,中通客车表现出了强大的市场竞争力,市场占有率均在15%以上。为破译中通发展的密码,展示中通的美好前景,近日,笔者采访了中通客车董事长李海平,李总从企业战略、人才培养、新兴产业以及发展重点等各方面畅谈企业发展的历史和未来——对人才的投资回报率是最高的多年来,我们一直把人才队伍建设作为企业的一项重要任务,取得的成果让我们鼓舞。2000年,我们做了一件让同行刮目相看的一件事,我们派遣十余批共180余人的管理、技术以及一线员工赴荷兰B0VA公司学习,这也是行业出国研修的首例。在荷兰,他们与当地员工一  相似文献   

腊月的轻寒刚刚散去,这个冬天注定是一个暖冬.然而对于中国客车产业来说,迎来的却将是新一轮更猛烈、更激进的洗牌浪潮. 在运输企业更加专业的眼光下,产业更加透明的背景中,生存就意味着想的更早、做的更多.而宇通、金龙的产量相继迈入万台的行列,让整个客车行业的竞争进一步加剧.对这一客车产业的围城,49岁的李海平从容淡定.  相似文献   

中通凯越客车上市三年来,以其超高的性价比、出色的赢利能力深得客户信赖. 中通凯越的正式推出,标志着中通客车进入了中高档客车细分市场,并向"中国最好的客车制造商"的既定目标,迈出了坚实的一步.  相似文献   

竞争是客车企业力争上游的积极姿态,竞争使行业格局发生了变化。从2012年中国公路学会客车分会公布的天然气客车市场集中度位居行业首位,再到6米以上客车跻身前四,竞争使得中通客车实现了2012年质的跨越,打破了"三龙一通"的旧格局,进入第一集团。在2012年整个行业形势低迷的情境下,中通客车逆势上扬,打破了旧的行业格局,创造了一个奇迹,成就了业界"中通  相似文献   

Land use and transportation mutually affect each other. Unfortunately, most transportation decision making procedures assume that public agencies cannot shape future land use patterns, and that past land use practices unswervingly determine future conditions. In A Tale of Two Cities, the author surveys the correlations between land use policies and travel behavior in two Oregon cities (Portland and Hillsboro).Building on successes the City of Portland has achieved in reducing reliance on the automobile, the author outlines a recent project by 1000 Friends of Oregon, titled Making the Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality Connection (LUTRAQ). According to the author, the purpose of LUTRAQ is to replicate Portland's approach in a more suburban context. Specifically, LUTRAQ is attempting to develop a realistic land use/transportation/demand management alternative to a proposed new bypass freeway and to accurately measure that alternative for its effects on travel demand, land use, air quality, climate change, and other indices. Although LUTRAQ is a project in progress, the author provides preliminary information that suggests the alternative successfully reduces demand for single occupancy automobile travel.  相似文献   

贝雷钢便桥在高速公路施工中应用广泛,架设型式多样。跨顾圩河便桥中支墩采用钢板基础,依靠通车后荷载使支墩稳定,同时采用非标组装贝雷主桁,上承式结构,安全、经济、合理,是贝雷钢便桥架设的好型式。  相似文献   

This study uses an integrated model utilizing a small-world network and choice-based conjoint adoption model to examine the dynamics of consumer choice and diffusion in the hybrid electric vehicles market. It specifically compares the effectiveness of hybrid diffusion through the traditional word of mouth and via social media. The results show that without the advantage of increased gasoline prices, the growth of the hybrid vehicles market is insignificant, and that the Internet has a significant influence on the word of mouth effect in the purchasing process. Hybrid electric vehicles market shares decrease dramatically as a result of negative word of mouth communication via social media. The use of a higher fuel taxes is more effective than providing a subsidy for disposing of old vehicles and purchasing a hybrid.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first research on the distance distribution of human mobility with single vehicle based on the driving data from a taxi company in South China. Different from conventional exponential distribution, we discover the mobility distance with taxi follows power-law distribution. Further, we proposed a model which may explain the mechanism for the power-law distribution: mobility distance is constrained by time and fare. Specifically, the relationship between fare and mobility distance follows piecewise function, and responds to individual sensitivity; the relationship between time and mobility distance follows significant logarithmic relationship. These two factors, especially the logarithmic relationship between time and mobility distance, may contribute to a power-law distribution instead of an exponential one. Finally, with a simulation model, we verify the significant power-law distribution of human mobility behavioral distance with a single vehicle, by supplementing factors of waiting time and fare.  相似文献   

The different approaches to noise impact assessment adopted by the individual countries and the scientific community have led to the development of a certain number of indicators, mainly focused on specific transport modes. However, in practice, technicians and decision-makers alike may fail to identify the most appropriate indicators, if they have no specific expertise on environmental noise. This paper presents a review of the main transport noise indicators, both the general acoustic ones and those used for specific transport modes. A critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of these indicators is provided, as well as a section discussing the framework in which they work, and suggestions for their best use, aimed at assisting decision-makers to ascertain their role in the evaluation process of the transport systems. To this extent, a classification is proposed, supplemented by the DPSIR (driving forces, pressures, states, impacts, responses) approach, in an effort to assess the cause–effect relationship between society and the environment. Decision-makers will also gain insight into the prioritization of the use of the existing indicators in accordance to their own needs, as well as advice on the joint use of socioeconomic variables to fully support their decisions.  相似文献   

The family of macroscopic node models which comply to a set of basic requirements is presented and analysed. Such models are required in macro-, mesoscopic traffic flow models, including dynamic network loading models for dynamic traffic assignment. Based on the behaviour of drivers approaching and passing through intersections, the model family is presented. The headway and the turn delay of vehicles are key variables. Having demand and supply as input creates a natural connection to macroscopic link models. Properties like the invariance principle and the conservation of turning fractions are satisfied. The inherent non-uniqueness is analysed by providing the complete set of feasible solutions. The node models proposed by Tampère et al. (2011), Flötteröd and Rohde (2011) and Gibb (2011) are members of the family. Furthermore, two new models are added to the family. Solution methods for all family members are presented, as well as a qualitative and quantitative comparison. Finally, an outlook for the future development of empirically verified models is given.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展,汽车持有量的增加,交通事故也成为交通事业发展的一个严峻挑战。针对这些情况,车辆驾驶安全技术的研究取得了很大发展。文章从驾驶疲劳的研究现状、驾驶疲劳研究存在的问题等方面对驾驶疲劳监测方法进行了综述性研究,着重对基于机器视觉的驾驶疲劳监测方法进行了研究,为驾驶疲劳的检测技术的开展提供了参考。  相似文献   

Although many individual route choice models have been proposed to incorporate travel time variability as a decision factor, they are typically still deterministic in the sense that the optimal strategy requires choosing one particular route that maximizes utility. In contrast, this study introduces an individual route choice model where choosing a portfolio of routes instead of a single route is the best strategy for a rational traveler who cares about both journey time and lateness when facing stochastic network conditions. The proposed model is compared with UE and SUE models and the difference in both behavioral foundation and model characteristics is highlighted. A numerical example is introduced to demonstrate how such model can be used in traffic assignment problem. The model is then tested with GPS data collected in metropolitan Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota. Our data suggest there is no single dominant route (defined here as a route with the shortest travel time for a 15 day period) in 18% of cases when links travel times are correlated. This paper demonstrates that choosing a portfolio of routes could be the rational choice of a traveler who wants to optimize route decisions under variability.  相似文献   

蔡学熙 《中国索道》2002,2(6):15-16
章介绍了用于架空索道轮幅受力计算的另一种方法。  相似文献   

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