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近年来,中国海洋石油工业发展迅猛。为了控制油田总体开发成本,新建的海上采油平台往往依托于原有平台的工艺处理和油气集输系统。这就需要铺设相应的海底管道和电缆,将新旧平台连接起来。海管和平台之间需要通过安装在导管架上的立管来连接,而用来固定立管的结构物一立管卡子的安装步骤是比较复杂的,通常需要动用大型浮吊船舶,成本高昂。本文系统地介绍了利用气动绞车安装立管卡子装方法。该方法可以不借助浮吊,有效地节约了工程成本。  相似文献   

吴俊浩  曾祥春 《中国造船》2004,45(Z1):419-425
本文介绍了海上油田新型辅助工作船舶--"浅海海底管线电缆检测与维修装置"的关键技术、关键设施的设计和建造,以及针对该装置具有的船体结构特殊、功能性强、控制复杂、设备繁多、空间狭小等有异于普通船舶的特点而在施工设计和建造阶段所采用的新技术、新建造模式、新工艺、新观念.  相似文献   

左胜 《中国造船》2003,44(Z1):173-179
本文介绍了秦皇岛32-6油田井口平台组块码头装船和海上安装施工中的吊装工艺.由于该吊装工艺是海洋石油工程股份有限公司首次采用,所以有必要介绍其施工过程,为今后井口平台组块的码头装船和海上安装施工提供方案参考.  相似文献   

为提高海上平台指挥调度效率、保障海上生产作业设施及人员生命财产安全、加快海上石油生产信息化建设,提出海上生产设施主动防护理念,并结合近年海上主要事故分析总结情况研发出一套海底管线防护系统。该系统以电子海图为平台,利用船载自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)及雷达技术对监控点周围一定范围内的过往船舶进行实时监控,当船舶在海底管线上方一定范围内且有抛锚趋势时,系统将发出声光预警,值班人员通过相关手段通知该船舶不准抛锚,从而达到防护海底管线的目的。当船舶在海上平台一定范围内行驶且有冲撞平台的趋势,或违规驶入驶出特定区域时,该系统亦能发出预警,从而达到保护海上生产作业设施及人员生命财产的目的。  相似文献   

海底电缆作为海上油田群电力传输的重要手段,是输送海上各类平台(采油、钻井)的采油、钻井、外输、动力等系统的主要载体。海底电缆工程作为海上石油平台工程技术的重要分支,其敷设、试验、维修的专业难度大,复杂程度极高。文章系统的介绍海底电缆的敷设工程及试验各个阶段,并简述海缆故障的检测及维修的方法。  相似文献   

胜利埕岛海上油田自1993年正式开发至今,目前已建成平台近百座,海底管线、海底电缆各近200km.根据油藏调整方案,需要新打180多口井,新建22座新平台(包括一座中心平台),建成产能约100万t.这些新平台依托旧平台进行生产,新建的平台上设置生产设施,产出液、电力和注水通过新建海底管线和电缆,依托老平台的处理系统和外输系统,进入整个系统.因此,要对已有平台、管线和电缆进行检测评估.考虑到油藏调整规划方案中涉及的平台管线的服役状况,在利用这些已有设施前必须做下述工作:一是已建系统能力是否适应,即目前油、气、水、电等系统的能力是否满足埕岛油田生产的需要?需要对目前海上油田的油气集输管网、注水管网、电网、平台的油、气、水生产处理能力、变配电能力、自控系统能力、消防系统能力、油气加热能力、地面除砂能力等进行综合分析和评价;二是已建设施的寿命是否匹配?必须对平台上部设施、平台结构和海底管道进行全面地检验与评估;三是在检测评估的基础上,决定对现有设施的利用、更新改造或废弃新建提出具体建议.  相似文献   

高峰  李娟 《中国造船》2012,53(Z1):217-221
海底管道的安全可靠运行是海上油气田生产的根本保障。近年,由于海水冲刷悬空、海上拖网捕鱼作业等,在我国近海相继出现了几次海底管道泄漏事件。2002年10月初,南海西部涠洲12-1至11-4油田海底管道发生的一次泄漏,造成了该油田停产和巨大的经济损失;该文通过该工程所采用的水下维修实例,介绍了一种典型的海底管道水下机械连接维修方法及其实施中的难点和关键点,以期对类似工程具有指导作用。  相似文献   

