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随着经济全球化进程的日益加快,海上运输的安全性为世界瞩目,钢材在海上运输中具有极易损坏的性质,基于此,本文从钢材运输的货损原因以及货损因素进行分析,在总结人、货、船、环境的基础上,提出一些解决钢材在海上运输中货损的建议以及防止货损的措施,在摸清钢材运输工作的货损规律中,提高钢材在海上运输过程中的质量。  相似文献   

<正>钢材是工业社会发展中必不可少的材料,在目前海上散装运输货物中占有重要地位。由于钢材货物自身的特性,其海上运输存在一定的风险:装卸货时可能发生损伤船体、损坏货物甚至人身伤害事故;驳船、浮吊在靠离泊操作时可能擦碰船壳;遭遇海上恶劣天气时容易发生货物移动;锈蚀货损的发生更为常见。本文结合多年承运钢材的经验,对成品(含半成品)钢材货物海上运输存在的风险、遭遇索赔的情况进行整理并分析原因,提出预防措施以供今后船舶钢材运输借鉴。  相似文献   

随着我国对新冠肺炎疫情的联防联控,全国各地区产业复工复产,国家加大基础设施建设投入,国内钢材市场的需求稳步提升,而大批量、低成本的水上船舶运输成为客户首选运输方式,钢材水上运输发展势头迅猛。但是海上运输周期较长,自然条件复杂多变,再加上钢材及其制品的特殊属性,极易发生货损。为了保证钢材及其制品的货运质量,本文以首钢京唐公司自有钢材运输流程为例,重点分析钢材水上运输的风险性,并通过相关度分析找出钢材在水上运输中最可能发生货损的原因,制定安全管理措施减少或防范钢材的运输风险。同时,为水上运输的钢材投保成为钢材运输业务中必不可少的环节,一旦出险,由专业理赔人员与客户沟通,将钢材货损降到最低。  相似文献   

由于钢材是工业发展必不可少的材料,其在海上运输的货物中占据相当重要的地位,但由于其物理和化学特性,其在运输中面临较高风险,容易引发船舶事故和货物损害。本文从钢材运输的物理损害以及锈蚀损害进行分析,对船舶运输钢材的货损原因进行分析,结合理论和实践经验提出了提升运输钢材船舶安全航行的措施和建议。  相似文献   

回顾2007年国内沿海发生的几起载运钢材船舶倾覆事故或倾斜险情,分析载运钢材船舶发生倾覆事故或倾斜险情的原因,指出船载钢材海上运输的特点和存在的问题,并提出了钢材海上运输的安全管理建议。  相似文献   

汪洋 《航海》2012,(4):22-24
海上货物运输中发生货损,在判定责任归属时,关键在于对因果关系的认定。如果货损原因包含两种甚至更多因素,而且相互之间又有所牵连,则如何认定因果关系更是值得仔细推敲。[案情]原告:A财产保险股份有限公司B市分公司被告:M航运公司2010年4月,原告接受B市某进出口公司投保,  相似文献   

美国是世界上最大的钢材进口国,对于进口钢材的索赔率同样高居榜首。以在西欧——美湾钢材班轮航线上的工作经验为基础,结合美国法院对钢材索赔的一些观点,探讨了海运钢材货损的主要原因及承运运往美国钢材时减少货损索赔率的一些方法。  相似文献   

在国际海上货物运输中,海上运输的法规规定承运人在整个货物运输过程中,负有管理货物的责任,如果承运人对管理货物没有克尽职责造成货物损失,法律上规定承运人将负赔偿责任。但是,法律又规定承运人管理船舶的过失引起的货损均可免除赔偿责任,因此对货损的发生究竟是管船过失还是管货过失双方当事人均会争论不休而向法院提起诉讼,由法院作出判决。有一案例称:某船运送一批马口铁到加拿大,航行途中船发生碰撞进坞修理。在修理时,打开了舱盖,在修理过程中下了几阵雨,但船员没有及时关好  相似文献   

受国内外环境、经济、市场等多种因素制约,国际货运代理在海上运输业务中经常会遭遇各种各样的风险,从而影响其健康发展。本文将从企业外部原因和自身原因造成的风险两方面分析国际货运代理业务常见风险,并以此为基础提出相关防范措施。  相似文献   

本文首先强调了加强船舶海上货运安全管理的重要性,指出其对于保障海上运输安全、促进海洋经济发展的关键作用。然后分析了当前我国船舶海上货运安全管理中存在的问题,包括法规体系不完善、监管手段落后、从业人员安全意识淡薄等。针对这些问题,本文提出了一系列优化建议,包括完善法规标准体系、运用高新技术提升监管水平、加强船员安全教育与培训、建立风险预警和应急响应机制等。旨在提高船舶海上货运的安全性,保障航运业的健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

从业务处理的现状出发,提出航运企业业务流程再造,以航运揽货业务流程为例,系统分析航运揽货业务流程及流程再造的基本思路,对流程进行优化;结合航运企业信息化的实现过程,采用面向对象的方法对优化后的航运揽货业务流程进行设计与实现.  相似文献   


This study uses a meta-frontier function approach to estimate operational efficiency and technology gaps for shipping companies. Researchers have evaluated the relative efficiency of shipping firms with the assumption that shipping firms operate under one frontier technology. However, the assumption of one frontier technology is being argued by efficiency literature. Therefore, this study estimates relative efficiency of shipping firms in different market segments (dry bulk, liquid bulk, and containerized cargo), possibly operating with different technologies and, hence, under different frontiers. This study uses a meta-frontier function approach that allows us to distinguish separate frontiers for different groups and decompose efficiency scores relative to the meta-frontier. Data used in this study is collected from Thomson One Banker from 2001-2013 in the form of unbalanced panel data. Empirical results suggest that dry bulk firms’ production technology is more advanced than others and the production frontier is the closest to that of the meta-frontier. In addition, efficiency scores are all low, but containerized cargo firms achieve higher technological efficiency than the other two groups. It is also suggested that containerized cargo and liquid bulk firms should prioritize improvements in their production technology and dry bulk firms should prioritize improving group efficiency.  相似文献   

张明 《武汉造船》2012,(1):142-144
分析镍红土矿海运事故频发的原因,分析目前实验室镍红土矿检测方法的局限性,从开采、转运、货物验收到装船运输探讨各环节存在的安全隐患,总结安全运输镍红土矿的海运对策。  相似文献   

本世纪80、90年代崛起的跨国海运公司是当前及可预见未来的世界航运主角,其全球性经营战略的走势,将在很大程度上对世界航运业的发展格局发挥重要的作用,亦将对上海国际航运中心的建设产生深远的影响。对世界上一些著名跨国海运公司的经营战略进行了考察,并就其中具有共性的要点作出了初步的归纳,即:海运航线主干化和全球化,营销网络自营化和当地化,运输工具大型化,物流系统综合化,管理技术信息化和竞争对手联营化。作者指出,鉴于跨国海运公司上述的经营战略要点,上海国际航运中心在建设取向上,一开始就要充分考虑到如何主动顺应这一世界航运业发展的新趋势。换言之,即从现在起,就必须在港。规范科学化、海运辅助服务系统化和航运管理现代化等几个主要方面大作文章,妥为规划,预谋良策。基于此种认识,从宏观的角度提出了一些相应的论证和建议,以供有关方面作为决策参考。  相似文献   

FFA在航运市场风险管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张建  杨永志 《世界海运》2006,29(5):36-37
随着国际干散货贸易的繁荣和运价波动性的加大,在过去几年里FFA市场也得到较大发展。分析国际干散货航运市场的不确定性,介绍远期运费协议(FFA)的含义及其在国际干散货航运市场中的发展情况,探讨FFA风险管理的作用,最后,面对航运市场较大的波动性,提出中国船东和租家必须学会利用FFA这一新的工具进行风险管理的建议。  相似文献   

A novel methodology is developed for determining the characteristics of a cargo roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ship and the fleet size required for a given short sea shipping route. The ship and required fleet size to satisfy the transportation demand (for each pair of speed and freight rate) are determined using a database of existing cargo ro-ro ships to obtain the main technical characteristics of the most suitable ship. The time charter, voyage costs and revenue are then calculated considering the technical characteristics of each ship. Fuel costs are corrected for the actual ship speed and loading condition. A number of restrictions in the transportation problem are considered leading to the exclusion of unfeasible solutions. The maximum profit over the period of a year is identified among the feasible pairs of speed and freight rate. This general methodology is applied in a case study that considers the route between Leixões (Portugal) and Rotterdam (Netherlands). The study allows the identification of the most suitable ship and fleet sizes for different market penetration levels and quantifies the impact on shipping company profit of changes in parameters such as fuel costs, time charter costs, emission control area, installed propulsion power and stacking factor.  相似文献   