林华春 《船舶》2015,(1):86-89
"南海自安装试采平台"是一种多功能的油田开发设施,主要用于滚动开放南海北部湾海域多个年产量小于25万m3、开发年限少于5年、周围无依托设施的边际小油气田,主电站是影响该平台技术方案和运营成本的关键设备。文中根据该平台的功能和用电负荷,结合拟开发边际油田的燃料来源情况,从技术性与经济性两方面比较论证适用于"南海自安装试采平台"的主电站方案。  相似文献   

我国海上第一座三腿式无人操作采油平台,目前在渤海石油设计公司进入了设计阶段。该平台是渤中34油田的配套工程,距渤中34油田4EP 井口平台约三公里。平台上共有3口生产油井,由于无人操作,平台上动力电源由4EP 平台经海底电缆供给,设备也由该平台遥控和遥测。平台投产  相似文献   

随着海上油田的进一步开发,海上钻井平台钻探任务不断加重,自升式平台需要在不同油田的井位进行就位作业,为了保障就位作业的顺利进行,需要进行自升式平台在该井位的入泥深度及稳定性分析。在自升式平台作业期间,可能会遭遇恶劣的海况,需要研究分析自升式平台在某井位作业时发生侧滑的可能性,并推算可承受的最大风速。通过建立某自升式平台沉垫入泥深度模型和侧滑移模型,根据QHD32-6平台场址工程地质调查,结合抗滑移软件计算得出该自升式沉垫平台裙板在该井场场址的入泥深度、稳定性和极限环境条件。  相似文献   

海洋平台需通过桩基与海床固定,桩基根据安装工艺不同分为:打桩桩、钻孔桩和吸力桩;随着海洋工程的发展,吸力桩越来越广泛地用作为系泊系统、水下生产系统及自安装式平台的桩基。以旅大32-2系缆平台为例,对吸力桩平台吸水灌入工艺进行介绍,可提供以后类似工程借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

随着全球海洋石油天然气开发从浅水走向深水,由于潜水员下潜深度有限,海底油气管道的连接必须通过水下机器人代替潜水员完成此项工作。因此各种管道连接技术也越来越多地应用于海洋石油开发中。水下管道连接器作为一种重要的自动安装连接装置,涉及到机械、液压、材料、防腐、密封等各个方面,具有免潜水员操作、安装便捷、可靠性高等特点,可广泛应用于水下油气管道连接。本文对已成功应用于南海某气田中水下采气树跨接管连接的水平机械式管道连接器和水下管汇发球器连接的垂直液压式管道连接器,从密封结构、导向结构、锁紧结构的设计进行了深入的阐述,并在连接器样机型式试验、产品防腐、水下安装等方面也进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a method for estimating the amount of expansion that occurs in subsea pipelines, which could be applied in the design of robust structures that transport oil and gas from offshore wells. We begin with a literature review and general discussion of existing estimation methods and terminologies with respect to subsea pipelines. Due to the effects of high pressure and high temperature, the production of fluid from offshore wells is typically caused by physical deformation of subsea structures, e.g., expansion and contraction during the transportation process. In severe cases, vertical and lateral buckling occurs,which causes a significant negative impact on structural safety, and which is related to on-bottom stability, free-span, structural collapse, and many other factors. In addition, these factors may affect the production rate with respect to flow assurance, wax, and hydration, to name a few. In this study, we developed a simple and efficient method for generating a reliable pipe expansion design in the early stage, which can lead to savings in both cost and computation time. As such, in this paper, we propose an applicable diagram, which we call the standard dimensionless ratio(SDR) versus virtual anchor length(LA) diagram, that utilizes an efficient procedure for estimating subsea pipeline expansion based on applied reliable scenarios. With this user guideline,offshore pipeline structural designers can reliably determine the amount of subsea pipeline expansion and the obtained results will also be useful for the installation, design, and maintenance of the subsea pipeline.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a method for estimating the amount of expansion that occurs in subsea pipelines, which could be applied in the design of robust structures that transport oil and gas from offshore wells. We begin with a literature review and general discussion of existing estimation methods and terminologies with respect to subsea pipelines. Due to the effects of high pressure and high temperature, the production of fluid from offshore wells is typically caused by physical deformation of subsea structures, e.g., expansion and contraction during the transportation process. In severe cases, vertical and lateral buckling occurs, which causes a significant negative impact on structural safety, and which is related to on-bottom stability, free-span, structural collapse, and many other factors. In addition, these factors may affect the production rate with respect to flow assurance, wax, and hydration, to name a few. In this study, we developed a simple and efficient method for generating a reliable pipe expansion design in the early stage, which can lead to savings in both cost and computation time. As such, in this paper, we propose an applicable diagram, which we call the standard dimensionless ratio (SDR) versus virtual anchor length (LA) diagram, that utilizes an efficient procedure for estimating subsea pipeline expansion based on applied reliable scenarios. With this user guideline, offshore pipeline structural designers can reliably determine the amount of subsea pipeline expansion and the obtained results will also be useful for the installation, design, and maintenance of the subsea pipeline.  相似文献   

海管(立管)是海底生产系统和浮武装置之间的关键连接.随着海洋油气开发水深的不断增加,对海管(立管)自身以及辅助施工设备的性能都提出了更高要求,施工及正常作业的安全保证愈加重要.基于立管分析软件Orcaflex,针对项目中的SCR立管进行了安装分析,并依据规范进行应力、应变校核,可为深水安装分析及方案的确定提供一定的技术参考和理论支持.  相似文献   

对超期服役老平台进行安全解脱和回接作业,开发锚系解脱与回接成套技术,立管快速解脱、海底存放与回接成套技术及老旧跨接管深水拆除技术,在流花4-1油田水下生产系统的开发中,应用双泵采油系统和远距离电潜泵变频驱动技术,采用简化联顶管柱系统取代传统联顶管柱系统成套技术,实现管线终端PLET的国内首次研发,自主管理300 m以上深水铺管,应用遥控水下高压电切换开关技术。  相似文献   

导管架下水驳船的“浮托法”安装改造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐田甜  张美荣 《船舶》2009,20(3):45-49,64
导管架下水驳船是实施大型深水导管架下水的必要装备。“浮托法”安装模式是大型平台组块海上安装的发展趋势。对“海洋石油229”号导管架下水驳船“浮托法”安装改造前、后的总体性能进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

江锦 《港工技术》2012,49(3):25-27
海底管道通常会因腐蚀而形成各种不同类型的缺陷,影响管道的承载能力和使用寿命。本研究在准确掌握管道缺陷发展情况的基础上,分别根据行业规范和采用有限元方法对海上油田含有腐蚀缺陷的原油管线进行剩余强度评价,判定海底管道修复的必要性和修复的紧迫程度,以确定最终的管线修复方案,可供类似海底管道修复工程参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to develop an algorithm and application that can perform real-time monitoring of the safety operation of offshore platforms and subsea gas pipelines as well as determine the need for ship inspection using data obtained from automatic identification system(AIS). The research also focuses on the integration of shipping database,AIS data, and others to develop a prototype for designing a real-time monitoring system of offshore platforms and pipelines. A simple concept is used in the development of this prototype, which is achieved by using an overlaying map that outlines the coordinates of the offshore platform and subsea gas pipeline with the ship's coordinates(longitude/latitude) as detected by AIS. Using such information, we can then build an early warning system(EWS) relayed through short message service(SMS), email, or other means when the ship enters the restricted and exclusion zone of platforms and pipelines. The ship inspection system is developed by combining several attributes. Then, decision analysis software is employed to prioritize the vessel's four attributes, including ship age, ship type, classification, and flag state.Results show that the EWS can increase the safety level of offshore platforms and pipelines, as well as the efficient use of patrol boats in monitoring the safety of the facilities. Meanwhile, ship inspection enables the port to prioritize the ship to be inspected in accordance with the priority ranking inspection score.  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical investigation of a float-over installation for an offshore platform is presented to verify the feasibility of the actual installation. The hydrodynamic performance of a T-barge is investigated in the frequency domain, and the coupled motions are analyzed in the time domain. We then compare with those of the model test and determine that the response amplitude operator and the time series agree quite well. The barge exhibits favorable hydrodynamic behavior in the considered sea state, and the equipment loads are allowable. The mooring system and sway fender forces are within the permissible range. Based on these results, we can verify that the actual installation of the offshore platform is feasible. We accurately simulated many important factors and effectively reduced the risk associated with the offshore installation, which is of great importance. As such, we demonstrate that the numerical simulation of the float-over installation for offshore platforms has practical engineering significance.  相似文献   

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