Maritime trade has been and even continues to account for about a lion's share of India's total cargo volumes. Despite the growth of multimodal transport (by land, water and air), shipping still continues to be the major mode of transport in the bulk carriage of country's overseas trade. In view of this vital role of shipping, in the first four decades of independence, under the initiative of planned development and active government support, India's shipping and port sector saw dramatic growth in their performance to build adequate national fleet, in keeping up with the transport of overseas cargo. However, the onset of economic liberalization in 1991 has given rise to many new dimensions in the development of the shipping and port sector of the country with a significant redefinition of shipping and port services, in response to the new global trend patterns. For instance, it has also established the new era of containerization in the mode of cargo delivery from the dominance of the era of bulk and break-bulk trade during the decade of sixties and seventies. Moreover, as global competition increases, in response to this emerging trade patterns within this country, India's volume of traffic growth also increases manifold. So, India's shipping and port sectors need, significantly, to build up and furnish their capacity by increasing the frequency of this mode of transport i.e. the growth of the national overseas fleet to meet this surging demand. This paper, therefore, have focused on this role of shipping in such rising overseas trade, with a view to examine the shipping performance (the growth of overseas fleet) in response to the growing overseas trade at all ports of India during the period (1999–2000 to 2008–2009), in terms of both a mathematical model and a graphical representation. Finally, it concludes that the absolute overseas trade, being highly import dependent, have led to a more or less stagnant performance in overseas shipping, owing to the lack of the adequate growth of absolute overseas exports during this period.  相似文献   

2003年是国际干散货运输市场迄今为止表现最为强劲的一年。以中国进口铁矿石和日本进口煤炭为核心的需求空前高涨,谷物和小宗散货海运贸易也十分活跃,历史罕见的压港和低增长的新交船使运力供应高度紧张,市场出现严重的“结构性失调”,不仅夏季淡季不淡,表现火爆。而且在中国“十一”长假期间出现“井喷”行情,BDI指数一举冲破4 500点大关,较上一个历史高点1995年5月1日的2 352点高出2 000多点,三大船型运价水平均创历史新高。之后市场经过半个月的调整又再度发力,BDI再度越过4 700点大关,以完美的表现宣告了今年的结束。各权威机构对世界经济在2004年将加快发展已经基本达成共识,而目前在国际干散货运输市场中起着引擎作用的我国经济发展更是势头强劲,其钢铁工业步入高增长期,已成为不容争辩的事实,这无疑都为国际干散货运输市场提供了一个更加广阔的发展空间。运力方面虽然新交船数量略高,但船舶压港短时间内难以解决。因此,2004年的干散货运输市场总体形势看好。  相似文献   


After the collapse of Hanjin Shipping in 2016, Korea faced the task of reconstructing its container shipping industry by enhancing the competitiveness of its shipping companies in a rapidly evolving market environment. Responding to this need for policy design, this study first attempts to understand the industry based on the shipping ecosystem, which comprises the following four areas: shipping finance, collection of cargo, acquisition of ships, and partnership among carriers. Second, it lists the structural problems, along with the remedial policy alternatives, that were identified after conducting in-depth interviews with industry experts, which included mid-level managers. Third, it conducts an importance-performance analysis to classify problems according to their importance and performance, followed by an analytic hierarchy process analysis to define the priorities of policy alternatives. Finally, drawing on the empirical results, the paper concludes with suggestions on an integrated policy package for the container shipping industry.  相似文献   

This paper derives the mathematical expressions for the transit time of cargo through a liner shipping network. Main efforts are devoted to deriving the calculation expressions of the connection time of cargo during trans-shipment. For the forward and many-to-one trans-shipment policies, we conduct a minor correction towards the expressions in existing studies to improve the completeness. Meanwhile, we propose an alternative but more straightforward calculation method for connection time which bypasses the complicated inductive argument in existing studies. Then we introduce two new trans-shipment policies: backward trans-shipment and one-to-many trans-shipment, and mathematically calculate the corresponding connection times. Numerical experiments also deliver some managerial insights into the effectiveness of backward trans-shipment in transit time control.  相似文献   

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